This Dream is Funny

Chapter 183: sword cut ceiling

In the dark night,

A gigantic Buddha straddles between heaven and earth,

As if rising from the bushes,

Many tall trees can only touch his calf.

The golden light shines brightly, and the sound of the Buddha is shining.

However, the surface of this great Buddha is already covered with cracks, as if it will shatter at any time.

The vines growing out of the earth one after another tightly bound the Buddha and bound every part of the Buddha.

Cao Kong, who landed on the top of a big tree, was breathing heavily. His plant field had been driven to the extreme by him.

Originally, his plant domain was not fully awakened, so his abilities were limited.

However, this time, the action of restricting a ceiling-level powerhouse gave him a lot of insight into the awakening of comprehension.

Of course, he can't take these feelings into account now.

If you die in battle, any perception will be empty.

The Great Buddha began to gradually stop moving, but there was a constant humming sound inside his body.

The silhouettes flew out continuously, hitting the inner wall of the Buddha, and colliding from the inside of the Buddha, causing the Buddha to be full of cracks.

The real destruction actually starts from the inside.

The outer defense of the Great Buddha is very strong, but the interior may be very fragile.

Cao Kong looked at it with some worry. Whether it was Du Fang or Gong Chao, he was very concerned.

After all, one is the future hope of the Great Xia Kingdom, and the other is a close friend.

If either of the two had an accident or casualty, Cao Kong would be very sad.

However, he is also very clear that in the face of a ceiling-level existence, the possibility of Du Fang and Gong Chao surviving is very small.

If so,

Tonight, for the Great Xia Kingdom, the loss is very heavy.

Palace Chao, among all the top national level, is most likely to step into the ceiling level existence.

If he falls, it will be a huge loss for the Great Xia Kingdom.


Inside the Big Buddha,

There was a violent roar again, and a figure flew out upside down, hitting it, and the cobweb-like cracks rapidly expanded.

Cao Kong could clearly see that the entire Buddha was trembling, as if it were about to burst at any moment.

This made Cao Kong more and more worried about the situation inside.

Unfortunately, he has more than enough energy.

Cao Kong's face was a little ugly, and he turned his head to look in the direction of Xiaolei Village.


The entire Xiaolei Village was shrouded in gray fog.

It seems very mysterious and profound.

"Yezong... what do you want to do?"

"Is the current situation still under your control?"

Cao Kong has always trusted Yezong very much.

But this time,

Cao Kong felt a little dazed and hesitant in his heart.

after all,

With so many powerhouses appearing at the same time, no one can calm down.

It seems that the situation is gradually getting out of control.

Inside the Big Buddha.

The battle continues.

Du Fang was covered in armor, and after opening the special ability of the king's personal expedition,

Du Fang is almost not afraid of death.

The King's Armor can weaken most of the attacks. Although the remaining attack power is also effective, with Du Fang's physical resistance, it can be directly carried down.

And in the process of fighting against the ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom, Du Fang,

The fighting skills are soaring rapidly.

The ceiling of this Brahma Kingdom did not release water at all, and every move and every move took Du Fang's life directly.

Many times, Du Fang felt that he had encountered a life-and-death crisis.

Under such circumstances, the improvement of the technical level is obvious to all.

This is also the case with the Gong Dynasty.

However, Gong Chao is different from Du Fang, he has no way to resist the attack from the ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom at will.

After all, he didn't have a king armor, so the palace court had to go all out to resist.

Although his body was covered with bruises and wounds, Gong Chao's sword became more and more courageous!

Even, at the end, Tianjian Gongchao closed his eyes,

With instinct and intuition swinging the sword,

The ultimate attack is the strongest defense!

He is comprehending his own kendo, and his kendo keeps growing in the process.

In fact, both Du Fang and the Brahma ceiling felt it.

"Damn you!"

This Vatican ceiling was extremely angry, and his attack became more and more ruthless.

As a ceiling-level existence, it was impossible to kill these two people.

Forget the Tianjian Palace, the top national level, only half a step away from the ceiling,

It's understandable that you can't kill easily.

But, what about the city-crossing class?

Why is it so hard to kill?

Like a stinky stone, stinky and hard, it can't be beaten to death at all!

He didn't keep his hands in the slightest, but he still couldn't kill him!

