This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 428 The storm sweeping across the desert (a 10,000-word chapter)

The night is dark.

In the southeastern part of Luoxia Province, twelve "Killer Whale" transport planes were speeding across the endless desert, billowing smoke and dust behind them, and they were moving rapidly towards Oasis No. 9.

In order not to be discovered by the legion, the flight altitude of this aviation formation was very low, and the distance from the ground was even less than fifty meters.

Although the light blue electric arc is not as obvious as the air column of the fuel aircraft, flying in the cloudless night sky can be seen by people on the ground as long as they are not blind.

Not to mention that the Legion also has aircraft and radars. Although the technology is not high, it does not mean that there are no threats. Especially after realizing that corporations are at war.

They are bound to deliver more air defense equipment and more anti-armor weapons to the front line, and even use weapons inventories that have been sealed for centuries.

As long as they're not stupid.

When they first heard about Chu Guang's plan, the captain of the company's transportation team refused to implement it. After all, they were just a transportation and logistics team and had not received an order to enter the war zone.

Without gaining air superiority or even being escorted by fighter jets, sending a transport aircraft with no combat effectiveness to the front line is tantamount to making a fool of the pilot's life.

Even if you want to do this, you need the approval of the enterprise's armed forces department.

However, the opportunity for war is fleeting. Information exchange between the Alliance and the Lion Kingdom relies on pigeons, and information exchange with enterprises relies on airplanes. By the time the company's Armed Forces Department approved it, the day lilies were already cold.

Fortunately, Yi Chuan and Wu Mu helped a little, and they managed to persuade the stubborn transport captain to turn a blind eye and allow the aviation formation to make an exception on the way back - crossing the sunset line. Provincial boundaries.

However, they must be extremely careful.

Not to mention the loss of a plane or something, even if there was an extra bullet hole in the outer shell of the plane, it would be difficult for them to explain it to the Logistics Department of the Ministry of Armed Forces.

As for the pilots, they didn't need to do much ideological work. When they heard that they were going to Luoxia Province, the young men cheered excitedly.

The war mobilization in Ideal City had already begun before the Battle of Ruigu City broke out.

Those young men who drove transport planes came to the front line with enthusiasm, and they couldn't wait to fight with those big noses.

Especially after watching that video.

Inside the cabin.

The construction site boy and Brick, who were lying by the window, wanted to put their heads in the window to see what the legendary "man-made oasis" looked like.

It is said that Oasis No. 9 is the largest oasis in Luoxia Province, with a total area of ​​10 square kilometers equivalent to the size of "Zhejiang Province".

Unfortunately, the flight altitude was too high.

He could only see a rough outline in the night. As for what was hidden behind the lush horizon, he couldn't see anything clearly.

"Gan! Why don't we fly lower?"

Hearing this complaint, the debtor sitting on the seat next to him rolled his eyes. "Are you really worried that others won't know you're coming?"

Hearing the conversation between the two, other players in the distance also joined in the conversation.

"By the way, we haven't entered Oasis No. 9 yet, right? The legion's anti-aircraft guns won't hit here, right?"

"That's hard to say. There might be anti-aircraft missiles on the other side, but masturbation is not useful for the survivors' settlement."

"Is there a possibility that the map over there hasn't been made yet?"

"That makes sense!"

"Not necessarily, that's A Guang! With A Guang's fine details, he's already finished, but he's just trying not to show it to you!"

"I'm ruthless!"

There was no hint of nervousness in the "hearty" laughter. The co-pilot in the cockpit glanced back and couldn't help but admire him.

As expected of the elite of the alliance!

It was hard not to be awestruck by this spirit of disregarding death.

At this moment, the players sitting in the cabin are all good brothers of the Death Corps. But now the equipment they carry is far more than 200 silver coins.

Even more than 20,000 silver coins!

The "Pioneer I" military exoskeleton on them alone is worth 12,000 cr, which is equivalent to three times the price of the Miner series exoskeleton! Not to mention the infantry support weapons and individual heavy equipment carried in the cabin.

Considering that the Death Corps had experience in desert warfare, Chu Guang gave this glorious and arduous task to Bian Huishui after careful consideration.

This operation was not only to help the allies share the pressure from the north and block the legion from obtaining supplies from the northern part of the River Valley Province, but also to test the new equipment imported by the alliance from the company, so it can be said that a considerable amount of equipment was invested.

