This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1467 Not giving it to Sword Girl? I'll kill you!

Although Wanwan thinks she has tried her best to speak for FPX from the perspective of LPL commentary, Little Phoenix fans feel uncomfortable listening to her words.

"You are obviously the knife girl who looks down on Brother Coin"

"Why should the tank knife girl be inferior to others?" Brother Coin’s Sword Girl Summer Season isn’t C enough? 》

"Brother Coin believes in his teammates, so he will show off when he can C"

"I'll leave it at that, Doinb is in this year's No. 1 Middle School, and he will slap everyone who looks down on him in the face."

"I doubt that Doinb is acting live, but his knife girl is really C during the competition"

"Release the sword girl for me!" Look how my coin brother slaps you in the face"

"If this is Coin Brother C, the commentator is waiting to be liquidated!" 》

Just when the Chinese stream was explaining the strategy, the red side hesitated for a long time and gave the third BAN position to Dao Mei.

The grumpy little Phoenix fan felt a pang of regret.

It's a pity that the knife girl was not released, otherwise we will see how Coin Brother will slap the faces of you black men!

Zeyuan: "There is no problem in banning Sword Girl! This hero really cannot be released. Brother Chengzi dared to ignore the version and choose Sword Girl to kill randomly when Sword Girl was not reworked. According to Brother Chengzi's status in the team, he will be released this time. KT will definitely grab it too."

Wan Wan Mingming just said that Dao Mei can't be released. Now that FPX really doesn't let Dao Mei go, her tone is a bit regretful.

"Ah~~~ I really didn't let the knife girl go. In fact, I still want to see the knife girl appear, whether it is used by Brother Orange or Brother Coin."

The audience couldn't stand it now.

Obviously, Wanwan watched Lin Cheng use the sword girl because he wanted to see the sword girl kill violently.

So when she saw Doinb using the sword girl, she probably wanted to see Doinb's tank sword girl being executed.

Xiao Heizi, don’t pretend anymore, right?

Reveal your identity as a black monkey.

I remember discovering the horror of this version of KT: "Now that I think about it, after the priority of Luna's version is raised, the BP pressure KT puts on the opponent is really too much."

"You don't dare to release Qinggangying, Brother Chengzi's absolute signature sword girl. Then heroes with the same high priority such as Luna and the Blind Sin will always be released, right? It's really difficult for the opponent's BP to do well."

Seeing that the opponent's third ban was given to Dao Mei, KT did not hesitate.

The blue side grabbed Lucian.

The red side FPX decisively locked the prince on the first floor.

Zeyuan: "Yes! FPX's Prince is my personal favorite, because this version of Prince is not only strong, but also represents a team-fighting system that FPX likes. The compatibility of this hero is very compatible with Xiaotian."

Before he finished speaking, Xiaotian showed Nami on the second floor.

"Hey! Nami? Are you trying to tear down Luna? No way!"

Zeyuan raised his voice: "Why are you pairing Nami with her? This version of Nami can play because of Lucian, otherwise there is no point in bringing it out alone."

Remember: "I still think it's too much pressure to play Luna together, right? But it's true that using it to replace BAN is a bit like killing an enemy by a thousand and doing a loss of eight hundred."

Wanwan: "It's not just a loss of 800, right? Brother Chengzi can defeat Lucian. Although this version of Lucian is not that strong, he is Brother Chengzi after all."

"If KT moves Lucian to the top lane, FPX will be very stupid if they pick Nami."

In the camera, Xiaotian smiled brightly.

On the other side, KT players smiled even brighter.

You have the ability to choose!

Let’s see if you can still laugh later.

FPX seemed to be really thinking about the possibility of demolishing Luna this time, but when the time was about to end, the red square was replaced with Kai'Sa's lock on the second floor.

Keep a steady hand!

If Nami's self-destructive BP is defeated, the coach will be scolded.

Although Steak's BP is sprayed every day, it doesn't mean he likes being sprayed.

The blue side backhand locked Nami first on the second floor, forming the most supermodel duo in the bottom lane.

LeBlanc was presented on the third floor of Chaowei.

Zeyuan: "Oh, that's bad! KT's reaction is so fast! When he saw the prince, he immediately came to attack Enchantress. These C's are very flexible."

Remember: "I feel a bit tricked. FPX saw Lucian confidently choosing the prince. As a result, the double C on the opposite side was all displaced. It was not easy for Xiaotian to restrict Lucian and Enchantress in the subsequent battle."

Wanwan: "Actually, Lucian is okay. He also has displacement, but Lucian and EZ have different playing styles. Luna's combination needs Lucian to find opportunities first. The prince can watch Lucian and hand over E before going up."

