The opening game of the competition is a direct collision between the LCK and LPL spring champions. This game can be said to be full of excitement.

During the in-depth analysis of the commentary, players from both sides were already on stage and began to debug the equipment.

As the most handsome boy in the field, the camera will naturally not let Lin Cheng go.

Seeing the camera's glare, Lin Cheng waved towards the camera generously and said in Chinese: "Come on!"

The live radio was good and Lin Cheng's words were clearly conveyed.

"Brother Chengzi is so handsome! He's almost catching up with me (tactical retreat)"

"This is my husband! You are not allowed to look at it (hum)"

Of course, Chinese streaming barrage will never lack of weirdness.

"If you don't understand, just ask, why can this Korean speak Chinese?"

"You're helping the Korean team beat the Chinese team, so you have the nerve to speak Chinese?"

"Don't tarnish Chinese culture! I suggest migrant workers in South Korea shut up."

"Okay! To expel the nationality, you also need to be banned from speaking, right?"

"Is this what happens when you go against Hua Zi? The online warriors are awesome!"

After all, it was RNG, the ultimate all-China class, playing, and with the encouragement of many Yin Yang people, the game started to break up before the barrage even started.

Finally, the players on both sides were ready and officially entered the BP session.

In this game, KT BAN first on the blue side, and RNG was on the red side.

At the beginning, KT banned the crocodile first.

Thanks to the rise of AP junglers in the current version, the probability of many AD heroes going to the mid lane has greatly increased. If KT has a variety of mid lane options, then the only AD heroes in the Guo Zi Ge hero pool that are suitable for mid lane are Crocodile.

Of course, maybe Guozige has hidden other AD mid laners, but the KT analysis team doesn't know.

The red side backhands the sword girl with a BAN.

Remember: "Knife girl! As expected, RNG has no head iron. Before the game, I was still wondering whether RNG would take the initiative to try to target Brother Chengzi's knife girl. It seems that RNG players are more stable than I thought."

"Hmm~~~After all, the pressure of a six-to-four match is not very high. It's actually no problem to let Dao Mei out for a look. I think it is a good choice to test the opponent's tactics at this stage."

Cat's analysis was very thoughtful: "If we let Dao Mei go, and RNG finds out that it can't beat them after this game, then they will ban them without saying a word if they meet again in the knockout round."

"Once it is discovered that it can solve the problem of Dao Mei, RNG will be more proactive in BP when entering the BO5 game."

Wanwan: "But after all, it is the first game of the competition. RNG definitely wants to get a good start. If Orange Brother Dao Mei comes out and gets beaten, it may have an impact on the morale of the players."

After a pause, Wan Wan added: "Also...if we really lose, the fans may also be very dissatisfied. Just like they asked why Galio was released from five games in the first place, then they should ask why they were released." Brother Chengzi has become a sister."

Wanwan's words made both Onmyojis amused, and the barrage exploded.

"Wanwan! I am Superman!"

"It's so funny! Huang Za didn't wait to rush to the commentator after the game, but the commentator started to get weird, right?"

"This wave! This wave is called the first strike."

"Say heartbreaking words in a cute tone, Wanwan is worthy of being a fan of Brother Chengzi."

"Let me tell you! If RNG dares to let Dao Girl lose, she will be knocked unconscious. Wan Wan is right."


To be honest, the current opponents of Lin Cheng's sword girl are very confused.

Since this MSI, all opponents have not seen Lin Cheng use the Blade Girl even once in a training match.

As we all know, even professional players will become handicapped if they don't use their signatures for a period of time.

Logically speaking, someone should have released Lin Cheng's sword girl a long time ago.

In particular, the red square BAN position is too tight. After such a long time, many teams are unwilling to pay for Lin Cheng's signature hero who killed everyone in the field last year.

But a person's name is like a tree's shadow.

If they really faced KT, they wouldn't dare to let it go.

This is a very contradictory place.

However, e-sports is an earth-shaking game. Just like previous FMVPs, no one is sure that Lin Cheng’s Sword Girl will still have the same dominance as before.

It’s okay if the ban position of the non-version hero is fixed in BO1, but once it enters the BO5 format, it will make the opponent’s tactical arrangement very uncomfortable.

Therefore, it is conceivable that Lin Cheng's sword girl cannot be banned forever, and there will always be people who want to try.

Seeing that Sword Girl was sent to the BAN position, KT disabled Thresh in the second hand on the blue side.

Although Thresh was only weakened in the last version, this time except for Kai'Sa and Cannon, almost all are tool ADs, and Thresh has the possibility of letting big-core ADs appear.

The red side used a backhand ban to kill Morgana. This is the jungler that Peanut used the most this time in MSI.

KT gave the third BAN position to Varus.

The barrage coaching staff began to give pointers.

"No BAN Kaisha BAN Varus? What do the KT coaching staff think?"

"One thing to say, GALA's strategic position is basically achieved in the playoffs. He is really good at winning Kai'Sa."

"Did the KT coaching staff not watch the RNG game? Jiang Zi BAN?"

"Although Thresh was Xiao Ming's unique skill in the past, in the past two years, it has been full of strange smells."

"Trivia, the last time Xiao Ming used Thresh was four months ago."

The red side RNG struggled with the third BAN position for a long time.

Interim coach Poppy still considers the players' opinions more when doing BP.

"What did Li Yuanhao say? Do you want to go to BAN and face Qinggang Ying?"

Xiaohu: "It doesn't matter. I can handle Qinggangying. There are too many choices for the top laner on the opposite side. Let's focus on the jungler."

Cryin: "Do you want to ban Rambo? Or let it go? The opponent may not grab it."

Wei: "BAN! I also played a lot of Peanut Rambo Rank."

Therefore, the red side chose to ban Rambo for the third time.

Start selecting people, and the blue side will lock the blind monk in seconds on the first floor.

Remember: "Hey! Lee Sin is finally out! In the group stage, KT's opponents never let Lee Sin off once. Brother Cheng's ranked Lee Sin in the European server is also one of the most used heroes."

Cat: "In fact, Chaowei also plays Lee Sin in RANK. It depends on who uses it. This version of Lee Sin is very strong in lane. It feels a bit wasteful to go to the jungle."

Wanwan: "It should be Brother Chengzi's blind monk. He has been practicing in the rankings and he definitely wants to play this hero. As long as Brother Cheng wants to play, there is no reason for his teammates not to let him play."

I have to say that Wanwan still knows Lin Cheng very well.

When Lin Cheng locked the Blind Monk in seconds, he turned to Little Peanut and said:

"Peanut butter, watch out! How you kicked Ming Kai over at first, I will kick over Xiaohu today."

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