This aura is deadly

Chapter 761 Lucina’s first experience

A circle of people sat around a small table. On the table were two green sacred diamonds, or should we call them fragments of the divine heart.

Bai Wu's big face peered into the house through the window. The SUV was still upside down in the circular open space.

In the Dream Center, Chen Ke's dormitory, the witches gathered together. In addition, there were Parker, Wang Ailin and Li Moyang.

After returning from 2137, they cleaned up, changed their clothes, and ate something.

Chen Ke briefly talked about the events in 2137 and the matter of Thor, and also revealed a lot about the real world, God's dreams, etc., so that Xu Jing, who joined later, could communicate with the person who had always stayed away from these things. Li Moyang also had some concepts and preparations in his mind.

Lucina has regained her composure now. She is wearing a black vest and orange suspenders, sitting cross-legged on a stool with her bare feet. Next to her, Diana, who is wearing a white T-shirt and jeans, and Wang Aileen, who is wearing a cyan shirt and long skirt, are sitting together. .

Parker was confused about the current situation and just waited for Chen Ke to tell him what to do next.

Shreli, who had been affectionate with Chen Ke for half a year, was not very happy. Not only did he bring back Lucina and Diana, but he also brought back two new ones... the number of women around him doubled.

Xu Jingrong couldn't fit into this group of people. She was still wearing her own clothes and leaning against the door with her arms folded.

In her eyes, the people in this room were all ancient people from more than 100 years ago... And she could also feel that no one in this room liked her, just because she came from the foundation, except for Li Moyang...

When she just came back for dinner, Li Moyang had chatted with her about the technical issues of the 2137 Mobile Team armor, and hoped that Xu Jing could provide some help.

Parker told Chen Ke that in the past six months, Li Moyang had been concentrating on making and upgrading armor. The vampires had actually used memes to infect and invade the entire world on a large scale, and he fell into a state of paranoia.

"So, we are back to where we started." Chen Ke put his hands on the table and looked at the two fragments of the divine heart in front of him.

"Who comes first this time?" Diana asked.

"How about I come first?" Xu Jing crossed her chest and walked towards the table.

"What will happen? I mean, what can they see? These stones have a high energy density, but the Foundation has never been able to find a way to activate them." Wang Aileen was a little curious.

"There are six fragments of the God's Heart. Together, they are the heart of the gods. I heard this from an old woman. Each fragment is connected to each other and can sense the direction by transmitting energy and cause some changes in this space. , but only a witch can do this." Chen Kedao.

"Let me already have four pieces. Both Diana and My Little Pony vomited once, plus the two pieces in my hand now...well..." Lucina said, scanning the crowd at the table. Eye.

"Chen Ke, you are still two witches short. Even if you include Wang Aileen, you are still one short." Lucina said again.

"I know, let's take our time..." Chen Ke nodded.

Each witch can only be used once. Diana and Shrily have already used it. Counting Xu Jing and Lucina, that's four. There are only two left, and Chen Ke has already put Wang Ailin on the candidate list, narrowly missing out on the last one.

Moreover, if there is only one candidate, where can we find the inheritance of the witch? He was lucky to be able to gather four witches in a short time, but you must know that there can only be one witch in each era, and he has broken this rule now.

Slud has told Chen Ke where the last two holy diamonds are, one is in Thor's hand and the other is in Asgard... Now, he does not need to know the location of the holy diamond, he just wants to gain abilities. , and figure out the meaning of the stone tablet and the Polar Star in the deep space at the center of the dream center.

"Lucina, what do you mean by vomiting?" Wang Aileen was confused.

"You'll find out later," Lucina said.

"I just need to hold it, right?" Xu Jing asked.

Chen Ke nodded, twisted up a fragment of the divine heart, and Xu Jing spread her palms.

"Wait a minute." Diana shouted to stop at this time.

She stood up, took a washbasin from the iron shelf next to Chen Ke's bed, placed it at Xu Jing's feet, and then returned to her seat.

Xu Jing looked at Diana strangely.

"Mopping the floor is physical work," Lucina explained.

"Here we go." Chen Kedao said, stuffing the holy diamond into Xu Jing's palm.

Xu Jing held the holy diamond and nothing happened.

Waited for a long time.

"Discharge, sister." Shrili said impatiently.

Xu Jing suddenly realized that blue magic lines appeared on her skin, and her eyes became a source of white light.

The power of the Thunder Witch was poured into the fragments of body and mind.

