This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 429 I’ve never fought such a rich battle

A flame rose in the darkness.

When they saw thick smoke rising in the direction of the military base, the soldiers of the Republic of China army who were lying in the trenches opened their eyes in surprise.

Including Yade.

Including his subordinate Clough.

Including those centurions struggling in despair.

The reconnaissance vehicle in the distance began to retreat, turning around and heading back towards the military base.

The four trucks that were driving towards them stayed where they were.

The infantry who had dismounted were unable to advance or retreat. They could only create simple foxholes on the spot, lie down in the foxholes, and engage in firefights with the soldiers of the Republic of China who were relying on the trenches.

Facts have proved that these evil spirits with bulging noses are not invincible.

After losing the fire support from the rear, they quickly fell into a bitter battle and suffered continuous casualties in the face of soldiers from the Republic of China army who were several times their own.

Looking at the smoke column rising to the north, Yade's face was full of surprise, which soon turned into ecstasy.

He took off his scarf, tied it to his injured arm, and shouted excitedly to the soldiers behind him.

"It's reinforcements!"

"Our reinforcements are ahead!"

"I said they won't break their promise!" Due north.

The legion's military base was filled with thick smoke.

Especially the artillery position, because it received special attention, was even more blown up by the firepower that fell from the sky, and it was a mess!

Piman, who was hiding in the anti-gun bunker, shouted desperately into the communication channel, but except for the sizzling sound of electricity, there was no response.

It's not just air command 100 kilometers away that can't communicate.

Even the hundred-man team outside the military base could not be contacted, and the communication with other combat units was intermittent. The reports one after another without exception were that they had suffered heavy losses and requested reinforcements.

Piman's face turned pale slightly, hung up the phone, and sat down on the chair limply.

Antonette looked at him with a livid face, nervous sweat beading on her forehead.

"What the hell is that?"

"It's not just metallic hydrogen, but also EMP." Piman opened and closed his trembling lips, with a hint of panic on his face, "Our communication has been cut off."

Upon hearing this, Antoinette's eyes widened.

"EMP??? Metallic hydrogen?! How could the guerrillas have something like that!?"

Piman swallowed and said with difficulty, "That's not some guerrilla. It's probably a corporate aircraft."

The moment he heard the word enterprise, Antoinette held his breath involuntarily, and a trace of fear began to appear in his eyes.

He heard General Griffin say this at the operational meeting half a month ago.

The legion's eastward strategy has attracted the attention of the east coast, including their occupation of the Pioneer, which obviously cannot be hidden from those people.

If they can't end this war anytime soon, corporations are likely to get involved.

And then.

This war will evolve into a head-on confrontation between the Legion and the Enterprise, and the ancient contract will be torn to pieces.

For a century…

Nothing like this has ever happened.

At the same time, just above Piman and Antoinette, a drone with a lightbulb-shaped nose was hovering at high altitude.

Its name is Seagull, and it comes from the far east coast. The unit price is 1.5 million C, and it can carry 8 guided missiles and a 20mm aviation cannon with 600 rounds of ammunition.

The communication equipment of the ground military base has been completely paralyzed by an EMP missile, and the army's command system has suffered heavy losses.

Although they had rehearsed the situation in which communication equipment would be unusable, they obviously did not expect that they would be attacked by EM. The sudden attack caused chaos in the camp.

The tank crew quickly rushed to the garage, intending to drive out the tanks and anti-aircraft vehicles inside.

However, before they could approach the garage, another missile fell from the sky.

The air-exploded white phosphorus bombs were like fireworks blooming toward the ground, and flashing columns of smoke rained down from the sky, quickly turning the entire barracks near the garage into a living hell.

A soldier subconsciously raised his hand to block the dazzling white light, but his arm was accidentally hit by flying sparks.

Just like a match dropped into an oil barrel, the weak flame instantly turned into a raging fire. In just a few breaths, it expanded several times, turning him into a burning man.

He fell to the ground and tried to take off his clothes, rolling in pain. However, no matter how hard he struggled, he could not get rid of the shining flame... At this moment, any experience and skills were useless, and he could only wait for death in suffering.

Screams came one after another, and unquenchable flames burned on the bodies of dozens of tank crews.

Next to the garage lay charred corpses, and soon no screams could be heard.

Looking down at the ground from the perspective of the drone, the debt-ridden eyes couldn't help but click their tongues.

"Oh my's so miserable."

That missile just now killed 50 missiles.

Unless a special ability is awakened, even the awakened person may have a hard time surviving this hell.

Really couldn't bear to see them suffer, so he sighed in his heart and made up another one.

