This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 457 I, the pangolin, will definitely live up to your expectations

Oasis No. 3.

The atmosphere inside the frontline command post was solemn.

A group of officers gathered around a strategic map filled with markings, silently, and their faces were filled with solemn expressions.

A week ago, under the command of General Griffin and the desperate cover of the Eagle Kingdom's 1st and 20,000 troops, they successfully retreated to Oasis No. 3 before the Alliance's armored forces cut off their retreat.

Although they had an absolute numerical advantage after regrouping, the situation before them was still not optimistic.

General Griffin looked solemn, stared at the map for a long time, and suddenly said.

"How long until reinforcements from the west of the Great Desert arrive?"

Hearing General Griffin's voice, the adjutant standing nearby spoke quickly.

"It will take at least forty-five days!"

forty five days

Griffin frowned, and the officers standing nearby also looked at each other, exchanging solemn expressions, but no one spoke.

Because they can't think of any good way.

The more than 100,000 clone troops currently deployed on the front line are reinforcements that set off from the west of the Great Desert two months ago. As soon as they arrived in the Eagle Kingdom, they were pulled to the front line before being reorganized.

In fact, this was not Griffin's original plan, but a last resort strategy to deter the alliance and prevent the alliance from continuing to attack.

Originally, according to his plan, these ten thousand troops were prepared to rotate the Eagle Kingdom's retinue army.

After the Lion Kingdom is captured, the Eagle Kingdom's retinue will quickly shift from an offensive posture to a defensive posture, resting on the spot while maintaining order in the occupied area, while the offensive task will be carried out by the clone regiment.

This will not only consolidate the legion's war achievements in Luoxia Province, but also ensure the continued power of the war machine, without giving the residents of the desert any chance to breathe. Before they complete their mobilization, they can sweep through the entire Luoxia as quickly as possible. Province.

Even if the enterprise and the Great Rift Valley intend to stop it, they will not have the ability to change the fait accompli that the Luoxia Province has been controlled by the legion.

After seeing the results of the war, the commander of the Eastern Army will also give them more military and political support.

Griffin's series of military deployments in Luoxia Province were all carried out around this "blitzkrieg" strategic policy.

As long as you defeat your opponent before they can react, you won't encounter much resistance.

Therefore, in order to ensure that the rotating reinforcements could arrive in time, he adopted a quite radical reinforcement strategy, allowing 100,000 troops to march lightly before the supplies were set off, and then directly resupply on site after arriving at the Eagle Kingdom.

Therefore, these ten thousand troops only carried a standard unit of ammunition.

In fact, if "Operation Thunder" goes smoothly, the ammunition of this benchmark unit is absolutely sufficient.

However, the problem is that not only did the plan not go as smoothly as expected, it even far exceeded everyone's expectations.

Not only did they fail to capture the Capital of Plenty within the expected time, they even lost half of the territory occupied by Oasis No. 9, as well as almost all the ammunition depots that had been transferred to the occupied area.

In addition, the supply line to the north was cut off, which made their supply situation even worse. One hundred thousand people picked up their rifles and arrived at the front line. Except for the magazines in their backpacks, not a single bullet was found.

In the final analysis, their vassal is just an agricultural country. Even if military reforms are carried out, it cannot change the fact that the main industry is agriculture.

Even if the skilled craftsmen there make the punch press smoke, it is impossible to solve the ammunition gap of these ten thousand troops in a short time.

Relying only on the ammunition of one basic unit, no matter how much you save, it will only last for two battles at most.

By the third battle, two or even three people might be sharing the same rifle.

The clones are just not afraid of death, it's not that they won't die. They can't really be allowed to charge at the Alliance's machine gun positions with bayonets.

Let alone 100,000 people.

As long as the alliance's logistics continue, even another million won't be enough!

There is only one most realistic method left at this moment, and that is to wait for ammunition to be delivered from the rear.

After staring at the map and thinking for a long time, Griffin slowly spoke.

"The commanders on the other side are not idiots. It is difficult for us to deceive them for too long. That ultimatum can buy us thirty days at most, and this is still the most optimistic situation. If the situation is not optimistic, I am afraid that three weeks There’s enough time.”

The officers were whispering for a while.

Three weeks!

Even if the supplies can be flown to the frontline soldiers as soon as they are delivered, it will still take forty-five days!

Such little time is never enough!

