This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 701 Cheng’s random killing area

After being killed by Jax, Qinggang Shadow Lane has become difficult to play.

Originally, the Weapon Master in this version became better and better at beating Qinggang Shadow starting from level 6, but Abin also lost such a big wave of lanes, at least he no longer had the capital to fight in the lanes.

However, this wave of Sofm's prince happened to be in the lower half. After discovering that the Tsar TP had caught him, the prince went directly to activate the dragon.

In the middle, Clockwork quickly pushed the lane into the tower and disappeared in the middle. The KT duo felt the pressure and quickly released the lane to shrink the tower to prevent being caught. Suning's duo also moved towards the Xiaolong Pit.

In this case, KT could only let go of the first dragon, and Suning stopped a wave of losses.

After Lin Cheng came out with the scimitar, the pressure on Qinggangying increased. At this time, Jax became more active in changing blood.

After having the ultimate move, Lin Cheng first saves up two passives, and then looks for an opportunity to QAW to attack directly. Even if he is knocked unconscious by Qinggang Shadow's E on the wall in seconds, this wave of Jax's blood exchange will still make money.

The most important thing is that Scimitar provides recovery. Jax's passive and continuous push maximizes the recovery effect of Scimitar. On the contrary, Qinggangying's W recovery alone is not enough.

According to the canyon theory of relativity.

You hit me but I had blood-sucking = you didn’t hit me = I used your blood for nothing = I perfectly suppressed my position = the opponent’s top lane exploded = the opponent sent it!

Of course, all joking, but now Abin's Qinggang Shadow is indeed very uncomfortable on the lane end.

And it’s not easy for Sofm’s prince to help target Jax now.

Although Qinggang Shadow has an excellent ability to retain people, Jax's counterattack Storm Tianke Prince and Qinggang Shadow require close combat. If the two of them are unable to deal with Jax, it will be very difficult for the blind monk to rush over and Suning go to the jungle. It may explode directly.

In this case, Sofm tried to find a wave of opportunities in the bottom lane at more than 7 minutes.

Snake first went to the river to line up a circle of vision, and Tusin's Seti chose to move closer from his own jungle area to get a vision.

This choice is very reasonable. If the line of troops is pushed in front of the tower, it may be overtaken. Setting up the wild field vision in advance can prevent it.

Just as Seti left, the prince happened to approach from the river.

The female tank flashed Senna with her E from the bushes, and then ignited her with her Q skill after being stunned.

The German military flag was placed on Senna's head.

Jhin walked up, fired the fourth bullet of Whisper, and immediately prepared to connect with W Fatal Brilliance.

Aiming's Senna instantly lost a large amount of blood, but he was also very thin. After the Japanese girl's ignition and control were fully engaged, he pressed purify and flashed into the tower just to avoid the deadly brilliance and the prince's EQ.

Sofm did not dodge with EQ immediately, and there was no way to continue pursuing the prince when he was not yet at level six.

The blue side can only prepare to give up this wave of GANK.

However, the grass behind has already lit up a red square TP.

Remember: "Suning is very spiritual this time, using his true eyes to fish! Tusin was fooled! Seti is draining eyes in the river, then Aiming is very dangerous, one purification is not enough... Oh! This wave of Senna's purification is very extreme , successfully used flash to pull away."

Wang Duoduo: "But Brother Chengzi is on T. This position is where the Sword Girl was 1 vs 4 in the last game! Suning's three brothers in the field have almost mastered their skills, which is a bit dangerous!"

Lin Cheng handed over TP as soon as the opponent made a move. After landing, he accelerated and rushed forward with his Q skill, jumping directly on Jhin's face and knocking him. He shot AW and at the same time slowed down the scimitar to hit Jhin.

The female tank came up and used her Q skill to stun Jax.

When the female tank raised her hand, Lin Cheng instantly activated E to counterattack the storm, and the heavy blow of the grand master's backhand was smeared on Jhin's face.

Jhin instantly lost more than one-third of his health.

Even Lin Cheng didn't activate the active effect of his ultimate move at all, because he knew that the opponent had no threat to him.

The fifth-level prince is just a toy without EQ, and the female tank has no ultimate skill and now there is no way to restrict Jax from being aggressive.

Jhin backhandedly dropped a trap in front of his face in an attempt to slow down Jax, but Jax raised his hand and hammered his head and counterattacked with Storm Eruption.

The female tank and Jhin were stunned at the same time, and only the prince next to him withdrew from the range of the counterattack storm in time.

At this time, Senna, who was taking the line alone in front of the tower at the back, had just reached level six.

Shadow Rebellion takes action.

The burst of Shadow Rebellion combined with Jax's passive pushed Jhin's health to a dangerous level.


Seeing that something was wrong, Huanfeng stood up and tried to run away.


Lin Cheng followed decisively.

In the case of Jax's main W, the level 4 W only has a 4-second CD. When he raises his hand to attack, the W that has been cooled down will reset the attack. Jax kills Jhin with a hammer.

After killing Jhin, Lin Cheng immediately moved his position and chased the female tank with his backhand to knock her down.

Aiming's Senna had already moved over with her E, using the increased deceleration of the glacier to help save people, and her W Endless Stay also hit the female tank.

Jax knocked hard. Although the female tank opened W and became more aggressive, Lin Cheng knocked off the female tank's head without even using the second Q in his hand.

"Double Kill!"

When the prince saw Seti approaching from the river, he ran away without looking back. This wave of Suning's attack on the bottom lane finally ended with Jax's double kill.

Remember: "Ouch~~~ It's been calculated! Why did Suning suffer from Brother Chengzi's TP again? They knew that Jax had TP. These three people controlled the skills and handed them over to Senna before they were killed. As a result, a Jax TP came down and slapped me in the face."

Wang Duoduo: "The main thing is that I was too careless when I pressed the line and didn't eliminate the back eye! I continued to suffer the losses suffered in the previous game. Suning was too eager to launch an attack. Snake had a clear view of the river and successfully fished. Seti was led away, but the view of the grass on the side road was not cleared."

Da Sima: "It's over! Now that Abin can't play, how can the hero Jax play with three green steel shadows? It's just mindless."

Remember: "Teams that want to play against KT in the future should really pay attention. If they want to move to the bottom lane, they must first clear the back lane. The main reason is that Orange Brother can have a TP difference in every game. The difference is too ridiculous! The first TP in the top laner They were all used to return the line, and he used the first TP to kill people."

"Why did this Jax ride on three people's faces with a small scimitar? This is not the later stage!"

"Fuck! It's the eyes of this place again. It's not enough for Suning to really suffer."

"Stop talking, Tao Bo was also educated in this place."

"It's so funny! Didn't Jingdong also get TPed and killed by Orange Brother in the group stage? It seems that all LPL teams have suffered a loss here."

"Classic Orange Brother's God of War eye position, right?"

"I declare! From today on, this area will be the Cheng clan's random killing zone! Any team that dares to mess around in this place must consider it."

"Brother Cheng: I can do it with five packs, but if you dare to touch my teammates... I'm sorry! I will come down and kill you!"

"Suning Fishing originally wanted to catch an assistant, but unexpectedly it attracted a big shark."

I have a bit of a cold. Please pay attention to your health. It has suddenly become cold recently.

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