Everyone looked at Xu Jing, wanting to know what she could see.

"I didn't feel it..." Xu Jing shook her head, but the next second, her whole person suddenly entered a state of shock.

She was swaying, and Chen Ke wanted to help her, but was hit by the electricity on her body. Xu Jing tried to steady her body and put one hand on the table. The sacred diamond flew out of her palm and broke into pieces. The window glass hit Baiwu's eyes, bounced back into the room, and bounced on the floor.

Baiwu covered his eyes and left.

The little holy diamond flew up automatically again, rushed out of the window, and fell into the cliff of the Dream Center. A beam of light shot up from the bottom, and another column in the circular square collapsed.

"What did you see? Thor or Asgard?" Chen Ke asked.

Sweat dripped from Xu Jing's forehead. She glanced at Chen Ke, as if she was trying to hold back the urge to vomit.

Everyone looked at Xu Jing, wanting to hear what she had to say.

Xu Jing frowned, feeling a sensation in her abdomen. It wasn't the feeling in her stomach, but the entire abdomen, as if her internal organs had melted and something was about to come out of her mouth.

She couldn't stand this feeling, so she immediately rushed out the door. Outside the door, there was a sound of vomiting, "Ugh, ugh, ugh..."

"7 seconds, longer than My Little Pony." Lucina said.

Wang Ailin finally understood the meaning of "vomiting", and it turned out to be real vomiting...

"Why is there such a reaction?" Li Moyang couldn't help asking.

"I don't know either, I'm not a witch." Chen Ke shook his head.

"I'll go see her." Wang Ailin said, she took the roll of paper on the table and went out to find Xu Jing.

"Don't let her run around, don't tease that white thing." Chen Ke warned.

After the two left, Chen Ke looked at Lucina.

"Okay, now it's your turn." Diana said.

"See how long the little tiger can hold on." Shreli laughed, with a hint of sarcasm in her tone.

"I'm not scared. Maybe I won't even react at all, because I'm stronger than you!" Lucina laughed contemptuously.

"We don't doubt you, just... hurry up." Chen Ke said, twisting the holy diamond and handing it to Lucina.

Diana kicked the basin that Xu Jing didn't use to Lucina's feet, then pulled the towel from the shelf next to her and stood beside Lucina, while Shreli walked behind Lucina and put his hands on her shoulders.

"You are shaking, and your breathing rhythm is a little messy. Maybe you are not as calm as you look." Shreli said.

"That's not the case at all." Lucina smiled.

"Then take the diamond, little tiger. You see, others seem quite happy when they vomit. Today, I want to see your performance closely." Shreli bent down, put her mouth close to Lucina's ear, and spoke in a very sinister tone.

"We are all witches. No one can escape this hurdle. At least you have seen it three times... You should have experience." Diana was not so mean.

"Hmph... Don't underestimate me." Lucina took the holy diamond, and green magic patterns lit up on her arm, and even her pupils lit up.

"What are they fighting for? They don't look harmonious..." Li Moyang asked Parker in a low voice.

"I don't know..." Parker shook his head.

Lucina sat on the stool, and with Shreli's support, her posture was very stable, but the expression on her face was the same as Xu Jing's. She didn't care at first, then entered a detached stage, and then began to feel some pain.

"Mmm..." Lucina hummed.

"If you can't help it, just spit it out. Don't force it." Shreli smiled. She gently stroked Lucina's neck with her right hand and pressed Lucina's tense abdomen with her left hand.

"Hmm..." Lucina squinted her eyes as if she was competing with her, but she didn't speak.

"Thor or Asgard?" Chen Ke asked.

"She doesn't have time to answer this now. How many seconds?" Li Moyang interrupted.

"5 seconds." Parker looked at his watch.

Shreli rubbed Lucina's throat back and forth, kneading her belly gently, trying to make her spit it out. While doing it, she said, "You know it's a matter of time."

Lucina grabbed Shreli's arm with her backhand, but she couldn't use any strength, and her cheeks bulged.

"You've broken the record, 10 seconds." Diana said.

"Hmm..." Lucina's eyes turned red, and she looked a little strange.

Chen Ke noticed something was wrong, and he immediately stepped forward to check Lucina's condition.

At the same time, Lucina spat out a mouthful of blood. Her face was grim, and she angrily said in an arrogant and unfamiliar tone: "You ignorant witch! How dare you spy on me, the Queen of the Nine Realms, Frigga, through the gem?!"

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