This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 429 My friend, not everyone in this world is as simple-minded as you.


This game is too real. Qingquan City Chapter 429 My friend, not everyone in this world is as simple-minded as you..."

Looking at the messy military base in front of him, the man wearing bulletproof armor standing at the gate of the camp couldn't help but curse.

His name is Wag, and he belongs to the Ninth Corps of the 30,000th Corps. He leads a ten-man team and is stationed at an outpost about 20 kilometers away from here. He is responsible for monitoring the northwest valley of Camp 530 and guarding a Relay signal tower.

An hour ago, he received news from the Ninth Cadre Team that Camp 53 did not routinely report on the security situation and did not respond to communications from the command post. He asked him to take his men there immediately to take a look and see if they were there. The communication equipment failed or something unexpected happened.

Wag did not dare to hesitate, and immediately took three of Xiaoyong's men who were good at fighting, riding three-wheeled diesel motorcycles for more than 20 kilometers, straight to Camp 53.

However, when he arrived at the military base, he found that it had long been turned into ruins; new "Is there anyone there?"

He shouted at the top of his lungs, but there was no commotion or any response.

Varg held his rifle up nervously, waved his fist decisively, and led three riflemen carefully through the camp gate and deep into the military base.

The street lights on both sides of the road were all dark. The power supply system here seemed to have been destroyed. Except for the still burning barracks, there was only a little thin moonlight left.

Moving forward along the fragmented road, when passing by the area near the garage, everyone's face looked not good-looking, turning green and white.

Burnt corpses lay twisted and twisted, many huddled together, and even the complete human form could no longer be found.

Remember the URL.x63.

In the garage with the door open, all the tanks and trucks inside had been driven away, and all the supplies inside had been removed. Not even a wrench or screwdriver was left behind.

Wagg swallowed and led his riflemen to search in the direction of the command post. Soon they passed a checkpoint, where it seemed that a fierce exchange of fire had occurred not long ago.

Whether it was the collapsed sandbag wall or the corpses full of bloody holes, it was easy to see how ferocious firepower the legionnaires who had been standing here an hour ago encountered.

The same goes for the mutant mercenaries not far away.

Those big guys either had their heads smashed, or had a big hole in their chest, shot through by some kind of large-caliber weapon. It was almost impossible to find a complete body, and the death was extremely miserable.

Even mutants with extremely strong recovery abilities can't bear it... let alone ordinary people.

"Damn it, I bet this was definitely not done by the guerrillas and the king!" A rifleman looked around nervously and cursed in a low voice.

The other looked at the younger rifleman, breathing a little quickly, looking around nervously, and muttered something quietly. "Could they be from the Great Rift Valley?"

Listening to the whispers of the soldiers, Wag looked around solemnly and replied concisely.

"...We just reached an armistice agreement with them at the beginning of the year. We do not rule out the possibility that they will tear up the treaty, but it is not their style to go to war without declaring it."

Taking his men with him, Wagg moved to the entrance of the command post.

The situation here is equally tragic. The nearby barracks, tents and partitions are covered with dense bullet holes. There are about fifty corpses lying in an open space of less than fifty square meters, and they are all Weiland people with swollen noses.

Wagg searched around the area but did not find the body of Captain Piman. It was not until he searched the command post and the artillery-proof bunker next to it that he discovered the problem.

"...The files here have been emptied."

Wage frowned slightly and recalled what the commander had told him.

Camp 53 is related to a major plan, which was personally formulated by General Griffin and related to whether the entire war can be ended before the end of August.

Therefore, it is important to always pay attention to the situation at Camp 530.

Without hesitation, Wag reached out and took off the walkie-talkie hanging on his shoulder, pressed the button and said. …·Call the headquarters, this is the patrol team at Post 151. We have arrived at Camp 530. The situation here is quite bad. I can’t see a living person…I haven’t seen the body of the commander of the military base either. He is suspected to have been killed by an unknown person. Captives of power. "

"Including confidential documents in the command post, munitions in nearby warehouses, tanks in the garage...The bandits who attacked here almost emptied everything they could."

His eyes were wandering around and searching, and his eyes suddenly fell on the rows of extinguished street lights, and the expression on his face gradually became unnatural.

For a moment, Wag suddenly thought of something, and his expression gradually became serious.

