This endless world

Chapter 278 Challenger

Zheng Zha is very strong.

After initially converting the two energies in his body, Zheng Zha has already reached a very high level. Even without the baptism of dragon blood in the Jurassic Period, his six-dimensional basic attributes have steadily exceeded a thousand points. mark. Even the strength of the muscle tissue has passed the 1,500-point mark, and is approaching the 2,000-point mark... Nowadays, Zheng Zha's basic six-dimensional figure is even compared to his own self after the end of Starship Troopers in the original world line. No less impressive.

Moreover, now Zheng Zha has obtained something that he would never have obtained before. In addition to extremely strong strength and extremely fast speed, he also has corresponding skills!

Skills, or martial arts, are things invented by humans in order to fight against nature and creatures with much higher physical fitness than themselves, to defeat the strong with the weak. It is a skill that allows them to exert their power 100%, even 200%, or 300%.

After activating the explosion, Zheng Zha became even more powerful. A single strike from him could be compared to a small missile bombing, and his own speed directly broke the speed of sound. No matter it was an alien queen, a Kayako, or even the little monk in the combined state that he faced before, they all ended up being punched into two little cakes.

However, the enemy he faced was Yang Yun, who also turned on his "super sense"!

——Able to see and avoid.

This is the feeling in Yang Yun's vision. Even Zheng Zha, who is currently at supersonic speed, is only "relatively fast" in his eyes at best. The nerve reaction speed that is dozens of times higher than that of ordinary people, as well as the enhanced perception, allow him to dodge Zheng Zha's attack at the smallest angle with the smallest effort by twisting his body slightly.

Inhaling and exhaling, his mind was running wildly, and the subtle skills learned from Zhang Jie and Xin Bi'an came into play at this moment. Regarding Zheng Zha's heavy punch to the chest, Yang Yun only needed to make his chest collapse slightly, and then he dodged it by a hair's breadth. It seemed that there was no chance of an attack, but in fact it was as steady as a mountain.

——If my physical fitness hadn't been able to match my nerve reaction speed, then I could have won this battle in a very short period of time.

——Speaking of which, is this move of mine somewhat similar to Emiya Kiritsugu’s inherent time control?

As for Yang Yun, he even had time to think about the difference between his own skills and some of the more famous moves. At this moment, he had firmly gained the upper hand. As Zhang Jie said, no matter how powerful you are, it means nothing if you can't hit... If one party in the battle can avoid all the attacks of the other party and can also counterattack accordingly, then it is proved that The two are not on the same level!


The ensuing heavy kick hit Zheng Zha's armor. Although Zheng Zha blocked the blow with his hands crossed when the attack came, he was still kicked back by Yang Yun for more than ten years. step!

"It's so slow, Zheng Zha...are you really moving?"

Yang Yun slowly lowered his right leg that was hanging in the air. Although he had expected his progress, when Zheng Zha was still suppressed by him in the "explosion" state, what rose from his chest was strong self-confidence. : "Is this all you have? I spent more time in a horror movie than you did?"

"If this continues, let alone Zhang Jie, you won't even be able to beat me."

"...Shut your damn mouth."

Zheng Zha put down his hands, looked at Yang Yun in front of him coldly, spat out a mouthful of blood, and at the same time took the time to relieve the damage caused by the "explosion" in his body... Although the fight only lasted less than half a minute, it was a high-intensity battle. , which has already consumed about 20% of the internal energy and blood energy in his body.

Yang Yun's blow just now came fast and fierce, and at the same time it carried a concentrated force, like a sharp steel needle, going straight through the armor's defense. Although the energy that entered the body was quickly strangled by the blood energy, it still took a lot of Zheng Zha's energy.

Zheng Zha roughly understood that it was the power of subtlety mentioned in "Basic Martial Arts", condensing one's power at one point, and then exploding out, erupting ten times or even a hundred times the power, which is what he has been working hard for. Direction... Unexpectedly, Yang Yun actually walked ahead.

This point also made Zheng Zha secretly frightened. It was clear that Yang Yun had just unlocked the second-level gene lock in the last game, and now he was in front of him in the blink of an eye, and had even developed this subtle power?

And Yang Yun's trash talk from time to time made Zheng Zha a little upset. Every word he said was in his heart... How big is this kid's potential? Am I really inferior to him?

Looking at Zheng Zha's slightly red face, Yang Yun also smiled. The two were not fighting for life and death, so Yang Yun consciously controlled the rhythm of the battle so that both parties' conditions could be relieved to a certain extent.

Of course, trash talking is also a part of fighting. It is better to say that Yang Yun did it on purpose, just to add fuel to Zheng Zha's anger and make him stronger.

Zheng Zha is very strong, much stronger than him at the same time, but this is still not enough, and there is no way to compete with his clone... Since his clone can reach the third level of gene lock in two games , then it means that the orthodox Zheng Zha should also have corresponding potential!

"If you want to shut me up and don't want to see me messing with your mentality with trash talk, then you'd better use more power than stronger than me and defeat me, it's that simple. "

Yang Yun pointed his thumb at his chest and showed a confident smile: "Zheng Zha, do you really think you are still the strongest one in the team? The situation just now was obvious, right? 'Super-sense' is better than 'explosion'" 'Stronger skills, even the cultivation techniques that make you stronger, are all given to you by me... You can lead everyone forward, and I can do the same."

"You can unite everyone, and I can do the same thing. After all, what can unite everyone is not just belief and slogans, but also interests and victory. I just need to keep winning and keep using benefits to bring them back." , then I am a qualified leader.”

"As for the mission of the Lord God, as a wise man, I can obviously do better than you. After all, even the method of escaping Death this time was revealed to you secretly by me. Now you can put aside the influence of Death and stand on your side. Fighting with me here is my own merit... So Zheng Zha, where did you get the confidence to think that you can firmly hold victory in your hands? You obviously just came in front of me Just a challenger!"

"Now, tell me, who is the stronger side?"

"And who is more suitable to be the captain of the Central Continent Team?"

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