This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 456 Ultimatum

More than a week has passed since the Lion Kingdom regained its territory. Summer had already seen the hope of restoration.

However, what he didn't expect was that despite the obvious advantage, the Alliance's army stopped at the northwest border of Oasis No. 9. Not only did they have no intention of moving forward, they even dug trenches and built fortifications on the spot. It's not just that.

What made Summer even more uneasy was that he found out from his acquaintances in the Lion Kingdom that the king of the Lion Kingdom was considering consolidating the alliance alliance through marriage.

Not even just that King Edward.

Prince Winter also set his sights on managers who were not yet married.

It's a pity that he doesn't have a daughter of the right age, and is currently considering adopting an adopted daughter from his subordinates. What's even more unscrupulous is that a certain duke actually sent his daughter to the administrator's palace as a servant!

What kind of rough and tiring work can a noble lady who has been pampered since childhood do?

Isn't that a joke? He can figure out what that guy's plan is with his feet!

So shameless!

Unlike the honey badger kingdom, the lion kingdom does not have a limit on how many wives you can have. And because there are too many heirs, those nobles who claim to abide by tradition actually don't care at all whether their blood will flow out.

When he thought that those shameless guys could really do such shameless things as betraying his daughter, he couldn't sit still, so he immediately applied to meet with the alliance manager.

Looking at Chu Guang sitting on the sofa, Summer took a deep breath and decided to get straight to the point, so he said in a serious tone.

"Dear administrator, what do you think of my sister, Miss Avni?"

Chu Guang was stunned for a moment and glanced at the young man in surprise. Just now, he was still thinking whether this guy thought the alliance's front line was advancing too slowly and came to urge him to go faster.

Why did you suddenly mention Avni?

Chu Guang thought for a while and said. "Afni is a studious and inquiring girl. Some people who work with her have very good comments about her. You don't have to worry too much about her." Although we haven't had much contact with her during this period, considering the diplomatic issues, Chu Guang Some people still asked the person in charge of the trade union to inquire about Avni's situation.

According to the description of a girl named Shuangxue, the little princess from the Honey Badger Kingdom was modest, gentle, kind, generous and decent. She did not have the airs or temper of a noble lady at all, and she also cherished the books in the library. Although this set of rhetoric may be filtered by some personal factors, but in order for people to produce these beautiful filters, there must still be some lovable shining points.

People don't develop a crush on another person for no reason.

However, the prince named Summer did not seem to be satisfied with his evaluation, and he still continued to ask questions.

I care more about your evaluation than others, dear manager, or please allow me to put it in a more straightforward way. Summer nodded slightly and continued in a very soft voice, "From the perspective of the opposite sex, what do you think of her?"

Chu Guang looked at this guy with a strange expression. "You don't have any special opinion. What's wrong?"

Seeing that the manager didn't understand his hint at all, Summer suddenly felt a headache.

Maybe the euphemism of the nobles didn't work well for him.

Maybe I should be more direct.

Summer gritted his teeth, put down his reserve, took a deep breath and said. "I asked my sister, and she spoke very highly of you. She and I said that your wisdom is like the stars in the sky. You can feel it just by standing next to you.

If she feels at peace, she is willing to talk to you all night long." Chu Guang coughed dryly, interrupting this guy's disgusting speech.

If you have anything to say, just say it directly, don't praise me in such a roundabout way. "

If the guy continued talking, he was worried that his toes would dig through the soles of his shoes.

Summer almost choked on his own spit when he heard this.

He had spoken so directly, and even improvised a love poem.

How can you be more direct!? He completely let go of the last trace of euphemism and said with a slightly broken mentality. "I'm here to be a matchmaker for my sister. Are you willing to marry my sister?"

Thi. That's it.

This guy came to see him late at night just for this matter. Chu Guang was speechless for a while and leaned back on the sofa.

"In the league, personal feelings are private matters. We will not mix private matters with official matters, let alone engage in political marriages."

I didn't expect Chu Guang to refuse so simply.

Summer looked a little disappointed, but still wanted to fight for it, but heard Chu Guang continue.

I should have said something similar before. "

"If you have nothing else to do, please come back."

After leaving the shelter, Summer stood in the square at a loss for a while, but he was unwilling to give up just like that. After some hesitation, he went to his sister's place. After listening to her brother's narration, Avni sighed softly, closed the book she borrowed from the library, and the notes she copied aside.

Summer glanced at the words on the cover of the book out of the corner of his eye.

