This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 635 Suffocation! KT’s signature operation

Today is the first match day of the group stage. Although the first three games were all one-sided games, no player achieved super.

In other words, Lin Cheng is the first player to achieve Super God in this group stage.

More importantly, the economic gap on the field reached 8,000.

In less than 14 minutes, with an economic gap of 8,000, it would be difficult for KT to come back even if they were taken over by all EDG players.

Zeyuan: "The green hair flashes twice! It's going to kill Sylas... Wow! Thresh flashes to block the arrow! Tusin is so excited now! No one can control Sylas now... It's so desperate! This Silas is like a god of war! He used the bull-headed ultimate move to carry the tower and he didn't lose much blood. Three kills! Four kills! Jingdong Toutie was beaten to death, and Brother Chengzi was already killing crazy! 11 kills Silas!"

MacT: "This wave of Tusin Thresh is really good. JD tried their best to launch an All in Sylas wave, but Thresh flashed it and resolved it perfectly. If Orange Brother was defeated by Qinggang Shadow 2nd Dan E and Ashe under the tower, If the big move is connected to the control, JD can beat Silas first and have a real chance of winning this wave."

Cat: "It's collapsed! has completely collapsed! With such a huge economic gap, and Silas, who is full of murder books, how can still play?"

"Is it just breaking down now?"

Zeyuan asked back, barely able to hold back his laughter.

Cat: "Uh~~Beng is an early collapse, but there was still a little chance before this wave. After this wave, it feels like there is no chance of blood collapse."

MacT: "There is no other way. Now can only wait for KT to make a mistake. If someone in KT commits a crime, may still have a slight chance."

Zeyuan: "To be honest! Even if someone makes a mistake in the 8,000 economy in 13 minutes, it will be very difficult. Unless Brother Chengzi takes the lead in committing a crime and rushes to the tower to send it hard, and then the other four KT brothers Calabash Brothers save Grandpa and send them one by one,'s situation may be better. stand up.

And even if KT sent one wave to destroy, it would still be difficult. Cheng Zi would have to take the lead in committing crimes and send two big waves... But according to KT's performance this year, this situation is impossible.

I think instead of discussing whether can make a comeback, it is more practical to discuss whether can kill Brother Chengzi once. Silas, who is crushed by this equipment, is really indestructible. "

"Grandpa! The inferior horse did not disappoint. In the first battle, he was pinned to the ground and beaten violently."

"It's so embarrassing! I have no power to fight back. It's easier to fight than a wild card."

"The senior colonel seemed to be laughing just now! You want to be offended, right?"

"It doesn't matter. The inferior horse has no fans and is not afraid of charging."

"Who can protect me if I am so embarrassed? The audience took the lead after the game."

"It's really fucked! Even the man-machine bureau is so exaggerated."

"This Silas is too fierce!"

"This wave of Thresh's Heavenly Power will no longer be performed, right?"

"Toothpaste is really good! Use a card and fly it to send Silas to take off. Then the card will become invisible and the rhythm will be lost."


After this wave of defeat, Lin Cheng was even plagued by the lich, and he was steadily moving towards the third Zhonya hourglass.

To be honest, Lin Cheng has never fought such a rich battle in RANK.

11 kills in 13 minutes is not bad, RANK does have such moments occasionally.

But usually in fierce fights, you don’t have too many last hits, but in this round, Lin Cheng took a lot of kills and didn’t miss any last hits. In addition, he participated in the economy of the plating of the three outer towers, which resulted in a 14-minute It’s almost like Silas in a three-piece suit.

KT players methodically pushed the lane, roamed, and squeezed the jungle at their own pace, just like they did in the LCK.

Jingdong looked for an opportunity to try to seize the opportunity and withdraw the 1,000-yuan bounty on Silas' head.

Although Silas is well equipped, there is still a chance if all five of Jingdong are captured together.

After all, the red side has too much control. When Silas cannot steal the Bull Head ultimate move, the five of them will definitely have a chance to kill Silas.

However, KT's discipline was too strong. When Lin Cheng pressed the line in the top lane, his teammates in the middle lane moved to the upper half of the jungle after pushing the line.

Although all members of the red side were in the upper half, the card did not dare to fly after the card activated its ultimate move.

Because they knew it was impossible to kill Silas before the support of KT teammates arrived.

In this way, the card's current three ultimate moves have accomplished nothing.

The first big move brings the Green Steel Shadow to Silas for a double kill, the second big move is to explore vision, and the third big move is OB. didn't find an opportunity to take action. Instead, Kuro's Seti demolished the second tower in the bottom lane without supervision.

When the red side had to defend the high ground in the lower lane, KT suddenly put pressure on the second tower.

Sett had disappeared from the enemy's sight, and Lin Cheng's Silas emerged from the direction of Jingdong's highland light gate, forcing the ice and cards under the highland to not dare to go up to clear the line of troops.

In this way, the second tower on the red square middle road is also broken.

After destroying the second tower, Kuro's Seti directly TPed onto the road to send troops forward, and the rest of KT immediately moved up.

Due to the early lane change, everyone in KT arrogantly blocked the red side's defensive line.

Tusin went to the red square light gate in advance to have a view, and the rest of the team stood behind the second tower on the red side to demolish the tower, which was an arrogance.

However, Jingdong had no choice but to watch from the high ground.

In this way, at 17 and a half minutes, KT took out all the opponent's outer towers, and the economic gap had already exceeded 10,000.

Even now, the second vanguard has not been attacked. The blue side unplugged the second tower and then divided its troops into two groups to attack the vanguard and dragon at the same time.

Mact: "The rhythm is so suffocating! KT showed us their strong personal abilities earlier, including the wave of KT players on the top lane who also showed their tacit cooperation ability in team battles, and the pulling out of these three outer towers It fully reflects their operational capabilities, which was to take advantage of the line difference and vision to capture three second towers without any blood."

Zewon: "Look at the economic gap! Before you know it, it's almost 11,000! It feels like every time I look at it, the economic gap is widening. A strong team like KT has such a strong snowballing ability!"

Cat: "Yes! I also want to say this. The biggest difference between the teams in the group stage today and the teams in the finals is here.

In the past, the ability of the qualifying teams to kill the game after gaining an advantage was very weak, and it often had to be delayed until the very late stage. But if you look at the previous games between Taobo and KT, the economic gap between them was getting bigger and bigger every minute when they had the advantage. , you’ll feel like it’s hopeless after watching it for more than ten minutes. "

"Stop Tao Bo! Except during the laning period, Tao Bo is famous for his hip-drawing."

"Cat King compares Taobo to KT? Who is KT's opponent? Who is your Taobo opponent?"

"KT's operational capabilities are as good as those of Taobo?"

"There are only two ways for Taobao to beat KT: either to crush it during the laning phase, or to win in a big brawl."

"Let me tell you! KT is very strong in the laning phase, 369 can't stand up to Brother Chengzi, and Taobo only has a chance in the big brawl."

"It's so funny! Is there anyone who thinks KT is afraid of Brawl? DWG was criticized by KT for playing Brawl."

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