Zeyuan: "Orange Brother T came down as if there was someone behind him, and Green Hair W tried to push Silas away... Wow! He was dodged by a flash! Alas! Ashe was instantly killed! Why is this damage so exaggerated? ah?"

MacT: "Oh my god! It's so fast! Lu Mao opened his W and then moved away. Ashe was killed before he could even come back to Q."

Cat: "It's so smooth! Silas's movements are so smooth! Let's see if the green hair can run away? It seems like it can't."

Zeyuan: "Double kill! Wow~~~ This person is really unreasonable! Silas obviously has the advantage, so you just have to play slowly! You can win by playing slowly. You have to force one versus two. The opponent’s mentality, right?”

Cat thought for a while: "Tell me a ghost story! The game lasted nine minutes, and Brother Chengzi killed five times solo."

Zeyuan: "It's true! Duke rushed to the tower and was counter-killed. The next two times were one-on-two with no assists from his teammates. Is this the gold content of the strongest solo kill king in LCK history?"

"Damn it! Brother Cheng took the wrong medicine today?"

"Five kills in 9 minutes is not scary. What is scary is five single kills. What is JD.com doing?"

"Brother Chengzi, the solo kill king, wants to book it in just one game?"

"Is this the world's number one top laner? It's like a power coach beating up a child."

"Every time a low-class horse goes out, he gets beaten up. It's really embarrassing."

"Who said Brother Chengzi would have a weak foot in the first World Championship? Stand up!"


The head ratio on the field reached 6:1, and Lin Cheng had already killed five.

Now that Lin Cheng TP has moved to the bottom lane, KT's duo has switched to the top lane.

And while Bono took advantage of the opponent's duo being killed, he strengthened and returned to the city and rushed straight to the bottom lane to help release the vanguard.

In the bottom lane itself, two layers of towers were removed by the policewoman. Under the cover of Kuro, the two successfully removed the first health tower in the bottom lane.

After pulling out a tower, Lin Cheng followed Bono and turned to the middle.

Toothpaste was already very careful in the middle. Under the cover of Lilia, the cards only dared to huddle behind the tower and threw Q to clear the line.

But if you can't stand up to KT, you have to force yourself.

Seeing Qinggangying showing up in the bottom lane to defend the line, the red team's duo was discovered in the upper half, and Xiong Xiong and Silas rushed out from the intersection of the Three Wolf Wild Area.

KT's three brothers, top, middle and jungle, blocked the opponent's middle and jungle under the tower.

Bono's ultimate move is to shield the enemy's mid-tower first.

Lin Cheng's second stage E accurately hit Lilia in the back. Kuro's Seti flashed from the front, picked up the card and smashed it backwards. A strong E, Hunter Skull, landed and stunned the two of them.

There was no room for maneuver, and the screen for Lilia and Kacard instantly went black.

Lin Cheng once again scored a double kill.

Killing the opponent's midfielder, the three KT brothers frantically demolished the tower.

Although the remaining three players on the opposite side rushed to defend, KT's duo also arrived.

Tusin's arrogant position forced Jingdong to dare not step forward. They could only watch the tower in the middle being destroyed.

At this time, the time was only 11 minutes.

Lin Cheng has already achieved 7 kills, which is almost amazing.

The financial gap, which was around 1,000 yuan just three minutes ago, was instantly widened to almost 5,000 yuan.

Zeyuan: "The rhythm of KT is so terrifying! They like to switch lanes after breaking the side tower and force the center. JD.com has taken precautions, but they just can't stop it. The result of Lilia covering the cards behind is two Everyone was jumped together, but the middle tower still fell."

MacT: "And KT's command is really clear. After the tower jump occurred in the middle, the other five people on the field moved to the middle first. It was KT's duo instead of JD who was the defender. They seemed to have known in advance that the tower jump occurred. Once it’s over, we have to force the middle tower and not give the opponent a chance to change lanes to defend.”

Cat: "This is why I was more optimistic about KT before the game. It's not a commentator's boast! Once they get into rhythm, they won't give their opponents a chance to breathe.