"Research on Classical Economics: The Contradiction and Evolution of Production Relations and Productivity"

He vaguely remembered that the book Avni had read before seemed to have the same name. How long has it been and I still haven’t finished reading it.

"You shouldn't go to him." "Why."

Summer felt disapproving of Avni's statement. While it was true that no progress had been made, he didn't see anything wrong with it.

People with ideas in the Lion Kingdom have already lined up in a long queue. If I don't take the initiative here, wouldn't I be giving away a great advantage to others? Looking at her second brother who was still unconvinced, Avni continued. "He may value the alliance more than himself. How could he agree to such a request that may have conditions attached at this time?"

Summer said without thinking.

Is there any conflict in this? Since the alliance is more important than oneself, it is even more important to consider the issue of heirs as soon as possible. "

Avni shook her head. "To say something like this shows that you don't understand the alliance."

It's okay if you don't understand...

Do you know it well?

Summer wanted to ask this question, but after thinking about it, he finally didn't say it.

Because he suddenly thought that some time ago, he had been taking care of things related to the refugee camp with Princess Theresa in Luoye City, while Avni went to Dawn City, the capital of the alliance, to help organize books. He was far away from the center of power and couldn't do it. Fortunately, I really don’t know more about the alliance than my sister.

Avni paused and continued in a gentle tone. "A coalition is not a coalition of one person, but a coalition of all the survivors who have suffered

He always talks about this sentence to people, and every time he mentions this sentence, the eyes of the little girl named Shuangxue always shine. "Frost?"

"Well, my friend, of course it's not just her, but everyone else too. They are united under the banner of Vault 404 and are loyal to the managers, but not just to the managers.

The Union belongs to them, not they to the Union. At first I didn't understand what kind of kingdom this was, but then I gradually understood. "Understand...what?"

Looking at her brother who still didn't understand, Avni said in a serious tone. "The alliance is not a kingdom, the alliance is an alliance."

That voice seemed to carry a hint of beautiful longing, or yearning. Summer's expression was slightly startled, looking at this sister who seemed to be getting more and more unfamiliar.

When did she become like this?

After a while, Summer's Adam's apple moved slightly and he spoke.

…Would you like to consider changing your job?”

Avni was stunned for a moment.


Summer chose a euphemistic choice of words.

"These books have a great influence on you. You should read some..." picture books that are more suitable for your age?"

Avni looked into his eyes intently, "You said, I'm not a child anymore, why do you still want me to see those childish things? What's more, you know it's false."

Summer: "But at least it won't give you some weird thoughts," Avni said seriously. "I don't think there is anything strange about this. Problems will not go away because we turn a blind eye. With the development of productivity, one day we will have to face those problems."

Summer coughed, interrupting her ignorant argument. "Let's talk about your lifelong events."

Of course he knew those things.

But from the royal family's standpoint, that's not something he should consider. He needs to maintain the rule of the honey badger royal family in Oasis No. 3, and then consider making the lives of the people living there better.

This is his duty and responsibility. Avni nodded, stopped talking, and waited for her brother's announcement.

Everyone has the right to pursue their own happiness, but she knows very well that this does not include herself who was born in the royal family.

The aura of the royal family has given her a lot, and she should respond to people's expectations of her.

It would be too selfish to forget these just because of a word of freedom. "...We need the friendship of the Alliance, now and in the future,"

Summer paused for a moment, "But the league's managers are not interested in the marriage I proposed.

I wish you could be more proactive, of course

How to grasp this level is up to you. "

Avni was relieved after hearing her brother's words. Although she is ready to sacrifice her personal happiness for her family, emotionally speaking, of course she is still more willing to marry her sweetheart.

It's nice not to force yourself into someone else. "I understand, but I still want to say that you are too anxious about this matter." "The war between us and the legion is not over yet. The Lord will not be willing to put too much energy outside the battlefield. You Talking to him at this time will be counterproductive."

Summer frowned involuntarily, and gradually realized this. He admitted that he might indeed be a little impatient. The reason why the alliance stood still might just be because they were not ready to continue advancing on the front, and they did not intend to give up on themselves.

After regaining his composure, he looked at his sister and asked. "Is there any remedy?"

Avni nodded slightly. "Of course, if you want to get his approval, the best way is to make achievements that he can see, rather than staying in Dawn City like you are now and letting him think you are idle."

Summer asked humbly.

So where do you think I should go?"

Avni continued. "Going back to Luoye City is a good choice. The Alliance plans to build roads and railways to Lion City in the Lion Kingdom. As a transportation hub connecting Luoxia Province and River Valley Province, the development of Luoye City will be critical.

