This endless world

Chapter 279 Strength and Will

Why do most people talk trash whether it's a one-on-one fight, a group fight, or even before the two countries go to war?

The reason is simple, trash talking is easy and costs nothing. But if it hits the mark, it can really get into the other person's mentality... just like now.

"You? Stronger?"

After listening to Yang Yun's words, Zheng Zha subconsciously felt a surge of anger in his heart. He shouted loudly: "Are you kidding me? Do you think you have defeated me?"

"But now, I am indeed the stronger one." Yang Yun shrugged: "Zheng Zha, why do you think you are standing here fighting me?"

"Is it to protect the newcomers in this horror movie and let them return to the main god space as soon as possible? Is it to protect Zhan Lan and the others, afraid that something will happen to them? Or do you want to defeat me here and ask Zhang Jie Ask him why he betrayed the Central Continent team?"

Zheng Zha was stunned, because not only were Yang Yun's words not trash talk, they actually made sense, and he directly stated Zheng Zha's reason for fighting. It was indeed for these reasons that he fought with Yang Yun...

"Wrong. If you hold such mixed beliefs, you will never be able to defeat me."

Yang Yun stretched out a finger and shook it slowly in front of Zheng Zha: "Zheng Zha, let me tell you something...those things are only available after victory, and only pure Only strong, pure power can realize the wishes in your heart and carry out the beliefs in your heart to the end."

"When you are in battle, what are you thinking about? Is it honor? Is it morality? Is it conscience? I am different from you. From the moment I step on the battlefield, there is only one thing I think about. win and surpass and become stronger.”

"Is this why you named your new self-created skill 'Super Sense'? Overload, Super Sense, and finally Transcendence..."

Zheng Zha understood what Yang Yun meant, but he did not agree with Yang Yun's words: "Is it possible that in your mind, the only thing in your mind is getting stronger and moving forward?"

"Of course, why not? In the real world, we get academic qualifications and income, but we drift away from our own lives, and eventually become desperate for the cruel reality. Do you think this is right? Admit it, Zheng Zha, this is actually the meaning of life... After all, everyone has the mentality of Mu Qiang in their heart."

Yang Yun said with a smile: "The main god space is a place where people can continue to become stronger and continue to live. If this is the case, then what's wrong with endlessly becoming stronger?"

"What are you fighting to win? Is it for the position of captain of the Zhongzhou team? No, no! It's just that I simply want to defeat you and be stronger than you!" Yang Yun suddenly yelled: "I haven't yet. You who understand this, even if you gain the power of 'explosion', how can you compete with me!"

"You fart! What's the point of becoming stronger for the sake of becoming stronger! Even if you become stronger, so what?" Zheng Zha shouted back with a louder volume. This was not only to deny Yang Yun's words , but also to convince himself.

What Yang Yun said is absolutely correct. After all, it is human nature to admire strength. People who run slowly will envy people who run fast, people who are poor at studying will envy people who study well, and thin people will envy strong people... …In life, who wouldn’t envy the strong and want to become the strong?

But Zheng Zha never agrees with this truth! Becoming stronger is to protect something, not to become stronger simply for the sake of becoming stronger!

"Of course it makes sense. When you become stronger, you will not be bound by common sense. You will be able to liberate your own essence and do things according to your inner desires without being bound by common sense."

Yang Yun assumed a posture of fighting again: "I don't want to say any more words. There is a very simple truth. You may not agree with my ideas, but when I catch up with you at an extremely fast speed, At that time, your first reaction was not to accept it happily, but to want to fight with me."

"Why do you have this reaction? Shouldn't it be a good thing for teammates to become stronger?"


Zheng Zha couldn't answer this question. Just as Yang Yun said, his first reaction was to feel unwilling to admit defeat from the bottom of his heart, and even wanted to have a fight with Yang Yun. If he is really a good captain and a qualified leader, shouldn't he be sincerely happy for Yang Yun and happy that the Zhongzhou team's strength has been enhanced again?

Why would he want to fight?

Are you envious of Yang Yun's rapid growth, jealous of Yang Yun's speed of progress, or...

Afraid of having your status challenged?

Even though Zheng Zha didn't agree with Yang Yun's ideas, he still felt ready to move deep in his heart. It was ambition and desire that wanted to flourish. Perhaps that was the dark side deep in his heart, the negative emotions he had suppressed for a long time in his experience in this main god space...

Everyone has negative emotions, and of course Zheng Zha also has them. He will be afraid, he will be angry, he will be unhappy, he will be confused, and he will also be stressed. But since the incident in the curse, Zheng Zha has been paying attention to this aspect in front of other members of the Zhongzhou team. Except for confiding some feelings to Zhan Lan and Luo Li, he is almost a reliable leader at other times.

However, negative emotions will only accumulate gradually and will not disappear suddenly. Yang Yun's words are tantamount to recalling Zheng Zha's long-standing negative emotions.

"Look, I was right."

Yang Yun was actually secretly changing the concept. After all, Zheng Zha's decision to fight him that time was actually partly due to seeing the secret meeting between him and Zhang Jie, and he also had some thoughts on understanding each other's strength.

What's wrong with partners in the same team practicing with each other, verifying their progress over time, and understanding everyone's current strength?

But thanks to Yang Yun's clever language skills, the cause of the battle was all blamed on Zheng Zha himself... In addition, even though he had gained new power, his own strength had also been greatly enhanced, but Yang Yun was How could Zheng Zha not be so upset when he was at a disadvantage?

However, Yang Yun did not stop there, but continued to use the set of jungle laws of the clone Zheng Zha to continue to export values ​​​​to Zheng Zha. He is not worried that Zheng Zha will become a black man, because as long as Zheng Zha has not experienced such cruel things, he will basically not take the path of the clone Zheng Zha, and if he does... isn't there still Luo Zha? Does Li know the truth?

So Yang Yun can talk confidently and boldly: "If you don't have power, your belief is just a piece of stinky shit, and you can't even save your own life... Think about it! If you die among the aliens, then the Alien Queen It will devour everyone in the Zhongzhou team; if you lose to Kayako, everyone present will become a resentful spirit and will never be reincarnated; if you lose to the little monk in the last team battle, you will have no ability to resist. Both Zhan Lan and Ling Dian will become the bait for that big snake!"

"If you still can't understand this problem, one day you will lose everything you cherish in the face of overwhelming power! For example, now, without power, you can only listen to my unilateral output to you. , but you can only pretend to be an ostrich!"

"I'm going to tear your stinky mouth apart now!"

Zheng Zha roared wildly and stomped on him. He didn't want to hear it anymore. Now is not the time to think about Zhang Jie, there is only one thing left in his mind...defeat Yang Yun here, and then smash his mouth!

"If you can do it, then give it a try!"

The next moment, the two people who entered the main god's space collided again.

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