This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 1067 Showdown

In the Beta universe, somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, a large ocean-going fishing boat floats on the sea. Several civilian-type yachts follow the fishing boat, rising and falling with the rough waves.

Judging from the appearance alone, any passerby who sees this fleet will probably mistake them for a tourist group experiencing sea fishing.

However, the actual situation is completely opposite.

There were no tourists or fishing gear in the tightly closed cabin. They were all armed personnel.

On the deck outside the cabin, a thin man was leaning on the railing and smoking a cigarette. His naturally curly hair hanging down to his ears looked unkempt and scrawled.

His name is Fick, a former CIA agent and current leader of the Extraterrestrial Civilization Countermeasures Team.

Since the blackout in Virginia, although the CIA's hasty actions have been criticized by the top leaders of the authorities, it has also made the authorities fully aware of the threat of extraterrestrial civilization and urgently established an extraterrestrial civilization countermeasures team.

As the only agent who had participated in the investigation of "Wasteland OL", Fike was quickly summoned by the top authorities and was appointed by the latter as the leader of the extraterrestrial civilization countermeasures team.

Facing the hostile invasion of extraterrestrial civilizations, it was undoubtedly the highlight of Fick's life.

The big names he had only seen on TV took the initiative to shake his hand at the banquet. They not only regarded him as a guest, but also regarded him as the savior of human civilization - and he himself thought so.

However, the good times did not last long.

Since the blackout, the extraterrestrial civilization hiding behind "Wasteland OL" suddenly curbed its edge and even started to engage in "paid technology transfer" on forums outside of the game.

It is said to be payment, but in fact it is not to pay the game operator. Instead, various economies pay to recover the in-game currency from the players, and then anonymously bid for some technical information that is not available on the earth through auctions.

Such a set of coquettish operations instantly attracted all the forces that originally had doubts about "advanced extraterrestrial civilization" to join the "alien" chariot.

Especially after Wall Street giants discovered the astonishing market value behind "Wasteland OL", they sent political brokers to lobby Congress one after another, leading public opinion to advocate the theory of goodwill contact and some kind of cosmic fusion, and finally succeeded in putting pressure on the authorities to force them to change. previous contact countermeasures.

Thanks to this, his career has also plummeted. Not only has his funding been cut again and again, but his travel vehicle has also changed from an aircraft carrier to a destroyer and now a fishing boat.

Unless they are truly hopelessly stupid and those with vested interests pretending to be confused, no one will insist on a meaningless thing regardless of the cost.

And now the work of the "Extraterrestrial Civilization Countermeasures Group" is becoming a meaningless thing.

No matter how vividly Fick described the threat of aliens in Congress and listed the specious evidence he collected from the public, the result was nothing more than making the participants at the conference table doze off. .

Wall Street political brokers didn't even plan to lobby him because they didn't think it was necessary.

These guys who have healed their scars and forgotten the pain have long forgotten how they held his hand and shouted that he was the last savior of mankind. Now they regard him and his operators as a joke after dinner.

What's even more outrageous is the guy who originally expressed his intention to set up a countermeasures group for extraterrestrial civilizations.

The respected leader gave him an ultimatum directly and gave him another four years.

Four years!

If he can't find the spacecraft of advanced civilizations anywhere, he will take his department out of the direct team and merge it into NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

It sounds like they're going to put him on the Voyager probe and shoot him out.

In short, this is what happened.

In order not to be installed on the Voyager N probe and shot to the alien's hometown as a meeting gift, he could only look for "Wasteland OL" and the advanced civilization left on the earth while facing the supercilious looks of the congressional bosses like a mad dog. traces on.

Fortunately, hard work pays off.

Just when there was only one year left in the four-year period, the situation finally took a turn for the better.

Based on anonymous clues provided by an informant who called himself "Beta Fissioner", after driving around the Pacific Ocean, he finally locked the sea area under his feet in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

It is said that this is the place where spaceships of advanced civilizations land.

A fishing boat witnessed its landing.

In order to silence them, the aliens on the spacecraft killed everyone on the deck.

Although the accuracy and source of this news are very doubtful, at this moment he has no other choice but to come here with the mentality of giving it a try.

