This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1009 The rhythm is suffocating and another solo kill occurs

The benefits brought by the first Pioneer to KT were greater than imagined. KT's on-field economy was already nearly 3,000 ahead.

Zeyuan: "KT's iconic early rhythm is back! Although DK has obviously designed their BP and early game, they still fall behind significantly in the early game."

Remember: "Indeed! We can see that DK has prepared a lot for this final, including bringing out Senna's big-headed bottom lane, as well as Thain's first-level steal and the front duo's lane change, which are obviously designed. But I can’t beat them hard! Pioneer’s defense is already good enough, but I haven’t been able to defeat the counter attack under the tower.”

Zeyuan: "It's still the same point of view. If the top lane can't withstand the pressure of Brother Chengzi, no one can beat KT. Brother Chengzi is the anchor of this team."

After a pause, Zeyuan raised his voice: "But after winning the championship for so long, isn't Riot targeting Brother Chengzi? What is Riot doing this time?"

"Then it depends on how to target it!"

Wanwan analyzed: "The current mechanism of plating and vanguard determines that Cheng Zi's super personal ability will have a huge impact on the early stage, especially since KT is good at using Cheng Zi's advantages to snowball."

"I think unless we go back to the ancient version and cancel the plating and vanguard mechanisms, it won't be considered a weakening of KT."

Generally speaking, the team that won the world championship last year will be easily targeted by Riot Games in the coming year. Especially for players like Lin Cheng who crushed all the top laners last year, it is really unreasonable not to be targeted.

But after thinking about it carefully, Lin Cheng seemed to really have no way to target him.

When people focus on the BP of strong heroes in various versions, he dares to take anything on the top lane, and he can achieve effects.

How can we target this?

Lin Cheng's personal ability is there. Just like Wan Wan said, if Riot wants to target him, it can only find ways to weaken the impact of the top lane on the game situation.

At least it would be difficult to target Lin Cheng through changes to heroes or equipment like ordinary players.

The junglers of both sides fought for a long time over the release of this vanguard, and Peanut finally took the time to come over and control the second dragon.

Sword Girl was doing whatever she wanted on the wing at this time. She had only one and a half items on her body in just 13 minutes, and she was almost one big item ahead of Thain.

Lin Cheng chose the Holy Separator for his mythical equipment. The Divine Separator was already particularly strong when it came out, not to mention that the opponent Thane was so miserable that he was forced to use a father's vest to fight the Holy Separator.

However, Brother Khan was also very stubborn. He knew that he would definitely be killed alone if he went out, so Thain huddled under the second tower and waited for the Sword Lady to push the line.

At this time, the DK duo has switched to the middle. Without the blue square middle tower, it is impossible for Sword Girl to suppress Thain in front of the second tower. Brother Khan is really holding her back.

Although wild monsters such as toads also fell into the hands of Sword Queen, at least Thain was able to stably win the line.

And Sword Girl is not Qinggangying, so Lin Cheng can put little pressure on the middle in this round.

Lin Cheng simply switched to the bottom lane and continued to lead.

DK did not dare to let Victor and Jian Ji face each other, so he could only continue to call Brother Khan to the bottom lane to be beaten.

At 16 minutes, the second vanguard became the focus of competition between the two sides.

DK grabbed the line in the middle and tried to stay on the river.

The blue side of the vanguard does not want to release it. Once it is released, it means that the middle tower will fall. After the middle tower is broken, it will be difficult to maintain the economic gap and delay it.

The blue side first stops on the upper river, and the big head fort has been set up.

But at this moment, Lin Cheng suddenly attacked in the bottom lane.

Because Thain cleared the tower's bottom line too quickly, and Lin Cheng didn't play particularly aggressively after entering the line change period, Brother Khan had the illusion that he was safe.

Another large wave of soldiers entered the tower.

Brother Han relied on his ultimate move and tried to clear the defense tower with the remaining health of the bottom lane. Lin Cheng decisively gave the ultimate move.

The other four people on the blue side were all pulling around the vanguard. Lin Cheng didn't know why the other side dared to stand under his tower.

Is this your defense tower?

This is obviously my cash machine.

Thain himself was not satisfied with his health, but after discovering that Sword Princess had been greatly weakened, Khan Zige activated his shield and used his ultimate reflexive move to run away without saying a word.


Lin Cheng decisively flashed to block the car, and W Laurent stunned Thain with his backhand.

Brother Khan was destined to be dead when he was knocked unconscious.

The sword comes out like a flying dragon.

The sword has fallen.

It broke four times in one second, and Thain, who was badly equipped, died suddenly on the spot.

Zeyuan: "What is this? There is such a big defense tower next to Thain! This is Thain! Although the equipment is a bit inferior, why was it evaporated like this?"

Wanwan: "When I saw all four DK guys showing up and trying to fight for the vanguard, Thain was actually very dangerous. Although Brother Cheng Zi played relatively conservatively before, knowing that Thain was isolated and helpless, he would definitely dare to operate. But Khan’s vigilance is still not enough.”

"And this is Brother Orange's 57th solo kill this season! It's very close to the 60 mark."

Remember: "Then the vanguard DK couldn't compete with him. DK opened up his stance and put his horses and horses in the front. Unexpectedly, Brother Cheng broke through again in the bottom lane."

In fact, it's okay that Brother Khan died this time, and it didn't have a big impact on the frontal battle situation. However, Thain handed over his ultimate move, so even if he was resurrected and rushed back, it would have no effect.

There is no other way, Pioneer can only let go.

KT easily won the second generation Pioneer.

The first tower in the middle that the blue side was holding on to was finally broken by the Pioneer at 17 minutes.

Once the middle tower is broken, KT's pressure on vision is further intensified, and DK's space for development is also greatly compressed.

The third little dragon also fell into KT's bag. Fortunately, this game is the wind dragon soul. DK can release the dragon soul if he really wants to drag it.

But the situation on DK's field is indeed becoming more and more passive.

Because all the outer towers of the blue square were destroyed, Lin Cheng was able to press deeper while his teammates pressed in to provide vision cover. Soon the second tower in the bottom lane was taken away by Jian Ji.

Of course, because of the existence of Big Tou and Victor, except for Sword Girl who can lead the tower against Thain in a single line, it is difficult for KT's other teammates to touch the tower.

After destroying the second tower, Lin Cheng continued to send troops to the bottom lane and hit the high ground. He would go back to eat a stone man and counter the red BUFF on the opposite side.

The baron has been refreshed. It is more suitable for Sword Girl to lead the bottom lane on the opposite side to draw the opponent's attention than to lead the second tower on the top lane.

At this time, Lin Cheng's divine power and the Greedy Hydra were in hand, and the third Dance of Death was about to come out, which meant he could do whatever he wanted with the equipment.

Because of Lin Cheng's involvement, KT players were equally unscrupulous in pushing the lane and plundering resources from the front.

Thain, who was the only one who could force the attack, was beaten violently by the Sword Lady. The rest of DK's team members had no stable first-hand ability at all. Even though their lineup had excellent tower defense capabilities, they could only watch the economy slowly being stretched.

The situation of DK on the court is like a spring that has been compressed to the limit, and there is a risk of collapse at any time.

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