This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 1068 The public beta shock is coming!

Perhaps they were startled by the majestic spaceship, and the people who were still cheering excitedly for the successful ignition of controllable nuclear fusion finally recalled the fear that they had been dominated by "Fortress X", and they all changed from their original thoughts. The excitement came back to me.

There is no other reason.

The gap is too big!

Even the top physicists on the planet cannot give a reasonable explanation for the power source and power method used by the spacecraft. They can only judge from the clues in the "game" that it probably uses some kind of power source. Anti-gravity technology.

As for how this is done, no one can give a reasonable explanation.

And this also means that the science and technology of human civilization lags behind the other party by more than a little bit starting from the lowest logical part...

The academic community has been arguing about the conservation of energy from the four fundamental forces, and from the Minkovsky space-time theory to the ten-dimensional strings of superstring theory and the additional strings in M ​​theory.

Although no physicists have committed suicide because "physics no longer exists", the debate about new physics has indeed caused many people to lose their few hair.

Some physicists have suggested that there may be a special kind of particle in a dimension invisible to humans.

This particle not only obeys the physical laws of three-dimensional space, but also obeys the laws of other dimensions that humans do not understand. Therefore, humans can use it to indirectly interfere with the gravitational field located in higher dimensions.

Others have suggested that perhaps the gravitational field itself is a higher-dimensional particle.

So much so that everything that humans and even humans can see are all projections of this particle on the three-dimensional surface.

Although these conjectures are not perfect, and there are many unfounded assumptions that cannot be proven or falsified using existing human technology, they can be regarded as progress in a certain sense.

Even this kind of blind man and elephant-style exploration is still far away from the "cosmic membrane" that exists above the 11th dimension...

The debate did not stop in academia, but also had a huge repercussions in public opinion.

Faced with the overwhelming technological advantages of higher civilizations and the limited goodwill they have shown, the "Adventists" have gradually become the mainstream of public opinion.

After all, it is too difficult to expect humans to get rid of the bad roots in human nature and achieve equality in a broad sense.

If what is imported from higher civilizations to human civilization is only advanced productive forces, but no distribution methods to match the advanced productive forces, then the ultimate result of advanced technology will be nothing more than a cage used to build the old order.

Since you want to help, then please help thoroughly. Why not work together to achieve galaxy-wide prosperity. And compared to liberating others, being liberated is also a kind of salvation.

There are numerous Advent representatives who support this argument, mainly radicals in industry and academia.

Of course, there are also a considerable number of Darwinists who still vividly describe the threats lurking in it, believing that the superficial peace is nothing more than sugar-coated bullets for swords, and that invasion from higher civilizations is not far behind.

They call themselves the decisive faction.

Its representatives are conservative forces within the establishment, mainly Fick, a former CIA agent and current head of a private temporary labor group.

No matter what kind of voice it is, it does not represent absolute correctness, but is just a point of view scattered across the spectrum of consciousness.

Two completely different voices are balancing each other while also pushing each other forward.

In addition to these two mainstream voices, there are also some non-mainstream views emerging.

For example, the "virtual game" theory is one of them.

In the face of spaceships that are far beyond the imagination of human science and technology, some opinion leaders propose that the universe "we" live in is actually just a virtual playground for higher civilizations, and that everyone's destiny is set from the moment they are born. alright.

For advanced civilizations who are GMs, they can modify the rules of the game at will, or even ignore the rules... Therefore, whether it is cooperation or confrontation with them, it is meaningless and futile.

Like The Matrix.

There are not a few people who support this theory, and it has even become a vaguely emerging cyber religion.

In addition, there are also spiritualists who regard "higher civilization" as the Creator, and believe that "Wasteland OL" is a certain future of human civilization foreseen by the Creator.

But no matter which view you take, one thing is unquestionable -

That is the nerves of the world, all affected by the spacecraft flying to Mars...

A research base in eastern China.

The air-conditioning in the empty command room was turned on very much, but it still couldn't dissipate the heat that was clinging to people's heads.

Operators in work uniforms sat meticulously in front of the terminal, busy summarizing data returned from astronomical observation sites deployed across the country.

However, after analyzing, processing and summarizing the information, what was displayed on the large screen in the command room was only a green light spot that flickered on and off, and a few blurry photos listed next to it.

