This aura is deadly

Chapter 97 Chew a burger together

It's too late, it's fast.

Chen Ke's eyes flashed, he let go of the hilt of the sword with his right hand, grabbed Diana's wrist like lightning, pressed down along the joint, and threw her to the floor.

Diana's eyes widened in surprise, she didn't expect Chen Ke to be so skilled.

But she immediately did a side somersault, taking away Chen Ke's twisting force on her joints.

Chen Ke quickly let go. The action just now came from the killer's instinct, a kind of muscle memory. At that juncture, for Chen Ke, who was not familiar with swords, counterattacking with bare hands was a better choice.

Diana shook her long chestnut hair and looked at Chen Ke with an indescribable smile.

"That move was really good just now. Who did you learn it from?" Diana asked with a smile.

"Google." Chen Ke smiled.

"Google can't teach you so well unless you often throw others down like this..." Diana's smile gradually disappeared.

Chen Ke felt that Diana's smile was dangerous, as if a teacher had seen through a student's lies. What does this woman do...?

"Focus!" Chen Ke shouted, stabbing Diana in the chest.

Diana sank slightly, holding the hilt of the sword tightly with both hands. Before the tip of the sword was about to touch her body, she actually deflected Chen Ke's thrust with the sword root.

Oops! Found out!

Chen Ke thrust with all his strength, and most of it was removed by Diana. The center tilted to one side, and the whole body fell towards the ground. He let go of the sword, pressed his hands on the ground, and made an orz posture.

Diana put her sword symbolically against Chen Ke's waist and abdomen and gently scratched it, showing a proud smile and spitting out the onomatopoeia of "hiss".

Chen Ke sighed, picked up his sword, stood opposite Diana, and started over.

"If this were the Middle Ages, I would have cut you open just now." Diana spread her hands.

"What you did just now was really good. Did you also learn it from Google?" Chen Kedao said.

"I learned it after being stabbed at least 100 times." Diana moved the sword a few times and assumed the basic posture.

Chen Ke imitated Diana's posture and rushed towards Diana again. As soon as he put the sword on the left side of his body, his progress was forced to stop.

Because the tip of Diana's sword was facing her, blocking her attack direction.

"Your steps betray you. I can tell where you are going to draw your sword just by looking at your feet." Diana smiled.

Chen Ke was stunned and looked down at his feet. His right foot was in front, and the sword was indeed placed on the left side of his body. He was just thinking about using his left arm to make a sweep.


Chen Ke's mask was knocked.

"If you hesitate, you will lose." Diana said.

"Beginner Meyer Swordsmanship: 55%"

A line of small words appeared in the corner of Chen Ke's eyes, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Come again."

Chen Ke took a few steps back and adjusted his posture. At this moment, Chen Ke felt that this woman was more difficult to deal with than the zombie knights in the Kingdom of Van Heder.

He stared at Diana, observing her every move, guessing her intentions in the next second, and using a killer's intuition to judge...

Chen Ke tried to attack again, slashing Diana four times in a row, but Diana parried and defused them one by one. Diana suddenly stepped forward, put one leg between Chen Ke's feet, and tripped him with her back heel. one time.

Chen Ke lost his balance and fell to the ground. Diana pointed the tip of the sword at Chen Ke's throat.

"Your attack is completely wrong. Don't cut the sword from top to bottom at once. Keep the tip of the sword pointing upward." Diana laughed.

"I've learned a little bit about some tricks." Chen Ke stood up and regrouped.

Chen Ke attacked again and again and was knocked down by Diana again and again, and his skills became more and more advanced. Diana is undoubtedly a very good sparring partner.

He has mastered the basic essentials of HEMA. He does not use all his strength in every attack, nor does he completely cut the sword down. Instead, he uses half-cutting movements to continue to press the opponent's offensive line.

At the same time, Chen Ke became more and more proficient in switching between the four postures, and the movement of the sword was also included in the art. When he found the right opportunity, he would fly a set of sword flowers, and he tried his best to suppress himself from turning around, slashing hard, etc. The impulse of meaningful action.

