This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 2280 EDG takes full responsibility

At this moment, Breath Brother, who was beaten to the back and gave up the right to qualify, had a solemn face.

Depend on!


Under normal circumstances, his Sword Demon shouldn't have suffered such a loss when he used A and Sword Girl to hold three stages of Q to retreat, even if the passive force has been used up.

But Lin Cheng's Q was too particular about the position of the first soldier to kill. Brother Breathing subconsciously already clicked A on the floor in advance to pass. When the distance was not enough, the sword demon took a step forward.

At this step, the sword demon got closer to his two remaining health soldiers, which prevented him from pulling away immediately.

As for Sword Girl, her hands were already longer. When Lin Cheng had the advantage of raising his hand, he used his Q skill to reset his basic attack and hit Sword Demon three times in a row.

The follow-up Sword Demon card Q just entered the CD and was caught by the opponent again. The Sword Girl was full of passives and the strongest posture of the conqueror. She caught the Sword Demon who had no passive and no skills and naturally beat him casually.

If he wasn't playing a game, Breath Brother would have suspected that the other person was peeking at the screen.

Otherwise, why would he get angry when I hit CD?

The Sword Demon on the top lane was sweating profusely at the first level, while Cuzz Pig Girl immediately moved to the top lane after stealing the red BUFF and F6.

"Push down the lane and help me look at the jungle. Don't let Foego steal my jungle."

Cuzz has a clear mind, and while preparing to catch, he does not forget to coordinate with the duo.

Anyway, Ashe + Big Head have obvious early line power. Even if he goes up to show his presence, he is not afraid of Foego going wild.

In fact, the position of the second wave of troops was not significantly pushed forward. After driving away the sword demon, Lin Cheng went back to finish the attack safely and remained passive. Brother Breathing was smelling the experience behind him, and suddenly he found that Pig Girl came around from behind him.

The stuck position was swung with the pig whip to slow down, and Pig Girl Q came up.


Brother Breathing moved backwards to dodge the pig's head.

The knife girl was in a difficult position, so Cuzz managed to dodge and left with satisfaction.

"Ouch! It's even more uncomfortable for Pig Girl to face Sword Demon this time."

"Nowadays, few people can catch two groups of junglers. KT just wants to make Brother Chengzi feel comfortable in the lane."

"The key is that after Foego finished killing the three groups of junglers at the bottom, he saw Pig Girl showing up in the upper half of the area. Now it was too late to go to the lower half of the area to fight against the jungle."

"And look at the map! After pushing the line, go to the intersection of your own jungle and look around. Silas is also looking at his own jungle. KT's synergy is so good."

When he came up and found that all the red and six birds had been stolen, Xiao Wei hesitated a little.

He also knew that he could only go shopping down there.

Since there is no wild brush, we can only arrest people!

Foyego went straight on the road decisively.

"Hey! Serena acted counter-psychologically. The pig girl just left Foyego and leaned on her, looking for an opportunity."

"Being forced to do nothing! In addition to a group of stone men to kill, Foego can only capture people."

"It's a bit difficult to catch Dao Girl to death, but at least you have to force Shen out, right?"

The third wave of artillery lines was stuck at the corner wall of the red square river channel, and Foego drove directly over the vast scorched earth.

Seeing the white mist hanging by the wall, Lin Cheng, who had just made up for the upgrade of the melee soldiers by three, did not retreat. He pressed forward and used the long-range soldiers to create opportunities for himself.

Brother Breathing finally saw the opportunity and hit the flying knife girl with Q in the first stage, then stepped up and Q in the second stage to shoot one after another.

Lin Cheng lowered the health of the minion and did not use Q to avoid the sword edge, so he was knocked away again.

Sword Girl's Duolan Sword outfit has poor recovery, and she has lost nearly half of her health even though she didn't use the blood bottle.


Xiaowei was originally accumulating W in the vast scorched earth, but found that the two-stage Q sword edge of Sword Demon was very effective. Foyego decisively dodges W to bypass the minions and directly take the sword girl.

The blades flying around the sword girl suddenly gathered together and entered a defensive posture.


Foego WAQA directly stacked the Conqueror.

Sword Demon's third QE center was smashed down, and the death-giving sword energy was swung out.

Under normal circumstances, the two of them would be able to defeat the Sword Girl in this instant, but Lin Cheng's reaction to firing W was so fast that the opponent wanted to curse.

