This aura is deadly

Chapter 98 Killer

The phone in his trouser pocket suddenly vibrated. Chen Ke took out his phone and looked at it. It was Pihom.

It was already 7 o'clock in the evening, and the sky was slowly darkening. The afterglow of the setting sun burned the clouds on the horizon, leaving the last blood red before the darkness swallowed the sky.

Chen Ke didn't expect that he had stayed in Golden Arthur for so long, so he quickly answered the phone.

"Chen Ke, good news, we found some clues from the schedules you got." Pihom sounded very satisfied on the other end of the phone.

"What happened to those schedules? What's hidden in them?" Chen Ke was confused.

"That's not a schedule at all, but an action record disguised as a schedule. The names on it are actually the code names of each operation! Chen Ke, no matter what these people are doing, they never rest." Piho Mu said.

Chen Ke was stunned. He had seen those shift plans. They were Excel sheets with thousands of pieces of data. If each piece of data was an action...

"No matter who those people are or what they are doing, Heinard is sure that they have continuous contact. I don't know what to say about Chen Ke, but Heinard did betray us." Pihom's voice sounded a little regretful .

"Well, anyway, they are targeting us now, and they are probably the company! Do you think Hainard has been in contact with people from the company?" Chen Ke asked.

"It's not clear yet, but we can find out something tonight... Bain told me that the intelligence agent we had contact with Hainard last time seemed to be a 25-year-old boy. It's unclear whether he betrayed Hainard. Nader, but what is certain is that he has decided not to work for the postman," Pihom said darkly.

"Where is he now?" Chen Ke understood what Pihom meant.

"My spies told me that tonight he will go to the Holy Angel nightclub to have fun. His new employer seems to have given him a large sum of money..." Pihom laughed.

"Then let's go in and meet him and ask him clearly." Chen Kedao.

"I think so too. Hall will meet you at the nightclub at 9 o'clock. I will send you the address, which is in the Deep Anchor area. Remember, don't cause a big commotion." Pihom said.

Chen Ke hung up the phone and soon received a text message, which was the address of the nightclub from Pihom.

Put your phone in your pocket,

Chen Ke looked at the still warm burger in his hand. It was a pity that it was lost. He couldn't help but take a bite.

In an instant, Chen Ke's tongue was coated in greasy gravy, and his mouth was filled with the taste of chicken.

He barely swallowed half of it, and finally couldn't help but spit the rest into a trash can on the street.

"It's so salty..." Chen Ke commented, and he immediately wanted to throw the burger into the trash can.

"Ouch..." A stray dog ​​squatted behind Chen Ke at some point, its dirty brown fur was thickened into balls, and its big watery eyes were exposed from the dirty fur on its face, looking at it pitifully. The burger in Chen Ke's hand.

"You're so lucky to have met me." Chen Ke smiled, squatting down and throwing the hamburger in front of the stray dog.

Chen Ke wanted to pet the dog, but it was too dirty. It looked like it had been wandering for a long time. It also had a dirty dog ​​ring around its neck. It seemed that it had an owner in the past, or it had left on its own. Lost or abandoned.

The stray dog ​​sniffed the burger on the ground, looked up at Chen Ke, seemed to smile, then picked up the hamburger and limped into the crowd.

[Alienation Level: Normal]

Watching the stray dog ​​leave, in Chen Ke's field of vision, an information box appeared next to the dog.

Chen Ke raised his eyebrows and took a deep breath. What the hell, this dog is actually an alienated individual! This world is really crazy, everything is there...

There was still business to do later, so Chen Ke stood up and looked around the roadside to see if there was an empty taxi.

Chen Ke didn't take Heinard's betrayal of the postman to heart. He had no sense of belonging in the postman. What he really cared about were the thousands of actions of the "company".

The "Company" is a secret society formed by many psychic companies. According to what the tortured man revealed before his death, this organization is trying to create gods... It sounds really weird, but if the Si Consortium is also among them...

In other words, they obtained the holy objects privately, not for smuggling and selling them for money...but to arm their own team for exploring the Great Void.

Combined with what Chen Ke saw and heard in the Great Void World Van Hed Kingdom, in that kind of place, if you want to enter the next area, you must first reproduce the "cycle" of the current area...


What is the most valuable thing in the Great Void?

No matter what it is, it is absolutely essential for "creating a god"!

Chen Ke still remembers the deep scratches on the left side of the hull of the "Terrible Whiplash". Could it be that there are some great void doors that open under the deep sea? In other words, there is something else in the sea...

Is the Si Consortium's exploration of the Vanherd Kingdom one of the thousands of missions of the "Company"?

Things get interesting.

Originally, Chen Ke thought that the psychic explosion effects such as the private storage of sacred objects and land by psychic companies were just the result of pure capital will, but now it seems that their ideas are really dangerous...

"+40 minutes"

"+40 minutes"

"+40 minutes"

"+40 minutes"

Um? ? !

While Chen Ke was waiting for the taxi and thinking, the life countdown in the corner of his eyes suddenly jumped.

Chen Ke frowned. Why is his life span increasing? Someone wants to kill me! Where? !

His muscles were tense and he looked around nervously. The crowds on the street were all unfamiliar faces. They walked past Chen Ke expressionlessly.

The murderous radar can mark the enemies with murderous intentions in red, but Chen Ke did not see any red outlines on the whole street.

There is no doubt that it must be the killer of the Si Consortium! It seems that they finally found him, which is not easy.

Chen Ke moved, looking around and trying to get into the crowd. It seems that the opponent came prepared, and this time he was at a disadvantage.

However, Chen Ke still has some advantages.

The killers probably didn't know that I had noticed it, let alone that I had a murderous trigger that could quickly locate them in the vast crowd...

The killer must be outside the range of the murderous radar. When Chen Ke was dealing with the incident at Li Bo's restaurant, he used this ability to mark the alienated female diners in red. It seems that the maximum marking range of the murderous radar is only about fifty or sixty meters...

It's a pity that the murderous radar will not tell Chen Ke the killer's position. Now he can only move forward with the crowd by feeling and see if he can run into the killer by chance.

He dared to do it on this street, and he was really brave. It seems that Pan Jiya really wanted to kill him.

The murderous aura continued to increase, and soon Chen Ke's lifespan returned to the full value, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

He never lacked murderous aura. Sometimes, having more enemies is not a bad thing.

At dusk, the lights of the shops and billboards of the buildings made the whole avenue as bright as day, and pop songs resounded on the street. Chen Ke followed the crowd to the other side of the street and saw the red-marked figure in a video store. It was a white man wearing a peaked cap and loose sportswear.

"Found you." Chen Ke said with a smile.

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