Standing in front of the big screen, an old professor about fifty years old frowned and muttered in a low voice.

"...It's so weird that our radar can't capture it at all, and even the radio telescope can't see it. The only thing that can capture its traces is the optical telescope... But its speed is too fast, and our zoom speed It can't keep up at all, and as soon as it switches tracks, we have to recalculate its position."

Standing next to the old professor, a man with a Chinese-style face also frowned.

It didn't matter that they couldn't be discovered during the takeoff stage. After all, they didn't deploy radar in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, and it was impossible for satellites to lock onto an uninhabited land with no strategic value at all times.

However, this spacecraft has flown outside the synchronous orbit, and their radar still cannot lock it... This is a bit strange.

Due to the complete failure of radio detection technology, optical telescopes have become the most effective means of observation.

"Is this the technical generation difference..."

Hearing the sound coming from the Chinese character face on the side, the old professor smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"I'm afraid it's not a matter of technology generation difference... maybe it's simply a technology we don't understand."

"Like a deflector shield?"

Hearing this name that he had never heard of before, the old professor was stunned for a moment, frowned and asked.

"……what is that?"

The man with the Chinese character face smiled sheepishly and said.

"Nothing...just the settings in the game."

Old professor: "..."

Although it does seem unserious to mention the game on this occasion, unfortunately it is the clue that they currently have that is closest to the truth.

According to Professor Iwakaze, the anti-stealth technology used by the spacecraft is probably related to some kind of anti-stealth coating that appears in the game, and should have nothing to do with the deflector shield.

Of course.

Considering that the spacecraft is even equipped with an anti-gravity device, it doesn't seem like a big deal to install a deflector shield.

While everyone was thinking, an operator sitting in front of the terminal suddenly made a voice of surprise.

"There's new news! The spacecraft broadcast a radio message to Earth!"

After hearing this, the head of the investigation agency who had been silent with his arms crossed suddenly raised his head, walked quickly to the terminal, and asked with his face close to the screen.

"What does it say?"

The staff member clicked on the keyboard of the terminal, and soon said nervously.

"After the decoding of that information, it seems that there is only one symbol... it seems to be α when translated?"

"Alpha..." The head of the investigation agency was stunned for a moment, and then said with a slight change in expression, "Only this symbol? Is there no other information?"

"...No." The operator shook his head with a difficult expression, "It also did not answer our contact...the three seconds of continuous broadcast information only contained this one symbol."

This time he used an affirmative tone.

Because just now, other observation stations have also reported discoveries one after another, and they all observed the same information.

Including their international partners.

"Alpha..." The person in charge rubbed his chin with his index finger, chewing the word repeatedly with a heavy look on his face.

The old professor of Aerospace Science and Technology standing aside thought for a long time, suddenly raised his head and said in an uncertain tone.

"Could this be their name? Or is it a name they gave themselves using symbols we understand?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." The person in charge said solemnly, "What concerns me more is why this symbol is...whether there is any other deep meaning behind it."

Everyone standing in the command room looked at each other and exchanged the expressions on each other's faces.

They have too little information.

It is difficult to analyze anything useful from just one symbol.

But at this moment, the man with the Chinese character face who had been thinking seriously for a long time suddenly spoke.

"I suddenly remembered that the early version number of "Wasteland OL" seemed to be Alpha... and later it became Beta."

"Alpha, Beta..."

"I'm wondering if what the other party wants to express is... that they are Alpha and we are Beta?"

Although this understanding seemed a bit far-fetched, he still expressed his conjecture.

There were whispers all around.

Several officials from Shangjing looked at him.

"What's the meaning……"

"Can you give me more details?"

Facing the eyes of those pairs of people looking at him, the man with the Chinese character face pondered for a moment and then continued.

"Just my guess."

"Perhaps what they want to say is that they are our future and our forerunners. We are their past, but at the same time we are also their continuation?"

"It's the past and it's a continuation..." After pondering this sentence over and over again, the person in charge frowned and asked, "How was this done?"

Does this sound like they are saying that the civilization that calls itself Alpha is both their past and their future?

"I don't know," Guozixian shook his head honestly, "Maybe it's a parallel universe? Or a multiverse? Or both... And some universes were born earlier than ours."

"As for the specifics, I don't know... In addition, I am not an expert in that field after all, and my theory is only for reference."

