This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 726 Watch me ambush him

The Chinese stream commentator was surprised when he saw the blue side's fourth hand Pike coming out.

Miller: "Pyke? I think KT's Pyke is a bit tricky. Although Tusin does have a Pyke support hand, EZ+Pyke will go to jail in the bottom lane. I feel that setting Sett as a support hand is more reliable than Pyke. Online Even if Pike hooks these two people, he will most likely not be able to defeat them."

Remember: "Hmm~~~Let's think about it from another angle. Even if Seti assists KT in the bottom lane, it's impossible to have lane rights. If EZ wants to seize lane rights, it can only use a soft support like Karma, but it's not possible to choose Karma. If you're afraid of Pantheon, then just choose Pike to roam early, and compete with the roaming abilities of both sides' support."

Zeyuan: "That's reasonable! DWG's game strategy does not include the routine of relying on the bottom lane to break through. Beryl, a player, must roam. Pike's roaming ability is also very strong, so let both ADs play on their own in the bottom lane. .”

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw KT's last move picking the poodle.

The commentator was even more confused now.

Ze Yuan: "What is this? As soon as the finals came up, KT started to work hard. This is the first appearance of Poodle in this year's World Championship! With jungle Poodle and assist Pike, KT's lineup has an enchanting one."

Remember: "KT Nosuke seems to want to play rhythm, but I feel that this lineup is a bit strange... I can only say that Bono still has something! In this version, forget about the bear prince, and now the poodle jungler is out. "

Everyone still doesn't know that this poodle is Lin Cheng's choice. After all, Seti is more reliable in the top lane.

DWG didn't care what their opponent was going to do. They locked Ornn to Nuguri in the last move, and still hoped to let Niu Bao handle Lin Cheng's pressure.

It's not that Zefa didn't consider giving Niubao a long hand to suppress Seti. Heroes like Jace, Nuguri, are also very good at it.

But Lin Cheng's unique skill is to use short hands to beat long-handed heroes. If that happens, it means that the top lane is useless, and the risk is too high.

Players on the field began to exchange heroes.

Zeyuan: "Okay! I chose top laner Ornn against Seti. Coach Zefa trusts Niu Bao very much. You know, Cheng Zi used top laner Seti to defeat Canna's Ornn in his debut game in LCK."

Remember: "Hey! It seems that Seti is not the top laner... Brother Chengzi, is this the top laner poodle?"

Only then did the commentator realize that something was wrong. Until the last twenty seconds of the exchange of selections, the poodle was still on the first floor of the blue square.

Only then could everyone be sure that it was indeed Lin Cheng who used the poodle.

Remember: "Wow! It's really a poodle in the top lane! In my impression, only Bwipo in Europe can use this thing. Brother Chengzi can also do this?"

Ze Yuan: "Brother Cheng Zi, Hero Sea, are you kidding me? But it is true that we still don't know what this poodle has to say. KT's lineup is not easy to analyze. In this version, it is a bit beyond the scope of interpretation."

Miller: "Well~~~ Relatively speaking, DWG's lineup is very solid. If I just look at the lineup, I will definitely lean towards DWG, but I can never look at Brother Orange's heroes with conventional eyes... After all, except for Brother Orange, You can’t find a swordsman who can kill so many people that the whole world wouldn’t dare let him go.”

"It's all right from the start! Brother Cheng really didn't disappoint."

"Top lane poodle! Did Brother Chengzi learn this trick from Brother Chengzi at the top of the canyon?"

"I tried beating Ornn with a poodle, and died twenty times. I jumped over and was pinned down."

"Don't touch the porcelain orange brother lion with your little tabby cat."

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue square KT:

Top lane: Cheng (Stalker of Pride, Rengar)

Jungler: Bono (Warrior, Seti)

Mid laner: Kuro (Desert Emperor, Azir)

Bottom lane: Aiming (Explorer, Ezreal)

Support: Tusin (Blood Harbor Ghost, Pike)

Red Square DWG:

Top lane: Nuguri (Flame of the Mountain Hidden, Ornn)

Jungler: Canyon (Outlaw, Graves)

Mid lane: Showmaker (Clockwork Demon, Orianna)

Bottom lane: Gohst (Piltover policewoman, Caitlin)

Support: Beryl (Unyielding Spear, Pantheon)

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng chose the main series of Precision: Conqueror, Triumph, Resilience, and Critical Strike, and the secondary series of Dominance: Sudden Impact, Ultimate Hunter.

There is no doubt that the hero Poodle has been benched in the game. Now he is almost extinct in the game. In the eyes of many people, he is not suitable for the rhythm of the game.

However, in Lin Cheng's opinion, there are indeed other better substitutes for the Poodle in the jungle position, but the Poodle in the top lane is actually very unique. This hero's ability to cover the jungle is no worse than Qinggang Shadow.

Moreover, the poodle has a strong laning ability in the early stage, and it is not afraid of long-handed singles.

In fact, from the second half of S9 to the Spring Split of S10, the top laner Poodle was still popular in the Korean server for a while. It happened to be the strongest period of the Conqueror. The Poodle relied on the top lane grass to fill up the Conqueror in an instant and could compete with any strong top laner. I tried it once, but then gradually few people used it.

On the contrary, there are still people playing the top laner Poodle at the top of the canyon. Lin Cheng also encountered this when he was RANK some time ago.

Entering the game, Lin Cheng bought Duolan Sword + Red Potion and went straight to the road and river to stand in the grass.

In the first game, both sides were very stable. There was no collision between their parallel river positions, and there was no five-for-one tragedy on the road in the canyon.

The middle line of troops arrived first, and Kuro and Showmaker fought fiercely to grab the line at level one.

However, the Tsar still had an advantage relying on the sand soldiers at the first level. Kuro pushed the line first and immediately ran to the opponent's F6 to set up a ward to detect the male gun's opening route.

DWG obviously asked Niu Bao to pick Ornn because he didn't want to have a head-on confrontation with Lin Cheng at the top. The male gun brushed from top to bottom, and the duo's movement to grab the lane showed that DWG wanted to protect the bottom lane.

It's not that the Ghost King has a high tactical status, but that DWG wants to release Beryl's Pansen as soon as possible and let the support lead the rhythm.

On the road, Lin Cheng, who was the first to go online, did not choose to go to the line of troops first. He came up and stood on the top grass first.

Although Niu Bao was very experienced and followed the minions online in the direction of the river, he did not expect Lin Cheng to be so ferocious. After the melee minions on both sides began to exchange fire, Lin Cheng directly controlled the poodle to jump towards Ornn next to the long-range minions.

With a roar, the poodle flew to Ornn's side. As he swung out the sharp claws of his left hand, Lin Cheng immediately reset his basic attack with his Q skill. The scimitar in the poodle's right hand slashed hard.

Aoun raised the hammer with his backhand, and AQ wanted to pull back.

Since the Lion Dog's Q skill resets the basic attack and increases the attack speed of the next two attacks, the Lion Dog hits the A level one more time when Ornn uses the Q skill.

But Lin Cheng still lost blood in this wave.

Because Ornn has bone plating, and the poodle still jumped up against the soldiers, but Ornn slowed him down, and when he pulled away from the grass, he took more damage from the minions.

It seems that Lin Cheng is a bit cruel and unreasonable.

However, Lin Cheng had already expected this.

Let the opponent expand first and watch me ambush him!

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