Just now, the economy of both sides was actually only over 1,000, but Brother Chengzi broke through the tower by pulling out the tower and switching lanes after one fight. In an instant, the economy was now 5,000. Jingdong was almost 5,000 behind in 11 minutes despite having cards. , basically can no longer play. "

After pulling out the opponent's mid tower, KT turned around and controlled the second dragon that spawned, and then everyone went home to make up for the wave.

At this time, Jingdong got a chance to breathe and quickly cleared the line of soldiers. At the same time, Lilia also brushed a wave in the wild area.

But immediately afterwards, JD.com was immediately faced with pressure to go on the road.

After KT completed the repairs, they asked Seti to go to the bottom lane to clean up the pushed lane. The duo went to the top lane to lead the lane, while Lin Cheng immediately moved up after pushing the lane in the middle lane.

The KT players gathered on the top lane, and Seti, the only one leading the lane below, and TP, JD.com had no way of defending the top lane tower.

However, there have been too many chaotic battles in the LPL, and JD.com also has a temper.

When the commentators felt that this wave could not be defended at all, JD.com's five players just started to assemble on the top lane.

Zeyuan: "Do you still want to defend Jingdong this wave? The equipment gap is too big! And Seti has TP, this wave is really difficult to defend."

Cat: "This wave of bad moves is still a little bit worse. Maybe JD.com wants to rely on defense towers to counterattack."

The goal of this wave of Jingdong is very clear, which is to get Silas, who has synthesized the 10-layer ring into the murder book in seconds under the tower.


Niutou Zang flashed out of the shadows and knocked Silas away with WQ.

Ashe's magic crystal arrow flew from behind.

Qinggang Ying also kicked out with the second E.


Tusin's Thresh dreamed back to his eighteenth year, and flashed directly to Sylas's side, using his E skill.

Even if this E couldn't bring Qinggang Ying down, Thresh could still use his body to help Lin Cheng block the two controls.

However, Tusin won half the game, and this wave finally turned around.

Thresh's Pendulum of Doom hit the bull head and the green steel shadow in the air at the same time, and then Thresh was knocked unconscious by Ashe's ultimate move.

Lin Cheng stood up and immediately stole the bull's head ultimate move. He directly used his rocket belt with his E skill to cut to Lilia on the side.

Lin Cheng's equipment had already overwhelmed the entire field. He wore magic shoes, a rocket belt, a murder book, a stopwatch, and a flashlight. Lilia was cut by Lin Cheng and ran back in an instant with her remaining health intact.

The female police officer had already set up a sniper attack, and no one was helping to block the gun even though all the teammates were engaged in a melee. Silly Roe Deer was killed almost without even firing a shot.

Tusin's Thresh was the first to carry the tower. He woke up from the ice dizziness and immediately handed over the stopwatch to save his life, just in time to avoid the card's Q skill.

At this time, Lin Cheng's Silas entered the field again, using the bull-headed ultimate move to carry the tower, and the chains in his hands were slapping wildly.

At this time, Jingdong’s equipment disadvantages were infinitely magnified.

The Green Steel Shadow was stuck by the bear, Silas looked like a god of war while carrying the tower, and the damage from the ice and cards was just tickling.

In fact, the failure of this wave of Jingdong was already doomed when Thresh helped Silas block the fatal control.

The damage on the red side was not enough, and now there is no key control to limit Sylas.

Lin Cheng's Silas didn't even use a stopwatch and killed three in and three out under the tower. Every time the chain was swung, it seemed to hit the opponent's main artery.

"Triple Kill!"

Card, Qinggangying and Niutou were killed in Lin Cheng's hands.

There was even a funny scene in the end when Lin Cheng opened the defense tower to chase Han Bing.

Bingbing hit Silas with countless ice arrows in the face, but Silas was passively shot with two shots and almost recovered the little blood skin he had just lost.

Lin Cheng didn't use the W skill at all, but Han Bing's ghostly A alone couldn't lower Silas's health at all.

At this time, Lin Cheng's murder book was already at level 24, and just the reply provided by the full-level conqueror made Han Bing despair.

In the end, Lin Cheng scored four kills with a W Regicide thrust.

In 13 minutes, Lin Cheng had 11 kills.

Moreover, JD's first tower was also broken on the road, and KT took up all the plating.

This has turned into a massacre!

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