All it takes is a full set of power armor!

And because they were fighting apart from the logistics supply line, each of them carried 2.5 times the standard ammunition, and everyone had an expression of eagerness to try.

He had never fought such a rich battle before, and he was extremely excited. He had been staring at the map carefully since he got on the plane, and repeatedly studied the battle plan written next to the map, ready for those ghosts coming from the west coast. Let's put on a grand fireworks show.

This was the opportunity he had finally snatched from Quanshui, and he couldn't let the managers and everyone in the alliance down!

The aviation formation crossed a cliff.

The first officer came over with two cups of black tea and handed one of them to the regimental commander. "Want a drink, friend."

I have to say that the company does have its own set of technologies.

While flying close to the ground at high speed, I couldn't feel any air turbulence at all, and the tea in the cup didn't spill at all. He took the cup and glanced at it.

"Thank you...can you change me to a glass of boiled water?"

Seeing the hesitation in his eyes, the first officer smiled and said.

"Don't worry, it's been dealkalized. This tea only has a refreshing effect and won't make you want to go to the toilet more."

Hearing this, Bing Shui finally felt relieved, raised his head and took a sip, and returned the cup to the first officer under his surprised gaze.

Optimistically, the battle would begin before dawn, but they would still have to stay out for a while. There's no harm in adding a little extra fluids.

Seeing the calm expression on the alliance commander's face, not at all relaxed about going deep behind enemy lines, the first officer couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and spoke to him in a casual tone.

"It seems you already have a plan?" Edge Paddling said in a casual tone.

"Of course, according to the combat plan formulated by the headquarters overnight, we will launch an attack from the north of the military base... in conjunction with the attack from the south.

The friendly forces who are feinting to attack capture the opponent's ammunition depot. If all goes well, our friendly forces can get a batch of legion equipment, and we can cut off their supplies to the north. "

The first officer nodded.

"It's a pity that we haven't fought such a large-scale battle for a while, and we can't help you create a greater advantage... You can only handle this tough battle by yourself."

Edge Paddling grinned and closed the map with the battle plan in his hand. "It doesn't matter, that's enough!"

After chatting for a while, the deputy director turned and returned to the cab. Not long after, the captain's reminder came over the radio.

"We are about to pass through a sandstorm area, and there will be strong air currents. You'd better return to your seats and tighten the hazard belts." "If you don't want to lose your luck before getting off the plane."

After hearing the NPC's reminder, the players left the window one after another, returned to their seats and sat down, tightening the danger belts. Almost half a minute after the broadcast ended, the plane's fuselage began to shake violently, and the sound of whistling yellow sand came through the bulkhead.

The sandstorms in Luoxia Province contain a small amount of iron oxide, which interferes with electromagnetic wave energy and can effectively avoid active detection methods such as radar and infrared heat source detection.

They were now very close to the front. Extreme care must be taken.


Clinging to the edge of the sandstorm, the aviation formation advanced in an arc, made a large circle, and landed on the back of a sand dune on the north side of Oasis No. 9.

The cabin door slammed to the ground, sending up billowing dust. The heavily armed soldiers carried rifles on their backs, and ran quickly out of the cabin in pairs carrying a one-meter-wide box.

"Log in! Act quickly!"

Amid the urging of paddling on the edge, all equipment and personnel were deployed in just one minute.

The light blue arc blew downward and began to gradually increase the output power. The high-speed air flow carried the heated sand and blew it around.

Intermittent sounds came from the communication channel.

".····The transport plane is about to return... Alliance soldiers, I wish you good luck!" "Received, and I wish you a safe return!"

The twelve transport planes came and left quickly. After completing their deployment, they did not stay here for a moment. They immediately started their engines and returned in the direction they came from.

time is life.

Edge Paddling also did not delay, and immediately called on the brothers in the regiment to unload the equipment and supplies in the boxes.

Due to limited transport capacity, the 12 "Orca" transport planes could only deliver half a thousand troops to the target area, so he only brought over the top 500 elites in the regiment.

Although we cannot take advantage of numbers, having these brothers is enough!

After taking a look at the equipment deployed around him and then at the exoskeleton on his body, he was paddling with confidence in his heart.

"I thought we were going to jump right on top of them," the construction site boy and Brick muttered as they pushed a tricycle over, "What do you mean, we're just going to ride this thing?"

