This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 459 Training methods in line with the characteristics of the alliance

Just as Pangolin was killing people, hundreds of offline accounts instantly appeared on the official website of "Wasteland".

And most of them are newcomers who have just obtained the qualification for closed beta testing.

Outlaw gangster: "Fuck! Boss! It's so exciting!" I'm responsible for dying first: "Hahaha! I'm coming again!

I'm hungry when I get there: "It's just like that. It's gone with a bang. It doesn't feel as good as death. Although the feeling of death is not pleasant, dying for the first time is still very new to most newcomers. The main reason is that everyone has not experienced it in reality. Yes. Ever since, many posts about death suddenly appeared on the forum, and the contents were also full of curiosity.

Of course, not everyone feels the excitement after experiencing it once, because that moment is too short.

It's so short that when you open and close your eyes, you're already inside the helmet.

When I wake up, I feel sleepy: "It's squirting, but it's not in the sea. I don't feel anything at all. It's over once my eyes are black. Can I open up the real pain?"

Quit smoking: "Damn it! You are more perverted than a mosquito!"

There are really mosquitoes in wc: ot? ? ? ot

Ye Shi: "This guy was probably shot in the head. If he was hit in the stomach, he would have to twitch on the ground for a while. Funny)"

Outlaw gangster: "Big eyes on debt. Big brother! When will you kill someone next time? (Excited)"

Debt-eyed: "Take your time, don't be in a hurry. There will be many opportunities to die in the future. The next wave will be the Storm Troopers. (Proud) ot

Commander Quan Shui: "We won't give you gifts like that. (Squints)" Battlefield Atmosphere Team: "That's right! Why don't you put on a show? I don't even have a chance to waste a single medicine! Bad review!

The edge of the water: "Next time I will change to someone more reliable to lead the team. (Embarrassed)" "Debt-eyed": "Ahem! Anyway, those newbies, listen up, war is very cruel! I really go to the battlefield and encounter the battlefield. You guys can't catch this ruthless bitch like me in two seconds! Do you understand? OT Outlaw: "I understand! Brother! "

I am responsible for dying first: Brother OT! Why can’t this game be revived immediately?

I feel sleepy when I wake up: "Oh shit! What the hell is the countdown to resurrection?"

Debt-eyed: "Well, I forgot to tell you that you have to wait three days to die in this game. Don't you know?!"

Outlaw: "Fuck!"

When I wake up, I feel sleepy: "I don't make it! ot

Fang Chang: “I couldn’t tell for a moment whether it was a real cute newbie or a fake cute newbie. (Information eye)

I am responsible for dying first: "This death penalty is too heavy! . 1." Fang Chang: "Calm down, as long as you don't seek death, death is not that easy in normal gameplay. Who holds the current record?

The fugitive rat in the canyon: "Come on, that guy died that first time, and he never died again after that."

Crow Crow: "Hey. (ot") three"

Fujito: "I didn't die even once. 00"

Ye Shi: ot! ! ! ot

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes: "666ot

Recently, the issuance of closed beta qualifications has suddenly accelerated. Originally, twenty or thirty closed beta qualifications were released a day. Last week, the number suddenly increased to one or two hundred a day. The number of players suddenly increased to more than 10,000 before gradually slowing down.

A large number of confused newcomers poured into the game, and a lot of people suddenly appeared on the forum, and various questions that had been asked countless times before appeared again.

Of course, part of it is pretending, and part of it is just genuine ignorance.

In fact, it’s normal.

Although some cloud players are very clear in their analysis, they are all just bragging on paper. They are no different from rookies when they really get into the game.

The entry of a large number of new players will inject fresh blood into the server, but it will also bring certain challenges to the original server order.

Most of the veteran players have watched the alliance build up from scratch. During the long game, they have established deep bonds with many game characters and have strong emotions for many people and things in this world. resonance.

They believe they are doing the right thing. And in the process, their self-worth will be realized.

More than that, the rewards given to them by the game mechanism are not only the pleasure of the moment of self-realization, but also include the emotional or material rewards attached to it.

But it would be too far-fetched to expect a newcomer who has just joined the game to develop a strong sense of belonging to the game just because of the posts and short movies he has followed on the forum for a long time.

