This Dream is Funny

Chapter 184: You, Yezong, scum

The huge sword energy bloomed in the dark night.

It shot straight into the sky and cut out vertically, like a gust of wind howling for hundreds of miles.

The body of the ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom was divided into two,

blood is spilled,

Like a rain of blood.

The ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom, he may have never dreamed that he would die like this.

As powerful as him, he has reached the realm of the ceiling. As the second person in the Brahma Kingdom, he will actually die in Daxia.

Even without a whole body, he was cut in half with a single sword!


From the very beginning, this Brahma Ceiling never valued Tianjiangongchao and Du Fang.

One at the national level, one at the city level...

Why did these two kill a ceiling-level powerhouse?

You must know that in today's world, the ceiling dreamer belongs to the existence standing at the top of the world.

Whether it is identity, status, or strength, it is the height that countless people look up to.

But, tonight,

he died.

A sword slashed the ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom,

Gong Chao stood proudly in the night sky, holding a great sword in his hand, his whole body was refreshed,

That is a kind of refreshment after the soul has been sublimated and the realm has been broken through.

The Buddha began to fall apart,

Losing the control of the dream spirit on the ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom, the phantom of the Great Buddha can no longer be maintained.

After countless vines lost their entanglement objects, they fell from the sky.

However, Cao Kong, who controls the vines, has no time to pay attention to these.

He stared blankly at the palace court who slashed the ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom with a sword in the night sky,

The whole person is full of disbelief,

There was even a look of astonishment on the pale face.

And this stunnedness didn't last long, and Cao Kong quickly became excited.

"you did it!"

"Heavenly Sword did it."

Cao Kong immediately understood that Gong Chao must have made a breakthrough, otherwise where would the strength come from to kill a ceiling?

In other words, tonight, a new ceiling powerhouse was born again in Daxia Kingdom.

Starting tonight, the number of ceiling powerhouses in the Great Xia Kingdom has increased to five!

This is definitely a news worthy of congratulations to the Great Xia Kingdom!

Every ceiling dreamer is a strategic existence.

It is an existence that can improve the status of the country!

Even Cao Kong, before the battle started, couldn't imagine that Gong Chao could actually withstand the pressure, fight **** battle with a ceiling, and finally break through and set foot on the ceiling!

This is as incredible as a myth!

Although the background of the Palace Dynasty is enough, the Palace Dynasty was not far from the ceiling before, but sometimes, it was just such a step, blocking the hope of how many people!

The number of top national level is actually much more than the ceiling, but there are only a few who can truly become ceiling dream masters.

Many veteran top national players have been pursuing breakthroughs throughout their lives.

But there are a few people who can really break through. Most of them died in depression and regret.

Cao Kong was sincerely happy for the palace.

in the night sky,

Gong Chao held the great sword, and the whole person was also immersed in the joy of breaking through.

After the breakthrough, he slashed the ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom with one sword, not because of the complete crushing of his strength.

It's because the ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom has been lost by him and Du Fang.

Originally, he was a little out of state, so the Gong Dynasty could only kill the enemy with one sword.


I have to say that the ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom is indeed the weakest ceiling in the world, and it is indeed not strong.

Among the ceiling powerhouses, it is the weakest.

all around,

As Gong Chao stepped into the ceiling area, he slashed the ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom with one sword.

Some beings who were stalking in the dark felt the chill coming, looked away, and began to retreat.

The fall of a ceiling is enough to scare their hearts.

The black and white impermanence of Huang Quan's organization, who was entangled with Yan Fei, was even more frightening.

Yan Fei, who dared not to face the end of the battle, who was only supported by his will, continued to kill, and quickly retreated.

Palace Chao fell, carrying the great sword again,

Du Fang also fell. He didn't take off the monarch's armor on his body, but he wore armor, showing his miraculousness.

Gong Chao glanced at the ground, the corpse of the ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom had been chopped into two, and his expression did not change at all.

This is his record, but Du Fang also has a share of the credit.

If Du Fang hadn't resisted the attack of the ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom, the palace court would have no chance to comprehend at all, and finally hit the door and broke through to the ceiling realm.

"Thank you."

Gong Chao looked at Du Fang and thanked him.

"No thanks, this is an opportunity you seized yourself."

Du Fang shook his head and smiled.

Gong Chao looked at Du Fang strangely. He didn't expect Du Fang to be able to do this. A city-crossing dream master would dare to attack a ceiling-level powerhouse.

What a big heart.

"What about you next? Why did you come back after you left?"

Gong Chao continued to ask, and asked Du Fang's next plan.

Du Fang raised his head and looked at Xiaolei Village.

"I plan to enter it again and take a look."

Du Fang said.

Gong Chao frowned: "I think you'd better not go in. Today's Xiaolei Village has completely become the center of the storm."

"President Yezong is fighting against the powerhouses of other countries and the Dream Demon Organization. Once he is involved, his life will be in danger."

Gong Chao felt that he had to persuade Du Fang.

He was very grateful that Du Fang was able to come back to help, but for letting the other party enter the dream disaster, Gong Chao felt that there was no need to go into this muddy water.

"Don't worry, I will enter the dream disaster, I will break through to the ceiling domain, enough to enter the dream disaster to help President Yezong."

"Even if we die in battle, we can't let these robbers take away the things of our Great Xia Kingdom!"

"They are robbers. They rush into people's homes to **** things, and they are full of benevolence, righteousness and morality."

"These robbers should be killed!"

Gong Chao said coldly, "But you still don't want to enter."


Although Du Fang continued to resist the attack from the ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom, he was unscathed.

However, Gong Chao still does not recommend Du Fang to enter it.

