This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 460: This new class has something special

He rushed to the position in a hurry.

The warlord took out his binoculars and looked across the way, vaguely catching a glimpse of the man coming, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.


I am the darkest.

It seems that this time it is the Storm Troops.

Compared to the group of reckless men in the Death Corps, this wave should be able to perform at least.

I saw about a hundred people lying down 500 meters away, using the shelter on the high and low slopes to dig foxholes with shovels, intending to dig forward while digging.

Seeing that the brothers were acting so hard, Warfield decided to show some real skills. He looked at Beaufort aside and gave a serious order.

"Don't be in a hurry to open fire yet, wait until they get closer and then attack!"

"Yes! Grow taller!"

After receiving the order and nodding his head, Beaufort couldn't help but complain in his heart, who was it that started tutu tug from all the distance yesterday?

However, just when he was relieved, he saw the boss kicking the machine gunner's butt.

"You get out of the way, I'll come."

The machine gunner was stunned for two seconds, stood up quickly, and got out of the way of the only heavy machine gun in the entire centurion team.

Seeing that the boss was about to get into the machine gun position again, Beaufort tried to persuade him with laughter and tears, but before his hand touched his shoulder, he heard two sudden gunshots.

There were two handfuls of dust rising in the distance.

Beaufort stared blankly at his superior.


Looking at the smoking barrel, Warfield coughed and said embarrassedly.

"Ahem... I just tried my hand and accidentally misfired."

After saying that, he glared at the machine gunner on the side.

"Why isn't this insurance turned off?"

The machine gunner who was reprimanded in front of him had an aggrieved expression on his face, and it took him a while to hold in his grievances.

"Sir, you told me yesterday to turn on the insurance when I see someone."

The warlord was stunned for a moment.

"Did I say that?"

Machine gunner: "..."

Beaufort: "..."

Although only two shots were fired, the clone soldiers in the trenches, as if they heard the signal, followed suit and took their guns out of the trenches, pulling the triggers toward the opposite side, no matter how far away they were.

Just listen to the sound of crackling in the battlefield, the sound of gunshots is like the Chinese New Year, but it is louder thunder and lighter raindrops.

These clone soldiers are not very smart to begin with, and their long-range hit rate is not ordinary.

It is precisely for this reason that almost no officers will issue automatic weapons to clone infantry. It is purely logistical torture.

But even so, with hundreds of people firing in one direction at the same time, the firepower network formed still has a certain deterrent effect.

The bullet suddenly flew to my side, which startled me the most when I was digging a foxhole. I quickly lowered my head for fear of being sent away by this stray bullet.

The newbies next to them were completely different.

Although I was also shocked, it was a completely different style of painting.

The bullet landed less than half a meter away from his head.

Dazzled by the splashing sand, Rutuwei'an subconsciously shrank his head, but an excited expression soon appeared on his face.

"Oh my god, this is so exciting!"

Not only was he not afraid, he even reached out to search for the bullet impact point, and actually found a distorted warhead embedded in the soil.

His face suddenly showed the expression of discovering a new world, and his eyes widened.

"Damn it! You can even find bullet warheads in this FPS game!"

And it’s still hot!

Just focus on this detail, let him blow it off, okay?

Ah Nie next to him glanced at him and quickly realized something was wrong.

"Brother, where's your gun?"

Buried in peace, he smiled sheepishly.

"Didn't get it!"

Ah Nie was suddenly shocked.

"Damn it! Then what are you doing here?"

"Isn't there a shovel here?" Ruitu Wei'an winked and smiled, then glanced at the one on his back, "It's okay, I'll use it when you die."

Ah Nie: "???"

At this moment, he suddenly heard a whooshing sound in his left ear, and a hot touch almost flew past his earlobe.

The bullet did not hit him.

Instead, it hit another player twenty meters behind him.


Exaggerated screams echoed in the open space, and a blood hole was instantly printed on the player's shoulder. The tiger's body shook violently, and then it seemed like a mask of pain emerged, twisting on the ground like an earthworm. A ball.

After twisting for a long time, he suddenly saw everyone around him looking at him. The guy couldn't continue acting, so he smiled and stopped.

"Hehe, I forgot about it, I don't seem to feel any pain...Which of you has a bandage? The blood is pouring out."