When most newcomers enter the game for the first time, they are at most shocked by the "virtual reality" and a little in awe of the strict rules.

If it were another game, the operators might not care, and would even like players to let go and do whatever they want in the virtual world, and then spend ammonia gold in order to obtain stronger sensory stimulation. But "Wasteland" is not a game in the real sense after all, so Chu Guang certainly can't leave them alone and let these energetic newcomers do things all day long.

Farming is much more difficult than farming.

In order for the newbies to actively participate in the game, we must first inject a little "positive energy" into them!

In other words, let them develop a sense of identity and belonging to this "different world"!

It is no longer possible to absorb such a large number of newcomers by relying only on the "Legend of the Fire" mission, and there are not that many old players spending time in the novice village every day.

After thinking about it, Chu Guang simply launched a "recruitment campaign" and threw these newcomers directly into the corps for military training.

During the event period, newbies can choose whether to enlist in the army or not.

If you choose "Yes", you will automatically obtain the "soldier" occupation with level restrictions, and have three opportunities to choose your choice. You can join the first, second, or player corps of the alliance as a reserve.

Reserve status does not count against the corps' maximum number of personnel.

For newcomers who participate in the event, in addition to the rewards of exclusive gift packs for the event, player systems that need to reach the citizen level to be unlocked during the event period will also be unlocked in advance - that is, v. If you reach the citizen level during the event period, you can also Free to reserve.

With such generous conditions, I believe that any player who is not particularly obsessed with life and career gameplay will choose a corps to join.

In this way, with Chu Guang's series of operations, the style of the forum finally became normal. It changed from the newbies asking mindless questions to the major corps recruiting new recruits.

【Burning Corps! Let you experience the feeling of flying! 】【The Death Corps is recruiting new members! It doesn't matter whether you are strong or not, come the brothers who are not afraid of death! Strength and physique systems are given priority! 】【Storm Corps is recruiting new members! No matter what department you are in, listen to the commander’s private message and leave a message! The commander of the corps invites you to join the group! 】【The Skeleton Corps is recruiting new members! Come if you can drive! Those who drive tanks are given priority! 】【The Goblin Corps is recruiting new members! We are experts in sexting and flying airplanes! It doesn’t matter if you don’t know how, the Corps Commander will teach you step by step! (Smirk)] [The Jungle Corps is recruiting new members! Power system! Only the power system will be accepted! 】【】【The Silver Corps can survive! (ava)] Looking at these recruitment posts, Chu Guang nodded with satisfaction. "Not bad! They are all very energetic!"

The vast majority of new players focus on the top corps with a high appearance rate in the official expansion pack, especially the Death Corps and Storm Corps. In fact, there are quite a few people who have signed up for the Burning Corps and the Skeleton Corps, but one of them is taking the "special warfare route" and has a higher screening threshold.

One is to take the armored route, which requires at least a driver's license and the ability to endure the boredom of long-term driving. Most players are more suitable for a more conventional gameplay.

As for how to train after joining the corps?

That's not what he, the manager, has to worry about.

Take care of your own people! On the Gobi Desert, between Oasis No. 3 and Oasis No. 9.

The coalition forces of the Alliance, Falcon, and Honey Kingdom camped at the foot of a sand dune and built frontline positions to prepare for the next stage of the battle. The company's construction team even built an airport on the front line.

Large quantities of supplies were delivered from the rear via trucks and transport planes.

Not only that, a large number of newcomers who had just entered the game also followed the transport plane to the frontline camp. Because my friend who was picking me up from the airport hadn't arrived yet, I was standing on the edge of the airport looking around excitedly.

desert! ot" Damn it! It's so awesome! ot"

A newbie was so excited that he forgot about the time, place and occasion. He lay down on the ground and licked a mouthful of sand, rubbed it in his mouth, and spit it out again.

"Bah! Damn it was still salty yesterday!

Several newcomers on the same shift next to him laughed out loud when they saw his embarrassing look.

ot hahaha! "

I just saw a camel passing by here. Go and ask it?

Several patrolling Kingdom soldiers looked at the shelter residents who were behaving strangely, with strange expressions on their faces.

