This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 724 The decisive battle begins

"I'm Makoto! KT's first-year student!"

"Maybe you don't know me doesn't matter! Soon, you will regard me as God!"

Lin Cheng's appearance is so handsome, and his two lines are even more domineering.

"What LCK glory? I don't care."

"Just for KT, we fight side by side!"

"Let's go all the way and clear away all the obstacles that stand in our way."

"Finally, we will step onto the throne!"

Following Lin Cheng's words, the camera slowly zoomed in, and the angle of the camera slowly changed to a diagonally downward view.

This perspective starts to feel oppressive.

It turned out that he was standing at the very edge of the top of the building. If he took half a step forward, he would fall from the top of the 100-meter-high building. Below was the bright traffic flow.

People who are afraid of heights may start to feel dizzy when they see this perspective.

"Oh my god! so hot! 》

"grass! Brother Cheng, this scene is so hot! 》

"Soon you'll see me as God!" Be good! This is too arrogant! 》

"I was still thinking about what Brother Cheng's lines would be, and it didn't disappoint."

"Xu Xiu Bible is already very popular, but I didn't expect Brother Chengzi to be even more domineering!" 》

"Only Brother Cheng dares to say this, right?" my God! 》

"From the camera language to the lines, I declare this to be the most domineering scene in the history of the league"

"Mother! Come and see God! 》

"Xu Xiu recasts the glory of LCK. Brother Chengzi directly said that he doesn't care. It's so funny!" 》


Lin Cheng completely ignited the atmosphere with just a few words.

The first sentence is straightforward, but the second sentence directly turns into the most domineering declaration.

Before Lin Cheng, no player had ever dared to say such domineering words.

Even if there are players who can survive better than Lin Cheng, they don't have Lin Cheng's strength to reach this point.

Lin Cheng personally defeated all the top laners who faced him, and it was precisely because of this statement that people knew that he was not just doing it, let alone joking.

Not only the Chinese stream, the Korean stream and the English stream are also highly discussed.

Not to mention the English flow, everyone in Lin Cheng’s base camp is cheering for Lin Cheng.

They like this kind of domineering and evasive player very much, and don't think Lin Cheng is acting awkwardly.

Hangul is different.

T1 fans wildly mocked Lin Cheng's arrogance. They believed that there was only one god in League of Legends, and that was Faker.

Lin Cheng just relied on his temporary results to jump up. Guys who try to blaspheme will not end well in the end.

KT fans naturally support Lin Cheng to the death. They say that Lin Cheng's dominance is the God of the Canyon.

Although T1 has a glorious history, the reality is that the god of T1 is still sleeping at home.

Why should Lin Cheng compete in the finals?

T1 fans can't stand it now. Could you please translate for me what Faker means sleeping at home?

The two parties once again started high-intensity interaction in the Korean streaming room.

This is also the norm for fans of T1 and KT. As feuding rivals, they are not merciless at all.

In the past, you deserved your arrogance because of your good T1 scores, but now we don't tolerate you anymore!

As Lin Cheng declared that he would step onto the throne, his wonderful scenes emerged one after another.

Probably because there were too many highlights of Lin Cheng's operations, the footage was much longer than that of his teammates, which made the audience feel a little sorry for Kuro.

No comparison, no harm!

This guy yells that his teammates are jerks every day, but it turns out that Kuro can't refute him.

Later, players from both sides and game highlights alternated. The end of the promotional video showed Lin Cheng's back looking up at the sky, which was similar to the scene in the promotional photo of this year's theme, and then the Summoner's Trophy was finally frozen.

Chinese streaming broadcast.

Today's game will be commented live in the studio by Remember, Zeyuan and Miller.

Miller: "Hello, audience friends, welcome to the finals of the 2020 League of Legends Global Finals. Hello everyone, I am Miller."

Remember: "Hello everyone, I remember."

Zeyuan: "Hello everyone, I am Zeyuan."

Miller: "After a month of waiting, two better teams finally reached the finals stage. Although our LPL team did not come to the finals stage this time, we can also take this opportunity to take a good look at the strengths of others. , LPL will definitely make a comeback next year as a challenger.

And we must affirm the strength of DWG and KT. They are indeed the two strongest teams this year. This game is also a repeat of the LCK Summer Split finals. "

Zeyuan: "Don't tell me, just watching the pre-game promotional video makes me feel a little excited. Needless to say, Xu Xiu's desire for the championship, and the domineering display of Brother Chengzi makes it difficult for you to believe that this is a He has only played professionally for less than a year, and perhaps it is this unparalleled confidence that has made him the number one top laner in the world."

Remember: "Then the question is, Brother Guan, who do you think you are more optimistic about?"

Zeyuan: "Of course I am more optimistic about KT. After all, in the league this year, KT used all kinds of tricks to beat DWG. However, DWG does not have no chance at all. The version of the World Championship and the Summer Split have changed a lot. It depends on whether they can Come up with some effective strategies to target Brother Chengzi.”

Remember: "Indeed! If you can't hold down Brother Cheng, it will be difficult for anyone to defeat KT. But the question is, how will Brother Cheng deal with it? This has become a world-class problem."

Zeyuan: "Is DWG planning to imitate Suning? Come and let the Sword Girl grab the Sword Girl?"

I remember laughing: "You're going too far!"

"Fuck! Are you going to whip Suning to death?"

"It's easy! The senior colonel has always been good at yin and yang."

"Bold! There is no LPL team in the finals, right?"

“It’s okay to let yourself go, so you don’t feel dangerous when explaining the LCK civil war?”

"Big School: Welcome to the LCK Summer Split, it feels like coming home."


The players on both sides have already sat in the competition seats and started debugging the equipment.

The competition seats are glass rooms with good sound insulation. After all, the open competition seats can easily cause the noise from the audience to affect the highly concentrated players on the field.

At this time, DWG's coaching staff is brainwashing the players.

"Xia Quan, perform well according to the play style we formulated before the game, and try your best to hold down the opponent's top laner. You are no worse than him. Let everyone see your progress in the past two months."

"Jianfu, believe in your own playing style. You are the best jungler this year. Don't let your opponent lead you by the nose. Don't let yourself hesitate because of the situation on the top lane."

Although Zefa is taciturn, the supervisor of DWG is a cultist who is very good at brainwashing. According to him, his team members are all the best in the world, and there is no reason why he cannot beat KT.

On the other side, KT's game room was relatively relaxed.

Everyone was chatting while debugging the equipment, and teammates were still asking Lin Cheng how he felt when he heard the boos just now.

Lin Cheng said he didn't panic at all in such a small scene! He was much more panicked than when he entered the wrong women's restroom at the Incheon Baseball Stadium.

As a result, his teammates asked him to describe in detail the whole process of breaking into the women's restroom.

They are more interested in this. "

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