This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1148 Xihong City Wild Peanut

After bumping fists with the RNG players one by one, Lin Cheng quickly came to the front of the stage and surrounded the golden championship trophy with his teammates.

In the corner of the camera, the RNG players packed up their things and left the field silently.

The golden trophy shines in the center of the stage. It has been there since the start of the knockout round, and now it has a home.

The teammates couldn't wait to touch the trophy, while Lin Cheng curiously came closer and took a closer look.

This is the only trophy missing in KT's honor room.

The golden trophy is somewhat similar to the shape of the Hercules Cup, looking thick and noble. The base of the trophy is engraved with the names of the four teams that have won the MSI championship.


After today, KT's name will also be engraved on it.

Kang Dongxun stepped onto the stage, patted the team members' shoulders excitedly, and everyone put their hands on the trophy.

"1, 2, 3."

The trophy was raised high, the lights flashed and the music pumped.

It's a pity that there is no cheering from the audience.

Lin Cheng inevitably had some regrets.

There is no way around it. Making his debut under such a special background has destined Lin Cheng's career to be unique.

The host and translator Park Ji-sun have already stood on the stage.

"Now, standing before you is the 2021 MSI Champion, KT Rolster."

The Icelandic host with a slicked-back hair and a blond comb with a hint of green started the interview speaking English with a somewhat Icelandic accent.

"Cheng! As the leader of the team, as a world champion, you led four new teammates to win the MSI championship trophy this year. I want to know what are you thinking about now?"

Without the need for Park Ji-sun to translate, Lin Cheng took the microphone and said in English: "Actually, it's a bit regretful... It's a pity that MSI was not held last year. It's really a pity that I couldn't win the MSI championship with my old teammates last year."

At this time, few of the people who stayed to watch the Chinese stream were extreme RNG fans, and the barrage environment was relatively friendly to Lin Cheng.

"I'm in tears! Brother Chengzi still remembers his old teammates."

"Kuro retired, otherwise he could have become a Grand Slam player."

"Last year's KT will definitely win the MSI championship this year. It can only be said to be a pity."

"Feike S9 seems to have said the same thing when they won the LCK championship. I regret not taking my former teammates to take off."

"It can be said that the pattern of God is different! Those precious people in S8 made Faker cry. If it were the case, I would have killed those orphans."

"Brother Chengzi's English is so fluent! It feels more authentic than the host, haha."

"Who are you looking down on from the simultaneous translator in the live broadcast room? Do you think we can't understand English?"

The collective interview process was very fast. After asking Lin Cheng how he felt, the host asked Peanut: "Peanut! It has been three years since you last stood on the final stage. How do you feel today?"

After being translated by Park Ji-suan, Little Peanut raised the microphone politely: "I'm very excited now, really! I even thought that I might not have another chance to win the championship. I want to say thank you to my teammates."

Host: "So, can you tell me the difference between standing in the MSI finals twice?"

Little Peanut thought for a while: "Difference? Well~~~Maybe the biggest difference is that I need to do less things. In this version of the jungle, I only need to do a good job in farming and resource planning, and I don't need to take on more tasks like before. Lots of risks.”

After a pause, Little Peanut continued: "I saw someone on SNS saying that I spend 90% of my time in the jungle. Only when Lin Cheng sends a signal, he will actively run to the road to support me. It's like I was raised by Lin Cheng in the jungle. A dog.”

"Brother Dong He told me the same thing three years ago. The jungler is the dog of the top laner. Excellent top laners will always be able to use the jungler."

In fact, the title of top laner's dog was first given to the jungler by Ma Datou, but Brother Khan surpassed his skill and became the first truly strongest swing top laner.

The jungler is the top laner, which once became a very hot topic in the Korean Open that year.

This year, due to the strength of KT online, the little peanut's little life in the jungle was not very comfortable, so many people joked that KT could win in the jungle without doing anything even if they tied up the dog.

Based on this statement, T1 fans bluntly said that Peanut is Lin Cheng’s dog.

Because Little Peanut rarely takes the initiative to do things, but he often runs up when Lin Cheng gives a signal. In this year's News Agency War, Little Peanut joined Lin Cheng to smash T1 on the road in a fancy way.

After T1's fans lost, they had no place to vent. Little Peanut's crazy behavior of taking care of the road was pulled out and ridiculed.

Thinking back to the fact that Xiao Peanut never treated Faker like this when he was in T1, T1 fans were naturally not very merciful.


It’s just an adopted dog!

How strong can a person kicked out by T1 be?

Peanut's statistics in the LCK this year are outstanding, not because he is great, but because a dog has a good owner.

As a former SKT outcast, Little Peanut was naturally disgusted by T1 fans after joining KT and becoming famous.

Especially in this MSI version, Morgana, who he uses the most, is also a brush jungler. T1 fans repeat this argument on the Internet all day long, and little peanuts remember it.

"A good top laner will use the jungler, so I don't actually feel offended by such comments."

Little Peanut's expression was serious: "On the contrary, I just want these people who laugh at me to see what's wrong with being a dog?"

As soon as these words came out, his teammates couldn't help laughing.

Lin Cheng also looked at Little Peanut with a strange look on his face.

Barrage explosion.


"Are you the jungler in Xihong City?"

"A classic within a classic! Little Peanut definitely watched Shen Teng's movies when he came to LPL last year."

"This proud little expression is too funny, 233333."

"Let me tell you something, being a dog for Brother Cheng is the dream of many junglers, right?"

"If I could win the championship as a dog, I would really like to bark right away."

"Little Peanut was also infected by Brother Cheng? Start working on the show's effect."

"You don't really think that little peanut is a white lotus, do you? The only one in the Tigers team is white and black."

When Little Peanut said arrogantly, ‘What’s wrong with being a dog? ’, T1 fans on the Korean network were naturally furious.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Little Peanut is trying to confuse them.

So angry!

Being a dog makes you feel superior, right?

It's a pity that they can't refute anything.

Next, the host interviewed Lin Cheng's other teammates one by one.

Chaowei is still shy and cool in front of the camera.

Mr. Dai is also a fairly well-behaved person. Occasionally he will say a few flirty words to familiar teammates, but most of the time he has a relatively quiet temper.

Effort is also not very relaxed in front of the camera.

But Kang Dongxun started to talk.

"Actually, I was very confident before the game. My players are the best."

"We have the best top laner, the strongest jungler, the strongest mid laner, and the strongest bottom lane combination."

"We KT are invincible!"

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