The blood volume was locked up.

Miller: "Brother Breathing's two Q knocks away... Foego's W dodges! I want to beat the knife girl! But is the damage enough? The knife girl fired the W!"

Wanwan: "Brother Chengzi's reaction is so fast! He wants to operate!"

On the field, white light and shadow flashed, and the shining blades around the knife girl struck out.

The fully charged W Dance of Distance Hits two people and the minion next to them at the same time.

Under the burst of light and shadow, two blades flew out covertly.

The sword girl backhands A to the sword demon.


Use the minions next to you to reset the basic attack. When the twin blades hit the two of them, the stun took effect. The sword girl raised her hand again.


The mark on the sword demon's body was shattered, and the sword girl covered the conqueror with her swords.

Lin Cheng moves A around the pawn.

The Sword Demon was only at Level 2, and he didn't have much health after being harassed by the Pig Girl just now. He didn't dodge. As soon as E got up, he was hacked to death by Man Passive and the Sword Girl brought by the Conqueror.

"First Blood!"

Wanwan: "Counterattack! Brother Cheng is really taking control. Does Foyego still want to fight? It seems he can't fight!"

Miller: "Run!!!"

Foyego originally wanted to get rid of the bloody sword girl because he was full of conquerors, but when he saw the sword demon fell so quickly, he knew something was wrong.


Dao Mei killed two remaining health ranged soldiers in a row, and in cooperation with Triumphant, she recovered a mouthful of blood, which significantly increased her health.


The white light and shadow shattered the mark on Foego's body.

The knife girl kept pulling away the A pressure position, and Foego's health bar dropped quickly.

The sword girl is full of passive + the endgame combat ability of the conqueror. Only those who have been beaten will understand.

But there was no flash anymore. Williams glanced at his skill bar, and Foego desperately retreated towards his own defense tower.


White light and shadow shine.

The sword girl launched the sharp blade attack again.

At this moment, Foyego suddenly turned around and released W in seconds.

Foyego's W has a cooldown of only 7 seconds. It was fine just now. Serena deliberately waited for the sword girl to come out with Q before trying to interrupt!

After all, it's the path leading up to Sword Girl Q, so it's not too difficult to intercept her head-on if you're well prepared.

From Serena's perspective, as long as she interrupts Dao Mei's sudden advance, she will definitely survive.

Because I’m about to enter the tower!

However, a desperate scene happened.


Almost as soon as Foyego Qianzai Youyan took action, a flashing sound effect sounded.

Lin Cheng used Flash to interrupt his Q skill, just in time to avoid Qianzai Youyan's projectile. The sword girl stuck to Foyego's side and slashed him with the sword.

Foyego stood there stunned after W was released.

The Sword Girl, who was fully passive and full of Conqueror, now cut off Foego by almost one health bar with one strike. When the Sword Girl came down with the second blow, Xiaowei also gave up resistance.

Leave a like on the spot and let the knife girl make another stab.

"Double Kill!"

Next to him, Cuzz had already come around from the red square triangle grass to support, and Pig Girl's head also lit up like.

"Brother Orange!!!"

Wanwan's voice was loud: "It's a familiar 1 vs. 2 on the road again. How can he be so handsome? Can he even react to dodge and dodge the W of Yego?"

Miller's voice was a little bitter: "Well~~~ Actually, this wave of sword girls can't escape even if they don't dodge Foyego. The pig girls have already bypassed... Thinking on the bright side, the sword girls are equivalent to wasting a flash. The sword demon It’s safer online.”

After a pause, he couldn't help but add: "But looking at it now, it seems that this knife girl really can't be let go! It's too perverted!"

Wanwan: "EDG takes full responsibility!"

"grass! The operation of this knife girl is really cool》

"Miren is laughing so hard!" I just said that I should at least force the knife girl to dodge, and I did it (funny)"

"Not a loss!" (Dog Head)》

"This knife girl script, right?" Too outrageous》

"Is this operation okay?" It’s not difficult if you are prepared”

"Foyego can release W in seconds. This sword girl has already shot Q and can she still react?" 》

"No more talking, EDG takes full responsibility!" Can this knife girl let it go? 》

"Imperial Army: Nani?" The information is false! 》

"If RNG loses today, EDG remember to write an IOU and owe RNG a trophy"

"RNG: EDG, I'm a fool!" 》(End of this chapter)

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