This aura is deadly

Chapter 781 High Altitude Relay

Chen Ke sucked the superman dry, and he had become extremely old and emaciated.

He threw Superman's broken body aside, put on the Black Knight armor, peeled off the broken wall with his hands, and walked into the hall.

The remaining five supermen first looked at each other, and then looked at Chen Ke together, probably because they did not expect that this bodyguard could kill a superman.

Most of the people in the hall were dead. Under the effect of time stopping, the flesh and blood of many dying people were being peeled off from their bodies, with their skins and flesh still attached. However, everything happened too fast and they did not react. Opportunity City County Police Half of the director's head was split open, but his fat body was still trying to escape, and his face still maintained a look of panic and alertness.

Under his spiritual vision, he saw Li Moyang's human silhouette hiding behind a large pile of rocks. The five supermen smiled slightly and looked at the large pile of rocks where Li Moyang was hiding.

Chen Ke immediately ran towards the stone pile, and five heat visions were shot at him in the next second. He jumped up and blocked the attack with his back.

Angele's armor was immune to flames, but Superman's heat vision was not purely a fire attribute, but a burst of energy with a flame effect. The energy wave penetrated into the armor, burning holes in Chen Ke's back muscles.

Chen Ke groaned in pain. Suddenly, more powerful flames rushed up from underneath the building.

Diana transformed into flames, flew into the hall, and fired out fiery energy beams from her fists, knocking the two supermen down from the other side of the hall.

"Chen Ke! Where is Li Moyang?!" Diana landed and shouted at Chen Ke.

Two of the three remaining Superman pounced on Diana, shooting two heat visions at Diana's waist and abdomen. When Diana dodged, Superman flew over and hugged her, trying to hug her. They fell downstairs together, but they hit the stopped glass and couldn't break it.

At the same time, another superman attacked Chen Ke.

"Don't even think about taking the founder away!" Superman yelled.

Chen Ke and Superman collided together, and the two flew to the wall behind the podium. Chen Ke touched a door handle behind it, leading to the backstage of the banquet hall. Superman's eyes glowed red, and Chen Ke ended the time pause. He With a twist of his hand, he opened the small door and pulled Superman to fall into the door.

The two of them were about to hug each other and fall into a convenience store. Chen Ke kicked Superman away from him, then pushed aside the surprised pedestrians around him, opened the door of the convenience store and walked in.

The next second, the red heat vision shattered the glass, but Chen Ke was not outside.

Superman chased after him, but found himself on a strange street, and the people around him were all Asian faces. He looked back at the convenience store he came out of, and the signboard read the word "RISING RISE".

"Li Moyang?!" Chen Ke came out of the backstage door again and looked around for Li Moyang.

Diana had burned the two supermen to death, and everyone in the hall was dead. The few survivors gathered around Diana, looking horrified.

Li Moyang poked his head out from behind the pile of rocks. He was already a person beyond time, so time suspension had no effect on him. The suit on his body was full of white lime, and his clothes were blown by the wind, but the expression on his face was not panic, and he seemed to be mentally prepared.

"I'll take you out of here." Chen Ke walked over and pulled him up from the ground.

"Did you hear that? That Superman just mentioned the founder. It's the foundation. Lin Yayin's foundation is causing trouble behind the scenes." Li Moyang said.

"Chen Ke?! What should we do now? Take these people out!" Diana also shouted at Chen Ke.

The banquet hall is now ventilated on two sides and the upper floor could collapse at any moment.

"Go this way! Hurry." Chen Ke did not hesitate. There was only one door on this floor. He opened it, leading to a small supermarket in Opportunity City.

"Go this way! Take away everyone who is still alive." Chen Ke ordered.

Diana immediately called the survivors to go toward the door. Some of them were still alive but seriously injured. Diana and other survivors carried and helped them along.

"Leave this building first." Chen Ke asked Li Moyang to go first, as they were closest.

Li Moyang nodded and looked at Diana. In the next second, the whole building suddenly shook violently.

The banquet hall began to tilt, as if the lower floors were under attack. The building was being cut off by some force, and the floor quickly turned into a slope.

"Ahhhhhh!!!!!!" everyone shouted, sliding out of the floor along the increasingly steep slope and falling to the street below.

Chen Ke and Li Moyang hugged each other and rolled into a ball, cursing their mother for selling batches as they rolled down.

Diana also sat on the ground and slid down. She grabbed the female reporter beside her, grabbed the broken aluminum alloy frame of the glass window with her left hand, and hung it in mid-air.

The Lescott Spiritual Property Building began to break from the 49th floor. Bodies and survivors fell down, and a few people hung on the edge. At this moment, a huge purple net appeared below, trapping everything. in.

Slyli stood on the roof of the building opposite, raised her hands to the sky, and her whole body emitted a purple shimmer.

"Move the net!" Diana shouted towards Shrili.

Although the people were trapped, tables, rocks and debris falling from the building began to hit these survivors.

Shrili didn't hear it. How could she hear it from such a distance...? She suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing from her right side, and was suddenly punched on the side of her waist. Her whole body was sent flying and slid far away on the ground.

The net disappeared and the men continued to fall.

Chen Ke waved his hand and paused the time in mid-air. Everyone was frozen in the air. Diana turned into flames and flew down, grabbing Chen Ke's right hand. He put on the Angel armor and grabbed Li Moyang with the other hand. .

"Oh... you two are so heavy..." Diana was not strong enough to bear the weight of two men, so she could only land at a not too slow speed.

Shrili spat out a mouthful of blood and felt that her internal organs had been shattered. Her lower body had no feeling at all. She lay on her side on the ground and activated her magic power to condense the net again.

Seeing the net condense again, Chen Ke ends the time pause and the survivors fall into the net again.

The attacker was a black professional, wearing a blue suit, with a bald head, half of his face was blackened and distorted, and the eyeball of his right eye popped out and moved irregularly.

"You are so... ugly... um..." Shreli hissed in pain. She tried her best to maintain concentration and let the magic net slowly descend.

This professional didn't talk nonsense. His arms slowly grew longer and his body expanded, breaking his suit. His black tumor-like muscles bulged and he jumped towards Srily.

A green energy arm grabbed him in mid-air, and then slapped him hard, shattering the floor from the top of the building and directly into the room on the next floor.

Lucina jumped up from the other side of the building and pulled up Shreli, who also began to slowly recover from her injuries. The two of them didn't talk much. Slyli slowly lowered the survivor to the ground. At this time, the professional jumped up again.

The streets were in chaos. The P.W.A.T. and the fire brigade of the administration rushed to the scene. As soon as Chen Ke and the others landed, they saw several professionals breaking in from the corner and knocking the fire truck aside.

The P.W.A.T attacked, but their firepower and capabilities were not prepared for this situation.

"They want you dead, which is completely opposite to Lin Yayin's purpose." Chen Ke had already seen the clues. He looked at the roof of the building nearby, where Lucina and Shrili were fighting with something.

At this moment, Chen Ke saw familiar faces. The supermen who were the first to attack appeared again.

"No...I burned them to death..." Diana said.

Li Moyang dusted himself off, but he wasn't surprised.

"Those things. Made of blood." Xu Jing floated down from nowhere at this time. She stood in front of Chen Ke, looking like a female bodyguard.

"You'd better go into the Dream Center. They are beyond time. I can't stop them." Chen Ke said.

"Don't even think about it, this is a good opportunity to collect data." Li Moyang refused.

"Then put on your armor." Chen Ke said.

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