This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1008 Vanguard Attack and Defense Battle

Easily taking down the vanguard, KT once again grasped the sharp knife of the early attack.

Although Sword Lady was playing with Thain in the top lane, Lin Cheng did not bring explosives and had only eaten one and a half layers of tower skin until now. On the contrary, Aphelios in the bottom lane took advantage of the opponent's initiative to switch lanes and used the white knife to eat three layers. Tapi.

After thinking about it with his teammates, Little Peanut prepared to put the vanguard in the bottom lane and take down the first-blood tower first.

Generally speaking, Little Peanut likes to help the top lane first to establish an advantage, but Sword Girl is not Qinggangying.

Sword Princess is of relatively little help in frontal battles. When Lin Cheng's own advantage is great enough, there is no need to allocate all resources to Sword Princess.

After all, even if Lin Cheng penetrates the wing, it won't work if his teammates can't hold on in a head-on battle.

The male gunman goes out and brushes down the lane, looking for an opportunity to release the vanguard.

But the big head pushed the line too hard, and Aphelios couldn't push the line through.

The male gunman tried to touch the triangle grass and release the vanguard directly. According to the health of the lower tower, the vanguard could be knocked away.

And DK seemed to have anticipated Little Peanut's plan. Canyon consciously leaned against the lower half of the area, and saw Udyr showing up next to him just as the male gun touched the blue square grass.

Senna and Datou were the first to move closer.

Pioneer cannot be let go!

Little Peanut immediately turned around and leaned towards the middle road from the river.

When Canyon noticed Xiao Hua's movement in the river vision, he immediately led Senna towards the middle road.

At this time, Victor has evolved the E skill to clear the line very quickly. When the male gun rushed to the middle, the line of soldiers was not pushed through.

Seeing Udyr and Senna approaching from the side, Little Peanut, the pioneer, was in trouble again.

If you place it too far, the line of soldiers will not pass through, and the vanguard may not be able to hit it.

But it was impossible for him to step up and release the vanguard in front of the three people on the opposite side, otherwise he would die if he was knocked unconscious by Udy.

So, Little Peanut could only turn around and lean down again.

And Udyr and Senna turned back down.

The male gun's relative path from the river was a little further away. When Peanut arrived at the bottom lane, Senna and Udyr followed.

Zeyuan: "Ouch! This feels so uncomfortable! I can't release the vanguard like Little Peanut! DK is determined not to let the male gun comfortably release the vanguard."

Remember: "This wave of DK showed a textbook canyon pioneer defense, and there is nothing we can do about it! Now that the male spear pioneer cannot scan, the river view cannot be arranged, and the movements of the little peanut are caught to death."

Wanwan: "It's really hard to release this vanguard if you don't have lane rights. Let's give it to Sword Lady! The vanguard on the top lane is the best to release. The male gunner has not been clearing the jungle for a long time in order to release the vanguard. We can't waste any more time. "

As if he heard Wanwan's suggestion, after once again being blocked in the bottom lane, Little Peanut strengthened and returned to the city and went straight to the top lane.

Although the male gunner's parkour in Zhongxia just now was a bit wandering, it also provided Lin Cheng with Udyr's location information, and the Sword Girl rubbed another layer of the tape under the pressure.

That is to say, the Thain Tower cleared the line too quickly. Lin Cheng, a warrior with poor line clearing ability, had already lifted the coffin board of the opponent's tower.

Taking advantage of Sword Lady's pressure, the male gun came up to release the vanguard.

It has been more than 11 minutes now.

The vanguard went down and knocked down the defense tower.

Udyr emerges from behind.

I have to say that Canyon is really ruthless. In these two minutes, he clearly touched the little peanut’s movements.

"Retreat! Retreat! Victor from the other side should be here too."

"Don't go, don't go! Destroy it first! Take the first blood tower first."

"I'm here too, I'm here too."

Syndra had already moved closer, but Sword Girl and the male gunman did not retreat immediately. They wanted to destroy the defense tower that had already lost its health first.

As long as the tower is broken first, KT will definitely have the advantage in the first half.


Brother Khan saw Victor appearing in the Triangle Grass, and Thain directly flashed and drove.

It is usually difficult to react to this kind of collision. Lin Cheng's aggressive tower carry only consumed two-thirds of his own health. If he was hit by Thain, he might not even be able to activate his W, and he would be defeated by Udi. Er and Victor took control and fell instantly.

However, Lin Cheng really never lost in the fight.

At the moment when Thane flashed over and his body glowed red, Swordswoman leaned down and raised Laurent's Heart Sword.

Thain's ultimate move was blocked.

"Han Wanghao smoke screen!"

Lin Cheng shouted subconsciously while releasing W. Xiaohuatana understood and threw the smoke bomb behind where Victor was stuck.

The male gun attracted the hatred of the remaining health defense tower.

Laurent's 0.75-second parry ended, and Swordswoman knocked out Thain with a sword to the face.

The ultimate move Wushuang Challenge marked four flaws on Thain's body. Lin Cheng raised his hand and struck out the top flaw with a sword, then moved sideways to stand diagonally on the flaw.

Q breaks through the air and cuts his hand.


Realizing that something was wrong, Canyon flashed in advance to stun Jian Ji, but Lin Cheng was too fast. When Udyr flashed, Jian Ji had already completed the QA double-break operation.

Jian Ji's W triggered a stun that lasted for two seconds, and Lin Cheng instantly made three flaws without giving the opponent any room to operate.

The little peanut just happened to make up for some damage, and Thain, whose health was not healthy to begin with, died suddenly on the spot, even before Senna could use her ultimate move.

The blood return formation is played.

Victor was blocked by the smoke screen of the male gun, and immediately received the news that his teammates were killed without any damage.

The male gunman relied on the blood recovery formation to continue to Tower A.

Lin Cheng stood up and destroyed the defense tower with a sword.

Seeing that something was wrong, Udyr turned around and ran away with Victor.

Lin Cheng originally wanted to pursue him again, but was dissuaded by Victor's set of skills.

Just give it up when it's good, you've already made a lot of money this time.

Zeyuan: "Ouch! It's over! DK was about to successfully defend the vanguard, but after guarding for three minutes without missing a beat, he lost the good game and lost both the man and the tower."

"Brother Orange is so cruel! Thain's flash-to-face ultimate move is really sudden. If Sword Princess is hit, this wave of KT will be very dangerous, but Brother Orange's W is stunned and he breaks Thain three times in seconds!"

Remember: "DK's defense was really good in the past three minutes, but KT is also smart enough to put the pioneers who are difficult to place here! Orange's online advantage means that it is not so easy for DK to defend the pioneers on the top lane. "

Wanwan: "DK's decision-making is actually very good! It's a pity that Brother Chengzi didn't give him a chance. This sword girl's operation is very smooth."

"Fuck! Brother Chengzi's reaction is really fast! It's like cheating."

"It's a joke! Brother Chengzi has many more operations than this limit."

"It smells like a corner!"

"Can Minao compare with Brother Chengzi in reaction? Even when cheating, he is not as good as Brother Chengzi."

"Didn't anyone notice the speed at which Sword Princess broke through the flaw? It's such a fast sword."

"It took less than a second to visually detect three flaws. It's so smooth!"

"The handicapped party said he was about to cry!"

"Brother Chengzi is very good at playing with women, and the four sisters in the top lane are each more knowledgeable than the other."

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