A soldier whispered. Are these guys really okay? ot “It doesn’t feel normal.”

The captain standing aside coughed. "Ignore them and do your job."

The alliance is now their suzerain country. I heard that their majesty even let the administrator live in his palace when he welcomed the administrator of the alliance that day.

Although the royal family has always denied it, insisting that they have prepared separate executive offices for managers, who knows about such a thing?

Even if it is true, it is impossible for those big shots to admit it. The administrators of the Union were already above the king. Even if the law did not give the residents of the Union super-national status, they already had a de facto status higher than that of ordinary people.

In short, no matter what those people do, it is not something that little people like them can make irresponsible remarks about.

Probably realizing that his family had made a fool of himself, a shelter resident wearing a mask soon came over and took away the embarrassing guys. Looking at the newcomer with a mouth full of mud, Kakarot said sadly. "Damn it! How many times have I told you in the group to behave normally when you get off the plane! You represent the alliance! We are the collective! You are not embarrassed, I am still embarrassed! ot

"Be buried in the ground" said with an aggrieved look on his face.

"Until then." OT and you! otKakarot then glared at the guys who were still laughing, "Still laughing! I don't know how to give him a try!"

A few newcomers scratched the back of their heads in embarrassment.

Holding the chessboard in hand: "Ah, I want to pull this, but his agility is too fast, I can't hold him back."

Ah Nie: "Okay, brother! I'll do it next time! Hehe, can you perform a vitality bomb?"


It’s extremely difficult to lead this new generation!

At the same time, the frontline headquarters. Commander Quan Shui was chewing on the map of the battle route. Sometimes he opened his mouth happily, and sometimes he frowned with a frown. Recently, the official launched a new event, and suddenly recruited a bunch of new people to the front line to qualify for the closed beta test.

As a powerful corps in No. 1, the Storm Corps has naturally become the first choice for countless newcomers, and its scale has also increased with the tide, from a regiment to half a brigade, and is advancing by leaps and bounds towards the size of a brigade.

While Commander Quan Shui was happy, he couldn't help but have a headache for a while. Of course having more people is a good thing. Which commander would think there are too many people under his command?

If this trend continues, he will be able to become a teacher within a few versions.

However, the official seems to have put the task of bringing up new recruits entirely on the heads of the corps leaders, and has also arranged several K assessment indicators for them.

The rewards that each corps can obtain in the event will be linked to the two indicators of "retention" and "new contribution points" of newcomers.

Don’t worry about retention. It’s the only “completely realistic” virtual reality game on the market. Even if it’s just to get up early the next day, no one will quit playing it.

But adding new contribution points is a bit confusing.

This is the front line. Unless you join the NC Corps, you have no chance to reach the contribution point.

Unless, you get a very high score in the battle design. According to the reward rules of "Destroyer", at the end of the campaign, individual scores will be calculated based on the team's total score and individual combat performance, and will be settled into contribution points and silver coin rewards.

. If an individual's performance is too high, or if he or she does not participate at all, the reward may even be reduced to 1. It is impossible to get mixed scores. The only idea now is to let the newbies grow up quickly.

Just as Commander Quanshui was thinking with a frown on his face, I walked in from outside the tent, holding the back of my head.

"Another batch of fresh and delicious little cuties have arrived. Kakarot has sent them to the training camp to teach them how to shoot. Let me tell you...

What's going on with you? Why are you looking so sad? "

Commander Fountain sighed. "There are too many people. I will consider raising the threshold in a few days." I was stunned for a moment. "Isn't it bad that there are so many people?"

A few months ago, this guy thought there were not enough people here.

Quan Shui rolled his eyes. otYou know how to use a hammer, but it will be tiring to go to the battlefield if you haven't practiced it. If you have no use for it, you might as well be driving screws in the back! ot

I mouthed the most disdainfully. "Tsk, I haven't trained for a day, so it's different!

Quan Shui shook his head and said. "It's different. When the server was first launched, the entire alliance couldn't produce a few looters, but there were so many predators and aliens.

The intensity of the fighting was much higher than now. Fighting lasted from morning to night, and I wanted to die twice a week.