The tires of the tricycle have been widened to better adapt to the desert terrain, and a mortar is placed in the rear trunk.

The other tricycle not far away had an even more exaggerated shape. There was a bracket welded on the faucet, and a light machine gun was mounted on it. 120 modified folding tricycles, plus four-rotor drones used by intelligence players, are all equipment produced by the alliance.

The "Cerberus" four-legged robot not far away and the "Seagull" fixed-wing drone being assembled were imported from enterprises by the alliance at a huge expense.

"Skydiving is okay, do you want to be shot like a bird by a machine gun on the ground?"

He cursed with a smile, looked at the dark figures behind him, and said with a serious expression on his face.

"Attention, captains of centurions, take your brothers and equipment to the target assembly point and wait for the signal to attack!" "Action!"

Everyone lowered their voices and answered in unison. "receive!"

Except for Da Yan, who was responsible for controlling the "Seagull" fixed-wing drone, he stayed in place with his small team members.

The rest of the players boarded the tricycle one after another, and were pedaled hard by a strength animal, heading towards the predetermined fighting position. Sitting on the edge of the tricycle, he took a deep breath and took out the map again to confirm the battle plan.

So far everything was going as planned, but for some reason he always felt uneasy. Is it an illusion?

But he is of the perception system...

At this moment, there was a sudden explosion in the distance, piercing the noisy night sky.

Everyone raised their heads and looked in the direction where the explosion came from, their eyes filled with surprise.

"It's the military base that's the mission target..." The boy at the construction site and Zhuan pedaled hard on the three wheels and muttered in confusion, "Didn't we make an appointment to start in the early morning? Why did it come early?"

They haven't arrived yet.

There is no interoperable radio, and now it is impossible to communicate with friendly forces and ask them what their situation is. Edge of Water frowned, suddenly thought of something, and his face changed slightly.

"What time is the hour on the hour in the planning briefing?"

"What time? Of course it's the time of Luoxia Province -" The boy at the construction site and Bian suddenly came back to their senses, and said in a daze, "Damn it, could they have used the alliance's time?!"

It is impossible for the alliance's army command to commit such low-level accuracy. If the time zone is used, it will be marked with symbols on the combat plan, and corresponding conversions will be made to ensure that the execution time of the plan is accurate.

There is only one explanation for such an error, and that is that the friendly command headquarters deviated when conveying instructions to lower-level units, and accurately understood the alliance time...

Either there is an insider inside the Lion Kingdom, and there is no time to send the information back to the Honey Badger Kingdom, so they can only use the trick of tampering with the order to interfere with the execution of the plan.

No matter what the situation was, as far as the result was concerned, the two sides "swapped" time zones, causing the battle to be advanced by a full hour! Gan!

This is a scam!

There was no time to laugh or cry, so he made a quick decision and pressed the button on the communicator and shouted loudly. "Attention all teams!"

"Friendly forces opened fire in advance and determined whether the friendly forces' positions were exposed in advance... Start Plan C and continue to implement it." "Action!"

Time goes back dozens of minutes. In the desert shrouded in darkness.

A man in a khaki cloak is lying on the edge of the dune, holding a telescope in his hand and looking at the looming campfire in the distance.

His name is Piman Honey Badger. He is the eldest son of the Honey Badger royal family and the marshal of the Honey Badger Kingdom's Restoration Army.

The beard hanging on his chin is as thick as a broom, and both his angular face and his muscular physique are very much like his father.

This is exactly the opposite of his younger brother, Summer Honey Badger.

Looking at the time on the watch, Piman patiently enjoyed the last silence of the night, his thoughts drifting away with the evening breeze. About two months ago.

With the support of the Legion, the Falcon Kingdom launched a surprise attack on the Honey Badger Kingdom and occupied the entire kingdom in just one week.

His father died in the battle to defend the royal capital, and he followed the remaining tribesmen and evacuated to the Lion Kingdom with his younger brother and sister. With the support of the Lion Royal Family, he reorganized the organization and recruited 3 people from the army. The refugees who fled the oasis formed the Nationalist Army.

Originally, according to his plan, he planned to launch a counterattack at the end of the year to regain the territory belonging to the royal family from the Falcon Kingdom. However--

The kind "vulture" didn't give them time to prepare.