"All electronic equipment was paralyzed, including all street lights. It was dark in the military base. I couldn't find any electronic equipment that was still working."

"Although it sounds weird, my intuition tells me...this is definitely not a simple power system failure." After a half-second pause, he took a deep breath and expressed his guess.

“It’s most likely to be an ep!”

Camp 530 suffered a devastating blow.

Almost all the elite legions stationed there were wiped out.

Suspected to be hit by ep!

The news was reported at all levels and soon reached the legion's frontline headquarters in Oasis No. 9, waking up a group of senior officers from their sleep.

War meeting room.

Griffin clasped his hands behind his back and stood upright in front of the strategic map. His vulture-like eyes narrowed dangerously. The officers standing behind him were silent, looking at each other and exchanging glances. Disbelief and surprise.

In the past month, their outposts and military bases have been attacked by rebels and guerrillas, but the wastelanders who fight with fire sticks have never won.

Like today, the command did not learn about the destruction of the military base until after the battle, which was unprecedented... Moreover, it was Camp 53 that was attacked.

That’s exactly where it is!

The staff officer standing nearby took a deep breath, broke the silence in the conference room, and spoke.

"Our planes have scouted the nearby area and found no trace of enemy troops. After stealing the supplies, the attackers were suspected of hiding in a valley 30 kilometers northeast of Oasis No. 9. They should have built hidden fortifications there. Our planes didn't see anything."

The silence was broken.

The surrounding officers also jumped into the conversation. "According to intelligence feedback from nearby outposts, the other party is suspected of using weapons to preemptively destroy the communication tower of the military base... There are two possibilities. The Great Rift Valley has intervened in the war, or the company has increased its military presence in Luoxia Province. "

"Didn't they build an aviation base near Xizhou City in the River Valley Province? People might have come from there!" "It's possible!"

Griffin, who had his hands behind his back, did not speak as he listened to the discussions among his subordinates.

Compared with the tragic losses in personnel, equipment, and supplies, what was even more unacceptable to Griffin was that the combat plan he formulated last month was leaked.

Camp 53 is the logistical fulcrum for the entire northern front to launch the next round of general offensive. He does not mind the casualties of the subordinates of the vassal states on the front line, but he has to carefully consider taking down the Lion Kingdom without sufficient armor and supply support. How many casualties will the northern defense zone need to pay·

Luoxia Province is not just about honey and lions, but also humps and golden lizards. If the Falcon Kingdom wants to conquer the entire Luoxia Province, they must control casualties.


What is gained is quickly lost.

"It's a pity that our perfect plan was leaked. They can accurately find Camp 53 and know where our troops are at which day and hour."

After looking around at the people in the camp, General Griffin glanced sharply at every face present and spoke word by word. "The strategic deployment of the Northern Front must be adjusted... It won't be difficult, but I want to know what went wrong. The room was so quiet that it was as if you could hear a pin drop.

Just when everyone was tensing up nervously, Griffin suddenly changed the topic and touched on the topic lightly.

"Of course, I believe in your loyalty. The problem should be here."

After hearing these words, the officers finally breathed a sigh of relief, with expressions of relief on their faces, and stood at attention. "Yes!"

"Yes, sir!"

Looking at his subordinates with their heads upright, Griffin nodded, his eyes drifted to the map hanging on the wall again, and he fell into deep thought. ep weapons.

That is obviously not the equipment of the kingdom, there is a high probability - no, it should be said that it must be the handiwork of the enterprise!

According to the information registered by the Logistics Department, Camp 53 just took over a batch of supplies from the Bugla Free State two days ago, which shows that the Great Rift Valley is not aware of the existence of this supply line, otherwise they would have had other ways to organize their vassals. Continue to do business with the Legion.

Thinking of this, Griffin couldn't help but frowned.

Didn't McClung brag?

Was the Heart of Steel really taken down by corporate reinforcements? If that’s the case…

I'm afraid they are in quite a lot of trouble.

On the other side, just as the frontline headquarters was meeting overnight to formulate a combat plan, a desert-colored truck parked at the door of the military camp where the headquarters was located.

After jumping out of the truck first, Colway glanced towards the door and his eyes suddenly lit up when he saw the officers waiting there. "Fedel?! Great! You're still alive!"