White flames bloomed, and this time it was the northeast corner of the military base that turned into a sea of ​​flames.

The machine gun position covered with camouflage nets turned into a sea of ​​​​fire. Several machine gunners escaped from the sea of ​​​​fire, but were soon torn to pieces by machine guns falling from the sky.

From the perspective of thermal imaging, the moving heads were as bright as light bulbs, and there was no way to escape from the top-down firepower.

At the same time, the Death Corps, which was charging forward on three wheels, finally reached a new fighting position.

The support team set up mortars, and under the guidance of the "Seagull" drone, launched fire suppression in the area near the military base garage to prevent the Legion's vehicle members from boarding the tank.

On the other side, Team A, who was the vanguard, stepped on three wheels and rushed toward the northeast corner of the military base under the cover of the "Seagull" drone.

No batteries or engines are needed at all.

The power animals wearing the "Pioneer" exoskeleton are natural humanoid motors. Each of them is a strong man riding three wheels, almost stepping on the tires to make them smoke.

"Brothers, follow me!" Looking at the burning white light in front of him, Edge Paddling roared excitedly, and then slapped the construction site boy on the shoulder, "Quick! Faster!"

The construction site boy and Brick couldn't help but complain.

"My shoes are about to fall off! Damn it, can't we just ride a motorcycle?"

Even three jumps will do!

When I heard my good brother's complaint, I was paddling on the edge of excitement and laughed heartily.

"It takes up too much space! It's better to bring more ammunition with that thing. The manager asked me about it, but I just refused!"

Construction site boy and brick:

Holding his breath, the construction site boy with the highest attributes rushed to the front.

Team A, led by Bian Shuishui, was like a sharp spearhead and took the lead in breaking through the outermost defense line in the northeast corner of the legion.


A dull roar came.

Next to the sandbag bunker, a gray-black mutant came out of the bunker carrying a stick as tall as a person.

His eyes were blood red, and there was a heavy steel plate hanging on his chest. He looked like a baseball batsman, running toward the Death Corps with meteoric strides.

However, before he got even ten meters away, a 37mm armor-piercing incendiary bomb hit his chest, and the explosive sparks shot him straight through.

That's the Alliance's heavy lance!

A modified anti-materiel rifle using the barrel of an anti-aircraft gun and shells of the same caliber!

The huge recoil almost knocked the shooter off the tricycle. Fortunately, the strength beast riding the bicycle was strong enough and used its wildly kicking legs to offset the recoil of the anti-material weapon.

"Haha, what a great fight!" Edge Pad couldn't help shouting, but he soon calmed down his excitement and cheered up.

Although the outermost lines of defense have clashed, the real battle has just begun!

The soldiers still alive in the military base are all veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles. They have crouched behind the bunker, ready to launch a counterattack at any time! Not to mention those mutants!

These monsters with unreasonable physical abilities are almost like human tanks.

The hundred-man team composed of mutant mercenaries could not wait. When they saw those people rushing into the camp, they roared and rushed in the direction of the Death Corps.

"Tear them apart!"

"Twist off their heads!" "Shout-!"

Those pairs of pupils shone with a desire for flesh and blood.

These beast-like monsters do not only use primitive weapons. They can also shoot, use throwables, and some gadgets made by themselves, but their accuracy is slightly worse, but they still give A as the vanguard. The team caused quite a bit of trouble.

Fortunately, at this time, Team C, who was responsible for covering, finally went around to the northern dune slope and set up heavy machine guns and 37mm heavy rifles. The dark and dark barrels were aimed at the mutant mercenaries. them.


The drum washing machine lying on the sand dune roared and took the lead in launching an attack.

After receiving the captain's order to fire, everyone pulled the triggers one after another, and tongues of fire spurted out from the muzzles. Thick and long tracers tore open the curtain of the night, like


Floating like catkins blown down by the wind.

The mutant mercenaries who rushed out of the bunker and planned to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the Death Corps were instantly killed and injured. The armor on their bodies was beaten to pieces, and their flesh, blood, and brains were all over the ground.

Although their wounds can heal at a speed visible to the naked eye, it does not mean that their heads can still grow back after being blown to pieces.

Under the command of the roller hair washing machine, the team operating the weapons poured rain of bullets towards the military base in a sea of ​​​​fire, covering Team A who was the first to break through the defense line and the two centurions who arrived later, and continued towards the military base. Advance within.

"Everyone! Get out of the car!"

The edge paddled with a roar, took the lead to jump off the tricycle, and called on the leading players to form a formation, covering each other, and advancing forward on the sticky blood.

At the same time, above the night sky.

Just after the team successfully completed the handover of firepower, the "Seagull" drone in the air had also exhausted its ammunition and began to leave the battlefield in order to save power.

