This aura is deadly

Chapter 99 Hunting

Chen Ke threw the change of clothes he was carrying into the trash can. He put the sacred diamond and HEMA club membership card in the inner pocket of his suit. There was nothing in the old clothes.

Then he pushed open the door and walked into the video store. Some customers were queuing up to pay with disc cases.

The soothing music playing in the store was Taylor Swift's Love Story, released in September 2008. Chen Ke was humming along with the rhythm while getting closer to the killer.

In the innermost corner, the killer was pretending to listen to the disc. Chen Ke took off the Gonggong chuck headphones on his head and smiled at him.


The killer was stunned for a moment, probably because he didn't expect Chen Ke to find him, and was at a loss for the moment.

But the killer instinct still took over. A folding knife slipped out of his right sleeve, and he opened the blade and stabbed Chen Ke.

Chen Ke pinched the killer's wrist, broke it along the joints, and let the killer stab the knife into his armpit.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" The killer stood on tiptoes in pain, grinning and groaning.

Chen Ke grabbed the killer's wrist and upper arm and smiled: "Do you like this song? Listen, I bet this song can win the federal gold record this year."

The killer stared at Chen Ke without saying a word, but Chen Ke could feel a steady stream of murderous intent emerging from him.

"It's a love story ~ Baby just say yes! (This is a love story, baby you just have to promise me.)" Chen Ke hummed along with the song.

"You are asking for your own destruction." The killer endured the pain and said coldly.

"Don't you like country folk songs? What about black R\u0026B? Or jazz?" Chen Ke asked with a sneer.

"You will die miserably, Lin Mo. Not only that, I will also insult your body, destroy every inch of your intact skin, and then chop you into pieces and feed you to the dogs." The killer growled in a deep voice.

"It seems you like electronic music." Chen Ke said coldly, pulled out the jumping knife under the killer's arm and inserted it into his waist and abdomen instantly.

"Oh...ah..." the killer snorted coldly.

Blood trickled down his sleeves and clothes, dripping onto the floor. Chen Ke dragged the killer out of the video store and blended into the crowd again.

"Where are they?" Chen Ker asked abruptly.

"Did you think I would tell you?" The killer broke out in cold sweat.

"Thank you." Chen Ke smiled.

The killer was stunned for a moment, then suddenly understood and gritted his teeth with hatred.

What Chen Ke really wanted to find out was whether there were multiple people ambushing the other party. The killer's answer clearly told him, yes.

He didn't want to kill people on the street, and he didn't have time to interrogate the entire killer. According to his knowledge, this suspected brainwashed killer wouldn't tell him anything.

The two walked into the alley between shopping malls. Chen Ke took out the jump knife from the killer's waist and stabbed him quickly and accurately in the throat.

"Bah..." The killer covered his throat, and blood spurted out from between his fingers.

Chen Ke pushed the killer into the garbage and watched him squirm in the garbage for dozens of seconds before slowly stopping.

However, life span is still increasing.

"Where is the next one?" Chen Ke walked out of the alley and merged into the crowd again.

He looked at his phone. It was almost 8 o'clock, and it was completely dark. A line of small characters suddenly appeared in the lower left corner of Chen Ke's eyes, and the small characters did not slowly fade out.

"Dark Concealment: 20%"

Chen Ke immediately understood that this was the stealth effect given by the suit. The darker the place, the harder it was for him to be discovered.

In fact, this effect seems to be nonsense, but it is not just the literal meaning.

Because no matter how dark it is, enemies will still spot you when they get close to you.

The alienation effect of this suit is: the wearer is more likely to be ignored in a dark environment, and the wearer does not make a sound when crouching and moving.

It's been ignored!

Chen Ke tried to squat down and pretend to shine shoes, and found a line of small words appearing in the lower left corner of his eye.


He pretended to clean his shoes with another foot and deliberately rubbed the soles on the ground without hearing any sound!

"Awesome!" Chen Ke secretly said.

The effect of darkness and concealment still needs to be experimented, but there is really no solution for crouching and moving to silence.

This is the perfect piece of clothing for a killer!

The street lights turned on, and one was particularly bright.

Chen Ke felt that the particularly bright street light source seemed to be getting bigger and bigger, and the light seemed to be shining on him, while the other street lights suddenly became much dimmer. He thought of something and pretended to bend down to tie his shoelaces.

As soon as I bent down, I felt something brush against my hair, and the glass showcase on the left suddenly shattered to the ground.

There was a commotion among the pedestrians on the street, talking around the suddenly broken shop window. Chen Ke stood up and left as if nothing had happened, his eyes rolling around as he scanned the surroundings.

There is a killer nearby and he can kill people with light.

It seems that this time the Si Consortium sent a psychic killer who was comparable to itself to assassinate him.

However, Chen Ke also has skills and holy objects! Therefore, the murderous intent of these killers can only extend his life for 40 minutes per second.

He carefully observed the light sources on the street and was wary of his opponents' sneak attacks.

This light is not emitted by the killer himself, but concentrates the surrounding light into a light source and then emits it, so as long as the surrounding area becomes dark, there must be one area that is particularly bright.

Moreover, this kind of trick always has a casting distance, so the killer should not be far away.

"I saw it."

Chen Ke looked up and saw a man wearing a blue hooded sweatshirt standing on the second floor of a shopping mall, looking at him through a glass curtain wall.

Although Chen Ke noticed him, he still stood there, smiling and snapping his fingers at Chen Ke.

Chen Ke immediately looked around, looking for a shining light source. Suddenly, there was a flash of white light above his head, and he subconsciously slid forward and jumped forward. The place where he had been standing instantly became scorched black.

The man smiled proudly and continued to snap his fingers at Chen Ke.

Murderous trigger!

A red murderous aura emerged from Chen Ke's body and rushed toward the killer quickly.

Even though he was more than 20 meters away and blocked by a glass, murderous intent was still poured into the killer's mind. He was stunned, pressed his hands on the glass, and gasped violently due to shock and fear.

Chen Ke quickly ran into a phone booth on the street, took out his PPQ45 and installed a silencer on it. He put the gun on his abdomen and slightly covered it with his suit jacket. He pointed at the killer on the second floor of the mall and pulled the trigger four times in a row.

The noise in the street covered up the sound of gunfire. Four .45acp bullets penetrated the glass of the mall and entered the killer's body, two in the chest and two in the abdomen.

The broken glass fell to the street, causing a commotion among the crowd. The killer was hit by the inertia of the bullet and lay on his back in the mall, bursting into screams.

If he is not rescued within half an hour, he will be dead. I wish him good luck.

Chen Ke removed the silencer and inserted the gun into the holster.

Killed two.

How many more are there?

The lifespan is still increasing, and this time, the consortium has invested money.

It seems that Pankiya takes himself quite seriously.

Taking advantage of the green light, Chen Ke squeezed in the crowd and walked to the other side of the road. His eyes scanned the crowd and the surrounding buildings. He was like a human radar, constantly searching.

"I saw it."

A red silhouette in a sitting posture appeared in Chen Ke's field of vision. The killer was sitting in a Burger King fast food restaurant.

If there was communication between the killers, then they would have known each other when the first killer died.

"What tricks do you know?" Chen Ke curiously walked towards the Burger King restaurant. The owner of the red outline was a woman wearing brown short-sleeves and a peaked cap.

Chen Ke sat across from her without saying anything.

Recommend a friend's book, Hardcore Cthulhu! "The Lies of Cthulhu" is a first-person account that is absolutely authentic to Cthulhu and has a craftsmanship style. If you are interested, you can check it out.

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