This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 58: bead

No wonder the previous gray beasts ran so swiftly and escaped so decisively.

Because in the face of monsters of this size, those gray beasts can't possibly be opponents at all!

Fang Yi even doubted whether this night sky behemoth might be the overlord of the entire gray domain, so strong that there are probably not many natural enemies.

Unfortunately, it met me!

Under Fang Yi's full strength, the high-speed rotating Cangtian Sword, combined with the violent falling power of the night sky beast, stabbed a hole in the edge area of ​​the second metal ring.

At this moment, the place where the gray blood fountain is located is the position of the second metal ring!

In that situation, it was like a person jumped from the 30th floor, was penetrated by the sharp steel bars on the ground, and a hole was stabbed on the spot.

But in order to do this, Fang Yi must be as tenacious as a nail, and must not be crushed by the night sky behemoth.

Fang Yi took the pressure, so he won!

The shriveled left hand pulled Xiaowen, and the exaggerated right hand moved the Cang Magnetic Sword, aiming at the position of the metal ball below.

Fang Yi intends to give the night sky monster a fatal blow.

And the behemoth in the night sky below is gradually integrating with the surrounding ground at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Like a power-up version of a chameleon.

Quickly adapt to the surrounding environment, adjust your skin tone, and become one with the environment.

After a while, it became the ground, and it was no different from the surrounding environment.

If you didn't know that the night sky beast was there, if someone else came here, you would definitely not be able to find that there is a monster hidden here.

This kind of concealment ability made Fang Yi speechless.

Even if I have experienced it before, I can't help but admire it when I see it for the second time.

This is no longer an invisible problem.

This is a problem that is clearly in front of you, but you can't find it!

A different kind of invisibility, and even if you are a detached person, you can't see it, you can only make judgments based on some details and flaws.

Right now, it's not bad, the opponent is completely beast thinking, receives a serious attack, and immediately hides, waiting for the next shot, or the next prey to pass by.

And it hides in front of Fang Yi's face, doesn't that mean it doesn't do anything?

Under Fang Yi's eyelids, it has no way to escape!

dive down...


The violent air wave suddenly exploded!

The ground trembled violently, and a huge circular crater exploded.

The metal ball that had just finished hiding was suddenly ejected.

The target is Fang Yi himself!


The second metal ring, the propulsion provided, is far stronger than the three rings, four rings, and five rings.

The moment Fang Yi just reacted, the metal ball had already hit the Heavenly Sword!


Sparks fly!

The high-speed rotating Cangtian Sword was hit and flew on the spot, slid across Fang Yi's shoulder, flew into the distance, and slammed into the ground more than a hundred meters away. I can only see a small and deep hole, and I don't know how many meters I have drilled into the ground.

As for the metal ball, because it underestimated the sharpness and power of the Heavenly Sword, it rubbed and shifted a little, causing a brief stagnation.

It was at this moment that Fang Yi had time to react.

The head shrunk in half, leaving only a ring of metal balls, which suddenly whizzed past the top of the head!

Just this moment.

The Cang Magnetic Sword in Fang Yi's right hand suddenly stabbed out!

Heavenly Sword, the gravitational force is fully open!

Lonely Swordsmanship!


The sound of sword chirping exploded.

The metal ball made of complete metal suddenly stopped for a moment.

It was at this moment that the Cang Magnetic Sword blessed by the Guming Sword Technique had pierced into the metal ball!

The sense of blockage appeared immediately, showing that the defensive ability of the metal ball was still very powerful.

But the power of the lonely swordsmanship is far above the metal ball.

The sense of blockage only made the Cang Magnetic Sword pause for less than half a second, and then drove straight through the inner core of the metal ball!


Gray metal beads of different sizes sprayed out from the wound.

The same mournful screams as the gray beasts suddenly appeared.

The metal ball swayed violently, and its size gradually shrank. It moved left and right, and the body flashed gray light, as if it was about to explode, struggling to get rid of Fang Yi.

Fang Yi was startled by this and quickly adjusted his body structure.

Push up the back strength of the white wings, and the body shape becomes the muscles of the back and legs swell.

The wings adjusted the air balance and stepped on the metal ball with one foot.

Cang Magnetic Sword: Full repulsion!

The violent repulsion, combined with the power of this kick, violently pushed the metal ball away.


The Cang Magnetic Sword was successfully pulled out, but the metal ball fell to the ground.


The wind howled.

Because of the excessive force, Fang Yi turned several times in mid-air before he stabilized his body.

Looking down, the metal ball is like a leaking balloon, falling metal beads all the way, shrinking all the way, and falling to the ground.


The ground shook slightly, and the smoke spread out.

The flashing gray warning light disappeared without a trace.



At this moment, the two metal rings suspended in the sky suddenly fell to the ground as if they had lost their source of power.

Fang Yi frowned.

Could it be that it is not to explode, but to run out of energy?

Fang Yi hesitated and finally slowly descended to the ground.

Putting Xiaowen away, he walked to the last drop point of the metal ball.

There, the metal ball was dying like a leaking balloon, shriveled like a rag with holes.

But the huge metal eyes were still blinking, and the big mouth showed ferocious teeth, roaring meaninglessly at Fang Yi.

Beside him, there were gray metal beads like pearls scattered all over the floor.

Without hesitation, Fang Yi Qian Qian gave the metal ball the final blow.

A sword pierced through its eyes, slapped it, and the flowers bloomed horizontally.

Accidentally, like cutting a rag.

The metal ball has completely lost its previous defense capabilities and is as fragile as paper.

With one sword, it was cut in half on the spot.

The two separate pieces of rags slowly curled up, and after a while, they shrank into two gray metal beads.

It is exactly the same as the metal beads spilled from its wound before! Just in terms of size, these two are the largest.

Fang Yi observed and waited for a while before confirming that the metal ball was completely dead!

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally solved this enemy, this guy's panel strength is even higher than the player.

Fortunately, there is no wisdom, and it can only be regarded as an existence like a beast. It is a metal body, which is very interesting.

Picking up the two largest gray metal beads on the ground, Fang Yi checked them.

There is nothing special to find, at most, the metal beads are very hard and not easy to be damaged.

I thought that this thing was dropped from the wound of the metal ball... which may be the subsequent evolution of the gray beast.

Fang Yi felt that this thing might be considered a variant of gray blood, and it should also be able to provide gray energy.

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