This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1255 T1 internal rupture incident

Yutong: "Cuzz finally went around and killed Brother Chengzi to avenge him for being robbed in the jungle just now, but he vented his anger. After Canna died, this wave of T1 was not profitable."

Junri: "Not only is there no profit, Canna is at a huge loss! Although this wave of troops is not wasted by Haoyue, how can the blind monk fight with such a big blind monk after falling behind on the top lane? It is about to split again."

"KT is great in these places. It was obvious that he finally found a chance to catch Brother Chengzi, but in the end it was found that it was his opponent who lost. Brother Chengzi's flash just now was that he had thought about it in advance and wanted to change one for one. He clearly knew that as long as he changed If you lose the blind monk, you will make money this time."

"Brother Chengzi really plays the game. Not only does he have quick reactions, but his thinking is astonishingly clear."

When Lin Cheng returned home this time, he didn't have enough gold coins to buy a noon quiver. After buying a pickaxe, he also bought a small green bottle and a control guard.

In fact, Lin Cheng didn't like to go home and buy supplies for the second wave, but after all, he happened to have extra gold coins, and it was always right to increase some error tolerance when facing the blind monk.

Seeing that Jiao Yue had no intention of helping his teammates get stuck in the lane, Lin Cheng chose to save TP and run back to the lane.

Rambo has sent a message to prepare to go to the opponent's F6.

The Faker card in the middle has been trying to compete with Sett in the lane, and he has been trying very hard to use his hand length to find opportunities to consume Sett's state. Even if Sett can push the lane, a lot of blood has been consumed.

Of course, the lower Sett's passive blood is, the faster he recovers. The longer the card seems to be, the better it is. In fact, it is difficult for a single player to suppress Sett in the early stage.

And just when Little Peanut entered the opponent's jungle area, the cards in the middle began to cut.

Peanut's Rambo hid at the intersection next to the blue square F6.

"There seems to be a chance? Let's see if we can catch Drizzt!"

"This location is too close to the tower. Diana should be nearby."

Lin Cheng, who was about to return to the line, gave his teammates a layer of assurance in time, "It's okay! I can hand over the T if necessary."

Considering that two of his teammates might face a counterattack from Haoyue if they wanted to forcefully kill the card, Lin Cheng was always ready to provide TP cover.

Just in time, the card cut out the blue card and consumed Seti's blood.


The super powerful Seti decisively activates the Q skill to accelerate and adjust one step, and directly crosses the E strong hand to crack the skull, knocking the card and the remote minion together and knocking them unconscious.

Seti punched down with two bangs, and Rambo shot out a harpoon from the side.


Faker dodged into the tower and avoided Rambo's harpoon.

The card's position was originally not far outside the tower, but after a cross-dodge, it reached the bottom of the tower.

But the little peanut is very murderous.


From the side, Rambo fired his second harpoon and directly followed up the tower with a cross-dodge, starting an arson feast.

Brother Li moved well and used the acceleration effect of the aura cloak to jump left and right under the tower to avoid Rambo's second harpoon.

But because he moved laterally and did not immediately retreat, Seti's punch from outside the tower hit the card at the maximum distance.

Rambo sprays fire in pursuit.

When the card was played, Cuzz's Moon just happened to come from the second tower and use F6. He didn't dodge and couldn't enter the field immediately. He threw a Q skill through the F6 wall and it was empty.

Finding that he couldn't cut in, Cuzz decisively continued to focus on his own F6.

The card under the tower wants to work hard to speed up and open up the position.

However, the cone-shaped coverage of the Arson Feast was still very wide. The card was not able to successfully pull away due to the acceleration of the aura cloak, and was chased by Rambo under the tower and roasted to death.

The pursuit was too deep, and Little Peanut was followed by the defense tower out of the fourth ray before pulling away.

Rambo was also killed.

But because Faker only focused on his positioning and did not cause any damage to Peanut, Rambo's death was counted as a tower kill.

Yutong: "The camera cuts to KT trying to attack the middle lane. Seti flashes and pulls! Boom... Rambo follows and dodges, wow! Rushing to the tower for a hard kill! But Peanut carrying the tower by himself is a bit... eh! It's a tower kill. !The card did no damage."

Junri: "This wave is a little helpless. The card was pulled by Seti's flash E. It would be difficult to dodge Seti's strong hand Skull Splitter without dodge at the first time. But it's a little bit that Faker didn't touch Rambo until he died. Unexpected."

Yutong: "The key is that the wall Q of Jiaoyue is empty, otherwise it should be profitable to trade for T1. After all, the opponent handed over two flashes."

The barrage is very lively.

"Is the tower killing okay? You can't fire a single shot?"

"The focus is on positioning."

"Uncle Fei's reaction is a bit rubbish! Can't you react when you see Seti opening Q, speeding up and flashing E?"

"After all, he's old! You can't hold him to Brother Chengzi's standards."

"Feike sent it again! How come everyone was caught? Heizi, speak up!"

"Little Peanut, you're going to kill me in the middle, right? It's great to kill your teammates in front of you."

"The bright moon is too outrageous! Brother Li was caught next to Cuzz and he was still playing F6."

"My teammates were caught, and they were laughing and brushing off."

"Every little peanut knows who's daddy is across the street, but Cuzz doesn't."

"Cuzz: I'm supporting this wave! If you don't believe it, watch the video. I used the Q skill."


Although Little Peanut's death this time counts as a tower kill, Cuzz also took advantage of the opportunity to pay TP first when the card was resurrected and countered a group of wild monsters from Little Peanut, finally feeling proud for once.

Go up to the lane to collect kills and eat a large wave of troops, and then use the opportunity of teammates in the middle to die first and turn in T to counter the jungle. Cuzz's development is actually pretty good.

It just feels like eating steamed buns made of human blood from teammates.

Every time a wave of bright moon comes into the account, teammates pay more price.

After replenishing the equipment once, Lin Cheng put more pressure on his opponent in the top lane. He did not hand over E to attack first, but grabbed Canna when he was stuck in the position and consumed it when he wanted to take troops.

If WA can start, try to use W first, step back and use Q to consume it, and save E skill to avoid the opponent's counterattack. The blind monk has a very uncomfortable life on the top lane.

At more than 5 minutes and 40 seconds, the powerful Seti pushed the line and disappeared in the middle, following Rambo up.

Lin Cheng pinned the top troops outside the opponent's tower, and KT communicated in the middle and jungle to prepare to cross the tower.

The card is still on the middle line. KT's middle and jungle brothers touched the blue triangle grass all the way and the blind monk had no intention of retreating.

Generally, you can tell whether the river channel is warded by looking at the reaction of the enemy on the line when teammates approach. Canna's performance directly strengthened KT's determination to jump over the tower.

"If Drizzt can't support him, just overtake him."

"Get ready to take action!"

In fact, from the perspective of this wave, there is a blue square eye position in the grass at the intersection behind the blue buff of the blue side, and I just happened to see KT's midfielder flashing across the river.

But no one knows why Canna doesn’t withdraw.

Yutong: "From the river view, I saw Chaowei walking up the road, and at the same time, I also saw the movement of Little Peanut. Cuzz was standing guard next to him... The opponent hasn't come out yet! Brother, we have to withdraw! The enemy has entered the jungle. ”

Junri: "But Canna doesn't seem to have any intention of retreating? The opponent should have realized that the winger was about to be caught after they got into the jungle for four or five seconds before coming out! Is there no communication?"

"Hey! I'm going to die if I don't leave! Didn't anyone send a signal to Canna? Cuzz is standing in the middle, so the Passengers Bureau won't miss a signal, right?"

"Is there really an internal conflict?"

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