He just doesn’t know how to do anything, even if he dies a few times, he will know everything. "

"That's right, you'll know everything after dying a few times,"

I smiled my most evil smile and patted his shoulder, "If you want me to see it, why not give some bargains to those newbies, and let them go to the front line to kill them before training them.

It's impossible to understand this game without dying once. "

Commander Quan Shui rolled his eyes, and was about to complain about his thoughtless idea, but when he thought about it, he was slightly used to it.

yes. What instructor can be more powerful than the enemy?

Just now, he had been thinking that he couldn't throw an inexperienced rookie to die, but then he thought about it, what memory of training can be more profound than the memory of death?

This is a game after all, not reality.

Even if the player is killed, he will not really die.

Realizing that he had fallen into the misunderstanding of inertial thinking, Quan Shui thought about it for a long time, and nodded thoughtfully after a moment.

"Well, maybe, this is really a solution. ot

Excitement ignited in his eyes, and after saying that, he turned to me standing at the door. "That's it! In a moment, you can bring a hundred and eighty new brothers, randomly distribute some weapons like that, and send a wave of express delivery to our brothers in the field! ot

I was stunned for the most part. "Fuck! Why me? ot

Quan Shui rolled his eyes. "You came up with the idea. If you don't go, who will go?" I couldn't help but laugh or cry. "The newcomer is brought by Kakarot, you let him go!"

Quan Shui shook his head. "He has to be responsible for receiving the newcomers. How about you switch with him?"

As soon as I heard that I was going to bring in new people, I immediately shook my head like a rattle. He doesn't object to bringing in new people. Who doesn't like the job of showing off and getting paid?

But the problem is that there are too many new people in this group, and this is obviously not the same thing as the "passing on the fire" mission.

But when he thought about having to wait three days to die, his face suddenly turned into a bitter gourd. "But I don't want to die either."

The commander of the spring water coughed.

We ask you to charge with the newbies, but we don’t ask you to charge with the newbies and wait for them to die. You can just withdraw by yourself. "I was stunned for a moment. Oh shit! How can it still be like this? What else do you want?"

Quan Shui pushed his shoulder commandingly and drove the guy outside the tent. "Go quickly, don't wait! It's still more than two hundred kilometers from here to the front line. Come back and deliver another batch for me."

Just like that, eight "electric shock" trucks drove into the training ground in a mighty manner. Carrying several bundles of rifles in my hands, I was the most prepared mentally. I jumped out of the carriage with a whoosh and walked up to the newbies who were undergoing training.

The rifles and bullets on the car are all stocks in the arsenal of the Lion Kingdom.

The oldest rifle was even purchased thirty years ago. Although there is no problem with shooting, the quality is hard to say.

There are also those single medicines, two shots can make a sound and one shot is highly incense, and the soldiers of the Lion Kingdom do not use them themselves.

But none of this matters.

According to the advice of the Storm Troopers' commander C, since you are conducting a tentative attack anyway, it is better to use the friendly forces' stocks first.

Once the inventory at the bottom of these boxes is disposed of, they will import new ones from the alliance.

As for the friendly forces, as soon as they heard that someone was willing to consume the junk stuffed by noble gentlemen for them, they generously threw the key to me without saying a word, telling him to use it as he pleased.

In this way, the equipment for the extras was gathered together effortlessly. Kakarot glanced at the thick bulletproof armor on my darkest body, then at the eight trucks behind him, and then asked. What are you doing? What does otot do? you forgot? It’s time for us to kill someone today! otI whispered in a low voice, then looked at the newbies who had gathered curiously, cleared the noise, and said in a serious tone. ot brothers! The manager's order! We are about to go to the front line to attack the Legion's G35 Area 7 Position! Are you brave enough to come with me? ot

A strength player in front asked immediately. Brother ot, do you want to grab it? ot

This is the question that newbies are most concerned about. Before you reach the citizen level in this game, unless an experienced player brings one, you basically have no chance to own your own rifle.

I waved my darkest hand. hair! Not only did they fire guns, they also fired bullets when they reached the front line! "

As soon as they heard the gun was fired and the bullets were returned, all the newbies were instantly excited. They rushed up to sign up one after another and rushed to the truck shouting "Me me me me!"