The theory of benevolent contact...

How hilarious.

If you want to believe that kind of nonsense, just believe it yourself. It's impossible for him to believe it anyway.

At least in Fick's view, even if the so-called advanced civilization showed a little bit of goodwill and brought so-called benefits to all countries on the earth, it was just to fatten up humans before eating them.

He put out the cigarette butt in his hand and smashed it into the waves outside the plywood.

Just wait and see!

His divers are searching along the seabed, and if he is asked to salvage even the slightest bit of suspicious wreckage, he can put a shit basin on the heads of those aliens!

He will prove himself!

He will expose the conspiracy of the so-called advanced civilization and become the true savior of human civilization!

Just as Fick was thinking this, the waves on the sea suddenly surged up at some point.

The waves crashed against the steel side of the ship, pushing the deck swaying like a swing.

Fike, who was standing by the railing, lost his balance and dropped the lighter in his hand on the deck.


Cursing secretly, he bent down and reached out to pick it up. Suddenly, the ups and downs of the boat bumped again, knocking him over.

Hearing the banging sound on the deck, the operator standing at the door of the cabin opened the door and walked out. He happened to see Fick sitting on the ground with a look of embarrassment and quickly reached out to him.

"Team leader? What happened?"

"Nothing...a little accident."

Fick, who grabbed the hand, was embarrassed to say that he had fallen. He was about to get up from the ground with a straight face, but was stunned on the spot for a moment.

He looked straight at the sea level in the distance, and saw a huge whale emerging from beneath the sea level.


Not just one!

But many!


That guy is not a whale at all! It's an upright, huge cargo ship!

The layers of waves were pushed around by the bullet-shaped shell, and the entire sea area seemed to be boiled, with unstable ocean currents rolling.

Staring dumbfounded at the steel structures emerging from the sea, Fick was speechless for a moment.

Not just him -

The same goes for the operator who reached out to him. The moment he followed his gaze to the sea, his wide-open mouth was instantly opened into an oval shape.

What is that? !


Vertical aircraft carrier?


Or... God?

"That's... an extraterrestrial civilization... a spaceship?" Seeing the huge steel structure rising into the sky, the operator holding the hatch struggled to squeeze out these words.

The moment he heard these words, Fike's expression changed from shock to ecstasy at the same time.

found it!

He found it! ! !

"Camera! Camera pointed at them! God... did you see it?! That thing!! It's that thing!!! Evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial civilization-!"

He screamed, his eyes full of surprise, and he yelled incoherently at the operators in the cabin.

Everyone thought this guy was crazy.

But soon they discovered that it was not just him who was going crazy, but also themselves.

"God... is that really a spaceship of an advanced civilization?!"

"But wait, where are our satellites?! There are also fleets and radars! How did they... land in this sea area under our noses?!"

"I'd rather know what they want to do..."

There were expressions of different expressions written on the faces looking up, motionless looking at the majestic giant that did not know what kind of power it used to rise into the sky, like ants looking up to the gods.

They finally succeeded.

They successfully found the mastermind behind "Wasteland OL", the spaceship of a higher civilization that was hiding behind and controlling everything!


Then what?

Everyone in the Extraterrestrial Civilization Countermeasures Team stayed silent, including Fick, who was so excited that he was dancing.

They have no doubt that the F22 is like a fly in front of that kind of thing.

The only suspense is that I don’t know whether the nuclear missile can cause any damage to the suspected stainless steel shell.

Maybe it's possible.

After all, no matter how awesome the technology is, it cannot ignore the laws of physics.

But even so, no one asked if they wanted to give it a try, or even dared to have the idea...

But no matter what, they still have to do what needs to be done.

Without daring to waste a second, Fike quickly rushed into the cabin and made a call to the military base closest to the sea. He identified himself and quickly reported the situation.

"This is the extraterrestrial civilization countermeasures team! We discovered a spacecraft suspected of extraterrestrial civilization in the sea area at the coordinates of...! Please send a fleet over immediately for support!"

The answer came quickly from the other end of the phone.

However, what made Fike angry was that he heard the sound of cracking melon seeds on the other end of the phone.