"If they find out that we are bluffing, they will definitely test our defenses, and once they find out that there is indeed a problem with our supplies, our situation will probably be even worse than a week ago."

Once Oasis No. 3 is lost.

Their only stronghold in Luoxia Province is the Eagle Kingdom.

What's even worse is that once the survivors gain confidence and Golden Lizard and Hump realize that they are powerful outsiders, their troops will definitely not stay at the border and continue to sit in silence, but will come up to take advantage of the situation. Soup.

Griffin paused for a moment and continued in an emphatic tone.

"Thirty days! After thirty days, our first line of defense will need to be delayed for at least another fifteen days, and then gradually retreat to the middle of Oasis No. 3."

"The most conservative estimate is that we should have more than 70,000 troops left by then. But as long as we can hold on until then, when our main force completes its supplies, their spearheads that penetrate deep into our hinterland will immediately become part of the pie. Minced meat!”

Having said this, General Griffin's face flashed with fierceness, and he clenched his fists on the command table.

"I will make him spit out every last bit of what he has eaten!"

As for the Heart of Steel, he didn't mention it in particular.

That's not something that conventional weapons can deal with. No matter how much you plan, it's useless. The airship can't come down and occupy the ground facilities anyway. You can just dig the trench and blow it up. The biggest advantage of the clone group is that it's not worth it.

McClun knew how to deal with that thing, but it was a pity that the guy had died in the nuclear explosion.

But that's okay.

He has reported the loss of the airship, and the weapons to deal with that guy will be sent from the rear together with the ammunition required by the clone group.

One airship can't change the entire situation of the battle. As long as his clone army resupplies, everything will be fine!

After hearing General Griffin's plan, the officers exchanged glances with each other and communicated in whispers.

At this moment, an officer suddenly spoke.

"General, what if that ultimatum doesn't buy us thirty days... or even three weeks?"

The camp became quiet.

The silence lasted for five minutes.

It wasn't until General Griffin spoke again that the silence was broken.

"This is the worst case scenario."

"If we don't win even three weeks, we can only abandon Oasis No. 3 and shrink the front to Oasis No. 2."

But if it really comes to that, he will destroy everything that can be destroyed in Oasis No. 3 before evacuating, leaving a mess that will give those people a headache.

Hundreds of thousands of hungry people should be enough to slow down the Alliance.

But if you do this, the final loot will be one less.


Griffin's combat meeting ended, followed by meetings of various departments and establishments to convey the strategic deployment of their respective combat units to mid- and high-level officers.

After the meeting.

Colway left the meeting room and did not stay outside for too long. Instead, he went straight back to his tent.

Originally, with his military rank and rank, he could not participate in such a meeting. However, a series of recent events have caused the situation to change.

First, General McClun died. He and other officers who originally belonged to General McClun's line were taken into Griffin's account. Coupled with the recent shortage of junior officers, he quickly received an exceptional promotion while serving in training duties at the rear.

The tent door curtain was opened, and a pangolin was sitting at the table eating.

Awakened people's appetites are not ordinary, and this guy's appetite is even greater than that of ordinary awakened people. He ate so much that he wished he could swallow half a calf in one meal.

Fortunately, the legion's supply shortage is only ammunition and not food, otherwise this guy's appetite alone would be enough to be hated.

"I really envy your appetite. I can't eat anything these past two days."

Throwing his officer's hat on the hanger, Colway walked to the opposite side of the table and sat down. He glanced at the pile of bones on the plate and couldn't help but smack his tongue.

Good guy.

At least twenty kilograms of meat.

Zhanjie Lao burped and said with a careless smile.

"Problems on the battlefield will eventually be solved on the battlefield. In that case, why bother looking away from the battlefield?"

You can’t win anyway.

Might as well be happy.

He had already learned about the battle plan discussed by Brother Quanshui and Mole, and he had no doubt about it.

However, Colway did not hear the profound meaning of the second half of the sentence. He just looked at him enviously and said with emotion.

"I wish I were half as optimistic as you are."

Warfield Lao asked casually.

"Have you encountered anything troublesome?"

Colway said.

"It's still a supply issue. Now the front line is short of everything except food. I guess I shouldn't say this, but it doesn't matter. It's not a secret anyway."

The war veteran shrugged.

It's really no secret.

They had already had several rounds of discussions on the forum yesterday. Brother Quan Shui and a group of military fans were arguing about whether these 100,000 troops had enough ammunition to fight several battles.