"Boss, look at me!" "Give me a hand too!"

Seeing the huge crowd, and there were many strength beasts crowded in the front row, I immediately panicked and quickly threw away my gun and said. "Grab it for yourselves! Anyone who has arrived can get on the bus. If you haven't grabbed it, don't panic. There will be another chance! ot

One hundred and twenty rifles were snatched up in an instant.

The newbies who got the weapons were as excited as the monkeys who had grabbed the bananas, and they all jumped onto the truck with numb hands and feet.

It's a pity that the troop transport card and the supply card are separate, and there are no bullets in the truck, otherwise these restless guys might have to fire two shots into the sky for fun. Finally, after these cute newcomers were settled, I followed suit and got into the leading truck.

Seeing this big guy coming up with empty hands, a dozen people in the truck suddenly asked curiously. "Boss, where's your gun?"

"That's right, why don't you take one? ot

I smiled most embarrassedly.

Of course he won't say

"I won't be here for a while."

So he patted his pocket, revealing the handle of the silver revolver. "I have some here. You can use the rifle, but I'll use the pistol." When everyone heard this, they immediately looked at him with admiration. Awesome!

Go to the front with only a pistol.

Is this really a strong T0 person? In this way, eight trucks carrying a whole company of new men set off toward the legion's G35-7 position in a mighty manner.

Mengxin, who didn't get on the truck, stood in the training camp with a disappointed look on his face, looking at the billowing dust thrown up by the rear wheels of the truck and couldn't help but sigh. Watch the truck drive away.

Kakarot, who took a long time to come to his senses, couldn't help but click his tongue. "Good guy, this dog spring water is not a human being." The newbies don't understand the behavior of managers, but he does.

Managers will not send newbies who have not received training to the front line as cannon fodder. Don't even think about it. It is definitely the idea of ​​​​that bitch in Quanshui! The newbies were about to get on the bus and go back to continue training. At this time, Kakarot suddenly discovered that two of the newbies he had just brought back were missing.

By the way, I haven't taught them how to shoot yet. Wouldn't it be a good idea to get on the bus too?

Kakarot looked around. "Where is the one who is buried in peace and Ah Zhi?"

A newbie came out and gave a neat military salute. "Report sir! They're getting on the bus!"

Caught off guard by this angry report, Kakarot glanced at this cute newbie and then asked curiously. "Then tell me, why didn't you go up?

The cute guy holding the chessboard smiled.

"My perception system..."

Kakarot was stunned and stared at this guy for a long time. There is something about this perception!

"Yesterday at noon, the enemy brazenly launched an attack on our position. Our centurion pangolin ignored the enemy's hail of bullets and went to the front line to fight in person with a machine gun, killing 127 enemies in total!

125 pieces of light weapons and some ammunition were seized. Only one captain in the team died unfortunately! ""Well written. "

Oasis No. 3, defense zone G53-7.

After listening to Beaufort reciting the written report, the warlord nodded with satisfaction.

Just when he was about to praise this bitch, a sentry suddenly ran in from outside the bomb shelter in a panic, stood upright and gave a military salute. "Reporting to the commander! Enemy troops were found in the southeast direction! The size is about a hundred men!"

As soon as he heard this, the warlord almost fell off his chair that was tilted back.

Good guy.

Again? !

Beaufort, who was holding the report paper in his hand, was also stunned.

Just yesterday, a hundred-man team was destroyed by our side, and today we sent another one. Is the other side planning to add fuel to the fire?

But I still don't understand, what's the point of them doing this? "

Spend ammo?

But they didn't even dig a decent trench, and they didn't prepare any mortars. They charged directly at their machine gun position without even taking a moment to hide.

What on earth do you want to do? Beaufort was completely confused and subconsciously looked at the captain sitting on the chair. "Don't look at me, how the hell do I know."

The warlord coughed dryly, got down from the chair, reached out to grab the officer's hat on the table, put it on neatly, and then picked up the rifle leaning on the side. "No matter what they want to do, they are the enemies of His Majesty the Marshal here!" As he said this, he cocked the gun. "Let's go, let's meet them!"

1 second to remember:

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