This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 2314 369: Still have to resist pressure

Compared to the frenzied opening of champagne and imagining the future in the KT lounge, the atmosphere here at is very serious.

The players gathered around Hongmi and listened to the coach's rapid deployment of tactics.

"I know we are facing great difficulties now, but don't be afraid."

"The opponent is not so invincible! There is still a chance for us!"

Hongmi's Chinese was fairly fluent, but some words and word order were not quite accurate. He didn't bother to consider the words at this moment, and he quickly explained to the team members one by one.

"Let go and fight, you have to be more confident 369!"

369 took a deep breath, nodded and said nothing.

But his hands on his knees were shaking a little.

No one knows how much pressure it is to face Lin Cheng.

The handle was pulled so hard that his scalp was numb, but 369 was still doubting himself.

The way he was watching Hongmi's lecture now overlapped with that of bsyy, and suddenly he seemed to see bsyy twisting his body to teach him how to dance.

369, you can keep up with my pace...have you learned how to pull?

Being massacred is not a problem of one person. Hongmi had no time to care about 369's mental state. After explaining the strategy for the next game to the duo, he explained it to his most trusted confidant Kanavi alone.

Assistant coach xiasu comforted 369. Seeing Toothpaste slumped on the sofa with a depressed look on his face, he went up and patted Toothpaste on the shoulder.

"We have reached this point, don't feel any psychological pressure, just let go and fight!"

Toothpaste looked like he hadn't woken up, and raised his eyelids:

"I want to smoke a cigarette!"


Are you addicted to smoking at this time?

In fact, he is really addicted to toothpaste. During the first round of training at the Asian Games, he was not allowed to smoke because it was a closed training. He would pull his chair back and lie down in the training room every day, clearly telling the coaching staff that he could not play without cigarettes.

The saying that adding betel nut and smoking has unlimited magical powers has been around for a long time in the LPL. Although it is a big boast, it is true that some players are addicted to smoking and it will affect their concentration.

However, there are cameras in the lounge, so of course no smoking is allowed.

Toothpaste stood up and said, "I'm going to the bathroom to smoke a cigarette."

The coaching staff didn't object. They didn't expect that two puffs of toothpaste would dry up KT like a shot of chicken blood, or at least make him more focused.

369 also went to the toilet, "Give me one too."

It can be seen that Brother 69 is under a lot of pressure, and he doesn’t usually smoke much.

Xiasu sighed and suddenly remembered something.

There was a smoke detector in the toilet. If the two of them smoked together and the smoke detector alarmed, it would be troublesome. He quickly stood up and rushed to the toilet to remind them.

After a short break, both players returned to the competition seats.

The KT players were talking and laughing in a relaxed manner, while seemed very solemn.

On the contrary, Toothpaste seems to be in better spirits, as if he has woken up.

At the beginning of BP, still chooses BAN first on the blue side.

This time, Jingdong came up and pressed Dao Mei down first.

"I understand, the Sword Girl still deserves a BAN. Brother Chengzi's Sword Girl has gone beyond our conventional understanding. Even if she is T5, you have to respect Brother Chengzi's ID."

On the red side, KT banned Yumi first as usual.

The blue side BAN Ashe with a backhand.

KT’s second ban slot was given to the male gunner.

Jingdong’s third BAN chose Sword Demon.

"The thinking has changed! is no longer obsessed with targeting KT's bottom lane. It just bans Ashe, who is almost a must-win for KT."

KT banned Ice Girl in their third hand.

When they started to select people, decisively grabbed the pig girl.

"Pig Girl is no problem! The jungler with the highest priority on the field."

Miller is very optimistic about's choice. "Even if Orange Brother really takes Qinggang Shadow, if Kanavi chooses Pig Girl, Brother 69 can also play Crocodile and Jax. It will be very comfortable in online or river confrontations."

"And Cuzz is feeling very good today, so she can be considered a substitute for BAN."

Lin Cheng didn't feel pressured by the opponent's pig girl, and showed his green steel shadow without hesitation on the first floor of the red square.

In the camera, he showed a confident smile.