"This sounds really ridiculous..." the old professor at the spaceport said with a wry smile, "We in the parallel universe, I would like to ask why they are contacting us? Do they want to get something from us?"

After thinking for a long time, the person in charge of the institution did not agree with the old professor's statement, but just said thoughtfully.

"Although this does sound a bit ridiculous, it can explain their unreasonable kindness to us."

The man with the Chinese character face shook his head.

"I don't think it's necessarily for no reason."

The person in charge looked at him.

"How to say?"

Seeing both pairs of eyes looking at him, the Chinese-character face thought for a while and said.

"The reason why they contacted us may be to solve some of their own problems, and they may have achieved this purpose... That's why we saw the spacecraft."

The person in charge's expression gradually became serious.

"A showdown..."

"Yes," the man with the Chinese character face nodded slightly and turned his gaze to the screen in front of him, "They no longer ask for anything from us, so they no longer cover their whereabouts... But I think it is not necessary to open the skylight to speak frankly. It’s a bad thing.”

"At least from now on, we no longer need to be suspicious of each other, but can communicate with each other in a more equal manner."


Although his "probably" didn't have much confidence, the development of the matter was unexpectedly as the man with the Chinese character had expected, and there was an unprecedented change.

Shortly after the unidentified spacecraft arrived in Mars orbit, an organization called "Shelter Technology" suddenly appeared in the center of public view.

This person's name is Principle, and he claims to be the CEO of Shelter Technology, the director of Shelter 404β, and the Alliance's Ambassador to the Beta Universe.

In the top video of the "Wasteland OL" official website forum, he announced in a clear voice.

"We are not aliens."

"We are another you."

"You can call us the pioneers, the Alpha civilization...or the compatriots of the Alpha universe."

In the video, Dr. Principle briefly described the theory of the eleven-dimensional cosmic membrane and the theory of soap bubbles.

These theories were originally the work of the "professor", but now that the professor is gone, he can only replace the professor to explain the theoretical basis on which the two parties can establish contact.


Regarding the morphogenesis field and more technical details, he did not reveal it in the video.

From the perspective of those who have experienced it, they will still give appropriate guidance and inspiration to their compatriots in the beta universe as before, but they will not overwhelm the latter with knowledge they do not have.

Tried to encourage growth is not a good thing for both parties.

What people in the alpha universe may miss is just the opportunity of "Sociology 3", but people in the beta universe will be deprived of their own growth potential and the tools and methods that may be born in exploring the unknown.

It doesn't matter if they are facing the same dilemma. The experience of the α universe can help people in the β universe pass through it easily.

But if the β universe encounters a dilemma in the future timeline that the α universe has not experienced, this dilemma will most likely become an obstacle that the former cannot overcome.

After all, conditions may differ from universe to universe depending on the observer.

Take the β universe and the α universe as an example. Human civilizations in the two universes may have experienced similar or even identical histories, but they may still encounter completely different situations outside the event horizon.

For example, humans in the α universe will most likely encounter the pioneer civilization in Nanmen II, and humans in the β universe will also encounter it.

Including Tiancang Wu.

The pioneer civilization that has a trace of its soul in Nanmen Er once declared information about the ruins of Tiancang Wu. Therefore, for the human civilization of the two universes, that place is also within the "horizon" in a strict sense.

But that might not be the case if it is a universe farther away than Amakura Five.

That would be a whole new permutation.

Maybe the humans in the α universe found nothing in a galaxy 100 light-years away, but the humans in the β universe were lucky enough to find the remains of another pioneer civilization there and opened up another path... These are all completely possible.

"We are completely different from each other...whether it's our faces, our names, or the map beneath our feet."

"But we are the same...because what you have encountered, we have also encountered. And what we have experienced in the past is also happening to you."

"We have embraced our indivisible destiny, and from now on we will move forward hand in hand in the void. We thank you for your help in the past... and we hope that our history can give you some inspiration and avoid tragedies that may occur in the future. "

"If tragedy cannot be avoided, there is no need to lose heart."

"When that time comes, we will come to save you!"

"Just like you once saved us."

Regardless of whether the people in the beta universe can digest this huge amount of information, Dr. Principle has step by step confessed the truth that "he and Chu Guang agreed that it was necessary to disclose".

not only that.

