This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 702: Boxing in the river, too many elements

After winning a double kill, Lin Cheng's Jax helped his good brother on the bottom lane clear a wave of lanes. After that, he still had a little money to break the bank, so he returned to the top lane and took two waves of lanes.

Bono was not in a hurry to move the vanguard that was refreshed in eight minutes. He planned to wait until Lin Cheng returned home to make up for the damage before steadily taking down the vanguard.

As a result, Suning's duo had already reached the top half ahead of schedule, and just when Lin Cheng returned to the city, the blue side took the initiative to activate the vanguard.

Suning obviously believes that this pioneer needs to fight.

It’s not that KT is afraid of getting the first-blood tower’s economy, but that Jax’s lane power in the top lane is too great. If Jax pushes up the tower, the vanguard can easily threaten the clockwork mid-tower.

Once the mid-tower is lost, it is definitely not a good thing for Suning to enter the lane change period early. Jax will definitely dominate the wing.

The blue side moved forward first, and KT's duo also rushed to the middle. The blind monk and the czar harassed the side for a while. After Seti came up and pushed forward, Tusin looked ready to flash and force open at any time.

Suning did not have Lin Cheng's location information at the first time, and had no idea that Jax had not arrived yet. Under Sett's pressure, the blue team chose to pull out the half-defeated Canyon Pioneer, and collectively took up positions in the upper river.

Bono decisively stepped forward to pick up the half-health vanguard and pulled the vanguard to the lower river.

However, KT's players did not use skills to quickly RUSH the vanguard, but slowly waited for Lin Cheng to arrive.

Now if you use too many small skills to play as a vanguard, it will be very stiff if the opponent's brain gets hot and a sudden wave of All-in comes.

Both sides tried to move around the river, but no one took the initiative to attack.

Just when the vanguard's eyes were knocked out again and he was reduced to residual health, Prince EQ came up and wanted to punish him.

Bono's blind monk quickly kicked the prince away.

However, the summoner skill of Punishment is quite special and can be released even when being controlled.

Just when the prince was kicked into the air, Sofm's punishment had already been taken.

Instead, in order to kick the prince away, Bono delayed his punishment, and the Canyon Pioneer who was already in the killing line was killed by the prince.

Lin Cheng: "If the pioneer is lost, keep someone else. I'm here!"

Kuro's Czar decisively drifted into the field and launched his ultimate move with his backhand.


Clockwork handed over and dodged the Forbidden Wall. Only the prince next to him was pushed back.

Tusin's Seti has already activated Q Conquering Power to accelerate parkour, and is ready to cover the Tsar's team start.

After all, the Czar did not dodge, and if the ultimate move is not pushed well, he may give it away.

In the end, Kuro's ultimate move only pushed one prince over.

Sofm, who had just been kicked away, was pushed back again, and the prince directly covered Seti, who was parkouring next to him.

The location of Gaida happened to be at the entrance of Longkeng, and Sofm also picked up the newly refreshed Pioneer Eye.


Tusin decisively crossed the terrain created by the prince and stood next to the tsar.

The rest of Suning's team was ready to counterattack the Tsar immediately. Ser took two steps ahead and crossed the E to reach the female tank on the Tsar's face, using the E skill to crack the skull with a strong hand.

Tusin's Sett is not at level 6 yet. Without a big move, he can only rely on his E skill to keep people alive until his teammates deal with the prince and come to support him.

Therefore, Tusin's E skill was deliberately released diagonally, aiming at the clockwork that did not dodge, preparing to pull the clockwork and the female tank together.

Sett's angle E can be extended further. Lin Cheng often uses this technique when using Sett. Of course Tusin can also use it, but he rarely uses this technique.

I saw Seti of Tusin standing at the corner of the dragon pit, his strong and powerful arms suddenly stretched out, bursting with energy!

However! He came up short!

It didn't matter if he didn't pull the clockwork. Seti's diagonal E skill just missed the female tank two steps behind him.

Remember: "Suning's duo changed lanes in advance to move the vanguard...but they were not decisive enough! The blue team didn't know that Jax had returned to the city, and they were a little afraid to fight!"

Wang Duoduo: "I want to fight for punishment... I got it! Sofm got this vanguard, but what about the team battle? The Czar wants to save people first, Seti... Wow~~~ What a chest expansion exercise! "

Although it was a bit dramatic to face E Kong, at least this wave of Tusin was not without effect. At any rate, his position was in front of the Czar, which just happened to help Kuro block Qinggang Ying's flying kick.

On the opposite side, Double C and Qinggangying directly focused their fire on Seti in front.

As soon as he got up, he was hit by the shock wave of the clockwork, and Seti's health dropped to a dangerous level.

Tusin quickly fired W and punched deliberately.

As a result, I don’t know if the E-empty operation just affected my mentality. Tusin’s W was placed in the opposite direction.

He did not hit the three enemies in front of him, but aimed his punch at the teammates behind him with full of ambition.

Lin Cheng's Jax had already jumped into the Prince's ultimate move after the Prince blocked the attack, and when it was defeated, he began to hit the Prince randomly.

"Leave me alone! Go help the front."

Jax was sure to defeat the Prince in a duel, and his teammates all bypassed the terrain area from the river to cover the Tsar and Seti.

Although Kuro was the first to enter the field to start a team fight, Tusin's decisive flash forward did not allow the opponent to kill the Czar in time.

After the opponent used Seti's punch shield, they found that the blind monk and Senna were pressing forward, and everyone on the blue side, who had handed over their key skills, could only turn around and escape up the route.

Suning's double C and support did not dodge. Seeing that this wave of pursuit was about to explode, Abin made a decisive move to cover Seti in front, and Hex's Ultimatum just bounced away the KT personnel pursuing behind.

And Abin also escaped in time.

Since the opponents were all in good health, KT didn't do anything like send five people to get past four people and climb up the tower.

In the end, only the prince was killed in the river by a weapon.

Remember: "Wow! It's okay, okay! This wave is equivalent to exchanging the prince's life for a vanguard, which is quite acceptable."

Wang Duoduo: "Indeed! If this vanguard is given to KT, the snowball will not be able to stop it. There is not much health in the tower itself. Once this fat Jax is released, the entire upper half of the jungle may fall."

Da Sima: "Abin's ultimate move is so crucial! If someone is caught up by Senna's E skill, no one may be able to escape. When there is only one flash in this wave, Suning exchanged a head for the vanguard. acceptable."

I remember joking: "I can only say that there are too many elements in this wave! The blind monk and the tsar had an alley-oop and kicked the prince back and forth. Instead, the saucy fan picked up the Eye of the Vanguard, and Tusin's Sett There was also a wave of river boxing...I wonder if he learned Sett from Meiko."

"Gan! Can it be turned on even if Guodian doesn't come?"

"Meiko's river boxing is much better than this idiot's."

"Blind monk, ball, river boxing, breast enlargement exercise, you try it! Enjoy it carefully!"

"Haha! Are these keywords definitely not referring to EDG?"

"There are too many factors in this wave, KT was taken over by Guodian?"

"Qi's will is everywhere, Suning has a chance."

"What does KT mean by this? I'll show you later how to lose 10,000 yuan!"

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