But no matter how many it is, everyone agrees that it will not exceed five battles at most.

The only thing that needs to be watched out for is that they may concentrate the ammunition of tens of thousands of troops into one team, and withdraw the personnel to the rear to wait for supplies, pretending that there is sufficient supply.

"Let's talk about something happy. General Griffin promoted me to a one-star captain."

Zhanji Lao looked at him in surprise, then said with a smile.


Colway smiled.

"Congratulations to you too."


"Yes," Colway nodded and continued, "I am not the only one who has been promoted. From now on, you are a centurion."

Zhanji Lao was stunned for a moment.

"Wasn't I a captain before?"

Why has your military rank been reduced?

As if seeing the confusion on his face, Colway explained with a smile.

"The centurion I'm talking about is the centurion of the regular army."

"The commander-in-chief of the subordinate army is just a position, which does not include a military rank. The status in the legion is even lower than that of the commander-in-chief of the regular army. Generally speaking, only Weilant people can serve as officers of the regular army. The commander-in-chief of the subordinate army can be converted into a centurion of the regular army. There has never been any precedent, but the situation is urgent now and there is no time to worry about these trivial matters."

The clone regiment lacks not only ammunition, but also a large number of grassroots and middle-level officers.

In order to solve this problem, Griffin could only remove a group of young officers trained by the legion from the Eagle Kingdom's officer reserve and integrate them into the regular army to fill this vacancy.

Colway did not tell Pangolin that he was originally assigned the position of Centurion, but he used his own honor to vouch for him and promoted him to the position of Centurion.

There are not many opportunities for this kind of exceptional promotion.

It may only happen once or twice in a lifetime.

His loyalty and bravery are worthy of this position. Such a talent should not spend his life as a follower. Colway believes that he is not wrong about the person.

There was a moment of confusion on Mr. Zhanjie's face, and then he opened his mouth involuntarily. It took him a long time to come back to his senses.

Damn it!

Is this established? !

Becoming a centurion means entering the middle level of the legion!

Looking at Colway who was looking at him with a smile, the face of the battlefield veteran was full of surprise and excitement. He pushed away his chair and stood up. He stood at attention and gave a military salute. He stood up in a solemn but solemn voice. oath.

"I, Pangolin, will definitely live up to your expectations!"

"I trust you won't let me down."

Looking at the overjoyed pangolin, Colway smiled and nodded, and was sincerely happy for him, but he quickly suppressed his smile.

"However, our good days are almost over here. We have to go to the front line and take up our posts early tomorrow morning."

Revenge for General McClung!

At the same time, avenge the past!

Colwe had a strong fighting spirit burning in his heart, but he did not let it go to his head.

He had already suffered once from his carelessness.

The group of survivors in the southern part of the River Valley Province was difficult to deal with. Those people were not the kind of indigenous people he imagined who picked up spears and iron pipe rifles to fight. They had to be dealt with with one hundred and twenty points of caution.

However, unlike Colewe's cautiousness, after hearing the news, Battlefield Elder laughed out loud.

Is the opportunity to make meritorious deeds finally coming?

For that set of power armor, he has been an undercover agent for long enough!

If he continues to wait, he may become a captain of thousands.

"Why did it end here?"

"Good brother, our good days have clearly just begun!"


Dawn City.

Highway Town Inn.

Lisa, holding a basket of clothes, stopped in front of the window in the corridor. Looking at the bright moonlight outside the window, she suddenly sighed softly.

Although those people didn't tell her what pangolins do, she could vaguely guess from their behavior.

He's a member of the league.

And he is performing a very dangerous and dangerous task.

I hope he comes back safe and sound

Just coming up the stairs, Li Shuyue happened to see the little girl standing by the window.

"Lisa? What's wrong?"

Hearing Li Shuyue's voice, Lisa, who was holding the wooden basket, turned around quickly with a shy smile on her face.

"Ah, you are back. Your clothes have been dried. I folded them for you and are bringing them to you.

Dryers are not popular here in the Alliance. Most clothes and bedding are dried by natural light. At first, Li Shuyue was not used to it, but then she gradually got used to it and even gradually fell in love with this "energy-saving and environmentally friendly" lifestyle. .

Clothes that have been exposed to the sun will have a pleasant smell. After wearing them, you will feel as if your whole body is surrounded by warm sunshine, and your mood will also improve.


