This aura is deadly

Chapter 790 Butterfly Effect

"Ling did she..." Chen Ke carefully looked at the head in the suitcase. She was still alive, he was sure.

Ling Yuhen's face was full of pain, but his complexion was still relatively rosy. Chen Ke carefully observed the various pipelines and jars in the suitcase and found that it was just a circulatory system, and Ling Yuhen was producing blood on his own.

"Ms. Ling Yuhen is a member of the family and needs to be completely eliminated with HCP0001, but we chose to use a more secure method to contain her. She is directly related to this incident." Jenkins said, closing the suitcase.

Guessing that it was her, Chen Ke glanced at Li Moyang, who thought the same thing.

"Now that everyone has been taken in by you, why is the sky still red?" Chen Ke asked.

Jenkins sat up slightly and looked at Chen Ke seriously, as if he was planning something to say.

Chen Ke realized that things were not that simple, but he didn't know how complicated it was, so he looked at Jenkins.

"The cause of the matter is this. That is an internal problem of our foundation. It is obvious that Ms. Ling Yuhen reached an agreement with an organization that is contrary to the foundation's philosophy. She wants to win a place for her tribe in the future. ." Jenkins explained.

Chen Ke knew this. Ling Yuhen mentioned it before, and she wanted the filthy vampires to live under the sun like ordinary people. But in fact, judging from the current situation, they would rather replace it.

These people just like to push themselves to the limit. Today they only want equality, but tomorrow they will start to squeeze you.

"I know this, what next? What agreement did she reach with that small group?" Chen Ke asked.

"She revealed something called the Founder's Plan. I think you already knew it." Jenkins looked at Li Moyang, but the words were addressed to Chen Ke.

Yes, Chen Ke has known about it for a long time... The God Adventist Sect... Lin Yayin had been close to Li Moyang because of this plan.

"I know, that's a matter of the seance sect." Chen Kedao.

"Yes, but they lost the field agents they sent, so they found Ms. Ling Yuhen. The gentleman in front of them is one of the founders of the Shen Shen Sect that they have been looking for." Jenkins added.

"So they tolerated what Ling Yuhen did, right?" Chen Kedao.

"Yes, but even if Ling Yuhen is captured, the process of the god's conception cannot be interrupted. This matter is also indirectly related to Mr. Chen." Jenkins said.

"Me? I didn't do anything in this matter." Chen Ke spread his hands. Is this foundation trying to pass the buck?

"It's precisely because you didn't do anything that we ended up in today's situation," Jenkins said.

Chen Ke was puzzled. Li Moyang looked at him, seeming to be thinking about something.

"Do you remember the time when you went to Sunrise?" Jenkins asked again.

"You know everything, why bother asking me." Chen Kedao.

"Do you still remember the name Qianharuye?" Jenkins asked.

Chen Ke was stunned for a moment, then frowned and recalled carefully...

Qianharuye... sounds so familiar...

He went to Sunrise with the purpose of retrieving Shreli who had run away, and then met Thor's daughter Srud and the furious witch Oliveira there.

Thousand spring nights! Chen Ke remembered that the woman who died in the alley in 1991 seemed to have been arranged into some kind of magic circle on the ground when she died, as if she had been sacrificed.

"I remember...does this have anything to do with her?" Chen Ke looked up and had a bad feeling.

"The current situation is not only related to her... Mr. Chen, you traveled through time and space and changed many things. These things were not big at the time, but small changes promoted great changes in history. They should not have happened. "It happened, it shouldn't have happened, it didn't happen, and your 2009 went astray," Jenkins said.

"It's not just the sunrise... it also includes what you did in 1888. Ms. Maria, do you know her too?" Just as Chen Ke was about to speak, Jenkins continued.

Is it related to her too? !

"She is dead." Chen Ke said firmly. He killed her with his own hands and there was no mistaking it.

"That's the problem. You didn't kill her, but you pushed her on this matter..." Jenkins' tone was heavy.

Chen Ke realized the seriousness of the matter.

Jenkins told Chen Ke all the connections, including Langtown in 1859 and 1888, and Kamurocho in 1991... those were all places Chen Ke had been to.

The last bloodline of the filthy vampire family, Lady Maria, fell in love with the secret keeper Florence and wanted to give up her mission of the vampire family. However, Florence was used as a test subject for divine blood by the academy and turned into a monster. From then on disappear.

Lady Maria could no longer find Florence and developed a hatred for the Keeper and the Academy.

Chen Ke lost that memory, so when he first met Ms. Maria, he forgot the words Florence wanted to leave to Maria. Looking at Chen Ke wearing Florence’s clothes, Mary Leah decided to abandon her identity in human society.

At the same time, Chen Ke's appearance in 1859 indirectly affected Jacob and little Jack. Jacob was blinded by extraordinary power, while Chen Ke was able to enter the contaminated mansion unharmed, which made little Jack Jack admired Chen Ke's power...

So, in 1888, the adult little Jack was obsessed with supernatural powers, and Lady Maria, who had become the Queen of the Blood Race at that time, also chose him to look for conception bodies in human society on her behalf.

In the end, Chen Ke failed to completely kill Maria, and Little Jack was completely transformed into a new blood clan. The filthy clan that should have declined and disappeared has continued to this day. Ling Yuhen was born from the joke of history.

In 1991, Risheng fell into a low birth rate crisis. The government made various efforts to increase the birth rate, but it was of no avail. I don’t know where they found a lewd method, hoping to sacrifice a pregnant woman to a certain god to solve this problem.

Qian Chunye was the sacrifice.

When Chen Ke went to Risheng in 2009, his unique ability resonated with Qian Chunye. Qian Chunye led Chen Ke to 1991, hoping that he could help her get rid of it, but Chen Ke gave up...

So, both women went to the other extreme because of Chen Ke’s behavior. The blood clan’s desire for survival and Qian Chunye’s desire for revenge came together, triggering conception.

The moon became the womb that nurtured the new god, and the world was its delivery room. When the blood moon came, the world would usher in an era ruled by gods.

"Woman..." Chen Ke held his forehead. These two seemingly insignificant things actually converged together.

"So, Mr. Chen, the current situation can no longer be changed. If it continues to develop, the time and space from 2010 onwards will be polluted. We must stop it here." Jenkins said.

"Time migration... You should talk to the world government. I can't make the decision." Chen Ke shook his head.

There are more than 6 billion people and more than 190 countries in the world. Chen Ke is not even a village chief.

"They are not qualified. We only negotiate with those who have the final decision-making power in each era." Jenkins said.

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