I rolled my eyes and looked away from this guy.

A bandage is fine.

The person is going to die soon. I want a hammer and bandage.

Seeing the crackling gunfire in front of me, I pulled out my pistol, fired a shot in front, and shouted loudly.

"Brothers! Move the shovel, dig hard! Don't stop -!"


This piece of shit Warlander is not a human being!

Just giving him my head like this, I always felt like I was giving this guy an advantage.

You must give him some color!

My darkest eyes rolled around, and I suddenly had an idea in my mind, and I shouted.

"The boss of section G53-7 is right in front! Catch the guy named Pangolin, kill him, and you will be rewarded with 1,000 silver coins!"

When they heard that the reward was 1,000 silver coins, the newbies who spread out and lay down were instantly excited!

Several people almost stood up. Just as their shoulders were raised half an inch, they were suppressed back by the firepower from the front positions.

But apart from the reckless ones, there are also more sensible players among these newcomers. They shouted at me and asked in the darkest voice.

"Boss, how do you enable ID mode?"

This sentence confused me the most.

"What, show ID mode?"

Na Mengxin said of course.

"That's right! It just displays the character's name, otherwise how would I know which one is called a pangolin?"

As soon as I heard this, I reacted immediately.


The newbies have never seen that guy.

"Don't worry about it so much, just catch the one with the flat nose and the ugliest one -"

As soon as I finished speaking, a cloud of blood mist burst out from my darkest forehead, and I was disconnected before I even had time to make a sound.

Seeing that the commander was killed, all the newbies were dumbfounded.



His head was smashed into a watermelon, and he was obviously very cold.

Ah Nie looked at Fu Tu Weian lying next to him with a confused look on his face.

"What...what should we do now?"

Xiu Wei An swallowed his saliva.

"Don't ask me...I want to be quiet."

The truck that brought them here had already left.

There was only a small motorcycle left leaning at the back. It seemed to be the commander's own, and he was probably riding it when he planned to charge.

A player of the strength system gritted his teeth. He couldn't stand the grievance of being suppressed by the enemy's firepower, and he couldn't bear the endless digging and digging, so he let out a roar.

"Brothers! Charge!"

"Avenge my blackest brother!"

This voice immediately received responses from countless robes, and the players got up from the ground one after another.

Those with guns inserted their bayonets, and those without guns held shovels. Accompanied by the roar of mountains and tsunamis, they launched a fearless charge.

"Come on!"


"Blast the gold coins, you bitch!"

It turns out.

A hundred people scattered and rushed forward, which was more effective than running forward in a group.

And these newbies are not completely devoid of their own thinking.

Seeing someone being sent away by a machine gun, the others quickly changed their minds and began to move around.

However, it turns out that this kind of operation, which is common in FPS games, is of no use in almost completely real virtual reality games.

That's a machine gun with a fire rate of 600 rounds per minute!

Not to mention that the person holding the machine gun was a second-awakened, third-stage agility sequence boss.

In just one minute, until the last person fell fifty meters away from the position, the entire hundred-man team was killed.

As these newcomers went offline collectively, posts summarizing death also appeared one after another on forums in another world.

"Hey, I really should dig trenches honestly..."

" was so stupid to leave the bunker."

"Even if you want to charge, you have to have the right time...I found that the rifle on the other side is not very accurate, because the machine gun is too weak!"

"Next time, we have to find a way to deal with the whole cannon. At least get rid of the machine gun!"

"Who yelled that way?"

"I remember he was a fool from the strength department."

"Fuck! Who are you calling stupid?!"

"It's you I'm talking about! XX! You idiot!"


Unlike the newbies who were crying like wolves and howling like ghosts, this time the warlords were really happy.

The batch of express delivery delivered by the debt-ridden big eye before was not sincere at all. This time, the newbie can not only dig holes, but also perform a show for him, which is really quite careless.

In order to express his gratitude, he deliberately found a place out of the way to log off, went to the forum to praise a few words, but when he clicked on the forum, he almost spit out a sip of Coke.

Good guy.

This is like treating yourself as a BOSS!

I don’t know who started it, but newbies all over the forum are spreading the rumor that killing a pangolin can earn you a thousand silver coins.