Taking the wooden basket containing clothes from Lisa's hand, Li Shuyue saw the sadness hidden in those eyes and couldn't help but express concern.

"Are you in any trouble?"

Li Shuyue still had a good impression of this well-behaved, sensible and capable little girl, especially after hearing about her past as a slave in the legion, she felt even more distressed and sympathetic.

Those beasts are simply not worthy of being human!

She would even donate a nuclear bomb out of her own pocket if they could be wiped off the planet!

If not, at least she wanted to help someone who could see.

Looking at Miss Li Shuyue who was looking at her with concern, Lisa shook her head gently and spoke softly.

"It's nothing, miss, I'm not in trouble, I'm just a little worried about him."

Li Shuyue: "That pangolin?".

With two blushes on her face, Lisa nodded slightly.

Looking at the red face, Li Shuyue didn't know how to comfort the little girl in front of her.

After gently touching her fluffy and soft hair, she was silent for a while and then suddenly spoke.

"The things I came here to do have been taken care of."

Lisa's eyes widened in surprise.

"Are you planning to return to Ideal City?"

Li Shuyue nodded.


The research report has been completed, and cooperation plans with several companies in the alliance have been finalized. She needs to go back as soon as possible to implement the plan.

Including the joint venture's personnel recruitment, personnel arrangements, determining supply and sales strategies, etc., there are still a lot of things waiting for her to deal with.

Lisa showed a lonely expression, but still smiled and said.

"I hope to see you again in the future. Welcome to come again."

Li Shuyue was silent for a moment, and finally made up her mind and spoke.

"Have you considered changing your life?"

Unexpectedly, she would ask this question, and Lisa was slightly stunned.

"Change a place?"

Li Shuyue nodded.

"Well, it may be a bit abrupt to say this. I happen to be short of a life assistant here, and I am quite satisfied with your work attitude and ability. If you are interested, I can help you apply for a work visa. You and I can come back to Ideal City with you. , I can give you a salary of 5,000Cr a month, excluding bonuses and vacation subsidies. Of course, it will increase in the future."

Lisa looked at her in surprise.

Although she has never been to Ideal City, she has heard from travelers that 1Cr can be exchanged for 3 silver coins.

Fifteen thousand silver coins

This is almost forty times or even fifty times the monthly salary of an ordinary position!

She didn't know why Miss Li Shuyue offered herself such a high salary, but after hesitating for a moment, she finally shook her head gently.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I don't want to leave here."

Hearing this unexpected answer, Li Shuyue was stunned and looked at the little girl in front of her in surprise.

"Are you sure? Wait, do you know where Ideal City is?"

Lisa nodded slightly and said with a smile.

"I've heard about it. It's a beautiful place there. I always hear the guests drinking downstairs say that it would be great if I could go there and visit it in my lifetime."

Li Shuyue looked at her blankly.

"Then you don't want to go?"

Lisa shook her head.

"I have something to say to him when he comes back here, and I want to tell him in person."

Li Shuyue looked at her dumbfounded.

"If he knows that you rejected such a good opportunity, he may not be happy. You will be able to obtain resident status after you get the work visa and meet the standard working hours. At that time, you can take him over with you."

Lisa suddenly interrupted her soliloquy.

"Miss, have you seen him?"

Li Shuyue was stunned for a moment and shook her head.

"What's wrong?"

"Then why do you think that he would definitely want to live in your hometown?" Lisa looked at her and blinked.

Li Shuyue was silent for a while.

"Well, I'm really not sure just extrapolating from the general situation that no one would want to be there."

"Really? You are just speculating, but maybe not everyone is what you think." Lisa showed a soft smile on her face and looked at the moonlight outside the window, "Actually, it's not just to wait for him here. I am already very happy.”

Li Shuyue looked at her seriously and said.

"You have to think clearly, that is the only pure land on this planet."

Lisa shook her head slightly.

“This is it for me.”

It was the people here who saved her from hell and told her that there was another kind of life in this world.

As for the ideal city.

Maybe it's really beautiful there.

But what does it have to do with her.

Li Shuyue didn't persuade her any more, but her heart was filled with mixed feelings and she couldn't tell what it felt like.

She didn't understand, let alone imagine, why someone would reject such a generous offer, and she was rejected twice in a row.

If the guy named Fang Chang refused because of his status as a shelter resident, she wouldn't be able to understand.

After all, every shelter has its own plan, and maybe there are things more important to him than a peaceful life.

But Lisa...