Federer, an officer under General McClun, had the same rank as Centurion, but he was a bit older than him. Looking at the dusty Colway, Federer gave a military salute with an expression on his face. He walked up excitedly and held his right hand.

"At the last critical moment, I followed General McClung to the escape pod and luckily escaped...but you, it's great to see you still alive!"

The two have a good relationship in private.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be waiting here.

Colway said with emotion on his face with a smile on his face.

"Honestly, I almost surrendered in the desert. The battlefield was in chaos at that time. I couldn't even get ten people around me, and there were still those barbarian soldiers chasing me. I wanted to give up for a while...Thanks to this man brother."

As he said that, he pulled the War Guy who had just got out of the car to his side.

Fedil glanced at the man with a tanned face, noticed that the bridge of his nose was flat, and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Who is this?"


After patting the dull-looking man on the shoulder hard, Kolwe grinned at Fedil.

"Even though he is a wastelander, he is different from those people. He is a brave guy... Not only his skills in his hands, but his loyalty to the legion puts even me to shame. In order to raise enough money to travel back, he even He was willing to put aside his dignity as a soldier to dig coal in the coal mine. If he hadn't inspired me, I would have died in shame in the desert."

Hearing the name Pangolin, Federer finally recognized the officer-in-charge of the retinue who was personally promoted by General McClun - the man who single-handedly killed the Mother of Death Claws!

Along the way, McClun was talking about the head of the Deathclaw Mother, but it was a pity that he didn't take that collection with him. Unexpectedly, this very person actually followed him and took Colway through the desert all the way here. Saved a high-ranking centurion.

For the followers, it can be regarded as a great achievement! Fedil looked at the warlord and said solemnly.

"Thank you for saving my friend and bringing him back safely...I will definitely return this favor to you." "No need to thank me, this is what I should do." Warfield Man skillfully repeated what he had said If so many times.

"We are all doing what we should do, but for those who do particularly well, appropriate rewards should be given; I will report your credit."

Fedil smiled, patted the pangolin on the shoulder, then looked at Colway, who was also smiling, and continued.

"Come with me, things have changed a lot here. I'll take you to demobilization registration first, and we'll talk about other things as we go..."

Colway needs to report first and restore his military status. After all, he has been missing for so long and is already half dead on the roster.

The Legion will go through some professional processes to verify his identity and that he is not a fake clone or bionic person.

Because of the "Pangolin", there is no need to go through so many complicated procedures. After registering the name on the army list, it is left to hang out in the barracks of the Logistics Department.

It was now late at night, and except for the lights at the outpost, the rest of the camp was dark, and it was not easy for him to wander around. After waiting for a while, a support staff finally came over, took him to a nearby canteen, and arranged for the cooks to cook him a large table of late-night snacks.

Glancing enviously at the epaulettes on Mr. Pangolin's shoulders, the support staff said respectfully.

"Master Fedil asked me to entertain you. If you need anything, please tell me. Apart from wine and women, I can help you think of anything else at this time."

Looking at the face of this young man, the warlord saw that there was no obvious bulge on the bridge of his nose, and his slightly deep eye sockets looked like those of a desert dweller, presumably a citizen of the Falcon Kingdom.

He was not polite even though he was hungry all the way and said it bluntly.

"Prepare more meat for me, preferably beef. My appetite may be a bit big, but it may not be enough for most people." Anyway, it doesn't cost money.

Wouldn’t it be a loss if we didn’t eat more? The young man laughed when he heard this.

"You are the Awakened One, don't worry about this! Lord Colway has already told me to prepare food for three people!" It turns out that Colway had already greeted him.

Seeing the smile on the young man's face, the warlord also smiled sheepishly. This is what I said...

As if he is a loser.

After a short wait, the food was quickly served.

It includes a whole roasted shank of beef and a basket of freshly baked bread with icing sugar and nuts sprinkled on the surface. Not only that, there is also a basket of juicy grapes, red sweet dates, and unlimited supply of milk. Looking at this table of delicious food that was so rich that people couldn't take their eyes away from it, the warlord couldn't help but sigh.

It is indeed the canteen of the headquarters. This damn food is so delicious!

