This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 318 I’ll kill Faker first

The duo died suddenly, and the hot pioneer in Bono's hand no longer felt good.

Lin Cheng ran to the middle lane in advance while pushing the lane. Zhu Mei came over to release the vanguard. The three of them prepared to use the time difference in switching lanes to force the middle tower.

However, T1 had obviously anticipated in advance that KT had thoughts about the middle tower. Wine Barrel and Tarik, who were still below just now, arrived in time to provide support, preventing the three of KT from forcing their way up to the tower.

In the end, the Pioneer only knocked down the middle tower and was cleared by the red side, without winning the first HP tower.

For this result, KT is still acceptable.

The blood volume of the red square tower will greatly restrict the energy of the card, making the card afraid to run around easily.

Two minutes later, because Lin Cheng pushed the lane down in advance, the second refreshed dragon was easily controlled by KT.

After Nico came out of ruin, the threat to Qinggang Shadow became more and more serious, and Lin Cheng even forced the Qinggang Shadow to flash out under the tower alone.

The card's second ultimate move has not yet been released.

Zeyuan: "Oh! Brother Li is trapped in the middle. Kuro is a thief. He only pushes the lane and does not attack the tower, so the cards do not dare to easily support the side lane, because Brother Li also knows that he will be in the middle when he leaves. The tower will fall.”

Remember: "The card is really uncomfortable. It's best to catch Neeko on the road now, but Faker knows that even if he catches Neeko to death and the middle tower falls, he will lose money. However, if he doesn't catch Qinggang Shadow, he will be pinned under the tower. Fight, the situation is a bit tense."

The card couldn't be moved, and the wine barrel that didn't dodge forced a wave of GANK on the top lane.

However, the blood volume of Qinggangying, who has been suppressed, is not very healthy, and this wave of GANK in T1 almost caused a big problem.

Lin Cheng first used E to interrupt Qinggang Shadow's hook lock against the wall, and then used W to twist off the barrel's meat bomb impact, and went crazy with A in the Hex Ultimatum area.

If the wine barrel hadn't exploded Neeko with a timely ultimate move, both the upper and jungle players in T1 might have died in Lin Cheng's hands in this wave.

The second Canyon Pioneer was refreshed, and T1's upper jungler did not dodge. This Pioneer naturally fell into the hands of Pig Girl.

T1 itself is a rhythm lineup, but they were led by KT in the early stage, and most of the neutral resources fell into KT's hands.

Nicole single-handedly demolished the first tower on the red side's top lane. KT immediately chose to change lanes after Piggy released her vanguard and hit two ends in the middle lane.

The duo switched to the middle lane, Tsar switched to the top lane to collect the troops pushed by the opponent, and Lin Cheng switched to the bottom lane to continue to put pressure on the sideline.

Although this line change is not very friendly to the Czar, the benefits are obvious.

If Neeko goes down, she can avoid being caught by pressing too deep on the top lane.

When the opponent's two outer towers are destroyed, the duo will occupy the center. The support can better cooperate with the jungler to occupy the field of vision and roll the snowball.

At the same time, changing lanes like this can also force cards to the side.

The radiation range of the card's ultimate move that goes to the side is much smaller. In addition to the line effect, the rhythm effect is greatly weakened.

At this time, everyone is focusing on development, that is, you push the line and I clear the line, and the cards cannot use the influence of the soldier line to cause trouble for KT.

However, this time the mid laner named Li seems to be at odds with Lin Cheng.

After all, when the Tsar switches to the top lane, he only dares to wait for the opponent to push his troops over. He cannot suppress the cards like he does in the middle lane. This still gives the cards room to play.

At 16 minutes, after pushing the card on the road, he directly TPed to his second tower below, landed on the ground and activated his ultimate move.

The blue side of the surrounding river had good vision, and was not afraid of the opponent's GANK from the river. In addition, the cards all ran to the top lane to lead the lane, so Lin Cheng pressed hard.

Nicole was frantically stealing some green steel shadows outside the tower, when she suddenly found her eyes lighting up on her head.

Lin Cheng didn't expect the card to fly to him at the first time, and was still gloating about it.

"Yo yo! Randomly select a lucky viewer, which one of you is going to suffer?"

In his opinion, the card was still pushing the line just now, and he was definitely not the one who suffered.

Kuro: "It could be me. Lin Cheng, please prepare TP for support."

Lin Cheng: "No problem! Who said I am a team top laner?"

Then, Lin Cheng saw a gentleman holding a yellow card emerge from the grass behind him.

Unexpectedly, the one named was himself.

He has TP to support the Czar, but Kuro does not have TP to support the bottom lane.

Faker's yellow card was used to stop Neeko, and the wild card flew out.

Qinggangying, who had been in prison under the tower, kicked up and took control, and AQ took action.

Lin Cheng had just handed over the skill and was showing off under the tower. At this moment, both E and W were on cooldown, so he could only use his big move with his backhand to try to change it.

Canna's Green Steel Shadow used its ultimate move to evade the control, and after two kicks, Neeko was almost disabled.

AD Neeko's ultimate shield is just a trick, it's as thin as paper.

Even though Lin Cheng worked very hard, he was still killed by the card again.

Zeyuan: "Haha! Have you ever seen a card that starts with TP and then opens up? Brother Chengzi was targeted by Brother Li. All three heads in the card were killed by Brother Chengzi."

Remember: "I died 4 times in ten minutes. It's really rare for Cheng Zi to be in this situation, but no matter how I catch Qinggang Ying's single line, he is still held down and rubbed by Nico."

Xiaolong still had nearly a minute to refresh, so Lin Cheng's death did not have much impact.

However, only half a minute later, Cuzz's face was stuck in the grass of his F6 in the jungle when the field of vision was completely dark. He was caught by the ambushing Titan, and the Tsar who followed behind easily took the head.

Because of the death of the wine barrel, the fire dragon that was refreshed immediately was also controlled by KT.

The situation is in hand, and KT is not in a hurry. As long as the troops in the middle and any side are pressed in, Bono's pig girl can plunder the opponent's jungle area unscrupulously.

The snowball rolls slowly.

At 20 minutes, KT was two heads behind but had an economic lead of nearly 4,000.

Although the opponent has the passive economy of the card, KT takes too many neutral resources and defense tower economy, and Lin Cheng's Neeko alone outwits Qinggang Shadow by 90 knives. It is normal for this situation to occur.

Lin Cheng added a mercury lace after the second big piece of artillery, so that GANK facing the card would have more room to operate.

If the opponent's card dares to fly over again, Lin Cheng promises to give him a surprise.

At 22 and a half minutes, KT's third draw, the Fire Dragon, was about to be refreshed, and the red side came step by step from its own jungle area.

The card was left at the back because he went home to replenish equipment. The card entered the wild area from the side door of the highland when all the front-facing teammates were arranging their vision near the river.

Because the opponent's three outer towers were all broken, KT's vision was very deep.

The movement of the card happened to be noticed by Tusin's vision through the Three Wolf Pit.

"Wait for me to kill Faker first!"

Seeing the card walking over, Lin Cheng waited for two seconds and handed over the TP directly.

Zeyuan: "Brother Chengzi is TP! But this is AD Neeko! Can you believe an AD Neeko who goes around the back?"

Remember: "This is too risky! Have you ever seen the ADC run around the back? Brother Chengzi will be sent away if he doesn't do well this time."

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