This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 2279 Do you like to let the sword girl go?

Amid the cheers of the audience, the game was loaded.

The first thing Lin Cheng did was to go to the upper river to dance, showing off his white silk champion skin crazily.

The crystal-clear white hair is flying, white battle armor, white boots, long white silk legs, and fluorescent white blades flying around.

The ultimate white, so beautiful that it’s a bit out of this world.

Brother Breathing ran out from the Triangle Grass and gave a thumbs up. He did not lead anyone to ambush Lin Cheng, but stood by to watch.

He also typed on the public screen: Nice! pi fu hao kan

Lin Cheng responded with a frustrated Giggs expression.

Is my champion skin envious?

Too bad you didn't.

Although the public screen text could not be seen, the interaction between the two still amused the audience.

At this moment, Xiao Tong and Han Shuyan, who were far away in Seoul, had turned on the TV to watch the game.

It was still dark outside, and she was still a little confused after just waking up. Xiao Tong leaned on the sofa and rubbed her eyes.

Han Shuyan smiled and scratched her waist, "Look! Irelia! Little Tong's white silk champion skin! Cheng seems to be more partial to our little Tong, and he doesn't even use his sister's skin."

"No way!"

Xiao Tong was shy and buried her head in Han Shuyan's arms, "Obviously he likes Sister Shuyan the most, so don't laugh at me."

"Okay, okay! As long as my sister doesn't laugh at you."

Han Shuyan rubbed her head and looked at her fondly.

Xiao Tong curled up into a ball, lay down with her head on Sister Shuyan's legs, and looked at the screen lazily.

After this trouble, I became much more awake.

Looking at the heroic white figure on the screen, Miss Xiao's eyes were bright.

"Sister Shuyan."


"Your legs feel so comfortable. No wonder Lin Cheng is so addicted."

"What is addiction? No nonsense."

Xiao Tong chuckled and leaned into her ear, "You're not talking nonsense. That guy was obsessed with your beautiful legs in black stockings when he bullied Sister Shuyan last time."

Suddenly, Han Shuyan blushed.

"Damn it! I told you to talk nonsense."

"Don't tickle me, it's annoying! Ugh~~~I'm going to file a complaint against Lin Cheng!"

Han Shuyan couldn't help laughing, "Hey! Why are you complaining to him?"

"The older wife is bullying the younger wife!"

"Ah! My sister beat you. When did you learn his tricks?"

"Ha ha!"

Lin Cheng had no idea that his two wives were watching the game. He showed off his expression in amusement for a long time before returning to the game with satisfaction and getting ready to go online.

Before the match started, the director focused the camera on Pig Girl.

Brother Cuzz was stuck in time and went around to RNG's upper jungle area.

At this moment, Xiaohu was still trying to ward F6 on the blue side. RNG did not expect that Zhumei would appear in the upper half of their jungle.

"Ouch! Pig girl came here to steal the fame at the first level, what a thief!"

Miller: "RNG didn't leave any defensive vision, and Serena didn't realize it at all. This is uncomfortable!"

Wanwan: "Both sides knew that the center of the game in this game was on the top lane. Cuzz guessed that Foyego might start with blue, and very decisively opened with red from the RNG jungle at level one."

"I just bet that Foego doesn't know where I am, and Cuzz actually won the bet!"

Seeing that Pig Girl's act of stealing fame was not discovered and there would be no collision in the jungle, the director moved the camera to the top lane.

The top laners of both sides have followed the minions online.

Brother Breathing stood in the middle of the army line, and Sister Dao did not approach rashly.

At this time, the initiative is in the hands of Sword Demon. Even if the Q skill is not counted, the passive attack range of Sword Demon is longer than that of Sword Demon, and the current line of soldiers of Sword Demon is not easy to pull.

Due to his positional advantage, Brother Breathing did not choose to touch the line of troops first.

The Sword Demon cannot push the lane when attacking the Sword Girl, otherwise the threat to the Sword Girl's second level will increase sharply if the army line is slightly past the Sword Girl. Most heroes on the top lane are afraid of being caught by the Sword Girl and chase them all in one wave.

When the blood volume of the front row soldiers was about to bottom out, Lin Cheng's sword sister finally pressed forward and approached the soldiers.

Brother Breath raises his hand and uses Q to consume.