Seeing those players chatting more and more passionately, and the content getting more and more cruel, and some even suggested getting a sugar-coated Ivan, his palms were sweating unconsciously.

I quickly switched to the group I created before and added a few alliance commanders.

"What's going on with you guys? Didn't you agree to give me a head? Why did you end up exploding my gold coins?!"

I was the worst: "Damn it! You bitch finally came out. Wasn't your attack too harsh just now? I didn't even finish my words!"

Battlefield Atmosphere Team: "Ahem... I saw you fired a shot, and I thought you were urging me to send you away quickly."

Mole on the run in the canyon: "Hahahaha!"

I’m the darkest: “@#% # !”

Battlefield Atmosphere Team: "Put it aside for now. Who is going to take care of the newbies? Just give them away honestly. Don't spoil my good deeds."

Commander Quan Shui: "Why do you care? I think it's pretty good. Don't you think yesterday's wave was too deliberate? You'll do whatever you can. This is the real thing, okay! (bad smile)"

Debt-eyed: "That's right! I just thought about it, it would be too stupid to just give someone his head."

I was the worst: "+1, not to mention that you, a strong man in his twenties, are still worried about being overturned by a few newbies?"

Seeing that these dogs were still making noises, the warlord almost stopped shouting and typed at the speed of light.

"Damn it! Don't you look at what they are discussing!"

Commander Quanshui: "Don't worry, I won't send them powerful weapons, just a few rifles at the bottom of the box... At worst, you can hide in the gun holes and let the clones get in."

Battlefield atmosphere group: "..."

The edge of the water: "Suddenly I got excited, let's talk about it being our turn tomorrow. (Smirk)"

Teenage Construction Site and Brick: "I'll lead the team! (bad smile)"

Looking at that smirking expression, Warfield Man only felt his asshole tighten.

Seeing that he had been offline for more than ten minutes, he cursed and turned off the computer, quickly put on his helmet and returned to the line.

That night.

At the headquarters of Defense Area 53, Colway finally received a report from the front line.

And when he saw the report sent from Section 7, he was stunned.

"...The ammunition in Section 7 is exhausted?! What's going on?"

He had only been there during the day yesterday and specifically checked the supply situation on the front line. Logically speaking, the amount of ammunition for a standard unit was adequate.

How come the 48 hours haven't even passed yet and the ammunition is not enough? !

Is this using bullets as peanuts to drink?

The officer who reported the situation continued with a serious expression.

"In the past two days, the alliance has sent small groups of troops to raid Section 7 of our defense zone twice in a row."

Colway didn't doubt that his pangolin would be deceptive in such a matter, but he couldn't help but ask.

"The matter is true?"

The officer nodded.

"I specially sent people to the front line to see...the unprocessed corpses outside the trenches can never be fake. According to the battle reports they provided, they killed more than 250 enemies in the past two days and seized more than 240 rifles. A pistol with nearly 6,000 rounds of ammunition."

After a pause, he continued.

"They have sent the seized weapons to the logistics department... Some of the weapons need repair, but they should be usable after repair."

Didn't listen to those last words at all.

When he heard that more than 250 enemies had been wiped out, Colway's eyes widened instantly, and he stood up from his chair with a loud noise.

Good guy!

More than two hundred and fifty people!

Two teams of ten thousand people set up a battle line and shot at each other. Even if they shoot for a whole day, they may not be able to achieve this result.

His first reaction was not that pangolins are like gods with their troops, but was the alliance commander crazy?

After calming down, he turned his attention to the strategic map and pondered for a long time, and a hint of understanding suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"...Are they using this method to exclude dissidents?"

The officer standing next to him looked slightly hesitant, but nodded quickly.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."

After all, the Alliance is not alone. General Griffin sent them an ultimatum. They will definitely negotiate a ceasefire and split into two factions: the main war faction and the peace faction.

Colway could even guess it.

The reason for the peace was simply that the alliance was weak and too small compared to the legions. If it turned into a full-scale war, it might not be able to last even three days.

This is indeed true.

Whether it was the expedition to the Great Rift Valley, the seizure of the Pioneer, or the subsequent invasion of Luoxia Province, it was not the overall will of the legion.