"If it's not enough, I can arrange for the kitchen to prepare it for you..." The young man bowed slightly and said respectfully, "Please use it slowly."

With the thought of "if you take one more bite, the enemy will take one less bite", the warlord sat down at the long table and ate without any concern for his image.

Seeing this guy feasting so deliciously, the young man standing aside looked hungry. He couldn't help but swallow and tried not to look over.

After a while, Colway, who had finally completed the formalities, came to the cafeteria.

He glanced appreciatively at the pangolin munching on the beef shank. He didn't think there was anything rude about this eating scene. He pulled out a chair and sat directly across from the dining table, snapping his fingers at the young man beside him.

"Serve me a steak." "Yes sir."

The young man nodded respectfully and quickly turned around and went to the kitchen. After wiping the silver table knife, Colway said casually.

"It took us a little time to go through the formalities just now. I didn't expect that as soon as we got here, something big happened on the back." After hearing Colway's words, the warlord swallowed the food in his mouth and made conditions. He mumbled back reflexively.

"Camp 530 was attacked." "Camp 530? What is that?"

"The logistics hub of the Northern Front Army is the camp we passed by two days ago," Colway said helplessly. "What a's only two days apart. If we were delayed for two days on the road, we would only I stayed there for fear of my life."

Hearing these words, the warlord almost choked out the food in his mouth. In order to hold back his coughing, his face turned red. Good guy.

As soon as he forwarded the information, the Alliance followed closely with its own information and took over the military base. This is really pushing yourself into a pit of fire!

However, Colway did not doubt him and did not even think about him.

After all, they had been in the same truck for the past two days. No one would have thought that this guy who slept like a pig could send messages in his sleep.

"Will they suspect us?"

"Us?" Hearing this hesitant question, Colway was slightly stunned. Then he smiled and shook his head, as if he heard some funny joke.

"How is it possible? We just retreated to this area and we don't even know the number of that camp. How can we possibly know the role that military base plays in General Griffin's plan.

"Moreover, taking a step back, we only got there two days ago. Even if the news leaks immediately, our enemies will still need time to verify the news, and then formulate a combat plan based on the verified intelligence... It will take less than a month for the front and rear to be coordinated. time."

After picking up the cup and taking a sip of hot cocoa, Colway moistened his throat and said with a slightly solemn expression. "To be honest, I'm a little suspicious of the guy named Adan."

"Adan?" Warfield was stunned for a moment, "But what reason does he have to betray us?"

"Sometimes, you don't need a lot of reasons to do something, and I'm not just suspicious of him, but all businessmen from Bugla Free State."

Colway looked at the warlord and said in a gentle tone.

"My friend, not everyone in this world is as simple-minded as you."

"Those businessmen have no loyalty at all. They are not loyal to anyone. Their lives are just a pile of dung that they will not take with them after life or death. They are just a body without a soul. Today they can sell them to us for attack. The spear, and the shield could be sold to our enemies tomorrow. I am grateful for his kindness, but I would not be surprised if he betrayed us."

Warlander nodded guiltily. "I see."

"It's good that you understand. I'm really worried that you will be deceived by those people." Colway nodded appreciatively, paused for a moment and continued, "I said before that I would recommend you to General Griffin.

But after what happened, I'm afraid it will have to wait. "

The warlord immediately said sensibly.

"It's okay, sir. I'm not in a hurry. It doesn't matter how late it is." I couldn't recommend him just right.

He didn't want to see that guy at this time either.

The warlord believed that everyone in the legion could not be as stupid as the guy in front of him.

Especially Griffin, who is always called the "Old Fox", is afraid that he has more evil in his stomach than himself, and he is really afraid of being seen through at a glance.

"Are you feeling unwell?" Kelwei looked at his good brother with concern. I feel like you don't look good.

Warlander said confusedly.

"It's a little bit, maybe it's acclimatization. I've never been to such a dry place." Coleway nodded and said in a relieved tone.

"This is indeed the case in the desert. You have to adapt as soon as possible. There is still a long way to go in the future. Sooner or later we will go further." Warfield said with renewed energy.

"I will adapt as soon as possible!" Shelter 404.

Chu Guang, who was leaning on the sofa and drinking iced Coke, was so happy that he couldn't help but look at the news that flooded the official website forum and the first-hand battle reports sent by the fallen players.

