This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1468 Xiaotian: Go shopping

After finishing the BP, Kang Dongxun patted Lin Cheng on the shoulder.

"OK! Everyone, relax and play normally!"

Lin Cheng put his index and middle fingers together, tapped his temple and waved forward, turned around and said with a smile: "Leave it to us, coach, go to the lounge and take a nap. When you wake up, you will have won another big victory."

Little Peanut agreed, "Indeed! Do you still need to watch our KT game? Coach, go and wait for the good news."

The camera captured this scene. Although I don't know what they said, Lin Cheng's confident and sunny smile still infected many viewers.

On the other side, FPX is also very confident.

Regardless of the heroes alone, the opponent seems to be very restrained in their lineup, but the overall composition of KT looks a bit unconventional. On the contrary, the FPX lineup is the most familiar rush formation in the LPL.

There are many examples of heroes who look beautiful but are ruined when paired together.

I won this wave of BP!

This is the real idea of ​​steak.

Mr. Steak, who claims to be the better BP, stood in front of the stage with confident steps, and greeted Kang Dongxun across from each other.

Probably because his belly was too big, he couldn't bend down, so he could only stick out his butt and lower his neck slightly to eat the steak.

Before this year's World Championships, Steak had a wave of hair-dyeing ambitions. The fiery red hair on his big head was like a torch. After Lin Cheng finished adjusting the runes, he stretched his neck and looked at it again and again.

To be honest, such a festive color didn't match the image of a chubby steak. Lin Cheng didn't know what was wrong with his aesthetic sense to create such a coquettish look.

Aren't you afraid that your old age will be unknown?

In fact, the memories of LPL viewers who dyed their hair before the World Championships are not very good. Other colors are fine. Rookie also dyed his hair red during the World Championships in S5, and then made it to the top 16.

"KT won the coaching image this time, the steak is too messy"

"He is smiling all over his face. Does he really think that he is a good BP?" 》

"Look more at Steak's BP, and you will find that his knowledge is definitely ten versions ahead"

"Do any brothers watch Huya 2?" Just now the director was criticizing Qiqi's sexy silk pat"

"You are paralyzed!" I didn’t notify you until the game started. Is it intentional to disgust the brothers? 》

"forget it! It’s not interesting, Channel 2 is just doing side work”

"really! I just watched it for ten minutes, and the director filmed the legs for a total of eight minutes. I was bored and ran back."

"So tough? Brother, you're done in just ten minutes? 》

"I suggest you tell Orange Brother that Huya 2 is in good health. He likes black stockings and beautiful legs. Disturb his mind before the game to help Little Phoenix."

"This Wave of Tiger Teeth in the Atmosphere (Dog Head)"

Zeyuan: "Coach is out! Come on! This is the first head-to-head encounter between LPL and LCK this year. We look forward to FPX bringing us surprises."

Remember: "Actually, if you look carefully at KT's lineup, it's a bit hard. Once they are at a disadvantage in the early stage, they can easily be rolled to death. As long as the advantage of FPX's lineup is obvious, they will attack randomly."

Wanwan: "Well~~~This early matchup in the middle is very critical. We all know that the main rhythm point of FPX is the middle and jungle. It depends on whether Doinb can move in the middle."

Zeyuan: "It's worth saying. The difference between Doinb and other players is that he believes that Galio can have an advantage when facing the Enchantress. Once he gets the line right in the middle, he can completely return to the S9 set of four packs of two. , just go get your opponent’s Luna.”

"Coupled with the enhancements of this version of Wolf Head, Coin Brother has a lot of room to play."

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng’s Nightmare chose the main series of precision: Conqueror, Calmness, Joy, and Critical Strike, and the secondary series of enlightenment: sudden impact, ultimate hunter.

The single-lane Nightmare was actually quite popular around the time of MSI. It was almost on par with the single-lane Lee Sin at that time, and it was also very easy to beat heroes like Jayce.

However, after the summer version, Nightmare's passive was cut in half, and its damage and recovery to minions were cut in half. Nightmare's online endurance was greatly reduced, so single-lane players gave up on Nightmare.

So everyone has a wait-and-see attitude towards Lin Cheng's nightmare.

I know you have strong operation skills, but Nightmare is a hero whose operation limit is not top-notch. You can't play well, can you?

"Lin Cheng, you have developed early in this game. I want to protect Luna. The prince on the other side may capture her."

"Don't worry, don't worry about me, I promise not to die."

"Zhixun tried his best to hold down Galio and not let him put pressure on the sideline."

"no problem."

Entering the game, both sides have no extra thoughts at the first level, and each has a good vision and a peaceful start.

Alignment officially begins.

The Nightmare is very strong at level 1. Lin Cheng hid in the middle grass in advance and led his troops to Q together, and then went out to act aggressively.

Niu Bao is also very experienced. When Jess went up to the bottom of the river, he first switched to the hammer form to add double resistance. When the nightmare came out of the grass and pressed forward, Jess switched back to the cannon form and accelerated his retreat to prepare for the pull.

Lin Cheng did not pursue him forcefully.

A master will not give you position, and it is impossible to fight with a low-end nightmare like a low-end game. If you continue to push your opponent, you will definitely suffer from short hands.

So seeing Jace retreating, Lin Cheng took two steps and immediately turned around.