Because the ceilings of big countries such as the Federation and the Snow Country are not comparable to the ceilings of the Brahma Kingdom.

Whether it is the attack or the strength of the dream spirit, it is not the same level!

After officially stepping into the ceiling realm, Gong Chao had a clear understanding.

Du Fang looked at Gong Chao and did not agree.

"In my dream today, I have my reasons."

Du Fang thought about it for a while, but still opened his mouth and said.

Gong Chao frowned. He felt that it might be because his words were not clear enough that Du Fang did not understand the seriousness of the matter.

However, he felt Du Fang's indisputable.

Du Fang doesn't seem to care about the danger in the dream disaster, and insists on entering the dream disaster.

Advice, it seems impossible to persuade at all.

Gong Chao sighed: "Forget it, take care of your own safety."

Gong Chao was very optimistic about Du Fang.

Du Fang's various performances made Gong Chao understand how amazing Du Fang's future potential is. This is a young man who can create miracles.

The future of the Great Xia Kingdom will definitely shine in the hands of Du Fang!

Gong Chao stopped talking,

He quietly followed Du Fang's side.

Du Fang walked in the direction of the dream disaster, Xiaolei Village was completely shrouded in gray fog,

The nine coffins that originally appeared in the gray fog also disappeared completely and disappeared.

Even if Gong Chao stepped into the ceiling domain, this dream disaster still gave him a great threat and oppression.

The two walked towards Xiaolei Village.

The pale-faced Cao Kong dispersed from the plant field, propped up his exhausted body, and rushed to the front of Du Fang and Gong Chao.

"What are you doing? Are you planning to enter a dream disaster?"

"It's understandable that Gong Chao goes, what are you going to do, Du Fang?"

Cao Kong said.


No one answered him.

Gong Chao looked at Cao Kong and shook his head, the meaning was obvious, Du Fang would not be persuaded by him.

Cao Kong was a little anxious.

This is to die in a dream disaster.

Unfortunately, he had no choice but to watch Du Fang and Gong Chao's bodies helplessly, disappearing into the gray fog and being swallowed by the dream disaster.

Cao Kong sat down on the ground.




The gray fog in the dream disaster escaped and enveloped the entire world.

Even, leading to this dream disaster, there is no need for the dream spirit to enter, and the body can step into it directly.

This is the magical place of gray fog, the material and medium that connects fantasy and reality.

very special, very strange,

All countries are studying the gray fog, but so far, no country or organization has analyzed the gray fog.

And when many ceiling-level powerhouses entered the dream disaster, their dream spirits vented violently, as if causing changes in the dream disaster, and the gray fog became more and more dense.

Ye Zong used the silk thread formed by the dream spirit to pull and wrap the nine coffins and go deep into the dream disaster.

He moved quickly in the gray fog, and soon appeared in the sky above Xiaolei Village.

Under the eyes of prying eyes, what he saw of Xiaolei Village was completely different from what Du Fang saw.

He saw the essence of Xiaolei Village, a ghost village.

Whether it is a peasant woman, an old peasant, or a baby playing, all of them have gray-black bodies, full of the breath of death,

Their mouths were full of fangs, and they were breathing gray mist.

Scarlet eyes stared at Ye Zong, who had fallen into a dream disaster, full of murderous intent and madness.

And deep in the village,

In that dilapidated mansion covered with cobwebs and full of mottled age.

Silent, sitting in a pavilion above the blood pool,

A headless figure stood and stopped quietly.

Even Ye Zong felt a chill, and this chill came from the existence in the leisure pavilion.

Ye Zong's complexion changed slightly, and he felt that something was wrong.

"Senior, help me!"

Ye Zong shouted loudly.

His peeping eyes radiated golden light constantly, shaking with strange fluctuations, as if he was communicating with the headless figure in the leisure pavilion.


All communication seems to sink into the sea.

This made Ye Zong's face turn ugly. He dragged the nine coffins, and his movement speed became very slow.

Behind him, Kate from the Federal State, Bingji from the Icefield Snow State, Purple Robe from the Divine Core Organization, and Black Axe from the New World, these four powerful ceiling-level beings have followed the scent of the Fallen Angel's corpse, chasing after him.

"Senior, didn't we agree before?"

Ye Zong's face was dark.

A long time ago, he had entered this dream disaster, and with the help of the eye of peeping, he found the existence of the suspected strange master in this dream disaster, which was the headless figure in the mansion.

With the eyes of peeping, he can even communicate with this headless figure.

Moreover, Ye Zong thought that they were very happy to communicate with each other.

For example, he asked this existence to increase the coercion of the road into the village and use it as the venue for the battle for the champion. This person did not refuse, and did it!

He also discussed a lot of plans with the other party,

The most important thing is also Ye Zong's plan to use the fallen angel's corpse this time.

Through the corpse of the fallen angel, the ceiling powerhouses such as Kate and Bingji who are hidden in the surrounding are attracted into the dream disaster.

Then, Ye Zong and this strange master made a move together,

Completely leave these people behind!

Obviously everything has been negotiated, and everything is negotiated well.

Why now...

This strange seems to have let him dove! Sorry!

Not joining forces? !

Originally, the situation had changed. There were many more powerful people in the ceiling than expected. As a result, this aunt still missed her appointment...

What's going on here? !

This made it extremely difficult for him to carry the nine coffins containing the fallen angel's corpses.

It feels a bit difficult to ride a tiger, like an ant thrown on a hot pan.


Under Ye Zong's constant exchange of strange powers oscillating through his peeping pupils.

The headless figure standing above the blood pool finally replied coldly and impatiently,

"You took advantage of your husband."

"You, scum."

Ye Zong: "???"

He used a hammer!

In this society, even monsters will spit out blood? !

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