Next is the home ground of the ground troops!

Five "Cerberus" unmanned vehicles, as strong as calves, followed the footsteps of Team A and crossed the sandbag wall.

Although the size and load of this guy are not comparable to the "A-1 Ground Weapon Platform" that Guangfeng drew, it has a huge ammunition reserve of 1,000 rounds of 12mm machine gun ammunition and 24 60mm air burst grenades.

Still, it exerted firepower comparable to that of an armored vehicle.

Under the control of intelligence players, these five "cerberus" are like wolves rushing into the flock of sheep. The triangular gun barrel rotated like a windmill, spitting out ferocious firepower and raining bullets like a waterfall into the interior of the camp, weaving an airtight net to cover the infantry squad that followed. move forward.

Not only that, but also cooperating with the infantry in the forward attack is the alliance's own Ya-2 "Butterfly Knife" quadcopter drone.

Compared with the "switchblade" with explosives attached to its face, the "butterfly knife" with improved power system and control system has stronger continuous support capabilities. In addition to the adjustable camera hanging under the fuselage, Also hanging was a 5 mm small caliber caseless coaxial rifle.

The drone can cooperate with frontline troops to launch a pincer-like offensive towards fixed bunkers while performing close observation missions. It can also form a swarm of drones to attack the enemy's front line from multiple angles like locusts.

Very versatile.

Facing the death corps dragged into the military base, the legionnaires tried to organize a resistance, but the close range firepower erupted by the opponent was too brutal! In particular, the saturation firepower of the drones on targets near the garage resulted in almost all crew members being wiped out. More than five tanks broke down in the garage before their engines could even be started.

Coupled with the preemptive strike of EMP weapons, communications were disrupted.

Not to mention that the headquarters does not know their situation now, even Captain Piman himself does not know how many people are still alive under his command, and where the centurions and ten-man teams are.

What opponent are you fighting with?

Not only Piman did not expect it, but also the centurions and ten-centurions fighting on the front line were also stunned by this sudden change.

There was no way, the previous gas bombs were too deceptive, making them mistakenly think that they were attacking only a few guerrillas, so they only sent one "Weasel" reconnaissance vehicle and four troop transport trucks out, as if to conquer Heavy equipment such as tanks were not activated at all.

Faced with the Death Corps, which was armed to the teeth with firepower, the various departments of the chaotic legion were unable to organize a full hundred-man team. They could only form smaller groups of ten or more and work independently around limited bunkers. war.

Their ammunition and morale could not last long, especially after seeing the four-legged "Cerber" and the "Switchblade" whistling overhead.

The fragile defense line retreated again and again, and finally fell into pieces. A legionnaire was carrying a rocket launcher and had just aimed at a Cerberus. Before he could pull the trigger, an air burst bomb hit his face, shattering him. Half a head.

He took the lead and paddled on the edge in front, shooting with his LD-47 rifle and sieving the legionnaires who were about to pick up the rocket launcher.

The two agility players quickly went around to the side, and with a few sudden explosions, they quickly cleared away the other riflemen behind the bunker.

A fire burned in the distance.

From the edge of the water, you can feel that the resistance of the Ganren team stationed here is at the end of its tether.

Pointing his index finger on the communicator, he ordered loudly.

"Team B seizes the garage! Prevent enemy crews from entering the tank!"

"Teams D and F continue to push forward and occupy the southern position! We still have a full hundred-man team to the south. After occupying the machine gun fortress, they will immediately support our friendly forces!"

"Team A, follow me to attack the command post! Capture the enemy officers!" "Action!"

The location of the command post has been marked on the map.

This is all the information that the battlefield brothers got in exchange for their butts, so we can’t live up to it!

Edge Paddling led his brothers straight to the command post of the military base.

The simply built command post was deserted and had apparently been moved to a nearby anti-gun bunker.

A ten-man team stood behind the low wall that protected the entrance to the fort, trying to make a last-ditch effort relying on the bunker.

However, the players responsible for attacking did not give them a chance to see anyone, and without any nonsense, they directly called in a "Cerberus".

An airburst grenade hit the back of the bunker, and there was only a bang. Then the gun barrel on the third floor whirred twice. The ten-man team squatting at the entrance of the anti-gun bunker was instantly crushed by the ferocious firepower. A puddle of minced meat.

Under the cover of supporting fire, Edge Paddling personally led a ten-man team close to the target.

A shock bomb was thrown into the anti-gun bunker, and with a flash of white light, he held up the LD-47 rifle with the bayonet, and took the lead in breaking in with several players around him.

