This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 698 Lin Cheng’s Weird Data

The lineups of both sides in this game are actually very similar.

Qinggangying and Weapon Master on the top lane have different abilities to cooperate with teammates, except for their ability to coordinate with teammates. In the middle and late stages, they both have one point.

The mid laner Clockwork and the Tsar are both core players in the late game, and the bottom lane assistant is responsible for launching the AD pendant in the team. In addition, the jungler opposite Prince and Lee Sin both tend to use rhythm. The lineups of the two sides are indeed very similar.

Of course, there is a big difference in the degree of adaptation between each hero, which makes it impossible to compare them directly, but at least in general the two sides have similar ideas for winning the game. At this time, what matters is the performance of the players on the field.

Faced with runes, Lin Cheng's Jax chose the main system of precision: Conqueror, Triumph, Resilience, and Perseverance, and the secondary system of enlightenment: Magic Shoes, Time Warp Tonic.

There is nothing much to say about the main runes, but the time warp tonic in the secondary system is worth mentioning.

Jax brought this rune not as a medicine king in the conventional sense, but to increase his movement speed when taking medicine.

This rune can improve Jax's pulling ability during the laning phase to ensure the hit of his E skill. In the early stage, when Jax needs to pull, whether he has time warp tonic or not is really a matter of two heroes.

On the opposite side, Abin also understood, and did not continue to bring out something as cool as the Almighty Stone, but directly focused on the resolute and indestructible attack.

In Lin Cheng's opinion, there is no absolute advantage or disadvantage in the matchup between Jax and Qinggang Shadow. Anyway, he can defeat Qinggang Shadow with Jax, and he can defeat Jax with Qinggang Shadow.

Of course, due to Jax's hero attributes, it will start to become easier to beat Qinggangying later on, but in the early stage, it depends more on the operations of both sides.

When he went out, he chose the Corruption Potion, and Lin Cheng went straight to the triangular grass on the road and stood in position.

The red square stood parallel to the river in an orderly manner, but Suning made a change in this game.

From a God's perspective, the five players on the blue side went out and headed straight for the top half.

Rinu and Qinggangying got into the Dalong Pit from the river, while the other three people from Suning went around from the upper route to the shadow of the red corner wall with their vision blocked.

Remember: "Hey! Suning has an idea this time and wants to catch him at the first level! Let's see if Brother Chengzi realizes it."

Wang Duoduo: "But the weapon has an E and a dodge that is difficult to catch... Do you need to dodge to catch it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Snake, who had already leaned into the dragon pit, inserted an ornamental eye into the triangle grass.


The moment Jax was discovered, the female tank dodged and then launched a Q skill.

Lin Cheng, who was originally standing in the grass, was communicating with his teammates. He didn't expect the danger to come like this.

Lin Cheng was shocked. He had just learned E and was knocked unconscious before he started counterattack storm.

The Qinggang Shadow Hook Lock climbed over the wall and took control.

Suning's other three brothers appeared leaning against the river wall.


Afraid that Jax would stand up and cross E and flash away, the prince directly flashed over and fired a shot to deal passive damage, and E planted the German flag.

The clockwork golem flew over.

Jhin W made a fatal move, and Jax, who had not yet escaped from dizziness, was imprisoned again.

Although he stood up and fired E Counterstorm, Jax's health had bottomed out.

The weapon with a level 1 potion has less than 600 HP, and basically everyone on the other side will die if you touch it.

Forget it, no more running.

Lin Cheng was very sensible and did not cross-dodge. He drove the counterattack storm and showed a Teemo thumbs up expression on the spot, and then was burned to death by the female tank's ignition.

"First Blood!"

Remember: "Okay! This wave of Suning was very decisive in catching the five of us! Were you the only one who chased the five of us in the last game?"

Wang Duoduo: "But this wave is actually not profitable! Suning handed over two flashes and ignites, and finally the kill was given to the female tank. If it was given to Qinggangying, this wave would be very profitable.

And Brother Chengzi is also very delicate, and he doesn't get stunned when he drives Counterattack Storm. He knows that he will die with his remaining health, so he deliberately let Snake's ignition kill him. "

Da Sima: "Actually, I think it's okay. Since we can't fight in the bottom lane anyway, the female tank's dual recruits will be dealt with as soon as they are dealt. It's still profitable to get first blood."

I remember suddenly saying: "There is a very interesting data that I need to share with you! Brother Chengzi has the most independent deaths at level one among all the players participating in the World Championship this year."


Da Sima was stunned subconsciously, very surprised.

Remember to explain: "This independent death means that he was killed without teammates within 2,000 yards, which means that Brother Chengzi is the player who suffered the most level one ambushes this year.

The opponent will often choose a level 1 group to catch him alone, and in many of these ambushes regardless of the cost, a few will flash over just to get his first blood.

This year, Brother Chengzi died six times independently at the first level in the LCK, and this time it was seven times. No player has ever been targeted like this at the first level. "

After a pause, I remembered to add: "Of course all the players participating in the S competition this year include all the wild card players. Brother Chengzi is far ahead in the first-level independent death data."

"It's so funny! You have today too."

"Brother Chengzi worked so hard for a solo kill, but it turned out that he was the one who died the most at level one, hahahaha!"

"Bengbu is here! 2333333."

"It's different. If Brother Chengzi wants to do something, he'll do a solo kill, but the other side often has five people ambushing him before they send out any troops."

"Brother Chengzi really did it. I still vividly remember the scene when I was beaten to death while dancing in the river."

"Actually, Brother Cheng died two times in the beginning because of his fancy ways. Later he stopped doing it, but he still got caught in various ways."


In fact, Lin Cheng's first-level independent death data is also very embarrassing.

Don't look at him killing all the other top laners in the LCK. He even killed him solo at level one.

But the final data showed that Lin Cheng had the most deaths in the entire LCK level one.

Level 1 teamfights rarely break out in the LCK, and everyone basically doesn’t decide whether to live or die online at level 1, but Lin Cheng, the level 1 player, was beaten by all kinds of guarantees.

He really couldn't help it.

He was indeed very promiscuous at the beginning. After being beaten to death twice while dancing in the river with a bright expression, he became stable, but he couldn't withstand the opponent's attack!

What can he do if the opponent flashes up from the dragon pit to attack him like this?

I can only say that my performance was too good and I was targeted.

Regarding Lin Cheng's death, his teammates were laughing crazily.

"Hoho! Why is Lin Cheng dead again?"

"It's not surprising! This guy is like this. He delivers every level one."

"Can you come up and give me less? You alone have done more first-level things than we put together."

Lin Cheng muttered for the whole game: "What can I do? I was targeted...the opponent's jungler and support didn't dodge."

Before his teammates could continue to laugh, Lin Cheng marked the triangle grass: "This grass has eyes. Park Rong Hyuk, please scan it and line it up."

After a pause, he continued: "Wait for me for a moment and give me the eye money. I paid for this eye with my life."

Tusin: "·····"

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