Just as the condemnation letter from the Three Kingdoms was sent to the Falcon Kingdom, the Falcon Kingdom did not take a breath, and then marched eastward, aiming the attack at the Lion Kingdom that had hosted them.

The situation in the war took a turn for the worse.

As the overlord of the desert, the Lion Kingdom's national power is far greater than that of the Falcon Kingdom, but after all, the opponent has tightened its belt and prepared for war for more than ten years. Coupled with the support of the legions, the size of the standing army is actually smaller than that of the Lion Kingdom. above.

And because the Honey Badger Kingdom was blocking the front, the Lion Kingdom did not have to face the threat from the west of the desert, so it can be said to be unprepared.


The arrogant kings finally paid the price for their foolishness and compromise.

They expected to sacrifice a lamb to feed the beast, but they forgot that it was a jackal that could not be fed at all.

In less than a month, the war burned from Oasis No. 3 to Oasis No. 9. The front line advanced so fast that the Falcon's guns were less than 100 kilometers away from the Lion's capital.

The Camelback Kingdom and the Golden Lizard Kingdom were frightened when they saw that the Falcon Kingdom's offensive was so fierce that even the veteran desert overlords had no power to fight back. They had already sent out declarations of war, but they still dared not send troops.

Facing the allied forces of the Falcon Kingdom and the Legion alone, the situation of the Lion Kingdom is already in danger.

In order to mobilize all the troops to defend the royal capital, the guerrillas active in the north have set off southward, gathering towards the flag of Prince Winter, trying to bring down the Falcon Kingdom by relying on solid offensive and defensive bunkers.

To Pieman, the idea seemed as innocent as a dream.

Never taking the initiative to attack means never taking the initiative. Once the northern guerrillas withdraw within the defense line, it means that the Falcon Kingdom and Legion's troops on the northern front can move forward without having to worry about the supply line. danger.

And it is even more ridiculous to expect to bring down these jackals.

Regardless of the fact that the Falcon Kingdom has been preparing for this day for more than ten years, the treasures looted from Oasis No. 3 alone are enough for them to obtain sufficient supplies from the east until the blood of the Lion Kingdom is drained... ..

However, things have taken a turn for the better.

Perhaps Sammer's diplomatic mediation had an effect. The overlord in the southern part of the River Valley province finally realized the threat from the west and sent troops to the desert with the support of the enterprise.

The target is the military base located in the north of Oasis No. 9, which is said to be an important supply hub for the Falcon Kingdom's northern front.

If this military base can be captured, it will not only thwart the offensive plan of the Falcon Kingdom's northern troops, but also hope to cut off the supply line from the northern part of the River Valley Province.

Unfortunately, the Lion Kingdom had no troops available in the north, and after a quarrel the ball was kicked to him.

Prince Winter hopes that the Restoration Army of the Honey Badger Kingdom will go to the target area to cooperate with friendly forces in the attack, instead of the 12th and 13th Thousand Troops originally planned.

This plan is quite risky.

The target military base is located behind the Legion's lines, which means they will not receive any support. Once they are held back by the opposite side and the enemy troops arrive, they are likely to be completely annihilated.

What's more, even if the enemy's reinforcements didn't arrive, this mission would still be quite difficult. The elite of the legion are stationed there.

Piman, who had fought against the Legion in Oasis No. 3, knew better than anyone how powerful the Legion's elite combat capabilities were.

Obviously, Prince Winter didn't want his men to suffer unreasonable losses, so he proposed to let the Honey Badger Kingdom's Restoration Army go up as a reward for the Lion Kingdom raising them in vain for more than a month.

Piman could actually refuse to carry out this order that almost led to death, but after some thought, he finally agreed. After all, this is probably the opportunity his sister bought with her own happiness...

In addition, the overlord in the southern part of the River Valley Province had promised to hand over the captured supplies to the Lion Kingdom, and he could just take advantage of this opportunity to keep the captured equipment for himself.

Anyway, when those tanks are in the hands of the Lion Kingdom, they will only be driven into the trenches by the cowards and buried in the soil to be used as turrets. It is better to use them to arm his loyal subordinates.

The Nationalist Army needs that equipment.

Whether it's to regain lost ground or to ensure independence!

For this reason, Piman took almost all the elites of the Nationalist Army, assembled a team of thousands of people, and personally brought them here.