"Acquire mortal skills."

"Meyer's Swordsmanship: An Introduction"

Finally, when Chen Ke made a very dangerous attack on Diana, Meyer's swordsmanship appeared under Kali and officially became one of Chen Ke's standing skills.

Of course, compared to the mastery of Kali, Krav Maga and the central axis heavy lock shooting system, Meyer swordsmanship is just an introduction.

But this also means that this swordsmanship is really a killing skill, otherwise it would not be recognized by the countdown to life.

Diana leaned her sword against her body, clapped her hands, and said, "I have to say, you are making rapid progress."

"The effect of sparring with you is outstanding. If I have a chance in the future, will I come to you again?" Chen Key still wanted to say more, but it was time to call it a day.

"I don't come here often because I'm busy with work, but I should be here on Sundays. If I'm in a bad mood, I might come to see you." Diana smiled.

"Maybe after practicing a few times, I will be better than you." Chen Ke said with a smile.

He has this confidence, after all, he will practice it personally in the battle with monsters in the future, which is a life-and-death battle, far beyond the intensity of club sparring.

"Then I'll wait and see. Well...your name is Chen Ke...right?" Diana said.

"Yes, Chen Ke, C-H-E-N, K-E" Chen Ke spelled out his name.

"Okay... I will remember you. Your grappling skills impressed me deeply. I have a hunch that you will definitely be more powerful with your bare hands than with a sword," Diana said.

Chen Ke was speechless for a moment and didn't know how to answer the question.

"Don't be so serious Chen Ke, my name is Diana Prince, you can call me Diana. From today on we are sword buddies, so let's go have dinner together, I'll treat you.

Chen Ke was surprised. He didn't expect that this woman was also a sweetheart. Not long after they met, she would actually invite someone to dinner?

He didn't shirk. After the two of them took off their protective gear, he followed Diana away from Golden Arthur and took the elevator downstairs.

In the elevator, Chen Ke kept thinking about what he should say during the meal so as not to expose himself. For some reason, Chen Ke always felt that Diana's career had an official background.

I just subconsciously counterattacked and captured him, leaving a lasting impression on him.

Will she be a county police officer? Or...the Authority? Or...a killer like himself, hidden in society...?

The more he thought about it, the more outrageous it became... Chen Ke swept these unrealistic thoughts out of his mind, but no matter what, in front of Diana, he must always pay attention to his words and deeds to avoid being discovered by her again.

The two left the department store. Chen Ke originally thought they would at least have steak together for dinner, but Diana actually took him to the Burger King fast food sales window across the street.

The advertising poster on the right side of the window reads "Buy ff!"

A hamburger costs 2 coupons. If you buy six of them, the original price is 12 coupons, but with half the discount, it only costs 6 coupons. If you are poor and have a large family, this is undoubtedly a very economical dinner.

Chen Ke looked at Diana who was buying a hamburger in surprise. Is this girl... very poor? Are you still playing HEMA if you are very poor? Untrue…

"Six, no ketchup." Diana said with ease.

Soon, the waiter at the window handed her a paper bag filled with six burgers.

Diana took out a burger from the paper bag and handed it to Chen Ke, saying: "While it's hot."

"I... this... um..." Chen Ke took the burger, which was still a little hot. It was the first time he saw a burger in the United Federation of States, and it was indeed different from what he had eaten at McDonald's back home.

Big, generous, and filling, this was Chen Ke’s first impression of the burger. The unattractive chunks of meat and vegetables are sandwiched between two thick and heavy slices of bread. The portion of one piece is probably as big as three in domestic McDonald's...

Diana has already started to eat. The girl eats and looks at the truth...

"What's your dinner..." Chen Ke asked.

"I can only eat five, Chen Ke. The next time we meet, whoever loses will treat me. I'm leaving first, bye." Diana touched the meat residue near her mouth, smiled, and looked towards the underground parking lot nearby. Go.

Chen Ke was left alone, holding a burger, standing in a mess on the street.

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