This aura is deadly

Chapter 791 White Figure

Chen Ke was silent. He had no right to decide the whereabouts of 6 billion people. Moreover, this area of ​​time and space has indeed become an unsolvable dead end. Who knows what the "time migration" the Foundation calls it is.

So many people are scattered and go to other time and space, and then what? Become a "black household" in those time and space?

"We are not urging you to make a decision quickly, but you know, Mr. Chen, you are a person who transcends time. It is impossible for us to go back to the past point in time to handle your decision. Therefore, one more second of delay is just one second. , if the gods are finally allowed to come to the world, this time and space will become the cradle of the dependent family, and then infect other time and space." Jenkins said.

Chen Ke understood what he meant, but as a trade, if Jenkins was willing to solve the problem in 2010, Chen Ke would definitely have to offer something of equal value in exchange.

It's nothing more than a favor. The last time Xu Jing came here was because of this.

But Chen Ke also knows the foundation's virtues, and the promises they make are just word games.

"Tell me about your conditions. Time migration is not as simple as moving. What do you want me to do?" Chen Ke asked.

Jenkins finally smiled. Although the smile was very imperceptible, the old guy still smiled.

"We will help you solve your time and space problems, and you should help us solve ours," Jenkins said.

Chen Ke had long expected this to be the case.

Time stranded!

In the year 2137, mankind is dead. In the real world, human civilization stops at this year, so the world in the dream can only simulate this year.

When the time between dreams and reality overlaps, the world in the dream will be stranded in reality. The residents without the support of the dream of God will lose all power, and then be slaughtered by the mighty Tianyang who destroys the world.

The foundation in the dream may not know what kind of disaster it is facing at this time.

They always think that they are the masters of the end of time, and only regard the phenomenon of time stranding as some kind of super abnormal event.

"Let's get straight to the point, Jenkins. I know that 2137 was split into two. Your enemies share a building with you, and people from two time and space are crowded into the same world." Chen Kedao.

"You are right. You have been to our building and met Roma. You should know our difficulties." Jenkins agreed.

Rom's role is to stop the flow of time in 2137 and bear the time debt alone. However, the Foundation is not the only one who can use it. The Seance also uses its ability to hide in another version of 2137.

You can't start a war in one plane with another, and you can't force everyone to show up by killing Rom.

"People from the Seance Sect said that Antarctica is shrouded in black fog. So what is your version?" Chen Ke asked again.

"Antarctica... It seems to be more serious than expected..." Jenkins looked at his companions. They had not spoken from the beginning, so that Chen Ke almost ignored their existence.

"Serious... Is there anything more serious than this?" Chen Ke asked.

"In our time and space, the Pacific Ocean has disappeared. It is also shrouded in black fog." Jenkins said frankly.

Li Moyang looked at Chen Ke. He never understood what the two of them were saying just now. It sounded like the earth suddenly disappeared in two places, but just listening to the tone, he felt that this was not a big problem...

"Antarctica and the Pacific. It seems that even if you split time and space, the earth will still be one." Chen Ke pinched his chin and started thinking.

Time stranded doesn't matter the time tricks you play, dreams will always be just dreams.

"This is exactly what we are worried about. If we let it go, our era will end here." Jenkins said.

"How long have you stopped? Haven't you found any solution?" Chen Ke asked tentatively.

The other party is the Foundation. Although he already knows the nature of this phenomenon, he still hopes to hear what the people at the Foundation can do.

"No. We can only observe, but cannot influence. This is a... phenomenon, a concept of intrusion into reality. We suspect... that a divine event that occurred in a certain era in the past was not dealt with in a timely manner. , the consequences. So we have been sending people to other times and spaces, hoping to find the source."

"Do you suspect that this was done by the seance sect?" Chen Ke asked again.

"Yes, before the 1859 operation, we always thought that we had completely eradicated the seancers." Jenkins replied.

"Then what did you observe? And why do you think I can help you solve this...?" Chen Ke asked.

"Mr. Chen, you own HCP0001, and you killed Thor and took away his hammer. The Foundation only sends agents to negotiate with dignitaries from other time and space, and the O5 Council never negotiates with anyone. Except you." Jenkins road.

"So? Do you think I can dispel the black fog with one shot or a hammer? I don't think so." Chen Ke shook his head.

A thought can fight another thought, a force can fight another force, but you cannot fight a phenomenon.

The solution to the time stranding actually exists in Chen Ke's hands, he just needs to sit here and snap his fingers. The 999 universes will disappear with him, or the human beings in this cycle will live in a dream forever.

But Chen Ke didn't want to choose these two paths.

The fables on the black stone tablet, as well as the six holy diamonds, gave him new choices that he wanted to seize.

"I know, so we want to tell you about the results of our observations of the inside of the black fog." Jenkins said.

He looked at his companion on the right, who took out a large envelope from the inner pocket of his suit and handed it to Jenkins.

"Here's what we saw." Jenkins walked around the envelope and placed it on the coffee table.

Chen Ke looked at Jenkins, then picked up the large envelope and poured out a stack of 4A-size black negatives. He had never seen such a large size of negatives.

He picked up one and looked at the red light outside the window. He saw that the images in the film were actually moving.

The image repeatedly played a 12-second clip, which seemed to be an aerial shot. Huge swirling clouds were rotating on the sea. There was white noise in the center of the black clouds. Something interfered with the quality of the shot.

Another negative, the clouds are clearer, and the shooting tool seems to have come into the black fog. This time the segment is shorter, only 3 seconds.

The next few pictures are very short, and it is not clear what they are. They are full of white noise and black waves, as if they have entered the depths of the black fog.

"What did you use to shoot?" Chen Ke asked subconsciously.

"We sent an agent in," Jenkins said.

Chen Ke paused for a moment, thinking that the agent must be in trouble now.

He picked up the last film. This time, it seemed to be a little clearer. It was 19 seconds long. In the first ten seconds, the picture was still noisy and dark, but in the last 2 seconds, there was some change.

Chen Ke saw a white figure standing there in the black clouds. Thanks to the imaging quality of the film, the figure was really just a white silhouette.

There was only this for the last 2 seconds, and then it was cut off.

Chen Ke put down the film, probably knowing what Jenkins wanted him to do.

"You want me to go in and kill that white guy?" Chen Ke said.

Jenkins nodded.

The scene fell silent.

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