Just as Jace turned back to the air, Nightmare passively hit the minions, and at the same time lowered the health of the six minions.

Lin Cheng's purpose was very clear, which was to try not to let Jess gain an obvious line advantage in the first few levels.

Once Jace the Conqueror has clear lane control, everyone will be suppressed, even though some of Jace's basic attributes have been weakened in this version.

As long as you don't get suppressed in the first few levels, once the Nightmare reaches the sixth level, you won't dare to suppress it anymore.

Lin Cheng's positioning kept lowering the state of the army line, but Niu Bao was obviously more obsessed with suppression and took the opportunity to steal two points from Nightmare.

But Lin Cheng is very good at pulling, and Niu Bao doesn't dare to go too far once the line of soldiers is stretched. Jace still can't take damage from small soldiers at this time.

After the second wave of minions arrived, the Nightmare successfully grabbed second place. Lin Cheng, except for a slightly more aggressive stance, still focused on clearing the line.

Lin Cheng's laning thinking is very clear, and he doesn't have too many thoughts about Jace. Unless the opponent has a problem with his thinking, it will be difficult for a hero like Nightmare to kill Jace in the early stage without ignition.

In the absence of line kills, the short-handed Nightmare's attempt to suppress Jace's development is obviously a bit over the top, because this hero cannot control the line at all and is not as strong in finding opportunities as Qinggang Shadow in the early stage.

Although Lin Cheng claims to be invincible, he is not so outrageous that he does not treat his opponents as human beings.

Therefore, Lin Cheng's early goal is still to develop, and the current formation of the army is very beneficial to him.

The other two groups on both sides are also fighting for the line.

The Titans forcefully hooked Nami in the bottom lane, and relied on the strong first-level FPX duo to seize the bottom lane right.

Before the third wave of soldiers arrived in the middle, Galio was already pressed in front of the tower by the Enchantress.

In this round of Chaowei, the Enchantress rune was chosen as Conqueror. When you use the long sword, you can directly enjoy the bonus of cutting down. Compared with the Enchantress with normal runes, it is obviously easier to hold down Galio with Chaowei. .

I heard you have a magic shield? How can you block me when I'm flat with A and hurt you?

In fact, it is not difficult to understand. Previously, Fofo and the Enchantress with Dolan Sword + Cluster Blade were used to fight Kassadin, all because AD type damage was more suppressive against Galio and Kassadin.

Zeyuan: "Both sides are fierce when it comes to fighting for the lane. We all know what lane power means in the early stage. If KT has too much lane power, the prince jungle will face the threat of Olaf. Conversely, if FPX has too much lane power, Xiaotian will do something. Chance."

Wanwan: "There is a new understanding of the powerful Enchantress in this game. The Conqueror Enchantress comes out with the long sword. From the runes to the equipment, it is very targeted at Doinb."

Remember: "This kind of rune seems to be a bit lose-lose? After the laning stage, the Enchantress is basically equivalent to missing several runes. Most of the precision-type runes Enchantress are useless."

Wanwan: "But just holding down Galio is enough. Chaowei's mission in the early stages of this game is to hold down Galio and prevent Doinb from putting pressure on the sideline. Galio, a hero who can't roam, is just a pure asshole. "

Although the passive was reduced, Nightmare's line clearing speed is still not slow, and Lin Cheng's Corruption Potion is not very short of mana in the early stage.

Lin Cheng didn't give up the right to qualify by pulling, and Lin Cheng had the opportunity to take a closer look. He went to the red square triangle and put down the jewelry eye just in time to see the prince's movements at the beginning of three minutes.

Lin Cheng pretended to be cautious but didn't know if there was anyone around him.

Seeing that Nightmare's blood volume was still very healthy, Xiaotian did not force his head to expose his position.

After the prince defeated the river crab, he headed back down and leaned towards the middle to see if the Enchantress would hand over W to consume Galio.

But the position where the prince came was just caught by Little Peanut's jewelry eye, which he had put down after beating the river crabs in the previous wave.

Zeyuan: "Oh! Xiaotian's movements have always been watched by KT. The threat of a prince being caught is very small. Look at this enchantress! Knowing that your prince is nearby, he still pinned Galio under the tower. .”

"Anyway, if I don't hand over W first, there's nothing I can do if I just go up and hit you Galio."

Wanwan: "The effect of Super Power's Conqueror Long Sword Enchantress has come out. In the past, Doinb's Galio line rights may have started and disappeared at level 3 or 4, but this round it really can't be moved."

"In the past, Liu Qingsong would lean to the middle in this situation, freeing Doinb first and then letting the midfielder set the pace."

"But now Luna has pushed back the army line. FPX doesn't know where Olaf is and the Titans don't dare to move. Kai'Sa can't even take the line if she forces roaming."

"Xiaotian doesn't know what's going on. He doesn't change the scan. He keeps walking around in people's eyes without even knowing it."

"I came over to see if F6 was gone, and then the prince circled the jungle area and leaned down... But the opponent's triangle grass also has eyes!"

"The opponent duo retreated, and the prince couldn't find the opportunity to go shopping!"

"Don't squat here! The troops can't push in. Why do you still want to jump over the tower?"

"Prince Xiaotian is so good at shopping!"

Today’s almost 6,000 words, stop scolding me

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