This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1076 The Ultimate Chinese Class

In the promotional video, when KT and RNG were facing off, five tall and powerful players from MAD also joined in.

"Hey! Guys! Don't forget about us."

The three parties confronted each other, and the atmosphere became somewhat tense.

It seemed that Riot Games had done this intentionally. There was a lot of tension between the three teams that were ranked first in the group, and there was also a lot of tension between the three teams on the other side that advanced second in the group.

"I, Perkz, didn't come here to show off my crotch. We will avoid mistakes in the LCS."

"We are not here to play supporting roles in the competition. PGG will never be vague with real swords and guns."

"We at PSG Talon don't know how to lose."

In a promotional video for a competition, fists were used to create the effect of a bar fight, which really filled the atmosphere of confrontation.

After the embarrassing short skit-like promotional video, there is also a cutscene from MSI in recent years.

Faker, Uzi, Doublelift, Jackeylove, Caps, and Rekkles all appeared one after another.

Of course, none of the above people came this year.

However, this does not hinder their wonderful performance at MSI in the past, as well as the dubbing of their respective language stream commentaries.

In Uzi's cutscenes, you can even clearly hear Guan Zeyuan's voice: "Uzi is already awesome!"

Chinese stream barrages.

"Haha! Brother Li will always live in the beginning of the film."

"The sword moved! Can you actually see Uzi?"

"The glory of our ancestors!"

"Uzi will always be awesome! Dream back to S8 and win MSI!"

"I think RNG is no worse than S8 this year."

"S8 also has a jungler who has gone abroad. This year he is in the all-China class. Come on RNG!"

"The Chosen Huazi! The most perfect Chinese class! Rush to the duck!"

At the end of the title sequence, the screen finally transitioned to the Chinese commentary booth.

Today, the two Onmyojis sitting in the commentary box are Remember and Cat, and the other one is Wanwan.

Remember: "Okay! Audiences have been waiting for a long time. The 2021 League of Legends Mid-Season Championship competition stage is about to start."

"At this stage of the competition, the name smells like gunpowder. In the short video we just saw, the players also said some harsh words that didn't feel so harsh. What do you think?"

Cat: "It's so embarrassing!"

I remember I couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Hmm~~~ It's still very creative. Usually our official commentators are not very good at directly criticizing the official video like this! What do you say Wanwan?"

Wanwan thought for a while: "It's a bit awkward because Brother Chengzi talks too little. In fact, just hand the microphone to Brother Chengzi and that's it."

The barrage is very real.

"I'm crying to death! When Wanwan opens his mouth, it's Brother Chengzi."

"Low EQ: embarrassing. High EQ: creative."

"Wanwan is my true love brother. She explained that no matter whether RNG wins or loses, she will probably be charged."

"RNG fans, among other things, are really good at commentating."

"Wanwan, run away! It's okay if we don't accept this hot job."

Remember: "Today's first match has attracted a lot of attention. There has been a long-standing feud between our two divisions, LPL and LCK. Both teams played smoothly in the group stage. Who can take the lead in the head-to-head confrontation? That’s very important.”

Cat: "I think the general outside view is that KT is stronger in the mid-to-upper lane, but RNG's duo and jungler will have some advantages. I just don't know if RNG can make good use of its advantages today."

Remember: "As a fan of Brother Chengzi, do you agree with this statement? It is that RNG will have a slight advantage in the three positions of Shimonosuke."

Wanwan thought for a while: "I think it's hard to say, because Gala and Xiao Ming are not famous for playing in the LPL. Gala is very good in team play and Xiao Ming is good at looking for opportunities."

"Although Deft occasionally switches to pilot mode in the later stage of the team and it is easy to die suddenly, but this season KT often defeated the opponent in the laning. RNG must withstand the pressure of the early laning in order to take advantage of Gala's team fighting."

"As for the jungler, although Wei has a good grasp of GANK timing, in order to do things in the jungle, you must not be too passive online. Once RNG is bad online, Wei will also feel very uncomfortable."

"The influence of the single lane in this version is too great. In the final analysis, I think it still depends on how the two sides play around the top half of the game, especially the top lane! The core of the tactics of both teams is actually their respective top laners."

"If RNG can liberate Xiaohu early and put pressure on Brother Chengzi, then KT will definitely feel very sad. On the other hand, if Xiaohu is suppressed, RNG will also be very sad."

Remember: "Okay! Wanwan's analysis is quite objective. The early matchup is indeed the highlight of this game."

After a pause, he remembered to start digging: "Hmm~~~I haven't watched much KT games this season. Wanwan, who do you think may have the advantage in terms of laning?"

Wanwan didn’t think much about it: “KT is definitely much stronger in the lane! Orange and Chaowei are both very strong laners, but the bottom lane is relatively weak, but RNG’s bottom lane is not focused on lane. host."

No one expected that Wanwan directly said in the commentary box that KT was much better in the lane.

She chose the analysis method with the most comments.

After all, many viewers of the LPL are so eloquent, and there are too many viewers who support RNG.

"Explanation of Nationality Warning!"

"Much better? A comparison in the void, right? They are all top players. Who dares to say he is much better than others?"

"This explanation is too biased! It sounds like RNG is a bad guy in the lane."

"The female version of Park Tae-won, right?"

"Fart! Please call her Lin Wanwan! Wanwan is a fan of Brother Cheng! Brother Cheng is also Chinese."

"Don't explain! Even Brother Chengzi's nationality has been revoked."

"If RNG wins this, I guess RNG fans will be slapped in the face every night."

"Be confident, RNG fans will cause trouble no matter whether they win or lose."

"Have you never watched KT's game? Xiaohu can't beat Niu Bao 1V1 in the playoffs, but can he resist Brother Chengzi?"

"Actually, I think RNG may win the second half. Four guarantees and one is something that is engraved in RNG's genes."

"Gala has four guarantees and one is trustworthy, but the problem is that RNG usually has four guarantees and one tiger."

"As long as you don't have four guarantees and one EZ, it's fine."


Wanwan probably also realized that she was too sure when she said that KT was much stronger in the lane, so she quickly added: "Well~~The strength in the lane is one thing, I think we still have to wait and see the BP!"

"If we can't get targeted heroes for Xiaohu, RNG will probably suffer some losses in the early stage. Brother Cheng is really good in the lane. In most of KT's games this year, Brother Cheng almost defeated his opponents directly online."

"Either we can get a strong counter hero for Xiaohu, or Cryin and Wei must provide sufficient protection for Xiaohu. This is crucial to RNG's early rhythm."

After finishing her point of view in one breath, Wanwan couldn't help but sigh.

Come on Brother Chengzi!

I've said it to death, if you haven't fought 1V1 before, you will be whipped every night!

Huh? It doesn’t seem right to think this way!

Doesn’t this mean I want RNG to lose?

never mind! If you lose, just lose!

Anyway, I am on the side of Brother Chengzi.

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