This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 697 Didn’t you expect that? I am back again!

While various language stream commentators were lamenting the exaggeration of Lin Cheng’s sword girl data, the second-line commentators on several Chinese streaming platforms discovered a strange fact: the traffic in the live broadcast room increased dramatically!

After figuring out the whole story, several second-line commentators were dumbfounded.

It turned out that the audience couldn't stand Teacher Ma's nonsense and ran to the second road to take refuge.

This is the first time in the history of the S competition that the number of second-hand viewers of the Chinese stream is greater than the number of people in the official live broadcast room.

Lin Chengdao sister just set several new records on the court, and Teacher Ma also set a new attendance record off the court.

So, when the camera cut back to the commentary box, everyone found that Teacher Ma talked less when explaining and analyzing the situation, and he stopped grabbing the words, and the volume of the microphone seemed to have become lower.

The viewers who were still in the official live broadcast room began to joke.

"Haha! I was warned."

"The director temporarily found Galen to give the old horse a try."

"Has Teacher Ma been kidnapped? Please say something."

"I think Teacher Ma's explanation is okay, but there are too many modal particles and nonsense."

"The program was very effective, but it made people not in the mood to watch the game."

"Teacher Ma, stop talking. It's okay if you don't want to watch the game (twisted mouth)."


After a short break, the camera switched to the competition scene, and the players from both sides had returned to the competition seats.

BP started. Due to the loser's choice of side, Suning still BANed first on the blue side in this game.

As soon as he came up, the blue side directly banned the sword girl with one hand.

Remember: "Sword girl! This move is really bad without banning. Suning tried the water in the last game and found that the water is a bit deep. Brother Chengzi's sword girl must be respected."

Wang Duoduo: "Then we definitely can't let him go anymore. The last one was killed by the sword girl. Even if we randomly pick a spectator to BP now, he won't let the sword girl go again."

Like the previous game, KT banned Kindred first on the red side. Most of the heroes Bono used in this World Championship were restrained by Kindred.

The second BAN slot of the blue side was given to Lucian. In this version, they did suffer a bit by not playing Lucian.

KT gave the second BAN slot to the card, or aimed at the dual-card system of card + Camille.

In fact, Ka Ka and Camille have only appeared at the same time twice since entering the knockout round, and they won both games. Everyone found that the strength of the mid-to-upper pair was too high.

The main reason is that these two heroes are not only powerful as sidebands, but also have fast support. If paired with any wild core, they can make the jungle play very comfortable.

Suning on the blue side sent Syndra to the BAN position with a backhand.

The third hand of KT on the red side banned male guns. Since Angel likes to use mages, this hero is undoubtedly the most suitable wild core for Suning.

Starting to select players, SN directly locked Qinggang Ying on the first floor on the blue side.

Wang Duoduo: "Oh? Camille! Abin is still very brave. There is no card out there, but he has to choose Camille. This is a hero he likes very much. I believe everyone is familiar with the all-powerful stone Camille in the group game. It’s still fresh in my memory, even Brother Chengzi used Almighty Stone Camille later.”

Remember: "It is indeed Abin's signature hero, but don't forget that Qinggangying is also Chengzi's signature hero! Even this hero is the hero he has used the most in his career, much more than his Sword Girl. He is too Now that I know Qinggang Ying, I’m still a little worried about Abin.”

Da Sima, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke: "I think this Qinggang Shadow is very good. Young people must dare to play. Moreover, Qinggang Shadow can better cooperate with teammates. Suning's tactical focus in this game is obviously on the road."

KT on the red side locked Seti + Senna with a backhand.

This move is very swingy. Sett is very good at playing the top lane, but this hero can play in four positions of midfielder and jungler in KT. No one is sure whether Sett is the top laner.

The blue side showed Clockwork and Jhin on the second and third floors. The first three heroes are all used by Suning players more recently.

On the third floor of the red side, the Czar is locked.

Remember: "Tsar! Then I prefer KT to take Seti on the road. KT usually likes to match heroes like Tsar in the middle when giving fighters like Orange Brother. If Sett fails to start a team, he still has a strong Tsar. open."

Wang Duoduo: "Abin is under a lot of pressure in this round. It is difficult for Camille to beat Seti in the lane. I wonder if he will use the Almighty Stone to ignite Camille later."

The second round of BAN begins.

KT targeted the jungler to ban Leopard Girl and Lilia. These two heroes are not only fast, but also very powerful in cooperating with Qinggang Shadow to catch junglers.

Suning banned Tahm Kench and Gou Xiong, obviously they also thought that Sett would go on the road.

Starting to select people, the red square locked the blind monk on the fourth floor.

In the early stage, the Czar can push the lane but lacks combat effectiveness. The jungler needs to increase the strength of the confrontation, otherwise the middle and jungle confrontation will easily suffer.

Suning's last two moves were Prince + Female Tank.

Although Sofm is considered a jungler in his playing style, he has actually won a lot of rhythm heroes in this version. He used both Prince and Lee Sin in this World Championship.

After Suning's lineup was selected, KT suddenly showed Jax at the end.

Remember: "Weapon Master! So this is Sett's support. The bottom lane combination of Senna + Sett is rare now. I just don't know if this Senna is the last-hitting Senna."

Wang Duoduo: "When Abin Jax didn't perform well in the last game, Orange Brother took out Jax again in this game. You must know that he has never used this hero in previous games. Not once."

Da Sima: "This person is a little bad! A little bad! He wants to give Abin a teaching bureau."

"Fuck! Backhand teaching game? It's funny, isn't it?"

"Don't talk nonsense! Suning banned Dao Mei. It doesn't count as backhand teaching."

"If the signature Qinggangying loses to Jax, Abin will probably lose his mentality. Orange brother Jax doesn't play much."

"Brother Chengzi is going to destroy Chinese e-sports!"

"Jax is an exclusive hero for the LPL. Brother Chengzi, do you want to apply to play Jax?"

“So classic and spicy!”

"I have a hunch that Brother Chengzi will be beaten up by Abin for pretending to be awesome in this game!"

"Brother Chengzi also played Vayne in the LCK. He didn't apply at that time. God's punishment was coming soon."


The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue square SN:

On the road: Bin (Qinggangying, Camille)

Jungler: Sofm (Prince of Demacia, Jarvan IV)

Middle lane: Angel (Clockwork Demon, Orianna)

Bottom lane: Huanfeng (player, Jhin)

Support: Swordart (Goddess of Dawn, Leona)

Red side KT:

Top lane: Cheng (Weapon Master, Jax)

Jungler: Bono (Lee Sin, Lee Sin)

Middle: Kuro (Desert Emperor, Azir)

Bottom lane: Aiming (soul-purifying holy spear, Senna)

Support: Tusin (Wrist, Seti)

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