His call didn't go to the right person, but was passed off to the office clerk or the security guard guarding the door.

"Okay, Extraterrestrial Civilization Countermeasures Team...that means you found an unidentified sunken ship near the seabed? How big of a salvage ship is needed?"

Fick roared.

"It's a spaceship! I'll repeat it a few times. It's in the sky, and it will probably pass through the atmosphere soon!"

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, and suddenly there was a burst of uncontrollable laughter.

Fick's face turned red and he roared angrily.

"What I said is true! I saved the video! And for such a big target, wouldn't you use radar to take a look at it?"

"Okay, extraterrestrial civilization countermeasures team, our radar should not be malfunctioning. You are the only ones in that sea area... Of course, there may be a few seagulls, but we really didn't see any alien spacecraft."

Fick roared with all his strength.

"Then send out an early warning aircraft! From thousands of kilometers away, what do you expect that broken radar to see?"

The call was immediately hung up.

The other party might think he was making trouble unreasonably.

But Fick knew that all of them would regret it, regret not believing in themselves... because soon the whole world would be shocked by that iron lump.

Even if the radar can't see it, such a big spacecraft can't hide it.

At present, the topic of extraterrestrial civilization is second only to "Wasteland OL" in terms of discussion popularity on the Internet.

Astronomy enthusiasts all over the world are pointing their telescopes into space 24 hours a day.

Throwing the intercom back onto the console, Fick cursed in excitement and fear.

"Damn! He's actually a real guy..."

As for what to do next, he has to take some time to think about it...

Although a whole year was wasted circling the Pacific Ocean, Fick and his men finally got what they wanted.

Didn't even wait 24 hours!

Later that day after everyone returned to the port, the huge spacecraft made headlines in major media around the world at an incredible speed!

The streamlined shell and huge hull surpassed any rocket ever launched by mankind.

not only that!

Its launch principle also shocked everyone’s attention!

It seems that it was not pushed up by burning chemical fuel, but floated into the sky like a hot air balloon by a plasma plume.

Gravity seems to have lost its effect on it!

If it weren't for the fact that the unit that provided the image data was the Extraterrestrial Civilization Countermeasures Group with an official background, people could not help but suspect that it was a game CG or computer-generated image!

Not only the aerospace industry was affected, but also the physics community, which had recently been excited by the breakthrough of controllable fusion technology, was shocked by the incredible scene!

【Shock! A giant UFO passes over the Indian Ocean! 】

[Suspected showdown! The mastermind behind the mysterious MM game "Wasteland OL" appears! 】

[War or peace? ! UFO spotted in the atmosphere! 】

【On the verge of breaking out! A multinational aircraft carrier battle group heads to the Pacific for joint reconnaissance! 】

[The International Space Station released observation information, six segments of UFOs are being assembled in synchronous orbit! 】

[Former CIA agent and head of the "Extraterrestrial Civilization Countermeasures Team" Fick gave a speech in an interview with reporters, claiming to have found important evidence of extraterrestrial civilization's invasion of the earth! 】

[The U.S. authorities urgently issued a statement to clarify that it declared that the Extraterrestrial Civilization Countermeasures Group is a non-governmental organization and its remarks do not represent the official position! 】

[Target Mars? ! The advanced civilization spacecraft is suspected to have left the Earth-Moon system and is heading towards Mars! 】

[Salvage teams from various countries gathered in the central Pacific, and more detailed clues are still under investigation...]


For three full days, the Earth's Internet had been blocked by the mysterious spacecraft.

In addition to the official website of "Wasteland OL" which still calmly announces news related to the game and open beta, now you can almost see the huge starship and the latest news about the latter when you click on any website.

However, although the official website of "Wasteland OL" remains calm, the players on the forum cannot calm down.

Even though the unidentified spacecraft does not look more exaggerated than the Alliance's low-Earth orbit defense platform, and it is much smaller than the Orion guided missile cruiser, after all, that thing has appeared in reality, and it still makes them think to some extent. It creates a feeling that the game is brought into reality.

Tails: "I giao...A Guang is really an alien?! (Shocked)"

Roshan Damomo: "Wait a minute, if Wasteland OL is really a game run by aliens, then who are we aliens? (Horror)"

Sisi: "Research subject? Or diplomat? e...I always feel that things are not that simple."