At present...

At least the information is fine.

Piman took out a map from his arms, shook the sand on it, and spread it on the ground.

He stretched out his index finger and followed the markings on the map for a while, finally stopped at a red circle and clicked on it, and murmured softly in his mouth.

".....·right here."

Next to Piman, a middle-aged man with wrinkles on his face lowered his voice and said. "Are we going to attack?"

His name is Clough. He used to be the captain of the Kingdom's Guards, and is now the captain of the Restoration Army. He is also the most courageous and capable general under Piman.

"Yes," Piman nodded, tapped his index finger on the map, glanced at the camp shrouded in darkness in front of him, and continued in a low voice.

"Our friendly forces will launch an attack on the north side of the base, but before that we need to attract firepower on the south side to create a window for our friendly forces to attack."

One officer couldn't help but said. "Do we have friendly forces?"

Pieman said in an unwavering voice.

"The Alliance will support us, they made a promise!"

Except for Clough, whose expression remained unchanged, several other officers around him looked at each other and fell silent. alliance···..

This is the north of Oasis No. 9.

Even for the northern front across the Falcon Kingdom, it would be more than 800 kilometers from the Alliance to here. The battle plan was formulated two days ago. How could it be possible to get here in two days?

In the eyes of many people, they may have been sold by Prince Winter or others. There are no friendly forces at all.

Not everyone in the Lion Kingdom is as sympathetic to them as the Lion Royal Family. In the eyes of many ministers and nobles, it was precisely because they took them in that they brought war to the kingdom.

Those people wished they would die immediately and use their corpses to hold back the Legion's offensive on the northern front, buying time to mobilize the power of other kingdoms and the intervention of external forces.

Perhaps the desert kings will finally prevail. But they will die here.

Piman looked back at his subordinates and read the pessimism in their eyes. After a moment of silence, he said in a fierce voice.

"I know what you're thinking, but now is not the time to think about those things."

"There is only one chance left for us. The only thing we can do now is to believe, believe in our compatriots and brothers, believe in our brothers and sisters... Believe that justice will eventually defeat evil."

"Even if we cannot survive to the end, our blood will eventually be soaked in the yellow sand, and our souls will be immortal. We fought to the end under the watchful eyes of the spirit of the sand sea."

A pair of pupils were filled with determination again.

There is no longer a face where doubt can be seen. "The spirit of the sand sea will be with me."

Putting his palm on his forehead, Piman got up from the ground and returned to the reverse slope of the dune, patting the shoulders of his subordinates gently.

"Go, warriors of the kingdom, dig the trenches across your chest, load your rifles, set up our 'cannons' - and give those ugly devils a little color."

"Even if we are buried here today, don't let our allies look down upon us!" A few kilometers away, sporadic lights were on in the camp.

The sentry standing on the sentry tower couldn't help but yawn, counting how much time was left until the shift change. This is Camp 350, the logistics transfer base of the Northern Army.

Although the strategic value here is so important that General Cliffin sent heavy troops to guard it, so far, the soldiers stationed here have not fought a single battle.

The only thing they can do every day is to bathe in the sand or stare at the cactus in the distance in a daze. Rather than wasting their lives here, they would rather go to the front line and at least have a chance to shoot.

Instead of just talking to the sand to pass the time like now.

At this moment, there was a sudden explosion in the distance, which startled the sentry on duty and subconsciously crouched behind the guardrail.

Before he could recover, gas tanks dragging white smoke drew five thick parabolas in the air and landed heavily in the camp.


Following the loud sounds of landslides and ground cracks, five balls of fire instantly exploded in the noisy military base.

The piercing alarm bell rang loudly. Amidst the sound of the alarm, the sleeping soldiers got up from their beds one after another, carried their equipment and went to the fighting position to assemble.

Putting the helmet on his head, a centurion walked to the guard post, grabbed a sentry, and asked with spittle flying everywhere. "What happened just now!"

The sentry must be a newcomer. He stood up straight nervously and spoke quickly and breathlessly. "Report! It's a guerrilla cannon!"

The kind of earthen cannon made of gas cans is very common in Luoxia Province, second only to the cast iron cannon that requires a broom to clean the rifling.

In particular, those who live in the desert will fill iron cans with explosives made of sugar, and then mix some iron nails or sand into them. Although the power of this kind of bomb is not as powerful as RDX or TNT, it is better because the materials are cheap and easy to make. A small workshop can make many of them.