Every time managers come to Hong Kong Merchants Union to inspect the work, that place is mentioned the most.

He hoped that the Hong Merchants Guild could research and introduce more favorable policies to help the development of Luoye City. "Business is only one aspect. The resettlement of refugees is also a big problem. You see, Princess Teresa is very smart. She has been working hard to prove that she can do this well." "

Looking at her brother who was deep in thought, she continued. "There is no such place as a palace in the Alliance. Maybe you should try to change your thinking." As for my matter, you don't have to be too anxious.

Our home ground is after the war, not now. ""Please give me some time. "

"Wasteland OL" official website forum.

Today is as joyful and lively as ever.

Luo Yu, who had picked up an SSSR-level divine pet, excitedly shared his experience in raising a baby on the forum, and a large group of singles were helping him make suggestions based on pure imagination. Mosquito got into an argument with several power players over whether to install motors and batteries on "Destroyer 2".

The popularity of "Battle Royale" in Ideal City has made even Fang Chang jealous with envy. He chased Mole to ask if he was short of funds and whether he wanted venture capital.

Professor Yang and brothers Ye Ao lost money and were not in a good mood.

Especially the latter, who lost a huge sum of money for a cup of milk tea and posted more than a dozen posts on the forum, clamoring for a refund, but was banned because of the screen swiping. What is unexpected is that many people interceded for him. A considerable number of melon-eating people said that the forum cannot be without forum favorites, just like a watermelon cannot be without its rind. Without brother Ye Ao, there will always be less talk.


Of course, apart from those irritating posts, what interests players the most is content related to the new version.

A week has passed since the beta 0.4 version updated the "Ocean Trade" system, and finally a player has explored the ocean at the end of the land!

Tails: "Oh oh oh! The sea! Tails saw it!"

Crow Crow: "Hai?! Where did you see the duck?"

Tails: "Silver Moon Bay!"

Quit smoking: “What the hell? Why are you all there?”

Kuang Feng: "Niubi..."

Edge of water: "I searched for a long time, but I couldn't find the entry for this settlement in the official website setting collection."

Tails: "In the southernmost part of Oasis No. 4! The largest commercial city in the Hump Kingdom!

There are many beautiful houses there, as well as yachts and sailboats! By the way, the map of this game is really huge! "

Sisi: "Oh! Super big!"

Roshan Big Momo: "+1!!! You can also rent a boat to go out to sea at the port! I heard from the sailors there that you can see an archipelago if you keep sailing south!"

Quit smoking: “6666!”

If you don’t count Fang Chang flying to the east coast, this is probably the first time players of “Wasteland OL” have explored the sea in the game.

Hearing that there are so many unexplored areas, both cloud players and players are excited.

At this moment, a certain sewer god of war jumped out.

Garbage Picking Level 99: "Brother, do you want to see the sea? Let's form a team and go south!!! (bad smile)"

Forcing others to do something difficult: "Me me me!"

I want to be quiet: "Old driver, please take care of me!"

Oasis No. 9.

Northwest front.

Commander Quan Shui, who was sitting in the frontline command post, frowned slightly while looking at the aerial photos taken by the reconnaissance plane.

Something's wrong

Hearing his beeping sound, Xia Shu, who was sitting opposite the command table and drinking tea, glanced at him.

"What's wrong?"

"Look at this picture,"

Quan Shui put a few photos in his hand on the table and slid them over for him, "These were taken by the Goblin Corps' plane over the southeastern part of Oasis No. 3."

For these photos, they paid the price of two pilots.

But for valuable information.

It's all worth it! The mole stared at these photos twice, with an expression of surprise in his eyes.

I saw that there were trenches stretching for hundreds of kilometers on the ridges of sand dunes.

Behind the trenches were scattered dots of legionary camps.

The layout seemed loose and random, but in fact it contained a secret. No matter which position was attacked, there would be attacks from at least two directions, or even three directions. "Hiss... This camp is not small, I'm afraid there are a lot of people stationed there!" Commander Quan Shui shook his head.

"Not only a lot, I think there are at least ten divisions!"

"Ten divisions?!"

A look of surprise appeared on the Eye Mouse's face.

One division is equivalent to an army of 10,000 people, which means they have deployed nearly 100,000 people on the border?!

Where did the legion come from with so many people! And can their logistics keep up? "This is just what we saw. Their logistics convoy did not appear in the aerial footage. It should be deeper." Commander Quanshui paused After a moment, he continued.

"I'm afraid what we will face next is the main force of the legion!" Eyes Mouse frowned slightly.