Tails: "Oh! Tails thinks so too!"

Aoao Sesame Paste: "Well... no matter what the origin of that spaceship is, I always feel that it doesn't show any malice?"

Commander Quanshui: "Well, the most worrying part is here. We know nothing about them, but they know everything about us."

Ye Shi: "Well, do you think there is a possibility... that they are actually us in the future?"

Sisi: "Oh? Did you see something through spiritual energy?"

Ye Shi: "That's not true, it's just my intuition..."

Tails: "Is this the intuition of a big boss in the perception system? Maybe it's really like this! ☆.☆"

Fang Chang: "Well... I really can't rule out this possibility, although it sounds a bit ridiculous."

Quit smoking: "But what's the reason for them to do this? I don't understand. Changing the future by changing the past? Can that kind of thing really be done? (Stupid)"

Fang Chang: "I can't say for sure. Maybe just like you said, they can avoid the coming of the Wasteland Era by exerting influence on us."

Ye Shi: "Good guy... don't be so mouthy. I don't want to go to the wasteland in the flesh."

Fang Chang: "Why Crow's Mouth? Maybe they have found a way to avoid the Wasteland Era, and the plan has been successful? If that is the case, maybe the Wasteland Era no longer exists in our timeline. (Squinting smile)"

This may be overly optimistic, but different situations in different worlds obviously cannot be generalized.

Edge scratching: "Have you passed the game... Doesn't it feel too sloppy? Isn't there a better way?"

Fang Chang: "Maybe a better method has been tried. Maybe this is the best arrangement after countless attempts."

Fang Chang: "As for the better and less hasty method you mentioned, maybe it exists. But the possibilities outside of time are only known to people outside of time."


The heated discussion on the official website forum continues, and speculation about the operator behind "Wasteland OL" has become the hottest topic on the forum.

Chu Guang never expected that just when he was planning to make big news on the day of the public beta, "Beta Fission" would actually make big news before him.

Should I say that I am the other person?

What he thought of, his "other self" far away in the beta universe not only thought of it, but also did it for him.

Floor B5 of Vault 404.

Sitting in the office chair, Chu Guang finally saw Dr. Principle in the β universe through the big screen in the room.

Strictly speaking, this was the first face-to-face communication between the two.

And the "Principle" standing behind the screen was much younger than the man he saw in the hologram.

"Nice to meet you."

Although he had many things to ask, Chu Guang did not immediately raise his questions, but said hello politely first.

Dr. Principle on the screen nodded slightly and said in a voice with a hint of respect.

"It's me who should say it's a pleasure to meet you, dear...Mr. Manager."

"You don't have to be so polite. Please sit down and talk." Chu Guang said in a kind tone.

Principle nodded and sat on the chair behind him naturally.

His current location should be Shelter 404β—the submarine shelter located in the western trough of the Pacific Ocean.

"Before our conversation begins, I would like to say sorry to you... That spacecraft was deployed by the professor before the end of Project 404. Regarding the public opinion storm it caused and the impact it had on your work, We are deeply sorry."

Looking at Dr. Principle who sincerely apologized, Chu Guang smiled gently and said.

"Don't feel guilty. It was his decision and it has nothing to do with you. To be honest, although his actions made me feel a little surprised and sudden, in fact, I had planned to communicate with the people of the Beta Universe in the open beta stage as early as half a year ago. The showdown... It's only half a year ahead of schedule. We both thought of going together, and I can only say that we are worthy of being 'another me'."

In fact, after thinking about it for a moment, it was not difficult for him to guess the true purpose of "β fission body".

Although that guy inherited all of the professor's memories and the mission of saving human civilization in the α universe, he was still using a body that was originally in the β universe.

It is precisely because of this that he still has feelings for the beta universe, and maybe he has even realized that like himself, he is not a "professor" in the true sense, and it is also a new beginning.

Based on this underlying logic, although he will not hesitate to use the resources of the Beta Universe, he cannot truly "throw away" the people of the Beta Universe.