Including the assistance provided by enterprises to the alliance is just an insignificant thing among many matters for enterprises.

If a full-scale war really breaks out, it's hard to say who has the advantage between the Legion and the Enterprise, but he has no doubt that the alliance in such a small area will definitely not survive one round.

But even so, there must be voices from the war faction within the alliance.

After all, although it is difficult to guess the specific supply situation of the legion, it is not difficult to guess that there are problems in general.

Based on this speculation, if he is the peace advocate within the alliance, he will definitely say this to the war faction -

‘Since you are so confident that you can win the second half, then you can lead the team yourself. Or at least provide evidence to prove that the Legion can no longer fight. ’

In this way, it is not difficult to explain why the alliance resorted to such foolish tactics as adding fuel to the fire.

Staring at the strategic map on the table, Colway squinted his eyes and raised a smile.

"It's a pity that they picked the wrong opponent and bumped into one of my heroes."

After that, he saw the officer.

"Share out half of the ammunition in Section 6 and Section 5, and allocate it to Section 7! We must not let them see what we are and what we are!"

The officer hesitated.

"But... what if they adjust their tactics next time and attack other lines of defense?"

Colway chuckled, looking confident.

"Since we are testing the truth, we can't hit here and there with a hammer. We must attack one point to break the surface. I'm sure they will come back in two days!"


There is no lie for dead people.

If you can use a little ammunition to consume the most determined fighting force on the other side, it's a profit no matter how you think about it!

Not only that, this method can also feed war with war.

The enemy can never come empty-handed, and the weapons and ammunition they bring can also be recycled!

"Don't rush to send the captured equipment and ammunition to the maintenance team yet. Once I have prepared the battle report, we will send it to the higher headquarters together! Let them find a way to get some ammunition for us!"

The officer's eyes lit up.

What an idea!

Hundreds of thousands of troops are lined up on the front line, and there are always a few teams defending areas that are not very critical, or are located relatively far back, making them less vulnerable to attack.

As long as the headquarters is made aware of the situation here, they will definitely be given some ammunition!

Thinking of this, the officer immediately stood up straight, performed a military salute, and accepted the order excitedly.


News is reported layer by layer.

As expected, word reached Griffin within two days.

He was not surprised that the Alliance sent a small force to raid the Legion's defenses.

Strategic prudence does not conflict with tactical boldness.

And that ultimatum was only a unilateral notification from his side, not a serious cease-fire agreement. He did not expect that the alliance would be scared by a piece of paper and would not even dare to shoot.

If he were the commander on the opposite side, he would also send a small force to test to see how much the opponent weighed. If he dared to shout, he would have to pay the price.

But the centurion named Pangolin is a bit interesting.

Griffin looked at his resume.

Although he was promoted by that idiot McClun, and he was from Hu Congjun, there is nothing to say about his ability and loyalty.

He single-handedly hunted down the two-story Deathclaw Mother. When he was defeated, he led his commander across the desert, broke through the enemy's encirclement and returned to the rear.

Whether it was loyalty or bravery, they were both perfect and impeccable, to the point where even he couldn't help but admire them.

It is simply a waste to decentralize this kind of talent to the front line.

As long as he is a Wilant, or half of the blood of a Wilant, he has transferred him to the Guards as a captain.

The Vaelant people's distrust of foreign races is inherent, and the reason can be traced back to the early days of the Wasteland Era.

"Is there something wrong with this person?" the adjutant standing next to Griffin hesitated, "I always feel... he fought too smoothly."

Griffin tapped his index finger lightly on the table.

"We can't rule out this possibility. Even the Weilant people may betray us, let alone a foreigner? But so far, apart from his big appetite, I haven't seen any other problems. I won't be arbitrary. Use your intuition to deal with a man of merit.”

Ever since the pangolin brought Colway back, his men have been monitoring that person and found that except for being able to eat better and taking a longer time to go to the toilet, there was nothing unusual about him. He didn't even leave the camp gate once. .

If such people all have problems, then there are countless suspects on both hands.

Griffin thought for a moment and came up with an idea. He looked at the officer standing at the gate of the camp and ordered.

