Neeko, who landed on the ground, rushed towards the blue BUFF on the red side like a mad dog.

There was no awareness of Nico's red side coming around, and Brother Li didn't pay attention to his back either.

Lin Cheng just happened to go around the corner of the wall opposite the blue BUFF to grab the card's position, and launched a basic attack full of artillery energy, while simultaneously destroying and slowing down.

Brother Li started to draw cards.

Now, Neeko's attack speed is very fast. Lin Cheng quickly approaches with A. Before the card draws a yellow card, Neeko points out strong attack and passive damage.

The card throws out a yellow card.

Nicole's body shimmered, and the moment the yellow card reached her body, Quicksilver completed the solution in seconds, and she moved just in time to avoid the wild card that was coming towards her.

The movement speed provided by Neeko's passive damage is obvious. When the card is slowed down, Neeko moves closer and closer.

One step forward, one step A, one step forward, one step A, Lin Cheng's movement rhythm was extremely smooth, and he quickly hit the second passive damage.

The health of the card in a vulnerable state dropped rapidly, but Faker did not flash and pull the position when the stopwatch was damaged.

At this time, a fat figure with a big belly dropped from the sky from the shadow next to him.

The barrels are coming with exploding cones.

The wine barrel fell to the ground and the meat bomb impact was launched!

At this time, Nicole's position is on the right side of the card, and Lin Cheng directly reverses to the right and releases the E skill Tangle Barb.

Bang! Bang!

Flashing sound effects sounded almost simultaneously.

Lin Cheng's E flash appeared on the left side of the card, and Nico, who had just avoided the wine barrel's E flash, swung her E skill to the right.

The tangled barb passes through the card and accurately controls the barrel.

The two were imprisoned at the same time, and Lin Cheng quickly made a move.

Cuzz used his big move with his backhand to blast away Neeko, but Lin Cheng pressed W to speed up and took a small step back just to avoid the explosive barrel falling, and used his backhand twice to destroy the card.


The cards finally flashed and tried to run away, but they did not open enough distance. Nico caught up with him and killed him.

The rest of T1 had long wanted to come over to support, but Kuro's Czar directly drifted and used his ultimate move, blocking the three T1 people to the side, preventing Lin Cheng from being beaten by the five people.

The target was imprisoned for three seconds after the tangled barbs penetrated it. Cuzz was still under control after Lin Cheng killed the card.

Lin Cheng didn't care about the teammates in front of him and continued to beat the barrel violently.

The AP wine barrel when the skill is empty is really fragile. Neeko's A will hit her every time, and the wine barrel's health bar will drop wildly.

When Qinggang Shadow climbed over the wall, Lin Cheng used two more basic attacks to trigger his passive, and the wine barrel fell to the ground.

"Double Kill!"

Lin Cheng executed a double kill and found that the half-blood green steel shadow hook lock climbed over the wall and tried to run away.

It turns out that Canna's butt is followed by Titan's ultimate move.

Lin Cheng was no longer polite now, and chased her wildly.

Qinggangying was knocked into the air by Titan's ultimate move, and Neeko easily got three kills.

The situation on the other side is also clear.

The fattest thing about T1 is the cards. The equipment in other positions is lagging behind. Kalista's double summons can't prevent herself from being dropped by the Tsar before the glory of the universe falls.

The remaining Tarik only lasted one more round, and was handed over for destruction after the end of Cosmic Glory.

Zeyuan: "Nicole found the card, but the wine barrel is right next to it. Brother Chengzi is going to give this move for free... Wow! He dodges the barrel's E! Nicole's E flashes to two people. He moved and avoided the ultimate move of the wine barrel! The card is dead! The wine barrel is also going to die. How can this person be so good at controlling it?"

Remember: "To be fair, Brother Chengzi's position looks like he is giving away, but he actually dodged the E of the wine barrel, and he moved very coquettishly to avoid the ultimate move of the wine barrel, and then he was plain and simple. One-on-two double kill.”

Zeyuan smiled: "If you put aside the previous E-dodge, barrel-dodge, E-dodge and move-dodge ultimate, it can be said to be simple and unpretentious, but the previous operations are really full!

