This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 57: real body

In just a few seconds before and after, even he swooped less than 100 meters, but it has already traversed a distance of hundreds of meters, and will hit him directly after the next explosion!

In theory, the next advance should be at least 500 meters above, and this time, it should also be the limit attack distance of the night sky behemoth.

Otherwise, it would not deliberately hide before, slowly shortening and approaching, in pursuit of a more suitable attack distance.

Looking at the huge night sky that almost weighed overhead.

Fang Yi took a deep breath and landed on the ground. He pulled Xiaowen, who was still in a static state, to his side, and then slowly closed his eyes.

He did not escape.

In other words, this distance is too late to escape.

Witnessing the giant beast in the night sky, the terrifying speed of the two bursts, and the huge size of the giant beast in the night sky, Fang Yi knew that he could not escape that range!

Since there is no escape no matter what, then... war!


The crisp sound of sword chirping suddenly sounded!

Opening his eyes, Fang Yi's full head of white hair was falling one by one, falling faster and more bald!

Lonely Sword Canon, open!

Heavenly Sword, switch to the left hand.

In the vacant right hand, a gray long sword slowly emerged—the Cang Magnetic Sword!

Let go of the left hand, the sky fell down, but in mid-air, as if being sucked and pulled by something, it rose back up, suspended in the sky.

Hold high the Cang Magnetic Sword.

One on one.

The two swords almost overlap each other.


Infused with internal force, the Cangtian Sword suddenly spun at a high speed on the spot under the pulling control of gravity and repulsion!

The rotational speed is astonishingly fast, and a whirlwind faintly wraps around the blade.

The internal force is rapidly depleting, this kind of trick, Fang Yi simply can't last long.

Look up at the night sky overhead.

Fang Yi's body began to twist and deform.

The unused part immediately shrinks and shriveles.

For the part that needs to exert force, fill in the force crazily and adjust the structure and organization.

The body is gradually deformed, and the left half of the body is like a withered flower, the skin is wrinkled together, and the muscle part almost disappears.

The right half of the body is getting more and more inflated and stronger, like a balloon, bulging out a big piece.

The overall composition has become extremely uncoordinated.

In this weird shape, the last white hair on Fang Yi's head finally fell to the ground.

He is completely bald.

He became bald.

"Bald and strong."

Life is constantly passing, passing quickly, and it is extracted by the Sword of Lonely Life as a source of power.

In this state, Fang Yi couldn't support it for too long, and he didn't need to support it for too long.

Because, the night sky above has been covered!


A 60-degree air wave erupted!

The violent propulsion made the entire night sky fall like a meteor, and the speed was extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, he was already in front of Fang Yi, as if to crush Fang Yi completely!

The endless dark night sky gave people a great sense of oppression.

at that moment.

Time seemed to stand still.

Above, is the endless night sky, pressing on the top of the head, huge and boundless, as if there is no end in sight, no end can be found.

Below, there is only a thin figure, standing between heaven and earth, not yielding, not retreating!

The existence as small as a black spot, looking directly at the falling behemoth, has no fear at all!

Fang Yi still didn't know what the monster in the night sky looked like.

But he knew the most correct, the most suitable timing for the sword.




Since the ghost dungeon, Fang Yi has not used this kind of change in the body structure to forcefully increase the curvature of the power for some time.

But at this moment, in the face of this unknown huge monster, Fang Yi decided to use the full force of his current role and give it his all!

"Monster in the night sky, do you know... The effect of force and force is mutual! How fast you are and how strong you are, I will be as fast and as strong!"

Quickly calculating the distance and time in his heart, the light in Fang Yi's eyes suddenly disappeared!

It's now!

Drunk as hell!

Lonely Sword!

Cang Magnetic Sword!

Heavenly Sword!

The strength of the whole body, gathered in one point.

Facing the falling night sky, a sword thrust out!

Lonely Sword!


The sound of swordsmen suddenly erupted!

The mighty sword sound resounded throughout the night sky!

next moment.

Falling into the night sky!

Boom! !

Shake the earth!

The dust is rolling!

The ground trembled violently.

The earth collapsed.

Crack propagation.

In this billowing smoke.

However, there was the sound of sword chirping, buzzing, getting louder and louder!


The high-speed rotating Cangtian Sword broke out of the ground!

A figure followed closely behind, pulling someone, spreading his wings, floating in mid-air, and looking down condescendingly.


Grey blood spewed out like a fountain, spreading all over the earth.


A loud and shrill scream came out.

For the first time, the night sky behemoth showed its outline in front of Fang Yi.

That's a ball.

An iron ball wrapped around a ring of metal rings.

It's like a metal planet with planetary rings.

It's just that this planet has organs unique to living things.

For example, the huge metallic eye that seems to be carved in the middle.

Deep, dark, as cold as a machine, without any emotional ups and downs, like a cold-blooded animal that only knows how to hunt.

If you look carefully, you can see that the inside of the huge metal eye is filled with small eyes like parts, densely packed, covering the entire inside of the eye, like the whites of human eyes, filling all the gaps.

And the position under the eyes has a huge mouth.

Mouth full of steel fangs.

On the tongue, there are also sharp metal teeth.

Its tongue, long and large, also secretes foul-smelling saliva.

The saliva that wet Fang Yi before should come from this.

The metallic color of the behemoth in the night sky is somewhat similar to the tortoise shell of the gray beast.

But the color is darker and more metallic, and the hardness is not the same.

But at first glance, it does give the same feeling.

The planetary ring has five layers.

The outermost three layers are presented at 180 degrees, 30 degrees and 60 degrees respectively.

Just like the rocket booster component completes the booster task and is separated from the main body, it suspends and stays at a high altitude.

The innermost two layers are maintained at 180 degrees, closely protecting the metal ball without any change.

The entire night sky behemoth looked somewhat similar to the gray beast Fang Yi had seen before.

On the whole, it is like the evolution of the gray beast.

Thinking of the three theoretical stages of the grey beast mentioned by Xiaowen before, Fang Yi immediately understood something.

If you guess correctly.

This giant beast in the night sky is probably the growth stage of the gray beast, or even a complete body!

No matter what it is, whether it is strength or size, the increase is a bit exaggerated!

If the outermost planetary ring of the metal ball is used to calculate the volume, it is more than 2,000 meters in length and equilateral width.

If the metal ball currently has only two layers of planetary rings to calculate the volume, it also has an equilateral length and width of more than 300 meters.

In addition, the terrifying explosive power and terrifying power.

If it is replaced by other people, there is basically only a dead end.

Set a small goal first, such as 1 second to remember: Shukeju

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