"Don't move!" "Surrender immediately!" "Hand in the gun without killing!"

It’s still the same lines as the old man, shouting loudly with the construction site guy next to the edge of the water.

One of the guards obviously did not believe in evil. He raised his gun and wanted to fight back before even opening his eyes.

However, before he could take aim, a sudden shuttle swept towards his chest.

The man groaned, and before he could even scream in pain, he fell to the ground like a tattered rag.

Antonette pulled out his pistol and prepared to commit suicide, but before he could turn on the safety, he was hit on the wrist by a sapper shovel, and let go of his hand with a cry of pain.


Edge took a step forward, kicked away the gun in his hand, grabbed his arm with one hand, twisted it with his backhand, and pressed his head on the table next to him.

Struggling desperately, Antoinette was about to curse, but before two syllables came out of his mouth, an engineer shovel hit him on the side of the neck like an axe.

The cold touch and the sharp edge so close made Antoinette's heart freeze.

As he was pressed on the table, his chest heaved violently. He finally found the courage to commit suicide, but was slapped back by the dark shovel.

Sometimes courage requires a little passion.

He is not afraid of death and is ready to sacrifice for the Marshal. However, these people obviously will not allow him to die simply. They will definitely use this shovel to torture him bit by bit until all the information in his head is tortured. come out 1

Thinking of this, Antoine couldn't help but trembled on her forehead, and her pants got wet inadvertently.

Thinking that this guy was still planning to resist, he glared at him and tightened his grip.

"be honest!"

Captain Piman, who was standing aside, did not move from the beginning to the end. He just looked at the dark group of people who rushed into the command post and the guns in their hands with a livid face, and his heart was filled with despair.

"Pioneer" exoskeleton. He recognized the equipment.

There is no doubt that these are all corporate people! "Cuff these people!"

The edge paddling looked at his teammates behind him and gave instructions. Without saying a word, the construction site boy and Brick took out the handcuffs and walked towards the captain.

Facing the soldiers walking towards him, Piman did not resist and calmly stretched out his hands.

"I surrender."

No shame in losing to those East Coast guys.

The equipment of these people is so powerful that they are almost equipped with tactical nuclear bombs.

Moreover, these people are morally obsessive, and the treatment when captured by them is usually not very bad...

At the same time, the battle in the south had also ended.

After clearing out the legionnaires next to the machine gun positions and guard towers, the team quickly occupied the fixed weapons and unleashed firepower on the four trucks in the distance.

Facing simultaneous bursts of firepower from both front and rear, the legion's centurions, caught between the Nationalist Army and the players, quickly suffered more than half of their casualties and lost their combat capability.

Seizing the opportunity, Yade immediately gave the order and rushed forward with a hundred men, capturing all the remaining enemies who had lost their will to resist.

On the other side, the "Weasel" reconnaissance vehicle that returned to the military base to support the infantry had its engine blown out by the players' RPG and broke down on the road. The turret raised a white flag to surrender.

So far, this military operation across Qianli can basically declare victory. The military base is in a mess, with only sporadic gunshots and weak flames left.

The Death Corps killed a total of 652 legionnaires, 121 mutant mercenaries, and captured more than 470 combat and non-combatants during the battle.

Due to the battle damage, only 31 people died this time for the first time.


Moreover, this number also includes players who were severely injured and disabled, and actively asked their teammates to "deny" themselves.

After hearing the results and losses reported by each team, I couldn't help but feel emotional in my heart.

Is this the power of silver coins?

As long as the equipment is in place, it will be difficult to die!

Raising the rifle above his head to indicate the identity of his allies, Yade walked in the direction of the military base and saw Edge Paddling, who was escorting prisoners out of the command post.

He stretched out his calloused right hand and shook the young man in front of him tightly.

"Thank you for your support!"

"You're welcome, we are allies on the same front," she shook his hand, let go and continued, "But I still have to say, you guys are one hour ahead of schedule. We I almost missed it.”

Fortunately, the legion underestimated the enemy and did not drive out the tanks, otherwise it would be a tough battle tonight.

Yad was stunned for a moment and said immediately.

"It's impossible. The news we received was to launch an attack at the top of the morning. The messenger sent by Prince Winter also specifically reminded us to set our watches to the time zone used by the alliance."

As he spoke, he took out a crumpled map from his arms and handed it to Edge Paddling.

There are several brief pieces of information marked with pencil on the map, including the time and steps of the operation, etc.

The expression on the edge of the water was a little strange. After taking a photo, he returned the map to him.

"...Maybe it's a misunderstanding."

From his position, it is not easy to say anything to sow discord, but it cannot be ruled out that there may be people in the Lion Kingdom who want them to die here.