In the name of "Shelter Technology", Dr. Principle also launched a global public bidding for regional agents of the "Wasteland OL" public beta server, as well as equipment suppliers for true holographic helmets.

Although the completely immersive virtual reality technology is also epoch-making for human civilization in the beta universe, it is not as exaggerated as the "morphoforming field" technology, and it can be done even without using carbon nanocircuit boards.

It's just that the cost may be a little more expensive.

As a mirror image of the earlier version of the closed beta server, the open beta server will be operated as a truly fully immersive "MM". All game data is stored in local data centers in various regions of the earth in the β universe, and "Wasteland Era 211" is used as the entry point to participate in the magnificent epic of the α universe.

Open beta players will start from the cold winter before the "Bone Chewing Rebellion" and re-walk the path they have taken before, using more exaggerated attribute panels and skill trees to fight against more powerful alien species, predators and mutants. .

At the same time, many NPCs in the public beta server, including managers, will be played by AI provided by Ideal City, and some plot NPCs will have the same resurrection ability as players - unless they are special ones who are killed by the plot as the version changes. Role.

To put it simply, the public test server is equivalent to the nostalgic version of the closed test server for all ages.

The exaggerated skill and attribute panels will dilute some overly heavy content. For example, if you are caught by predators or mutants, you will not be thrown into a pot of oil and stewed, but will be resurrected immediately when your vision goes dark.

The strict rules of the closed test server will no longer exist in the public test server. For example, malicious PK behavior will not be directly kicked off the line. Instead, like other MMs, they will be marked with a red name and be killed by other players or safe zone NPCs. Punishment will only be triggered later... thus becoming part of the gameplay.

In theory, open beta players can play as predators even if they want to, and no longer need to stick to the order camp.

In addition, the resurrection CD of the public beta server will also be cancelled.

Not only that, compared to the diluted pain sensation in the closed beta test server, the pain sensation in the open beta test server will be further reduced, and a painless, traceless, and battle-damaged explosion-proof harmonious version will be launched to prevent some giant babies who "play but can't afford it" Ying Ying Ying.

After all, it is already a virtual game, so making it so real is somewhat unnecessary.

Players in the public beta server can still communicate with NPCs played by AI, give gifts to accumulate favorability, develop into good brothers and sisters, and even create sparks of love... However, the realistic part will be determined by the agent according to local laws and regulations. Delete.

Although Shelter Technology is not an organization registered in the Beta Universe, it will still abide by local laws.

As for the closed beta server, everything is the same as before.

Players can still continue playing with the mentality of gaming or experiencing dreams, and explore an unimagined future with "NPCs", provide expansion pack data for the public beta server, or become the BOSS of the public beta server... as long as they abide by the rules of the game.

After all, there will be no material exchange between the α universe and the β universe anyway. What can be transmitted is only consciousness, so it is logical to treat it as a dream.

For those players who can no longer regard the game as a game, they will no longer have to carry any psychological burden, confess their origins to their friends in the new era, and even invite them to visit their own world in the future.

The "Player's Handbook" will delete the confidentiality clause about the "game" content, and add relevant explanations about the α and β universes as well as some unblocked materials in Project 404.

How you view everything in the beta universe will depend on the players themselves!

"Wasteland OL" has promised that it will not delete files and will continue to operate as always in the future.

Even the qualifications for the closed beta test will be distributed to players who have made reservations at the same pace as before, or to players who have performed well in the public beta server... about one to two hundred accounts per day.

Even though it's not an online game at all, but another real universe!

In addition, if there are closed beta players who want to experience the nostalgic server in the open beta, it is easy to just buy the paid version of the game helmet sold by agents in your region.

The data of public beta accounts and closed beta accounts are not interoperable, and there will be big differences in various aspects of the game settings.

However, as a reward for closed beta players, when they register a public beta character, they will receive special medals and skin rewards issued by the system.

As for more specific details, it will be left to the players to explore after the public test server is launched.

As soon as Dr. Principle's video was released, the "Wasteland OL" forum instantly exploded.

Not only that, the whole world is in an uproar!

The operators behind "Wasteland OL" are not aliens, but another group of humans from the future? !

At this moment, both the advent faction and the decisive battle faction were embarrassed by their previous conclusions.

It’s okay that advanced civilization is my own...

So sloppy!


(Thanks to the leader of the book friend "Qing Ling Xu San" for the reward!!!)

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