The most indispensable thing in the oasis of Luoxia Province is food, especially sugar cane for sugar production.

A "gas tank" bomb with a charge of 500 kilograms would make even a Conqueror tank panic. Of course, the premise is that it hits the top of the turret...

The soldiers of the legion were well-trained after all, and they quickly recovered from the initial panic.

Two 10-man teams had already run into the bomb shelter where mortars were placed, and launched a counterattack based on the approximate fire direction observed by the sentry tower.

Awakened by the thunderous sound of artillery, Captain Yade, who commanded this thousand-man team, quickly put on his clothes and walked out of the barracks.

He roughly guessed what happened, but he didn't panic. He calmly called a centurion and gave him an order. "The shells are coming from the south, about 5 kilometers away. Take your people and give those guys a look!" "Yes!"

After receiving the order, the centurion stood at attention neatly and performed a military salute, then ran to a nearby military camp without any delay and beckoned his men to go.

Looking at the direction he left, Yade's brows relaxed slightly, and he took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it. Just guerrillas.

It's not worth taking him to heart.

The power of the five gas tanks just now seemed very powerful, and the sound was indeed loud enough, but in fact it did not hurt many people, but only blew up a few sandbags.

The explosion-proof bunkers placed in the camp greatly limited the spread of shock waves and explosion fragments in the longitudinal plane, and most of the power shot up into the sky in a cone shape.

The kind of thing where a heavy artillery shot lifted an entire hundred-man army could only happen to the Royal Army of the Lion Kingdom. Even the soldiers trained by them knew how to protect themselves to the maximum extent during the bombardment.

The only thing that Yade can't figure out is...

With so many military bases, why did the people from the Lion Kingdom choose this one? Is it a coincidence?

Or the information was leaked...

At this time, an officer in military uniform was walking over quickly with an annoyed look on his face.

Yade knew that man. He was the deputy to the logistics chief of the Northern Army. His name was Antonette. He came here two days ago to inspect the work.

Also check the warehouse inventory.

This guy is very cautious, even to the point of being neurotic. He has to open every box and inspect it, as if someone cares about the bullets.

Yade noticed that he had no socks on his left foot, and there was a patch of dust on his left knee. He must have fallen off the bed. "What happened just now?" Antoinette said angrily, "I need an explanation!"

Yade suppressed his laughter and said comfortingly.

"A small problem, just a sneak attack by the guerrillas."

"Guerrillas? Didn't those people withdraw?" Antoinette frowned.

"Maybe they are back again, who knows." Yade patted the logistics officer on the shoulder and said with a calm smile, "Don't be nervous, my friend, they are just a group of minions, they will be solved soon."

Antoinette stared at him warningly.

"I advise you to be more serious. The equipment stored in the warehouse is related to the next offensive plan of the entire northern front! If General Griffin's plan is delayed, you know the consequences!"

Looking at the serious logistics officer, Yade laughed.

"Don't worry, man, I know the consequences. My subordinates will be very careful to pull out those rats... But having said that, for the sake of danger, I have to trouble you and me to hide in an explosion-proof bunker for a while. Then A group of savages are throwing stones with impotence and fury, and it would be unjust to be hit by their stones."

Antonette knew there was no point in being anxious, so she nodded calmly and followed him to the explosion-proof bunker. The reloading speed of the gas tank shells was very slow, and it took several minutes before the second round of shells came.

On the contrary, in the legion camp, eight mortars were firing continuously. After delivering three rounds of regional firepower to suppress the general direction of the target, they then fired a round of flares into the air, lighting up a desert in the south. It has become daytime.

The "Weasel" reconnaissance vehicle that was the first to set off had already locked onto the source of the fire.

Under the guidance of the vehicle commander, four 20mm heavy machine guns and eight 10mm machine guns deployed on the south side of the camp pointed at the sky and fired in unison, straddling the positions of the Nationalist Army.

Traces of light flashed in the night sky, and large-caliber bullets poured down from the sky like a goddess scattering flowers, showering the artillery positions scattered behind the dunes.

The gas tanks had just been placed on the triangular bracket, and before they had time to ignite, the gunner standing next to them was instantly killed and injured. Only a few experienced veterans managed to save their lives by rolling desperately into the bomb shelter on the side.

