This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 627 KT was stupid in the training match with the wild card?

MacT was stunned to analyze the two sides into a 50-50 split in the official live broadcast room, which no one expected. However, the second-line commentators on various platforms should be relatively direct and express their stance clearly.

Junri: "To be honest, I don't even know how can win? is too restrained by KT. is not very good at early rhythm, and I think their late-stage operations are also lagging behind KT."

Yutong: "I think has great hopes. KT is not good at jungle core tactics. However, in the World Championship version, the role of jungle core has been further magnified. As long as can withstand the early game, their jungle core tactics will be natural." The advantages."

Xiaoxiao: "The barrage is saying that KT is strong, but is really not weak! Let's see if Duke can withstand Brother Orange. As long as he can withstand Brother Orange, KT won't be that powerful. Zoon's Crocodile single yesterday Killed Nuguri Qinggangying three times, and finally killed all the crocodiles in 1V5. The Duke's condition really gave him a chance to compete with Brother Chengzi."

Sika: "The most worrying thing for Jingdong now is the middle lane. I heard that Toothpaste was blown away by Meiko when he was switched to the middle lane two days ago... Look, Toothpaste looks very serious in the camera. He can't handle this scene." It would be fun to be beaten up by the old bastard Kuro."

Regarding this game, the pre-match analysis of the second-line guests on various platforms was either objective, partial, eccentric, or simply showing off their thighs and acting like a bastard.

Audiences of various unknown compositions are mixed in, including those who follow the game and those who follow the rhythm. The complexity and diversity of the e-sports circle is vividly reflected in each live broadcast room.

After debugging the equipment and waiting for a while, the on-site BP officially started.

KT BAN first on the blue side, on the red side.

As soon as they came up, KT BAN Ornn first.

Zoom’s Ornn is considered a signature player. Others seem to be confused when playing Ornn, but Zoom’s Ornn always gives people a very C feeling.

Of course, Zoom's style has also been criticized by many LPL viewers. When encountering a strong opponent, they will choose Orn Tetsuo, and when encountering a weak top laner, they will choose Captain Angel for pure damage.

However, Encounter 3 saved a bit of reputation.

The red side did not hesitate on the first floor and directly banned Dao Mei.

Zeyuan: "Hey! Sword Girl! Many viewers may not watch the game usually. I don't know why bans Sword Girl that almost no one chooses in this version. It's because Brother Chengzi's Sword Girl is very powerful, very, very, very powerful!"

Cat: “Brother Orange’s career percentage winning percentage is too big to let go of Dao Girl. Every time he gets Dao Girl, he must be C, including the recent RANK at the top of the canyon. Although Brother Orange has not chosen Dao Girl in a competition for a long time, But doesn’t dare to gamble.”

"The cards! Haha! I already guessed that the first hero to be banned in the KT World Championship would be Dao Mei."

"Fuck! No! I want to see Brother Chengzi's sword girl."

"Brother Chengzi still wants Dao Mei's skin. This attitude will probably be banned forever."

“Zoom has crocodiles that can beat knife girls, why do we need BAN?”

"The crocodiles killed by Brother Orange and Sister Dao can already fill the Nile River. There is no way to counter him."

Seeing his opponent banning the sword girl, Lin Cheng smiled helplessly.

Just now I was telling my teammates that if the opponent dared to let go of Dao Mei, he would grab it. Today Brother Cheng is going to cause a bloody storm in Shanghai.

Unexpectedly, before the BGM started playing, the other party unplugged his power supply in advance.

The blue side's second BAN position gives the male gun.

The wild cores that can be chosen in this version are the male spearman Leopard and the female Qianjue. The male spearman and leopard are both Kanavi's signatures, but the male spearman has a higher appearance rate on

It's not that his male gun is better than Leopard Girl's, it's mainly because Toothpaste can't get a few good AD heroes in the middle, so the benefits of double AP in the middle and jungle are relatively not that high.

The red side gave Lucian the second BAN. This hero was highly valued in the finals and the first three group matches.

KT's third BAN position was given to Crocodile.

Although Lin Cheng clamored that he could defeat the crocodile, in the first game of the group stage, Kang Dongxun made a safe start and asked the players to disable Zoom's crocodile.

The red side's backhand disables Akali.

The hero Akali has just been weakened a bit in the 10.19 World Championship version, but this thing is still too powerful in the hands of experts.

It just so happens that Akali can swing in the mid-to-upper range on KT and is worthy of a BAN position.

When the selection process began, a green steel shadow lit up on the first floor of the blue square.

Lin Cheng: "Wuhu~~~ The other side doesn't ban Camille! This is Brother Cheng's signature."

Aiming: "Why don't you get Caitlyn for me first? The bottom lane on the other side is very messy, I can order."

It seems that in the first game of the World Championship, Comrade Aiming also wanted to win.

As a good young man who is united and humble, Lin Cheng gave up Qinggangying after discussing with his coach and replaced him with a female police officer.

Zeyuan questioned: "Don't you want Qinggang Ying? It doesn't make sense! Don't you want to choose Brother Chengzi's signature Qinggang Ying first?"

Cat: "This is really unexpected. In the previous version where no one played Qinggangying, KT picked him fiercely, but now Qinggangying has a very high priority in the top lane. He is very good with the jungle and leads the lane. He came out with the death dance. They are also great in team play, Qinggangying is now a T1 level top laner, and the system combined with mid lane cards is even more powerful."

MacT: "The key is that the female police officer has been weakened now. It is not as high a priority as the previous version. It makes no sense to grab the female police officer. In this way, can in turn take Qinggang Shadow."

Sure enough, seeing the opponent give up Qinggangying, directly locked up Qinggangying plus cards.

In fact, when facing ordinary opponents, will most likely grab the jungler first at this time.

However, KT is famous for not playing wild core, so naturally it will not affect Kanavi's choice by replacing the BAN. With so many wild core heroes on the field, Kanavi is not in a hurry to play the hero first.

The blue side directly locked Setiga Bear on the second and third floors.

Zewon: "KT's moves feel like they were from the playoffs! Sett and Xiong are really good at swinging, but whether Sett or Xiong swings to the jungle, the speed of clearing the jungle is obviously behind the current mainstream. Wild core.”

Cat: "There's nothing we can do about it. If Bono doesn't play jungle core, he will definitely not be able to beat Kanavi no matter what he plays. But at least these two heroes can beat Qinggang Shadow no matter which jungler and the other goes on the road."

MacT: "There is no problem in laning in the front, but the key is after the card has a big move. The two-card combination is really powerful when the two of them cooperate."

Seeing KT's first three moves, locked ice on the third floor.

Loken is more of a tool person in, and this Han Bing is very comfortable to hold.

After the first three picks, KT's Policewoman, Bear, and Seti were all strong heroes in the version a month ago, but they seemed a bit inconsistent in the version of the World Championship a month later.

On the contrary,'s first three moves are very suitable for the version. The strength of the mid-to-high combination of Card and Qinggang Shadow is now T0 level, and Han Bing's priority in the World Championship is actually much higher than that of Policewoman.

Commentators are all questioning whether KT has practiced a new tactical system during this period.

I heard that KT also played a lot of training games with wild cards. Is this the training game where they made themselves stupid?

You think you can win if you choose randomly, right?

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