This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 2315 LPL’s last hope

Zeyuan: "Come on! We have reached the point of a last-ditch battle. After trying to change the formation again, I hope can bring us some surprises."

Miller: "The overall lineup styles of both sides are very similar in this game, and both are capable of playing well... However, JD's bottom lane selection may be a bit too soft, and there are some hidden dangers."

Hirano Aya: "But this combination in the bottom lane should not put any pressure on the lane. Karma + Jhin clear the lane very quickly, so they won't be in jail like the first two games."

The coaches of both teams had already stood in front of the stage to shake hands, and the fans at the scene loudly gave their final cheers.

The commentator was extremely emotional when he heard that the fans in the audience were still cheering for in Chinese at the top of their lungs.

Miller: "Come on! The players haven't given up, and the fans haven't given up either. Try your best to give it a try!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a very abrupt Chinese sound came from the broadcast screen.

"KT come on! LPL's last hope!"

"They are all Chinese teams, it doesn't matter who wins."

The audience was laughing.

Zemoto and Hirano Aya laughed out loud in the commentary box on the spot.

"grass! It’s too funny, hahahaha”

"They are all Chinese teams, living in Bengbu"

"Winning or losing doesn't matter, right?" Anyway, the Chinese team is in the finals today (funny)"

"I declare: After today, KT will be our last hope for the LPL!" (cheer)"

"I support KT!" KT is the Chinese team (dog head)》

"LCK is not worthy of KT!" It is recommended to plan directly (wear sunglasses)"

The painting style is very abstract.

Originally, the barrage was still sighing, feeling uncomfortable that the LPL was about to be eliminated. Many viewers who reacted immediately rebelled.

In fact, this argument did not appear suddenly. It is probably because the performance of LPL teams in the World Championship in recent years has really disappointed fans, and someone has long proposed a planning policy.

Anyway, everyone in the LCK said that KT is a Chinese team and they just brought it in to kill T1.

Isn’t T1 known as the LPL nemesis?

If you have the ability, go try it with KT!

If KT's record against T1 is inherited, LPL will immediately be able to ride on T1's head.

This makes it very clear.

Following the rhythm of the live audience, the barrage musicians also started.

The skewers have gone crazy.

The atmosphere was very cheerful. Lin Cheng didn't know what the audience was laughing at even though he was wearing headphones. He smiled and nodded at the camera in front of him.

It's like he's agreeing with something.

The audience laughed even louder.

The game is loading, and the players from both sides are still having final pre-game exchanges.

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng chose the more conventional main system of Resolute: Eternal Grip, Shield Slam, Resurrection Wind, and Firmness, and the secondary system of Enlightenment: Shoes + Biscuits.

The top laner Zhumei actually had a high appearance rate during the summer split. Due to the durability version, there were many functional heroes on the top lane. Zhumei was favored by the professional scene because of her ability to resist and initiate groups.

Compared with heroes like Wine Barrel, Piggy Girl has better ability to start long-distance groups and does not need to easily enter the field physically. Moreover, Pigskin's fault tolerance rate has been further improved.

Moreover, Pig Girl can bring Ignite and the strength of the line is guaranteed. She does not need to be taken care of by teammates, and her offensive performance is not bad. The double icebreaker + Ignite damage can cause the opponent to be killed in the line if they are not careful.

During that time, Zhumei was very popular on the road. Niubao returned to the game because he played with Zhumei in DK. He was even nicknamed Zhubao by netizens at one time.

Entering the game, all members of Jingdong went straight to the bottom lane to find a destined person who could make threads.

Unfortunately, KT didn't have anyone to provide vision. The five people from JD grouped into the grass in the river and then dispersed.

Miller: "This bottom lane laning...can't lose, right?'s quick footwork + Comet's laning ability has been maximized."

Hirano Aya: "Hope also brought Medicine King, so there should be no problem in laning in the bottom lane. If we play well, can even press the bot lane and have a chance to gain an advantage."

