This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 725: Let’s have a good hunt tonight!

Soon, the on-site referee confirmed that the first round of BP for both sides officially started.

According to the result of the coin toss before the game, KT chose BAN first on the blue side in the first game.

KT first banned Lucian.

The reason why this hero's priority has been raised to such a high level in this World Championship is actually very simple.

In the current version, the best partner in the mid lane for the two major AP Wild Core Leopards and Lilia is Lucian, no one else.

DWG was unfailing on the red side and decisively banned Dao Mei on the first floor.

Zeyuan: "Hey! Dao Mei has been banned! It seems that the DWG coaching staff studied the semi-finals between Suning and KT overnight and found that Dao Mei still cannot be released. If she is released, she may not be able to beat."

Miller: "At the beginning, many viewers didn't understand why all the teams were banning Brother Chengzi's sword girl. KT didn't even bring out a sword girl in the World Championship. They only saw all the opponents banning them. Many viewers expressed their incomprehension. , but after the semi-finals, the misunderstanding was resolved, and this sword girl really cannot be let go."

I remember Angle called Diamond: "I think Brother Chengzi should really thank Suning. If... I mean if, if KT can win the championship in the end, it is precisely because of Suning that Brother Chengzi can have the opportunity to choose the skin of Dao Mei. .”


Zeyuan said seriously: "I said that one-third of Suning's credit for Brother Chengzi's sword girl's skin is not too much, right?"

"Fuck! He's getting weird again. The senior colonel is really not afraid of being scolded?"

"Now Suning can't protect itself. How can there be fans to support the commentary? The fans are all rushing to the team."

"One third of the credit is for the classic, it's too familiar."

"You know what a stick! Suning's next big move is to let Brother Chengzi have a Sword Girl skin to build a good relationship, and then next year Brother Chengzi will transfer to Suning. This is called worldly wisdom."

"Come on! Suning is in debt crisis and has no money to buy Brother Chengzi. I suggest you come to Taobao."

"You don't understand, wouldn't it be nice to trick Brother Chengzi into signing a three-year contract and then resell it at a high price? Suning's wave is in the atmosphere."

"A second-rate dealer? Then PDD has experience."


Seeing the opponent banning Dao Mei, KT's voice was filled with excitement.

Lin Cheng was still shouting in the lounge just now that he wanted to kill Dao Mei indiscriminately, but his teammates were all optimistic that Dao Mei would be in the ban position.

It really came true.

Kuro joked: "Oh! Lin Cheng, you can't choose Irelia again."

Bono: "Tsk, tsk! How miserable! It seems that the opponent will keep banning Irelia today."

Tusin's speech was even more heartbreaking: "The worst thing is not this. Think about it... Even if Lin Cheng chooses the skin of Irelia this year, he may never see himself in the professional arena for the rest of his life. skin!"

"Ah ha ha ha ha! It's really true! Lin Cheng, why don't you change the skin? At least you can choose it and use it in the future."

Everyone laughed mercilessly, making Lin Cheng a little autistic.

Because he found that what Park Rong Hyuk said might become reality.

Lin Cheng: "Don't laugh. Later I will take out the Qinggang Ying and kill them randomly. Brother Cheng has two trump cards!"

While everyone was joking, KT gave Leopard Girl the second BAN position on the blue side.

Then, the red side DWG backhandedly disabled Qinggang Shadow.

Lin Cheng: "My darn @! #@#@¥ @2! # "

Kuro: "Oh! Lin Cheng's second trump card was also torn."

Lin Cheng said stubbornly: "It doesn't matter! Brother Cheng's heroic sea is bottomless."

As an old rival in the league, DWG naturally knows how terrifying Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow is.

There may not be as many one-on-four, one-on-five shots as Dao Mei, but Lin Cheng’s Green Steel Shadow is definitely the hero that makes teammates play the most comfortable.

In the statistics of the entire LCK summer split, Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow ranked at the forefront of the league in the number of ganks they roamed in the first fifteen minutes.

Even his Qinggang Shadow roamed more diligently than most junglers and mid laners in the early stage, which is outrageous.

Therefore, Lin Cheng's second trump card was also killed.

