This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 628: A hero who doesn’t play as top laner in LPL

Regardless of the doubts from the outside world, the KT players on the court still carried out BP according to their ideas.

In the second round of BP, the red side first banned Galio, preventing Kuro from competing with Toothpaste for support.

Although Kuro has been ridiculed for a long time, although Kuro's laning ability is average, his roaming support ability is very strong.

Rich experience allows Kuro to accurately grasp the situation. In the LCK finals, Xu Xiu's card performance on the support side was actually suppressed by Kuro Galio.

The blue side KT backhanded BAN and dropped Kindred.

After all, the opponent's mid laner is a card. After banning the male gun in the first round, Qian Jue, who is also an AD wild core, became KT's target in the second round.

Moreover, whether Kindred is fighting Bear or Sett, it is simply not easy to fight and is worthy of a BAN position.

JD finally sent Lux to the BAN position, preventing KT from getting the winning combination of Lux and the policewoman.

The blue side KT finally banned the Japanese girl.

The second round of selection began, and Titans was first shown on the fourth floor of

However, after communication within the team, the JD team felt that Titan was not suitable.

Now Jingdong needs a front-row support. The hero Titan is actually not very fleshy, and it is very risky to start a team against Seti and Titan the Bear.

In fact, the most suitable support for JD right now is Japanese girl, who can safely start a group at a distance and has enough strength. Unfortunately, she has been banned by her opponent.

So, after thinking for a while, the red square fourth floor finally locked the bull's head.

With the existence of Ice, unless the opponent chooses a soft support, Niutou and Ashe will not suffer too much in the lane.

Zeyuan: "Oh? left the counter position to Kanavi! This is really rare. JD junglers are usually picked in the first round. I really didn't expect that this could be reserved for the fifth floor."

Cat: “The main reason is that KT doesn’t play wild core. Otherwise, if both sides are competing for jungle core heroes, they will usually be released in the first round. Now that the male gun and Kind Jue have been banned, may also want to take a look first. Who will be the jungler on KT’s side, and then let Kanavi choose the hero based on the situation.”

After discovering the opponent's bull-headed support, Lin Cheng said: "Golden Holy Land, Silas is locked down! With the bull-headed ultimate move, I can hit nine with Silas."

Originally, they planned to let Seti go up, and then give Kuro a Galio in the middle to fly against the card.

However, his opponent happened to ban Galio in the second round, and Lin Cheng didn't hesitate when he saw his opponent taking out the Bull Head, thinking of Silas, who was at the bottom of the box.

Silas, the ultimate move of Niutou, is so greedy!

Moreover, it is not difficult for Silas to fight Qinggang Shadow in the lane. Lin Cheng discussed with his teammates and moved Seti to the middle lane lane card, and used Silas to fight Qinggang Shadow.

In this way, both KT lanes actually have advantages.

In the top lane, Lin Chengcheng is very confident, but in the middle lane, the cards in the early push can't push Sett. Although the hand is long, if the blue cards are used up, they probably can't kill Sett. On the contrary, it doesn't matter if Sett runs away after pushing the lane. Method.

Zeyuan: "Silas? Is this KT's answer to dealing with the card + Qinggang Shadow? Let Seti go to the wing to hammer the Qinggang Shadow, and then Silas uses the card's ultimate to fly at him?"

Cat: "That's okay. Sett's ruined outfit on the side is very good for beating Qinggang Shadow, but after all, it will take a long time for Silas to steal the card's ultimate CD in the early stage, and the effect is hard to say."

Then KT chose Thresh as the last hero.

The red side finally chose Lilia.

This hero was simply toxic in the playoffs a few days ago, and whoever played it would get into trouble.

Little Peanut hugged this hero and almost killed his old godfather in the play-in round without letting go.

However, Lilia has the possibility of creating a miracle team mechanically, and she can clear the jungle faster than heroes like Male Gun, which actually fits the version very well.

It’s just that ordinary teams can’t play well.

Ze Yuan: "Here he comes! The extremely poisonous Lilia in the finals is still here! Look at the difference in Lilia in Kanavi's hands."

Cat: "This Lilia is really good! Although it is paired with a card with double AP in the middle and jungle, the speed of clearing the jungle of neither Seti nor Bear is far from comparable to Lilia."

MacT summed it up brilliantly: "Yes! As long as nothing happens to the online teammates, Kanavi can kill Bono, and if they encounter each other in the jungle, Lilia can easily defeat Seti and Xiong without the intervention of teammates."

The two sides began to exchange heroes, and only then did the audience realize that Silas was finally given to Lin Cheng.

Cat: "Top laner Silas? It's different from what we thought! KT doesn't want Silas to go to the middle and fly against the cards. Is there anything to say about top laner Silas playing Qinggangying?"

MacT: "This is indeed a bit unexpected, because in our LPL, we basically can't see Silas on the top lane."

Zeyuan: "Yes! This is very important. Almost no top laner in the LPL can use the hero Sylas, but there are many players in the LCK who can use the hero Sylas, and Brother Chengzi is one of the best. , he was also the first to take top laner Sylas and counter Ornn."

"Come on, come on! It's been a long time since I saw Brother Cheng's garlic boy."

"Silas, I only recognize my left hand. Is Brother Orange's Silas as good as his left hand?"

"Kill me, Duke! A warrior should be easy to beat Silas, right?"

"Why isn't Jin Fu beating a woman? I'm a little disappointed."

"Actually, it would be better for mid laner Sylas to play Lucetti quickly, but Kuro, a bastard, doesn't seem to need Sylas."

"Kuro is a hardcore bastard, and he likes to play bastard heroes. Mid laner Onseti is absolutely amazing."

"Kuro: MD! How many times do I have to fuck you before you understand that I am not a bastard?"


The lineups of both sides are selected.

Blue square KT:

Top road: Cheng (liberator, Silas)

Jungler: Bono (Immortal Crazy Thunder, Volibear)

Middle: Kuro (Wrist Hao. Seti)

Bottom lane: Aiming (Piltover policewoman, Caitlin)

Support: Tusin (Soullock Warden, Thresh)

Red square JDG:

Top road: Zoom (Qinggangying, Camille)

Jungler: Kanavi (Shy Beilei, Lilia)

Middle: Yagao (Card Master, Drizzt)

Bottom lane: Loken (Ice Archer, Ashe)

Support: Lvmao (Tauren Chieftain, Alistar)

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng chose the main series of precision: conqueror, triumph, resilience, and perseverance, and the secondary series of enlightenment: shoes and biscuits.

The continuous melee combat ability of this set of runes is very exaggerated, and the explosive ability of the double C on the opposite side is relatively poor. Once Lin Cheng can steal the bull-headed ultimate move, it will be terrifying just thinking about it.

However, when choosing the main runes, Lin Cheng actually hesitated for a while between Triumph and Calmness. After all, Silas was really short of mana.

As the skill level goes up, Silas's mana cost becomes higher, and his skill CD is short. If he uses countless skills in a wave, he may run out of mana.

If it was RANK, Lin Cheng would definitely feel calmer.

But after all, this is a professional arena. After friendly discussions with teammates, there will be no pressure on the amount of mana to get the blue BUFF.

Team tyrant Lin Xiaocheng dared to blatantly grab the blue BUFF even when Kuro got the mage. In this game, Kuro was even more unqualified to get the blue when using Seti.

What is status within the team?

Before even entering the game, Lin Xiaocheng's name was engraved on his forehead.

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