Zeyuan's tone was gloomy: "Uh~~~ Are you already thinking about taking advantage?"

No one answered, and the commentary box fell into a brief silence.

"Deadly Silence, 23333"

"It's weird, right?" (funny)"

"Don't say words that are not conducive to unity (anger)"

"Is there a chance to gain an advantage?" Success is considered a success if you don't get beaten"

"'s bottom lane is too weak. They were beaten in Europe and the United States in the group stage. Is there still a chance to gain an advantage?" 》

" really needs to change its bot lane next year. Who can withstand being GAP?" 》

Needless to say, although many people are not optimistic about's bottom lane, they played really well in this start.

Missing's Kalma didn't find an angle to hit at the first level, so he chose RQ to help clear the line. After successfully grabbing second place, the JD duo crossed the line and pressed in front of the tower.

The exchange of blood between the two sides was very fierce. Karma and Zyra exchanged A and pointed east and west at the same time. RQ hit Varus.

Jhin connected with W, Fatal Brilliance Imprisonment, and cooperated with Karma's second Q to cripple Varus.

Miller: "Beautiful! W is set, but it's a pity that Jhin has no bullets in his hand... Very good consumption! Varus drank all three bottles of medicine directly."

"The effect of this BP has been achieved! can have an advantage in the bottom lane."

Zeyuan: "Hmm~~ To be fair, Beryl was a bit messed up this time. When and grabbed second place, he had to let Karma step up to close the distance between him. As a result, turned around and went to fight Deft."

"Apologize! Apology for mocking’s bot lane just now》

"It seems like it's really a hero problem. It's just like these two old guys KT can't get an advantageous combination."

"You have played Genshin Impact too much, and you still dare to fight back when you see others taking second place"

For the first time in three rounds, the JD double team pressed hard. When the red square artillery troops arrived, Kalma even went up and threw a Q, but Mr. Dai moved to avoid it.

Jhin takes two steps toward the river to prevent being GANKed.


Finding that the opposite duo were spread out, Zyra suddenly took the lead and flashed E to control Karma, then set up Ignition.

Varus rained down evil spirit arrows and followed up with output.


Karma stood up and dodged and retreated, but after the strong exchange of blood with Zyra in the second battle, he did not rush to take the medicine and only had a little more than half health. After being killed and ignited, the effect of taking the medicine was greatly reduced.

The piercing arrow suppressed the position after Missing's flash, and Zyra added another shot to level the score.

Karma died from the ignition.

The Chinese-language commentator was still immersed in the success of the JD duo's exchange just now, but was caught off guard by the sudden change of situation on the field.

Miller: "The bottom lane started well! Although Zyra's plants can block Karma's Q, you still have to give way in the previous level. Beryl's blood exchange is a bit too much... eh!"

When his partner was stunned, Zeyuan quickly answered: "Zyra E Flash is going to kill! Missing seems to be dying... Wow! This Zyra!"

"Beryl~~~ Who is not a weird operator? Seeing that the two people from Jingdong were spread out, Jie La acted too decisively."

"Besides, Beryl's E-flash angle also controlled Jhin on the side, and Hope didn't replace Varus even after an extra purification. This wave of Zyra is so awesome!"

Barrage explosion.

"? ? ? I was popping champagne just now, and the speed of light slaps me in the face? 》

"Miren's 'eh' made me laugh out loud"

"Speaking out the Dharma"

"Good news: The BP effect is activated, bad news: the effect only lasts half a minute"

"Old Green Zyra has something good, I just said that his proficiency is not high"

"It's enough to beat Jingdong."

"Jingdong bottom lane was really beaten unconscious today. The two old guys on the other side are over fifty years old together. How can they be beaten like this?" 》

"do not forget! Beryl is also a doctor, and when she regains her powers, she can occasionally compete with Dr. K.

"Can I have an advantage in the bottom lane as promised?" 》

"Follow the milk!" Work harder! 》

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