The strong ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom exudes bronze and gold colors all over his body, like a reincarnated true Buddha.

His murderous intent was so stagnant that it seemed to form a substance!

Du Fang was panting, but his heart was filled with joy. ωωw.Bǐqυgétν.℃ǒM

His fighting skills have grown significantly!

With the red clothes and the king's armor, although Du Fang can't make it even more powerful than the ceiling powerhouse,

However, the ceiling powerhouse can't kill him, that's enough!


Du Fang flew out again and smashed onto the Buddha.

The big Buddha shattered, as if there were golden fragments scattered all over the ground.

On the other side, Tianjiangong closed his eyes and held the sword in both hands. The majestic and boiling sword energy and sword intent were constantly surging, surging...

Like a wave, like a wild wolf!

The dream spirits in the air are boiling.

Du Fang, who was covered under the king's armor, turned his head and looked over.

A look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"Is this a breakthrough?"

Du Fang raised his eyebrows.

Not only Du Fang,

There was even a ruthless look in the eyes of the ceiling powerhouse of the Brahma Kingdom.

"Breaking through? Are you planning to hit the ceiling?"

"Is it too beautiful to think?!"

The ceiling of Brahma said sternly.

Even, he felt a sense of crisis, and he absolutely couldn't let Gong Chao step into the ceiling level.

Once Gongchao stepped into the ceiling,

With Gong Chao's potential and ability, he can definitely easily kill his weakest ceiling.

And there will also be a new ceiling in the Great Xia Kingdom.

The world status of the Great Xia Kingdom will be significantly improved!

"Break it for me!"


The ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom was suspended in the body of the Buddha, and the lotus sound of the tongue burst out, and countless Sanskrit sounds surged out.

rushing towards the palace,

This is a breakthrough intended to interfere with the Gong Dynasty.

Du Fang was in control of the air and observed this situation,

Gong Chao was about to break through. This was an unexpected situation.

The disturbed Gong Chao frowned slightly. He opened his eyes, and there seemed to be sword energy surging in the depths of his pupils.

He looked at Du Fang and said softly, "Hold me back for a moment."

This was said to Du Fang.

Gong Chao knew that even though this request was too much, let a city-level dreamer stop the ceiling dreamer...

If it were someone else, I'm afraid I would die for you right away.

However, Gong Chao believed in Du Fang.

He felt that if this city-level dream-crossing master was Du Fang, he would definitely be able to do it!

Du Fang glanced at Gong Chao, who was covered under the king's armor, and nodded slightly.

Miyazawa is so busy,

Du Fang helped.


Du Fang controlled the air and instantly appeared in front of the ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom.

In the face of the interference behavior of the lotus sound on the ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom.

Du Fang has many solutions to solve.

In this battle, Du Fang was actually trying to test the effect of the newly awakened special ability of the king's personal expedition.

Now it seems that this effect is far beyond Du Fang's imagination.

Although it is impossible to make Du Fang have the strength of the ceiling level.

However, it prevented Du Fang from dying instantly in the hands of a ceiling powerhouse.

In addition, the improvement in fighting skills is also a pleasant surprise.


Du Fang intends to come seriously.


The lotus sound on the ceiling of the Sanskrit kingdom formed a substantial wave that swept through the air.

The body of the Great Buddha exploded instantly, and countless golden lights were extremely dazzling in the dark night.

And Du Fang looked at it lightly,

With a heartbeat, the cabin connected to the dream space.

Next to Du Fang, Qiqi the pig suddenly appeared.

As soon as the little pig Qiqi appeared,

Then it swelled up in the sky, becoming incomparably huge, the skin turned purple, and the appearance became hideous!

The tyrannical breath stirred,

A roar shocked the world!


Only... Kiki can finally come out to breathe!

The face of the ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom changed slightly, looking at the huge purple wild big fat pig that suddenly appeared,

He couldn't help but feel a sense of crisis in his heart.

"Heavenly demon?"

"No, there doesn't seem to be a powerful pig in the Heavenly Demon Organization..."


The ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom felt that things were beyond his control!


Little Pig Qiqi rushed out, the air burst, and only appeared beside the ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom.

The pig's trotters smashed down!

The ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom can no longer continue to sing,

The bronze-colored muscles burst out with great strength and collided with the pig's trotters!


