This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1254: It’s better for a teammate to explode than for two people to explode together, right?

Junri: "What is this? Don't you even give the three wolves food? It's too much! Even if you push the lane in two directions at this time and just come here and eat a blue buff and a toad, the little peanut is starting to show off!"

Yutong: "Both the blind monk and the card have reached the second level and have a chance to support the jungle, but they don't seem to be planning to come? It is true that approaching at this time may not be able to retain people, and Rambo has upgraded to level 3. If we really fight against the three of KT It’s much more powerful.”

Junri: "In this way, Cuzz may have to be opened in the jungle alone, which is very harmful to Jiaoyue. This hero still needs to be developed in the early stage. Relatively speaking, Jiaoyue prefers the rhythm of everyone reaching level 6 peacefully. .”

The barrage is very lively.

"T1 has a breakup between top, middle and jungle? Why don't you come to help?"

"You know, I can't beat it even if I come here. It might just burst open."

"Is this little peanut? Was the early invasion so fierce?"

"Seeing Peanut act like a jungle war god in the LCK, I have confidence in the S game again."

"The regular season is like the God of War, and the S-game is like the eyesight! Little Peanut has already begun to accumulate energy and aim for this year's World Championship (funny)"

"Trivia: Little Peanut is always there when the LPL gives out results."

"It seems that the important task of interrupting KT's dominance will fall on Peanut (funny)"

"Our good friend, LPL's Lucky Star Peanut Butter, please continue to rule the LCK! Ula~~~"

"Impressions flow, in fact, the Peanuts World Championship's record against the LPL's S game was not bad, but the MSI and Asian Games were beaten in the S8 year."

"S6 defeated Kai violently, S7 smashed the incense pot, S8 and S9 found no such person, S10 went to LPL as an undercover agent to smash IG and FPX to pieces and led the old godfather to self-destruct. Is this what you call the LPL lucky star?"

"Turtle! Don't think about it too much. No one else has the legendary experience of peanut butter."

"Anyway, I have a hunch that Little Peanut has already started preparing Brother Cheng's version of the Pain Mask."

Covering Peanut, he pretended to be a wave in the jungle, leaving Rambo to fight the three wolves alone. Lin Cheng still played fiercely in the return line.

When Lucian was at level one, he suppressed the blind monk's health a lot. As long as he held down the line and didn't take Q easily, the blind monk would not pose a great threat to Lucian.

Of course, because Lin Cheng supported a wave of jungle areas, the third wave of troops was pushed a little further to the red side.

After Little Peanut finished beating the toad, he immediately moved to the top road and cooperated with Lin Cheng to catch a wave of blind monks.

Lin Cheng's E skill started to deal damage, Rambo double-teamed from the river, and Harpoon from afar slowed down to catch up and roast him.

Although the two KT brothers lacked the means to keep people alive and didn't even get a flash in this wave, the blind monk's HP was no longer able to line up, so he had to return to the city to hand over TP to make up for the line.

"Lin Cheng, take care, I'm going downstairs."

Xiaohuahua rushed to the lower half of the field non-stop, not wanting to give Jiaoyue a chance to trade for the lower half of the wild area.

In fact, after losing the wild monsters in the upper half, Cuzz had no idea of ​​invading the lower jungle. He ran down to clear the stone man Haoyue and then made a comeback to control the already refreshed River Crab, and then Cuzz moved to the top lane.

At 4 minutes, the red line of soldiers on the top lane was pushing forward, and the blind monk suddenly touched his eyes and used the E skill to start.

Lin Cheng already felt something was wrong.

At this time, the blind monk's blood volume is only about 60%, and a large wave of soldiers is stuck in front of the corner wall of the river on the blue side. Unless the opponent's Q skill hits first, under normal circumstances, the blind monk should never touch his eyes to fight against the soldiers' line to exchange blood.

You can't fight on the pushback line!

This is a very basic quality for professional players, unless the jungler comes.