Dragging the wheel with his index finger, he couldn't help but let out a sound of appreciation. “It’s money well spent!”

Whether it is the "Seagull" drone or the "Cerberus" unmanned vehicle, their performance on the battlefield has exceeded expectations. I have to boast, the gadgets provided by “Fallen Empire” are indeed awesome!

Of course, thanks to the superb performance of the players, the Death Corps, which is famous for its battle loss rate, only lost more than thirty people this time.

Normally, for them, these casualties would only be a fraction. "We have to take advantage of this battle to buy more goods!"

Including the R-36 "Sanction" air-to-ground missile used by the "Seagull" drone, one EP missile directly turned the entire military base into a deaf and mute person, and the unit price is only 250,000!

Then there is the white phosphorus bomb, which sells for only 100,000c, and has an amazing killing effect on soft targets.

Although the price is not high quality and low price, it does not matter since it is the military aid budget and not your own money. To be honest, Chu Guang originally thought that the guys on the east coast would be taboo about such cruel weapons, but he didn't expect that he was overly worried. Leaning back on the sofa, Chu Guang looked at Xiao Qi sitting on the desk and said with joy.

"Xiao Qi, contact Wu Mu, the representative of Changge Group, for me. Tell him that I plan to kill that Seagull drone again!"

"Okay! Master!" Xiaoqi replied enthusiastically, and then obediently contacted the seller.

Chu Guang continued to browse the forum and found that his "Pangolin" had just been online, so he clicked on this friend Gangshui's post. Battlefield Atmosphere Team: "Damn! You guys are so good. You guys hit me right after I took my lead!" Irena: "Have your identity been exposed? If so, I will ask Mole to draw a book for you." Mole on the run in the canyon: "Get lost! I don't draw that kind of book!"

Battlefield Atmosphere Team: "Exposed! Fortunately, I was smart and fooled me. Next time, take it easy and wait until I'm farther away before I explode! By the way, the 53rd Camp you bombed seems to be the northern part of the Legion." The logistical hub of the front...the Legion's northern offensive was postponed because the battle plan was exposed, which I just heard from Colway."

Quit smoking: "Fuck! Awesome!" Ye Shi: "666!"

Commander Quanshui: "Hahaha, actually I think the timing of this operation is quite good. Although the timing is a bit coincidental, because of this, you are not easily suspected."

Fang Chang: "+1, the more important the strategic goal is, the more careful planning is needed, otherwise things will easily go wrong."

Edge of water: "Hey, don't say it, the friendly forces responsible for the feint attack got the time zone wrong this time, and the operation was moved a full hour ahead of time! It's a good thing that we rushed over in time, if it had been a few minutes slower, it would have been too much. Destroyed by the regiment! "

Battlefield Atmosphere Team: "Holy shit, is it so real?"

The edge of the water was paddling: "No, the construction guy's three wheels are almost smoking!" The boy at the construction site and Brick: "P! How dare you say that!"

Drum shampooer: "That's right! It's so annoying! Next time, I'll use the whole battery instead of the car!"

The edge of the water: "Tu! Can you say that this is me picking? You should consider the actual situation! It is full of sand as far as the eye can see. Where can I get you a charging bottle?"

The leader of the Death Corps began to argue with the strength beasts in the regiment. Several intelligence-based players opened a new post and started bragging with other players.

Especially those with big debts.

He was so happy operating the "Seagull" drone to catch French fries in the sky that he was almost blown away by the power of the drone.

The only flaw is that the bomb load is too small. Before he was satisfied enough, all the bullets were used.

In any case, Chu Guang finally felt relieved after seeing that the "pangolin" was fine.

The reason why he acted so hastily was to prevent this guy from being suspected, but now it seems that what he was worried about has not happened.

More than 800 kilometers.

It takes a pigeon a day to fly this distance.

There are no large communication base stations or communication satellites. It takes two days to complete the exchange of information and formulate a combat plan. It is a bit fanciful no matter how you think about it.

After confirming the safety of the intelligence officer, Chu Guang did not rush to issue new tasks to him, but asked him to lurk. He planned to use this chess piece in a key place.

It's best to have the opportunity to take away those big noses in one wave.

"Now is not the time."

1 second to remember:

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