This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1149 Next, we have to go back to fry fish

"What we are about to announce is the 2021 League of Legends Mid-Season Championship Finals MVP winner."

"The winner of this award was selected by a joint vote of experts and media people from 13 divisions. There is no doubt that the winner is the winner."

"He is from the KT team, Cheng~~~~Congratulations!"

There were no cheers from the audience, and the teammates spontaneously created an atmosphere for Lin Cheng.



Little Peanut and the coach took the lead in clapping and cheering. The other three people were not so outgoing, but they still laughed and applauded.

The barrage is very real.

"It's so embarrassing, isn't it? Just like a few cheerful little dicks! 2333"

"Little Peanut is really fun. The former Tigers mascot has become an atmosphere group."

"There is no audience at the scene, and my teammates are the most supportive fans. I cried to death!"

"Half of this coach's salary is because he can support Brother Cheng, right? (Funny)"

"The alpaca looks so perfunctory, hahaha!"

"Mr. Dai will be in trouble later because he stepped out of the lounge with his left foot first."

Lin Cheng felt a little embarrassed after receiving the medal from the staff.

On such a big stage, with just a few teammates cheering and applauding around me, it always felt a bit awkward.

However, he could not refuse the enthusiasm of his teammates, so he could only smile and wave his MVP medal at the camera.

The medal with a black background and gold edges is in the shape of a shield. In the middle is the iconic MSI logo that has been in use since 2017. It is somewhat similar to the Summoner Crystal Hub wearing a cloak. It has three large letters of MVP engraved on it, and there are sponsors in the upper right corner. OPPO logo.

Finally, at the signal of the staff, the atmosphere team stood aside and Lin Cheng was interviewed alone.

"First of all, I want to ask player Cheng, how does it feel to get this medal? How much does it weigh?"

Lin Cheng: "Compared to the championship trophy, the weight of this medal is negligible. Compared to the victory of the entire team, this MVP is just the icing on the cake. For me, winning the championship with my teammates is the happiest thing. Whether or not you have an MVP is not that important."

Look! What is a pattern?

Lin Cheng's answer was as grand as a textbook.

Full sense of team.

Host: "Wow!! I admire your free and easy attitude, so if you want to award the MVP to your teammates, who do you think is more suitable among the other four?"

"Well~~~then give it to me!"

Lin Cheng said decisively: "After all, my performance is here. My teammates will feel guilty if they win the MVP. It's better for me to bear this guilt."

After hearing Lin Cheng's words, Park Ji-sun, the little translator who had nothing to do, secretly laughed.

Just listen to Lin Cheng's polite words and you'll be fine. Is there really a host who would take it seriously?

"As expected of you! 23333."

"Brother Cheng: Just talk about the situation. Is there anyone who really dares to compete with me for the MVP?"

"One thing to say, Brother Chengzi, the MVP, really doesn't have a chance to run, it's so C!"

"When will there be a domestic top laner like Cheng Zige? I'm really so sad."

"Outrageous! Did you really expel Brother Chengzi from his nationality? You don't really think he is a Korean top laner, do you?"

"Don't worry! Brother Chengzi will definitely come back for the Asian Games next year."

Host: "Let's talk about today's BO5. After half a year, you got the hero Irelia again, and used your own champion skin to carry the game and get five kills. Did you think in advance that your opponent would give it to you? Irelia?"

Lin Cheng: "I really haven't thought about this. Until now, I haven't figured out the reason why RNG gave me Irelia? You don't really think I have a baby, do you?"

Lin Cheng's words were simply heartbreaking. Not only did he not think through this problem, but the whole world didn't understand why RNG dared to let Dao Mei go in the first game.

Even after the first game, RNG's official Weibo was criticized by netizens. All the comments were: Why not BAN Dao Mei?

Everyone can't figure out the reason why RNG doesn't ban Sword Girl, but they all know that it will be difficult for Lin Cheng to get the chance to get Sword Girl again in the future.

Host: "You made many wonderful moves in today's game. How about telling me a moment that impressed you the most?"

Lin Cheng thought for a while: "Well~~~ We were quite chaotic in the middle of the second game. We finally calmed down after the wave of dragon pits. I think that wave of dragons is the most critical."

"After that wave, I had a very definite thought in my mind: We can win this championship."

Host: "Oh? I thought you were most satisfied with Irelia's pentakill! I didn't expect it to be Poppy's operation, but your Poppy's performance was indeed very good."

"In everyone's impression, Poppy is difficult to carry in the game, but your Poppy completely changed the situation of the battle. Can you tell me the secret of this hero's carry?"

Lin Cheng: "There's no secret. In fact, in that game I just wanted to be a bastard tank. Why did you force me to carry?"

Chinese stream barrages.

"It's started, isn't it? He's starting to talk nonsense again!"

"Why do you insist on forcing me to carry? This is too harsh."

"Brother Cheng: Everyone, stand back, I'm going to start showing off."

"If you don't mention RNG, you will talk about RNG every time. You really deserve it."

"I really didn't expect Brother Cheng Zi to take Bobby. In order to win, he would become a bastard."

"Indeed! Brother Cheng is enlightened, but it's outrageous that he can get C just by playing Poppy."

"Contrast this with someone: If I don't have carry, I won't be happy even if the team wins."

"I just want to ask, when is Coin Brother's house manager Bobi going to help Xiaotian return to the top?"

Host: "Looking back and looking at the entire MSI, KT's performance was almost flawless. Is there really no tension in your team?"

Lin Cheng: "Actually, there is. For this reason, I also specially encouraged Xiang Hao: three years ago, he stopped in the semi-finals in SKT. I told him that he must reach the finals and become the runner-up this time."

After a pause, Lin Cheng continued: "It is a pity that we lost the runner-up today. I am also sorry that I did not bring Han Wanghao the eleventh runner-up in his career."

Lin Cheng started his teammates again, and Little Peanut, who was standing on the other side of the stage, activated his death stare.

Host: "There are a lot of viewers around the world watching the live broadcast today. It's not just KT fans who are following you. Is there anything you want to say to everyone in the end?"

Lin Cheng thought for a while and picked up the phone.

"Some people say that the reason why we, KT, achieved a complete victory in the LCK is because the other teams in the LCK are too bad, not because we are strong enough."

"I would say that's probably only half true."

"The LCK team is weak, but it does not conflict with the strength of our KT team."

"Because the whole world is our fish pond."

“Next, we’re going back to LCK to fry fish!”

"I'll see you all at the World Championships at the end of the year. I'll beat you again when I come back."

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