Moreover, good brother Canna came over with Titan's ultimate move to give Neeko three kills. We are all top orders, so we can send some warmth so that we can see each other in the future. "

Remember: "Brother Cheng Zi is really bold in this wave of back-up, but the high risk also brings high returns. Such a sudden wave of group destruction can basically declare that T1 has gone far in this game, and this wave of Baron will definitely also come." Damn it, T1’s lineup can’t defend the Baron line.”

At this time, the director's subtitles suddenly gave a prompt.

It was the same two lines of message as before. Marin's avatar gradually disappeared, Lin Cheng's bust enlarged, and the number of single kills displayed next to it changed to 35.

Lin Cheng became the only holder of the LCK single-season record for the highest single kill.

Zeyuan: "Hey! Cards and barrels were single-killed. Brother Chengzi's first two kills just now did not assist his teammates. Then a new LCK single-kill record was born. Brother Chengzi became the leader of the LCK with 35 solo kills. The player who has completed the most single kills in a single season over the years.”

Remember: "35 solo kills! The strongest solo kill king in the LCK in a single season is Brother Orange in the spring of 2020. Unexpected, right? The record for the highest solo kill in the LPL is held by Korean player Rookie, but the LCK solo kill record is held by China Created by players.”

Zeyuan: "Brother Chengzi really brought a dream season to our Chinese audience and KT fans this spring. It's a bit regretful that this year's MSI has just been canceled by Riot Games. I want to see Brother Chengzi's performance in the World Championship." We can only wait until the S game.”

"Brother Chengzi! Kill Di Shen alone!"

"You're so strong, Brother Chengzi! This single kill and multiple kills make even the teacher feel inferior."

"Teacher Shai's single kill count this year is less than half of Brother Chengzi's, so don't mess with me."

"Brother Cheng is the best top laner in the world! Who doesn't agree?"

"Don't brag, can you beat 999?"

“The third division is calling 78. Let’s talk about the teams that have played against the LPL first.”

"Waiting for Brother Chengzi to be ruined in the World Championships."


Lin Cheng didn't know that his two kills had set a new single kill record. He followed his teammates to win the drawing dragon and then moved to the big dragon pit.

Although Aphelios's sword is not good, the speed of the two ADs plus the Czar should not be too fast to defeat the dragon. KT can easily harvest the power of the Baron.

After replenishing their equipment on the return trip, KT chose to push four and one points.

Lin Cheng's Neeko leads the lane in the bottom lane, and the rest of his teammates advance with minions in the middle lane.

The blood volume of the middle and lower two towers of T1 is very low, and soon the blue side's soldiers touched the high ground of the red side.

T1's lineup itself cannot clear the line of troops blessed by the Baron BUFF. With the huge disadvantage of equipment, it does not dare to easily start a team battle. It can only watch the HP of its highland tower drop little by little.

Seeing that it was inevitable that both lanes would be broken before the Baron BUFF ended, and he seemed to know that he was waiting for death if he continued like this, the card suddenly lit up and flew behind Nicole in the lower lane.

Lin Cheng happened to be stealing some defensive towers when Qinggangying's second stage hook lock kicked him up.


Canna decisively handed over the E flash, and Lin Cheng was slapped with a yellow card by Faker who landed on the ground just as he was quick to clear.

Barrel E came over and used a big move to blast Neeko against the wall.

Lin Cheng didn't flash. In this situation, there was no room for maneuver and he was melted directly.

T1 succeeded in forcing the edge, but it failed to slow down KT's advancement.

At the moment when the card flew down, Bono's Titan flashed its hook, accurately hooked back to Taric under the tower, and threw it to Kalista next to him with his ultimate move.

Pig Girl used her ultimate move to throw her away and led her teammates to the high ground.

Kalista and Gem had no room to fight back against the four strong men, and were instantly pinned to death under the tower.

After the four people completed escaping the tower, they immediately turned down and blocked the three people in T1 who had just captured Nico.

With the stopwatch in his hand, the Tsar directly used his drifting tower attack to push up the cards and barrels. Aphelios flashed and followed by Deqing Kaguya, killing the two of them instantly.

The remaining Qinggang Shadow was unable to defend, and KT ended the game with a wave.

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