This aura is deadly

Chapter 782 Chaos

Li Moyang slowly retreated towards the building. Several supermen wanted to chase him, but Xu Jing slowly flew in the direction of Li Moyang and blocked the way.

At the same time, a corpse fell from the sky and fell into a pool of bloody mud, scaring the surrounding civilians into screaming. Lucina jumped from the roof of the building next to her, with green glowing magic lines all over her body. Shreli slowly Floated down.

The four witches have arrived, Chen Ke takes out his automatic rifle, and the battle is about to begin.

The civilians thought the four witches were supermen. In panic, the brave ones started taking pictures. Xu Jing was very sensitive to this and released a static pulse, which turned all the mobile phone screens blank.

PWAT hid behind their car and called for reinforcements. They had only carried out an attack just now and were now in a state of complete drama. However, now it seems that they are preparing to retreat, and even the public is not prepared to help evacuate.

"They want to retreat, this place has been abandoned." Lucina said.

"If there is a deity sect behind them, they must have sent people to contact the top leaders of the United Federation of States. You will definitely not know what they authorized these units to do." Xu Jing understood very well.

"Ruthless." Lucina looked at Xu Jing.

"It doesn't matter how many people die, whether it's a sweetener or pressure." Xu Jing said.

The corpse that was thrown on the ground moved. One hand propped up the body, and the flesh and blood tissue slowly regenerated, and the broken places were connected.

"Look, that's it..." Diana asked Chen Ke to see the resurrected thing.

"What are you waiting for?! This is not a superhero movie! Run!" Chen Ke turned to the people on the street and shouted.

As soon as the sound went down, the people sitting on the ground remembered how dangerous it was to be here, and immediately turned around and ran away.

At the same time, several supermen also launched an attack.

A purple shield appeared in front of Chen Ke, blocking the Superman who hit him. Slyli flew behind Chen Ke and put another magic shell on him.

Lucina roared and punched the Superman in the face, sending him flying away. The Superman smashed the glass at the front entrance of the Scott Building and flew in, then crashed through the cement wall from the opposite side and rolled down to the street.

Xu Jing was surrounded by an electrostatic field. Superman who tried to get close to her was electrocuted and incapacitated. He was further shocked by her, and his muscles turned into blood. His skin fell off, revealing the blood-red face underneath.

Chen Ke kicked down the restrained Superman, aimed his automatic rifle at his head and fired two shots. The bullets seemed to hit the blood pool and merge into Superman's blood.

The next second, Superman screamed in pain, and black stripes slowly extended from his blood-red flesh, as if corroded by some kind of toxin.

"You're poisonous...! You're poisonous..." Superman fell to his knees on the ground, twisting his body, shouting in pain, and could no longer recover automatically.

Xu Jing looked at Chen Ke, as if she was guessing something, but she didn't say anything. At least now it is certain that Chen Ke has the ability to kill them.

More supermen rushed over from all directions. Chen Ke didn't know where they came from, and he didn't think they were supermen from the United States. Those supermen began to kill civilians on the streets. In Chen Ke's field of vision, their silhouettes All are dark red.

Without saying a word, Diana flew over to block the attack, and Lucina also ran over like the wind. Chen Ke wanted to call them to stop, but they were too fast.

The supermen diverted the two witches and jumped into the Lescott Building. The strong vibration caused the half-broken high-rise building to sway and make a dangerous noise. The steel bars of half of the building broke and fell from the air.

"Fuck...a bunch of buildings above are about to fall down!" Shreli cursed.

She grabbed Chen Ke and teleported to a place several hundred meters away.

"Wait a minute... Li Moyang is still inside!" Chen Ke came to his senses and found that he was far away from the Lescott Spiritual Property Building.

I saw a huge 10-story broken building crashing to the ground from high altitude, creating a huge wave of ash that flooded all the streets in one fell swoop.

Shrili, who loves to be clean, wrapped Chen Ke and herself in magic eggshells. The dust blocked the sky and the surrounding area was gray. Chen Ke could only use his spiritual vision to scan the surrounding situation.

"Cough...cough..." Lucina was groping in the dust at this time, grabbing her with one hand and pulling her into the magic protection.

Chen Ke held Lucina in his arms. She had scratches on her forehead, bruises on her cheeks, and a blood hole on her arm that was healing on its own.

"Where's Diana?" Chen Ke asked.

"Can't find it...the building collapsed..." Lucina choked, her face turning gray.

Li Moyang is still inside the building, but the streets near the building are full of wreckage of broken buildings, making it impossible to pass.

Several rays of heat vision suddenly hit the magic eggshell, and Slyli looked bitter. Using magic to defend would deplete her physical and mental strength. These superhumans should also have psychic vision, so they can be found in this environment. people.

Not only the heat vision, but also a huge boulder fell from the sky, falling on the eggshell and cracking, and the purple color of the eggshell became lighter.

"I can't see them." Lucina wanted to rush out and fight, but she couldn't defeat the enemy she couldn't see.

Chen Ke saw the outlines of several supermen, picked up his gun and shot there. After hitting one superman, the man seemed to realize that the bullet was destroying his body, and actually turned around and ran away.

At the same time, another boulder crashed down, and Shreli knelt down on one knee, unable to bear it any longer.

"Ah... I can't hold it anymore..." Shreli's body trembled slightly. Chen Ke held the gun in one hand and Slaili in the other, slowly retreating back.

"Shreli, take Lucina and teleport away." Chen Ke ordered.

Shrili didn't know what Chen Ke was planning, so she asked, "What do you want to do?"

"I'm going to find Li Moyang." Chen Ke said, opened a portal behind himself, took a step back, and disappeared.

Shrili lost her temper, grabbed Lucina's arm, and disappeared with a swish.

He opened the door again and came in. He appeared in the toilet on the 27th floor of Lescott Building. Dust was billowing outside the window. Li Moyang should be below, but Xu Jing didn't know where he was.

He turned on his spiritual vision and ran down the fire escape stairs to the 16th floor. A woman and a man hugged each other and rushed in, smashing the glass and falling into the office, knocking the computer and desk to pieces. .

Chen Ke took a closer look and saw that it was Xu Jing. She was wrestling with a superman and her clothes were torn.

The superman had an absolute advantage in speed and strength. He pushed Xu Jing to the ground and was about to hit her on the head. At this moment, his chest was opened by an automatic rifle, and his red skin began to swell as if he had sepsis. black.

Xu Jing released the electric current, rushed him away from her body, cursed a few times, and buttoned her chest again.

"You..." Xu Jing was not surprised when she saw Chen Ke. She spoke while buttoning her buttons, but after saying only one word, her big white hand reached out from the window, grabbed her, and took her out. .

" come there is everything..." Chen Ke frowned, finally knowing who broke the building.

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