Lin Cheng deftly moved left and right to avoid the tip of the sword, then turned around and continued to press in.

Sword Demon's Q has already hit the front row of soldiers. He stabbed the melee soldier with the lowest HP to death with his backhand, and Breathing Brother followed the trend with his Q to make up for the remaining two minions.

The sword girl who happened to be pressing forward turned around and dodged the sword demon's second sword blade.


There was a flash of white light and shadow, and the sword girl launched a sharp blade attack.

Q killed the soldier farthest from the sword demon. Lin Cheng turned around and slashed at the sword demon to trigger the bone plating.

Without the passive blessing, Sword Demon's hand was shorter than that of Sword Girl. Brother Breathing subconsciously took half a step forward to exchange for a flat A.


The moment the sword demon raised his hand, white light and shadow flashed on the spot.

Using the remaining health of the minion next to her to use Q to reset the basic attack, Dao Mei's blades struck out again.

Although this basic attack was blocked by the skeleton, a lot of damage was taken, but the stacking of Conqueror layers was real.

After finishing A, Sword Demon chose to turn around and retreat.


The last soldier with residual blood was very close. After a moment of white light and shadow flickering, the sword girl waved the blade again.

Just when Dao Mei wanted A to go out, she suddenly twitched.

With a small adjustment, Dao Mei made another forward swing to attack, and still managed to get out before the sword demon could get out of position.

The bones on the opponent's body disappeared, and the sword girl hit the target with the full amount of damage.

This is not over yet, Lin Cheng's sword girl continues to maintain her position against the concentrated fire pressure of three long-range soldiers.

Sword Demon's only deterrent now is the triple Q in his hand, and Brother Breathing can only retreat.


White light and shadow flashed, and the knife girl rushed into her face.

Brother Breath presses Q frantically.

Unfortunately, at the moment when Dao Mei rushed forward, the Q skill icon on Brother Breathing's screen dimmed.

Just entering cooling time.

The swordswoman's face was full of passiveness, and she used two backhand swords from a low position.


The conquerors are stacked up, and the sword girl enters her strongest posture.

The sword demon dared not fight back after striking back, and could only run away with his head in his arms.

Fortunately, Brother Breath just held the three-stage Q and retreated resolutely. When he saw the position was deep and the second wave of soldiers arrived, Lin Cheng retreated as soon as he was good.

Even so, the sword demon has already lost nearly half of its health.

“So silky!”

"That's the taste! Brother Chengzi's knife-girl tugging is really unique."

"The idea of ​​breathing is fine, but Brother Chengzi's distance is too stuck. Sword Demon was taken a step closer by Dao Sister to exchange for flat A, which is the root of this wave of manipulation."

"This step gives Brother Chengzi room to operate."

"The sword demon just slashed once, and the sword girl slashed him three times back. Brother Chengzi even pressed S in detail until the last skeleton effect of the sword demon disappeared."

Wanwan was the first anchor to study Lin Cheng's knife girl. She even knew the details and habits of his operations, and her analysis was very clear.

Miller: "Something's wrong! How can Sword Girl put so much pressure on her at level one? Sword Demon is already half-healthy when he comes up."

Shinichi: "Actually, the Level 1 Sword Demon has an advantage. This wave just got pulled. The details of Sword Girl are really good."

Miller took a deep breath: "As expected of a man with the skin of two sword girls! Brother Chengzi's sword girl doesn't seem to feel raw at all after such a long time."

"This is the best knife girl in the world!"

Wanwan tried hard to keep her tone from rising, but she still couldn't help but prolong her tone in a somewhat arrogant tone: "You like to play knife girl? You're sweating, aren't you?"

"Ha ha! Wan Zi’s face! 》

"After pretending for a few minutes, you still can't help it, right?" 》

"Let me tell you, this knife girl's little tug is really pleasing to the eye."

"Isn't Breath Brother Sword Demon Green?" Why is he being passively chased by A at Level 1 by Dao Mei? 》

"Dian!" Professional Sword Demon Green》

"I watched Brother Breath live broadcast and beat A Bin Dao Mei in the same way. Why is the effect completely different? 》

"We just lost the game, it doesn't matter who comes to beat Brother Orange"

"Fighting Brother Chengzi, the more you dare to gamble, the more you will be beaten like bronze" (End of this chapter)

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