However, shooting beyond visual range is just the beginning.

With the assistance of the reconnaissance vehicle, the mortar team in the military base re-corrected the bombardment coordinates and guided the counterattack fire to accurately fall on the heads of the Zionist Army.

At the same time, a hundred-man infantry team had completed its assembly, boarded four light tracked trucks in batches, and killed them in a mighty manner.

Bewildered by the constant barrage of fire.

Crouching in the trench, Pillman held up his rifle and fired outwards to resist, trying to suppress the four pairs of car lights coming from a distance, while shouting loudly at his comrades beside him.

"hold onto!"

"Keep this place at all costs!"

"Your Highness, their firepower is too fierce!" A centurion crouched not far away, with a hint of despair in his hoarse roar. Whether it was the density or power of the firepower, the military base five kilometers away exceeded their expectations.

In just ten minutes...

The artillery position was completely wiped out, and the infantry casualties exceeded 100. The situation was precarious, but support from friendly forces had not yet arrived. Piman gritted his teeth, and his fists with bulging veins wanted to crush the grip of the rifle.

"Then you have to support me!"

Without enough supporting firepower and reliable anti-armor means, they could only squat here and be beaten passively. But even so, he was still willing to believe in the one in 10,000 possibility.

Their allies will not betray him, Alliance reinforcements have arrived! And then it’s time for them to counterattack!

Even if he takes ten thousand steps back, he made a wrong bet, Prince Winter deceived him, and the alliance's reinforcements never existed from the beginning... He died on the way to attack.

It's better than dying in a bomb shelter! Military base in the distance.

The sentries on the sentry tower looked at the fire in the distance and smacked their tongues. "Tsk tsk...I can already smell the smell of barbecue."

"Anyway, I can't find anything valuable. I'll let those grunting beasts clean up the battlefield later." "A whole team of a thousand people, they really dare to come here to deliver it."

One of the sentries said with a smile.

"Who knows? Maybe he knows he can't win, so he wants to take a gamble." Another sentry shrugged and joked.

"It's a pity they picked the wrong person."

On the other side, inside a concrete-reinforced anti-gun bunker.

Knowing from the communication channel that the frontline troops were about to meet the enemy, Yade raised his arm and glanced at his watch, guessing that the battle was almost over.

Then, he looked at Antoinette next to him and said in a joking tone. "Let's make a bet."

"What are you betting on?" Antoinette replied absently, feeling uneasy since just now. Why was it attacked here?

This timing is too coincidental.

And if it is assumed that the opponent already knows the strategic value of this military base, the offensive intensity they display is a bit too perfunctory.

With all due respect.

The fighting power displayed by those people was not much better than cannon fodder. It was as if they were given to them to bite.

Maybe he was thinking too much, but he couldn't figure out what the meaning of those people's attacks was except to die.

He didn't feel anything was wrong. Looking at Antoinette, who was frowning, Yade said with joy. "Let's bet... whether my people can take care of that group of minions five kilometers away within five minutes."

Antonette raised his eyebrows and was about to say something when suddenly a deafening explosion came from outside the explosion-proof bunker, which together with the shaking from the ground interrupted his train of thought.

Antoinette, who held onto the wall and seemed to be unsteady, glanced out the observation window. However, he only saw the drifting smoke, but did not see where the explosion was.

He cursed in annoyance, hiding the trace of imperceptible panic on his face. "Damn it, why are there bombs still falling here!"

Piman's face was also full of surprise, and soon the surprise gradually turned into a trace of panic, and he opened and closed his lips and whispered softly.

"...No, that sound is definitely not the guerrilla artillery!"

There was no warning at all, not even the whistling of cannonballs piercing the air!

The two explosions sounded almost at the same time, and they knocked away his mortar position without fail. Obviously that's not firepower projected from a curve.

Instead, it fell almost vertically from the air! There are no airplanes in the Lion Kingdom. In this case, there is only one possibility——

"What is that?" Antonette looked at him blankly, waiting for an answer.

However, Yade did not respond to his expectations. He just rushed to the table like crazy and grabbed the phone on the table.

His index finger quickly dialed a few buttons, and the calm expression was no longer visible on his face, and he almost roared with all his strength.

"...Call the frontline air command department, this is the 530 military base, we are under air attack!" "We need support here!"

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