Because once killed in this kind of line battle, the loss will be far more than the economy of one head.

This is why the right to enter the professional arena is so important.

As long as you can push the lane, not only can you support your teammates at will, but your opponent in the lane won't dare to attack you because he can't afford the consequences of failing to show off.

And Canna's HP was the first to come up because her own jungler was nearby, so Lin Cheng's subconscious reaction had already come out first.

At the moment when the blind monk touched his eyes, Lucian raised his hand and flicked two rounds of flat A with enthusiasm.

After finishing the blind monk's E skill, he took action with his face-to-face AQ.

Lin Cheng reacted very quickly and immediately handed E to slide to hide.

But after all, he was too close, and Cold Pursuit couldn't change his position instantly like Flash. Lucian still caught the Tianyin Wave when he started sliding.

Lucian Biubiu fired two shots, and after triggering the strong attack, the Q skill Penetrating Holy Light followed.

The bright moon had already appeared from the side, and Lin Cheng's intention to replace the blind monk was very obvious.


Canna reacted quickly and dodged to the side to avoid the damage of the penetrating holy light. The blind monk activated the second stage of Q to face Lucian.

This version of the blind monk does a lot of damage. Two stages of Q+E+flat A damage knocked out a lot of Lucian's health bar.

Of course, because Canna's own health volume is not healthy, her health volume will not look good after eating the two Holy Light Silver Bullets in Lucian's hand.

Bright Moon's Q Crescent Strike has been launched.


Lin Cheng dodged the Crescent Strike sideways and forward, then shot the blind boy with his backhand.

With this flash forward, Lin Cheng's murderous intention was extremely obvious. Even if he killed the blind monk, he would definitely not be able to escape.


Cuzz dodges decisively, rushes in with his E skill, and cuts after Lucian.

Lin Cheng ignored the bright moon and shot at the blind monk again.

After Canna's second stage of Q, he originally took drugs and wanted to retreat, but found Lucian moving forward to dodge the blind monk. Seeing that his blood was in critical condition, he could only turn around and run to the side of the grass.

Lucian went A to adjust his position, but after all, Lucian's explosion was not enough when he had no skills. When the blind monk was crippled by a shot, the bright moon's sword passively also crippled Lucian.

The half-blooded blind monk had already put half of his face into the grass on the side road.

Jiaoyue waved the weapon again.

Due to the passive increase in attack speed, Jiaoyue's next sword will definitely be faster.

There might be no chance to fire the next bullet, so Lin Cheng chose to burrow into the grass.

Jiao Yue slashed down with his sword, and Lucian drew blood.

However, because of Lin Cheng's operation of inserting wards into the bushes, Canna entered the bushes but was unable to immediately get rid of the minion's hatred.

You must know that the top lane is the front line, and there are a lot of red soldiers on the field.

At the moment before the triumph took effect, the blind monk with residual blood in the grass was shot to death by the densely packed projectiles of long-range soldiers.

Lin Cheng's insufficient damage was made up by the minions, and the ultimate was achieved, one for one.

Although it seems to be a one-for-one change, this wave is very important to Lin Cheng.

The blind monk will lose a huge wave of troops when he is resurrected without TP, and a gap in the top lane has already been formed.

Of course, Jiao Yue has two choices.

One: Eat thread with tears.

Two: Help withstand this wave of troops with your physical body.

But the second option also means that Cuzz's time will be wasted for a long time. F6, who will be refreshed immediately when Haoyue helps the line get stuck on the top lane, may be poisoned by Little Peanut again.

Moreover, when Lin Cheng is resurrected, he can also hand over T to force the lane push. In that case, Jiao Yue may not be able to get the lane by himself, and will be countered in the jungle area.

Cuzz is a person who is very aware of current affairs and decisively chose to take the line with tears on the spot.

It's better for a teammate to explode than for two people to explode together, right?

The general group is full! Friends who join the group later will wait for the time being. When the dog author makes enough money, he can start a large group of 2,000 people.

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