"You mean the clone group?

Commander Quanshui nodded with a serious face.


Those clones with unsound minds may not have strong combat effectiveness individually, but under the command of the army's grassroots officers, they will fight like undead without fear of death until the last soldier falls.

Morale never wavers.

Neither machine gun fire nor artillery bombardment would make them surrender. This is the most difficult part.

When the number of clone soldiers reaches a large scale, the combat effectiveness they unleash is far beyond what those retinues can match!

Quan Shui remembered that when he was still on the forum, the Pioneer had just arrived in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City, and Shelter 404 encountered a Legion clone team.

At that time, the Ganmen team was led by Vanus and consisted of about two cadres. They established a position in the Yumu District and bombarded the camp where the Pioneer was staying in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City.

In order to get rid of those clones, the Pioneer almost used all its strength, and even used a tactical nuclear bomb to get rid of that force with the cooperation of the players.

Ten teams of ten thousand people.

It is also equipped with ample weapons, ammunition and supporting firepower. Quan Shui had a premonition in his heart.

Their opponents may be serious about it.

the other side. Chu Guang, who was inspecting the new industrial zone in Dawn City, suddenly received a telegram from the Bugra Free State.

To be precise, this telegram was not sent by the Bugla Free State to the Alliance, but was sent by General Griffin through an informant there.

The telegram was short.

Excluding the initial title and signature, there are only two lines in total. [You are required to return the Heart of Steel and all prisoners within thirty days, and withdraw all troops from Luoxia Province. 】

【This is the ultimatum!】

After glancing at the contents of the telegram, Chu Guang chuckled, not taking the warning seriously at all, and handed it to Lu Bei who was following him. Thirty days?

An ultimatum?

The alliance is not intimidated.

From the beginning of this war, he never expected that both sides would reach an end. Griffin would definitely rack his brains to convince the top brass of the Legion to send more support from the west of the Great Desert.

This war cannot end unless these jackals are beaten painfully and make them give up their unrealistic fantasies.

Just beating Hu Congjun to the ground is not enough.

Sooner or later, the Alliance will have to fight a real battle with the main force of the Legion. This opportunity is coming soon.

Following half a step behind Chu Guang, the commander of the First Corps said in a deep voice, Wan Wan. "According to frontline intelligence, the Legion has deployed more than 100,000 troops on the border, including clone regiments directly commanded by the Legion.

I feel that this is not just a show of force for us, they may intend to start a decisive battle with us before the autumn harvest is over. "

Chu Guang didn't fall into Griffin's trap at all and said calmly. "Decisive battle? Just a final bluff."

If they are really sure that they can get these things on the battlefield, there is no need to issue any ultimatum and they can just get them on the battlefield. How can I even use nuclear bombs, but then say I'll give you a chance to surrender?

It was obvious that although the coalition forces of the Legion and the Falcon Kingdom had completed a strategic retreat before the Alliance cut off their retreat, their situation at the moment was not optimistic.

A large number of manpower in the Falcon Kingdom has been sent to the front line, and normal social production has become difficult to maintain.

Coupled with the loss of the supply line from the Bugla Free State, they could only request reinforcements from their hometown.

No matter how low the maintenance cost of the clone troopers is, every mouth needs to be eaten, and the rifle must be loaded.

If the "Thunder Plan" can be implemented smoothly, the legion that successfully occupied Oasis No. 9 will immediately send troops north to capture the Golden Lizard, open up the northern trade route, and rely on the market of the Bugra Free State to exchange slaves or other resources for equipment. There is hope for a solution. Supply gaps.

However, not only has the Thunder plan failed, but even the remedy plan has been ruined.

Trying to supply such a huge supply gap with the national strength of a mere feudal kingdom is almost no different from a dream. Of course Griffin couldn't have known that.

But even if he knew, there was nothing he could do.

Saying that one road has ten thousand, they are too far away from the mainland, and at this moment they are paying the price for their previous aggressive invasion strategy.

The one hundred thousand soldiers on the border and the telegram were not so much an ultimatum as a bluff to buy time, forcing the alliance to abandon the next stage of its offensive plan and switch to offense. "What are you going to do?"

Wrench asked respectfully.

When he walked to the door of a factory building and stopped, looking at the tanks parked inside, Chu Guang's lips curled up into a faint smile.

"Our enemies asked us to give them an explanation within thirty days. I thought that thirty days is too long and it doesn't take that long. "Since our relationship is so good, I think two weeks is enough!"

1 second to remember:

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