Therefore, before he left the earth, he did one last thing to the people living on that planet——

That is to publicly clarify the existence of advanced civilization and turn the unspoken rules that were originally placed under the card table into explicit rules that require no debate!

This is actually a conspiracy.

After completing this matter, no matter whether the "alpha clone" that inherits Vault 404 - that is, himself - will continue to package the operator behind the game into an advanced civilization like a god, or will it clarify the existence of the morphogenesis field? As well as the AB universe theory, they can all have a dialogue with the people of the β universe in an open form.

In other words, respond to the goodwill that the latter has released from a neutral or above position——

If you still want to continue Project 404 and use the power of consciousness bodies in another universe.

Unexpectedly, the guy guarded him before leaving, and Chu Guang also made a serious self-examination.

Perhaps the impression he had left on the "Beta Fission Form" was too sinister, which caused the latter to have little confidence in him, so he took such a move just to be on the safe side.

In fact, there is absolutely no need for that.

Because this was his plan from the beginning - even if Project 404 ends, the alliance he represents will still maintain friendly or more than friendly contact with the people living in the beta universe, and even face possible future crises together.

As a manager and game planner, he sees clearly than anyone else that the players of "Wasteland OL" and the "NPCs" have always been influencing each other, and it is never just the former that affects the latter.

The fate of the former is also changing subtly!

Although people living in two different universes cannot directly touch each other, the fate of the two universes has long been linked together under the influence of the resonance field.

That guy can think of it, how could he not think of it?

Looking at Dr. Principle with a serious expression, Chu Guang paused for a while and continued.

"Actually, I want to talk to you. I mainly want to talk about two issues. One is about the public beta of "Wasteland OL"... I plan to build a local server in the β universe to accept public beta players."

"Local server?" Dr. Yuan Li was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Chu Guang meant.

"That's right, it's not based on morphogenetic field theory, but an online game in the traditional sense..."

Chu Guang nodded and told Dr. Principle the plan he had thought up half a year ago.

"I plan to write our story into the program and present it in a form closer to the Ninth Art. Since there is no need to realize the connection based on morphological field technology, the production and laying of related equipment will be easier, and it can even be outsourced to other parties. OEM production by manufacturing companies.”

"This not only solves the problem of insufficient production capacity, but also makes up for the regret of missing the expansion pack for new players."

Dr. Principle was stunned.

"...What about the players in the closed beta period?"

Chu Guang smiled faintly.

"It's still the same as before, including the qualifications for closed beta testing, the distribution of helmets, etc. After all, we still rely on them to update the official server... Just think of it as a test server."

Dr. Principle: "I see... A parallel Plan B based on Plan 404? I probably understand what you mean."

"As long as you understand, I will send you more details of the plan simultaneously through Xiaoqi."

Seeing Principle's eyes getting brighter and brighter, Chu Guang smiled and continued in a gentle tone.

"It's time to talk about the second thing. I want to ask you about your future plans, whether to come back or stay there...have you considered it?"

Without hesitating for too long, Dr. Principle said in a positive tone after a moment of silence.

"I want to stay here."

Not surprised by his final choice, Chu Guang nodded simply.

"Really? That's right."

Dr. Principle glanced at him in surprise.

"Don't you ask why?"

Chu Guang smiled and shook his head.

"No need to ask, there's nothing to ask. I can probably guess that kind of thing."

Whether to merge into one, or to become each other's past and continuation... He is not the only one facing this choice.

Rather, the moment this guy appeared across the screen, he already knew his choice.

They all made the same choice.

After relaxing his tense shoulders, Dr. Principle sighed as if he was relieved.

"Really? But that's's you after all."

In his mind, there is nothing that this respected gentleman cannot do.

"I think you should not think too much of me. After all, I have failed 776 times."

Chu Guang made a joke in a joking tone. Chu Guang stopped his joking expression and said solemnly while looking at the principle on the screen.

"From today on, you are the manager of Vault 404β. You will play the role of 'ambassador of the α universe to the β universe', take over the work of the 'professor', act as a bridge between the two universes, and directly communicate with me. Responsible!"

"I will provide you with the data of the public beta version of "Wasteland OL", and I will leave the operation and maintenance to you!"

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