Countless Qinggang Shadow players were excited.

This smile...Does Lin Cheng really want to choose the Camille skin?

The red side continues to select Foego on the second floor.

"Qinggangying! Brother Chengzi's second signature! Still very confident."

Zeyuan sighed: "BAN spots are really tight. Jingdong didn't ban Qinggangying in the three games today. Even so, their BAN spots are far from enough."

Miller: "There is really no way! You don't dare to let go of Sword Girl, Sword Demon doesn't dare to take it first and you have to BAN it, and Ashe doesn't want to give it. Jingdong really has no way to target Qinggang Shadow."

"The good news is that Qinggangying's pressure on the lane is not as great as that of Dao Mei. I don't know what Brother 69 can do to handle it."

As soon as he finished speaking, the blue side locked Beerwis on the second floor.

Miller's tone changed: "Ah~~~ I almost forgot,'s pig girls usually come to 369 to play, so I still got Belves for Kanavi."

"You still have to resist the pressure when you go on the road!"

Hirano Aya: "It's not bad! Pig Girl is really good at beating Qinggang Shadow in the early stage when she goes on the road. Pig Girl can bring the ignition and the pressure on the lane will be much less."

"Still Have to Resist Pressure"

"In front of Brother Chengzi, 369 is really only qualified to resist pressure"

"Sent! I can’t figure out what the magic power of this big cocky moth is? Come again? 》

"KT has already seen it, will only let you watch movies C, BAN, a male gun robs a Foego, only has Alps"

"You don't understand, you can fly with a big moth, unlike the three brothers in LPL who have to swim across the Pacific Ocean"

"Race home to the championship, right?" I,, am the No. 1 seed in the LPL. Even if I go home, I have to be the first one to go back? 》

"This wave of red rice is in the atmosphere (dog head)"

"Don't be embarrassed! Jingdong is really only good at watching movies, it depends on him”

Following Belwis, the blue side locked Kalma on the third floor, looking ready to emphasize the line.

KT used Verus with a backhand from the third floor.

Second round BAN people.

The red team pressed down EZ+Aphelios in a targeted manner.

The blue side bans Czar + Tahm.

" simply ignored Beryl's strange choice. They just pressed an extra hand on Tahm to ensure that Belvis and Pigsy could charge forward when they entered the field."

"After all, weird things like the big-headed fire man and Zyra are out there. Beryl has too many weird choices, and it's impossible to ban them all."

Start selecting people.

KT continues to shine on Zyra on the fourth floor.

Jingdong finally locked Yanque + Jhin with both hands.

Zeyuan: "Karma + Jhin! This bottom lane is very strong in laning, but if we play against Varus + Zyra... what do you think of the tied team?"

Hirano Aya: "Let's give it a 50-50 split! I feel like there are no obvious advantages or disadvantages. I would say that Karma + Jhin are stronger, and Beryl's Zyra doesn't seem to be particularly proficient."

Hearing the former professional assistant present say this, Miller breathed a sigh of relief and felt a lot more relaxed.

Beryl put too much pressure on her, and it was considered good that she couldn't play without a hero selected in the bottom lane.

The barrage made Hope breathe a sigh of relief.

Jhin + Karma shouldn't be pressed and beaten again, right?

That would be really hard to wash.

On the red side, KT locked Galio with the last move.

If the opponent's Yanque wants to focus on support, then he should fight for support.

Anyway, this jungler is Foyego, and there is no need for Rookie in the middle to continue to play big cores like Czar.

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue square JDG:

Top Road: 369 (Wrath of the North, Sejuani)

Jungler: Kanavi (Void Queen, Belvis)

Mid lane: Yagao (rock bird, Thalia)

Bottom lane: Hope (Destiny Master, Jhin)

Support: Missing (Apocalypse, Karma)

Red side KT:

Top road: Cheng (Qinggangying, Camille)

Jungler: Cuzz(The Ruined King, Foego)

Middle: Rookie (Colossus of Justice, Galio)

Bottom lane: Deft (Arrow of Punishment, Varus)

Support: Beryl (Rise of Thorns, Zyra)

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