Yad obviously thought of this, but he didn't show his anger on his face, he just nodded calmly.

"Well, let's just treat it as a misunderstanding."

In any case, now is not the time to feel guilty. Even if there are conflicts, we should wait until the war is over.

What's more, this has nothing to do with the alliance that supports them, and is entirely an internal issue within the Lion Kingdom.

"Let's talk about something happy. We have obtained the intelligence we need, including witnesses and physical evidence... in short, something that can create obstacles for our enemies."

While speaking, he glanced at the boxes that were moved out of the command post next to him, as well as the several officers who were escorted out of the anti-gun bunker by the players.

The alliance has sent a team of envoys, waiting to hand over to them in the area filled in the north of Luoxia Province and River Valley Province.

After the handover is completed, these officers and the arms purchase orders will be sent to the Great Rift Valley, and then the Bugla Free State should usher in a wave of purges. This is the most optimistic scenario.

Even if the situation is not so optimistic, the Alliance may still obtain favors and even friendship from the north.

It is said that the Great Rift Valley can be regarded as one of the "Fallen Empires" in the background, and it was also the headquarters of the post-war reconstruction committee, but its presence is not as strong as that of enterprises, legions, and colleges.

Edge Paddling is actually quite curious as to what the map there looks like. I don’t know if Aguang has made it yet.

Yad glanced at the dejected Piman and Antoinette beside him. Although he didn't recognize these two faces, he saw that their military rank was also that of captain. What about the other prisoners? "

"I'll leave it to you, including the trophies in this military base. I hope you can take away as much as possible, and destroy what you can't take away, especially the Conqueror tanks."

Speaking of which, he glanced at the light blue text on the VM and continued.

"By the way, according to the intelligence we just recovered, Griffin, the commander-in-chief of the Legion in Luoxia Province, seems to be planning to launch a new round of offensive from the north, cooperating with the western front troops to encircle the capital of the Lion Kingdom. "

Yade's expression gradually became serious.

"I will inform Prince Winter, the marshal of the Lion Kingdom." The edge of the water nodded.

"Well, if you have a faster channel for spreading the news, it would be best to tell him as soon as possible."

The battle has entered the stage of cleaning up the battlefield.

Although the mission required that the equipment here be left to the local armed forces, Bing Shui couldn't resist the encouragement of his good brothers and couldn't help but take a look at their battle supplies. This glance didn't matter, several players couldn't move their eyes away immediately.

Staring obsessively at the tanks in the garage, the boy at the construction site said with a dreamy expression on his face.

"You said that if we drive these tanks away by ourselves, wouldn't we be able to form an armored formation directly?"

This is fifty cars!

There are heavy tanks, anti-aircraft vehicles, and self-propelled artillery, which is enough to form a reinforced battalion!

Liability glanced at him with big eyes. "Can you drive it?

The boy at the construction site said bluntly to Brick.

"No! But I can learn it! And those NPCs know how to drive?"

Hearing the quarrel between the two, he smiled and said.

"Since the desert kings have reserves of dinars, they have obviously imported the legion's equipment, no matter what channel it is imported from. Now that Yade has taken over this batch of arms, they obviously have a way to make use of these guys...

...As for how to use it, let’s leave it alone and get on the road. "

Patting his good brother on the shoulder, he turned and walked towards the north side of the camp.

All three rounds of the Death Corps stopped there.

They still had to ride those three-wheelers to continue north, through the desert, and complete the handover of prisoners and evidence with the Alliance mission waiting at the border of the province.

the other side.

Next to the arsenal of the military base, soldiers of the Nationalist Army were working hard to load ammunition, fuel and weapons onto trucks, preparing to transport them away from here.

Those soldiers with driving experience got into the tank and became familiar with the operation. Standing next to Yade, Captain Clough of the Republic of China Army asked in a low voice.

"Should we tell Prince Winter the news?" Yade was silent for a while, and finally nodded. "certainly."

Everything is based on the overall situation.

The Lion Kingdom is kind to them after all, and this kindness cannot be denied because of the existence of some villains.

Clough nodded and felt relieved. It seemed that his Highness was not carried away by anger.

Then, Clough looked at the group of prisoners squatting on the ground not far away. "Where are the prisoners?"

The Alliance did not ask them to spare these people's lives, but gave them the right to deal with these people.

Yade glanced at the captive tigers who were holding their heads in their hands, feeling completely unmoved.

Killing them would vent your anger, but otherwise it would be pointless. and……

It may bring suffering to the people in the occupied areas. After thinking for a while, he made a decision. "Keep it."

"We need to trade these people for our fellow citizens."


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