"Outrageous!" I don’t even know what the use of the prince is with the double C’s on the other side”

"The first choice of a prince is so abstract, you really like this hero, right?" 》

"Right!" Look who the FPX coach is, everything will be explained.》

"Four guarantees and one EZ are not worthy of steak and shoes, what happened to the first choice of prince?" 》

"What Zeyuan just said: I like FPX's Prince Hand very much!" 》

"Colonel, please take away your magical powers (cover your face)"

"Don't rush to complain, Wanwan's understanding is right, it's hard for Lucian not to be embarrassed when he has Nami"

"It will be over when Mr. Dai gives you a chance"

Seeing the opponent's first three confirmations, the red side locked Titan and Kai'Sa to form a classic partnership on the third floor.

Although this version of Luna is a super model, Kai'Sa + Titan can find opportunities to fight hard before level 3, and Titan has a strong ability to cooperate with Prince's early gank.

Second round of BAN people.

The red team targets the jungler BAN Men Dao and Xin Zhao, trying to weaken KT's midfield confrontation intensity.

The last two BAN slots on the blue side were given to Ryze and Kennen.

The second round of selection begins.

Jess was revealed on the fourth floor of the red square.

Zeyuan: "Show your sword! Niu Bao! Although I didn't beat you in the LCK last year, I have changed the team this year and I am still full of desire to attack. This hand Jace is going to have the advantage."

Remember: "The board is ready, FPX's fifth move feels like Galio will be out."

Seeing Jace, the blue square locked Olaf first.

Zeyuan: "KT's Olaf feels bad. The first four hands lack stable control. Do we need to add a character like Ornn to Orange?"

Wanwan: "The male gun is okay too. If you choose the male gun, just pull and backhand. Lucian and Enchantress are very capable of finding opportunities to press the blood line in the mid-term with the male gun. Once FPX has a health advantage, it is not easy to shoot casually."

The KT team is also discussing the final option.

"What did Lin Cheng say? Just Graves?"

"Forget it! No Graves."

Lin Cheng rubbed his chest, "Give me Nocturne! I'll kill them!"

Kang Dongxun thought for a while, "That's okay! The opponent will probably add Leo in the end, and it's okay to use Nocturne."

In fact, the male gun and the nightmare represent two styles of play. The male gun mainly uses long-hand poke to pull the blood pressure line to establish an advantage, while the nightmare gives KT's lineup a more stable first hand and backhand ability.

Lin Cheng wanted to talk about it and decided decisively that it was a nightmare.

Not to Dao Mei? I'll kill you!

The blue side finally locked the nightmare.

Wanwan: "Nocturne! This hero has been forgotten a bit by us, because Nightmare's battery life was cut before and no players can use him to go solo anymore. Brother Chengzi is so confident!"

Remember: "The last hand, Coin Brother, was a bit difficult to take Galio. Nightmare was very restrained from Galio entering the field."

Zeyuan: "Let's see if Doinb wants to take it? But if he doesn't take Galio, this first-choice prince will be very embarrassed, and Doinb's Galio has a lot of experience in fighting the Enchantress in the lane."

"He was able to suppress some young LeBlanc before. He was able to gain an advantage against Shanks and so on. He was also able to hold his own against Fofo."

As soon as he finished speaking, the red square locked Galio on the fifth floor.

Zeyuan: "It's confirmed! I still believe in myself. FPX's lineup is very confident! Just play the style you are most familiar with and show your style!"

The barrage is very lively.

"The coin brother Galio is here, let me kill him!" 》

"Hot Knowledge: This year, coin brother Nagario never lost against the enchantress"

"Outrageous!" Don’t look at who is playing this year? Compare Shanks to Super Power? 》

"Doinb: Let's be real first, I am the world's best Galio"

"My Galio Conte, because I am the best Galio in the world"

"When I heard about the senior colonel's performance, I knew that Little Phoenix had sent it! 》

"I think this lineup is okay. It's our LPL fighting style."

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue square KT:

Top lane: Cheng (Eternal Nightmare, Nocturne)

Jungler: Peanut (Berserker, Olaf)

Mid lane: Chovy (Trickster, LeBlanc)

Bottom lane: Deft (Lance Ranger, Lucian)

Support: Effort (Tide Summoner, Nami)

Red square FPX:

Top lane: Nuguri (Future Guardian, Jace)

Jungler: Tian (Prince of Demacia, Jarvan IV)

Middle: Doinb (Colossus of Justice, Galio)

Bottom lane: Lwx (Daughter of the Void, Kai’Sa)

Support: Crisp (Abyssal Titan, Nautilus)

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