KT gave Jhin the third BAN position.

When facing KT, DWG likes to give the Ghost King in the bottom lane a tool player like Jhin who can push the lane without having to worry about it, instead of a character like EZ who is in jail in the early stage.

After all, Lin Cheng holds the line in the top lane, and Xu Xiu in the middle lane is often locked up against the old gangster Kuro. If Canyon is pushed out of the lane again in the bottom lane, it will be very uncomfortable in the jungle.

The red side's third move disabled Syndra.

Xu Xiu and Kuro are both good at the hero Syndra, but they are afraid that the opponent will grab the DWG on the blue side and they can only choose to ban it.

After all, other teams basically won't grab Syndra, but KT is different. This team's jungler BP pick is very low and they basically won't grab the jungle core first. As a result, strong heroes in other positions always go out first.

Starting to select people, the blue side KT locked Seti in seconds on the first floor.

The hero Sett actually has a high appearance rate in KT. They can be used in all four lanes, which makes the opponent very headache when KT chooses Sett first on the blue side.

Seeing that the opponent grabbed Seti, the red side DWG backhandedly took down the midfielder with the male gun + clockwork, which highlighted a solid midfielder.

KT took advantage of the trend to lock the double C of Tsar + EZ. Many teams in the LCK like to use long-handed EZ with Tsar.

DWG chose Panson as the third hero.

Ze Yuan: "Oh? Beryl got Pan Sen! You know, KT never released Pan Sen during the LCK summer finals."

Miller: "Hmm~~~ I seem to have forgotten this KT hand. I think Beryl can be said to be the best auxiliary Pantheon user currently. His Pantheon not only puts a lot of pressure on the lane, but also has great roaming support. positive."

Remember: "It looks great! Support has always been a very important part of DWG's rhythm linkage. Let's see if getting Panson in this game will create greater suspense for the game."

In the second round of banning people, DWG chose to ban Tamu and Japanese women from the auxiliary company.

In the second round, KT chose to ban AD, banning Hanbing and Senna. These two heroes were both DWG's partners with Panson.

The selection process began, and the red policewoman was locked on the fourth floor.

Although everyone's understanding of the policewoman is still based on the last version with soft auxiliary lanes like Lux, but for DWG, no matter what AD, they are just a lane push tool, and they don't expect the Ghost King to penetrate the opponent's bottom lane. .

It was the blue side's turn to select a player, and Tusin was first locked into Pike on the fourth floor.

Although Pike + EZ didn't play well in the laning, KT also knew that the opponent's auxiliary Pansen didn't rely on the bottom lane to play all the time, so they simply chose Pike to roam against.

The blue side hesitated slightly with his last move.

Sett has already agreed to let Bono use him in this round, and there are still many choices for the top laner.

Although DWG's first four heroes have three cores, they don't seem to have strong backhand abilities at the moment. KT's choice of a high-explosion hero to cooperate with Sett and Pike's entry seems to be very promising, and the Tsar can also rush in at critical moments. Wave.

So Kang Dongxun asked: "Lin Cheng, what do you think of Akali?"

Akali looks really good cooperating with her teammates to enter the field. It is impossible for the opponent Panson to mark so many heroes entering the field at the same time.

Moreover, Akali is not afraid of being targeted on the top lane due to the existence of Xia Zhen, so it is not a big problem for the blue side to go first.

Lin Cheng thought for a while: "Let's take Rengar! The opponent doesn't know that Sett is the jungler, so if we choose Rengar, we can swing."

The teammates were stunned for a moment. In previous training, Lin Cheng had indeed used many strange heroes, but the two times Lin Cheng was used by Lion Dog, he was always selected from the counter position to fight heroes such as captains.

Kang Dongxun was a little hesitant, "Why don't we choose Kennen? The first game is more stable, and the opponent's top laner hasn't been released yet."

Lin Cheng was very confident: "Don't be afraid! You boldly choose for me. If I lose, I will kneel down to play the game in the next round!"

Everyone: "·····"

You are like this, what else can we say?

So, the blue side showed the poodle in the last move.

Have a good hunt tonight!

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