A circle of energy ripples swayed in the void!

One person and one pig are scattered in the air.

Little Pig Qiqi was similar to Du Fang, flew upside down and smashed into the wall of the Buddha.

The ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom did not retreat half a step,

However, his complexion became more and more unsightly.

Another rough-skinned thing!

Killing is not good!


After Du Fang's strength increased, Pig Qiqi's combat strength also increased.

However, it has not been able to reach the level of fighting against the ceiling powerhouse.

Maybe Luoluo and sister-in-law can achieve it, but Xiaozhu Qiqi's strength recovery is still a bit poor.

However, the reason why Du Fang didn't call Luoluo and his sister-in-law at the very beginning was because Du Fang didn't want to miss this good opportunity.

He intends to calculate the strength of his family.

Let's start with the little pig, Qiqi, who he thinks is the weakest.

After all, someone with a strong ceiling can be met but not sought after, and this kind of ceiling that cannot be beaten to death is even more rare.

It is the best quality inspector.

Du Fang was able to estimate the combat power of his family based on the situation of the confrontation.

Sure enough, the strength of the little pig Qiqi is indeed not as high as the ceiling.

According to the situation of being beaten, it should be similar to him who put on the king's armor and turned on the red state.

Equivalent to a powerful middle-class state.

Although the strength is not strong,

But as a meat shield, Little Pig Qiqi is definitely qualified!

In terms of resistance to beatings, even Du Fang is not as good as it,

After all, Du Fang will hurt when he is beaten, and Xiao Zhu Qiqi will be beaten... It is not Du Fang who suffers.

Du Fang understood the role of Piggy Qiqi in the future.

Just when Du Fang was going to call out Luoluo and sister-in-law one after another,

Behind Du Fang,

Suddenly, a breath suddenly condensed together,

It was as if an extremely sharp sword had been pulled out from Zang Feng's scabbard!

The terrifying sword energy surged,

The air seems to be chopped to pieces!

Du Fang was about to summon the action for a while.

Then he saw a slender figure, holding a big sword, walking past Du Fang like a leisurely stroll.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

"Leave it to me next."

Gong Chao opened his eyes, but he seemed to be completely new with blood all over his body.

The whole figure is like a drawn sword,

Around, countless sword qi is surging, forming an area that crushes everything,

This is the realm of swords of the imperial court.

The surging and surging dream spirit is like a big river falling from the sky. After his breakthrough, the dream spirit that was close to drying up has completely recovered, and he is still energetic!

Gong Chao held the great sword,

Yaoyao aimed at the ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom.

The next moment,

He teleported to the ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom,

The eyes of the ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom trembled, and the color suddenly changed.


Gong Chao has broken through from the top national level to the ceiling realm? !

And the reason why the Gong Dynasty was able to break through,

It's because of the sparring he did!

Remorse and remorse emerged from the ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom!

he roared,

Bronze arms snapped together,

Inside the Great Buddha, there seems to be a gathering of golden light, again condensing a Buddha image.

The Buddha Shadow closed his palms,

Shoot towards Gong Chao, to shoot Gong Chao to death!


Gong Chao volleyed into the sky and swung the great sword lightly!

above heaven and earth,

Outrageously, a sword shadow slashed down!


The Buddha's shadow is shattered!

Gong Chao's sword, however, has not stopped.

On the ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom, there was a rush of flying blood!

Afterwards, Gong Chao kept swinging his sword,

Sword shadows slashed out one after another, slashing dozens of times, all of which slashed on the bronze-colored flesh on the ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom.

at last,

A sword was handed out flat.

pierced into the abdomen of the ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom, UU reading

A huge force was thrown, and the body of the ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom was thrown upside down and smashed on the Buddha.

The Buddha was instantly shattered,

The body of the ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom flew upside down from the Buddha.

Speeding through the dark night.

And a wisp of sword energy floats,

Gong Chao appeared in front of the ceiling of this Brahma Kingdom again in a teleportation.

He held the hilt of the great sword that had been pierced into the ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom.

"The weakest ceiling... It really lives up to its reputation."

"If you offend me Daxia, I will kill you today."

Gong Chao said lightly.

Then, grabbing the hilt of the sword, he slammed down from the top.



This Brahma ceiling,

It was split in half by force!

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