Is she just an ordinary wastelander?

Returned to the room.

She was about to put the clothes in the suitcase when she suddenly saw the notes spread out on the table and stepped forward to turn on the lamp on the table.

That was an essay she wrote a few days ago. It had nothing to do with business. It was just out of curiosity about the people's style here that was very different from other survivor settlements.

As described by every Ideal City resident who has been here, the situation here is indeed extraordinary.

The locals are full of confidence in the future prospects of Dawn City, and even believe that it will become a more prosperous world than Ideal City.

Because the manager promised it.

Li Shuyue sneered at this point. After all, it was physically impossible. The birth of Ideal City itself was full of many accidental factors. The miracle that was born due to the choices of countless people could not be replicated.

It's a pity that I couldn't meet the manager during this trip to the alliance.

It would be nice to have a chance to meet me next time I come...


Official website forum.

Just after the peak period of offline, Warfield veteran appeared on the forum.

"Hahaha! Cute brother! I've been promoted!"

As soon as the post was posted, it went viral.

Tails: "Oh oh oh! So awesome!"

Ye Shi: "You were promoted again yesterday?!

Edge of water: "Awesome! Now he is the captain of ten thousand men? Surprised"

Battlefield Atmosphere Group: "Ahem, that's not a centurion!"

Quit smoking: "Damn it, did you lose weight yesterday?"

Battlefield Atmosphere Team: "What's wrong! I used to be a temporary worker but now I'm a formal professional staff member. Can it be the same?"

Ye Shi: “Awesome!”

Edge stroke: "666!"

I'm the worst: "Brother, which defense area are you in charge of? Do you want me to give you a head in two days? Funny."

Battlefield Atmosphere Team: "That's great! I'll send you the coordinates soon! Bare your teeth."

Commander Quanshui: "Wait, you are on the front line now?! How much ammunition do you have? Do you have an accurate number?

Mole on the run in the canyon: "Yes, yes, there are anti-tank weapons? Are there many of them? Are they all the "Iron Fist" or are there other guys?"

Battlefield Atmosphere Team: "Why are you in a hurry? I won't leave for the front line until tomorrow! Don't worry, I'll help you take a look when I get to the front line!"

Fang Chang: "Brothers who are gunners on the front line, please take it easy. Don't let us pangolins get carried away. Remember to put a long line to catch big fish. Funny."

There are really mosquitoes in WC: "Copy that! Bad smile"

Battlefield Atmosphere Team: "Fuck, you got this," I suddenly tightened my anus, please don't mess around! "

WC really has mosquitoes: "Don't worry! Are you that kind of person?"

Battlefield Atmosphere Group: "Please be a human being first!"

Makabazi: "Hahahaha!"

The forum was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

Seeing his little players fighting this cruel war so happily, Chu Guang was also sincerely happy for them.

Earlier today, Quan Shui showed him his attack plan. If the legion was in logistical difficulties, they could first consume the legion's ammunition through continuous sheep attacks.

After the legion showed its fatigue, they concentrated all armored units and firepower, tore a hole in the legion's defense line, and inserted the motorized infantry into the rear of the legion, cooperating with the frontal attack of the Kingdom's Army, like pliers pulling out teeth. In the same way, the legion's positions were removed one by one.

This plan was named Project No. 3 by Quan Shui.

One hundred and twenty tanks and five "Yun Ting" ornithopters need to be invested.

Although the Alliance currently has no time to gather so many tanks, the tanks previously captured at Camp 530 are still in the hands of the Nationalist Army in the Honey Badger Kingdom.

The frontal armor of the Conqueror X tank is hard enough that the Legion's own Panzerfaust rocket launcher is like scratching an itch.

It's just right to use these tanks to lead the charge.

As for the Alliance's No. 2 tank, it can follow behind and serve as a self-propelled artillery, using the exaggerated 155 caliber artillery for coordinated support.

Preparations for the attack are already underway.

Chu Guang didn't need to worry too much about micro-management on the battlefield. There were many professionals in this game, and everyone's performance was very positive. Everyone was vying to show off their skills in front of everyone.

The only problem now is the company's side.

Perhaps they got wind of it from the pilot of the "Orca" transport plane, and the company's top brass learned about McClun's capture by the Alliance.

Maybe it's an illusion.

With the rumors that have been released in Yichuan recently, Chu Guang always feels that these friends from the Far East just want to get along with them.

1 second to remember:

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