"Send a telegram to the front line and make sure to give priority to the ammunition for the G53 defense zone! The alliance is very likely to launch a retaliatory counterattack against the G53-7 defense zone. We must not let them see that there is a problem with our ammunition supply!"

"In addition, send war reporters to defense area G53-7."

After a pause, the corner of his mouth curled up into a smile.

"Such a heroic achievement should not be left in the headquarters, but should be sent to the entire army!"

"Everyone must know!"

The heroic deeds of G53-7 Defense Zone and Pangolin are undoubtedly the rain after a long drought for the Falcon and Legion coalition forces who narrowly lost the alliance and lost Oasis No. 9.

Although a large number of junior officers expressed doubts about this achievement, after seeing the photos taken by reporters, they could not fault it.

That appearance and physique are obviously not from the residents of Luoxia Province. After all, this credit is not made up of civilians...

In a certain defense zone, in a military camp, several soldiers gathered together and chatted about the radio they heard while eating and the newspaper that was recently delivered to the military camp.

"Have you heard? Defense Zone G53 annihilated another hundred-man team yesterday!"

"That pangolin, right? I know him! I heard that when he was following McClun in the southern part of the River Valley province, he once killed a five-story death claw with his bare hands!"

"With bare hands?! Didn't I hear that he had a weapon?" A soldier with muscles all over his body widened his eyes and his face was filled with disbelief.

He was also known as a ruthless person in the team, but his highest record was just killing a Deathclaw that was two people tall.

And still used guns and traps.

The boastful soldier curled his lips.

"It's not important! What kind of weapons are like toothpicks in front of monsters of that level? Monsters that even the Heart of Steel couldn't kill were solved by him. Alliance? Haha, no matter how many people come, he won't be able to kill them."

A soldier who had been silent from beginning to end could not help but express a heartfelt sigh.

"It's so scary..."

At the same time, Comrade Pangolin, who was staying in Defense Area G53-7, was not as happy as he was at the beginning, and he could not smile at all.

Not because he killed his own people.

Although there is still a moment of silence for him, holding a machine gun to kill people is just too comfortable. And because he is performing an undercover mission, he will not be punished by the managers no matter what he does, and he does not have to deliberately let the newbies get away with it.

When other people were working as undercover agents, they would raise the muzzle of their guns just one inch, and they would not kill people if they could. When he was working as an undercover agent, he not only carried out fatal blows, but also shot the corpse twice more in order to avoid killing him.

However, it didn't take long for him to discover that the alliance's offensive was becoming more and more fierce.

Or to be more precise.

It’s the new people who have grown up.

Especially those newcomers who have already died once, after experiencing the painful "three-day withdrawal", they deeply realize that life is hard-won.

As a result, they didn't want to die at the speed of light, so they finally took a serious attitude. Under the training of veteran players, they quickly mastered the skills to survive on the battlefield.

Although these newcomers are not very skilled, when a group of people become serious, they still bring a lot of trouble to Comrade Pangolin's work.

Originally, it only took one shuttle to send someone away, but now it takes at least two shuttles.

And you have to always be on guard against the dirty tricks used by the newbies.

For example, in a recent offensive, these newcomers even used gas can bombs, and a single round of earth cannon almost destroyed his machine gun position.

Fortunately, that thing had no other advantages besides being louder. It only killed a few clone soldiers and a captain.

Quan Shui's explanation for this is - "This is what the newbies made themselves using the ammunition in the warehouse, the sugar and gas cylinders in the kitchen, and the fertilizer bought from the fellow villagers."

He almost believed it!

If there was no expert guidance behind this, he would have eaten a bunch of Shete on the spot!

The newbies are getting stronger and stronger as they fight, and the battlefield gradually feels a little bit difficult.

Especially when he suddenly discovered to his amazement that not only were these newbies treating him as a dungeon BOSS, but the commanders even regarded him as a military training instructor, leaving all the newbies to him for training.

Good guy.

He wished he had done three jobs by himself!

It’s a big loss to only pay one salary!

In the bombhole.

Looking at the depressed captain, Beaufort swallowed and asked nervously.

"Captain, how many people have we killed in the past few days?"

The upset warlord replied casually.

"More than a thousand, what's wrong?"

Beaufort said with a grimace.

"Captain, our brothers have run out of ammunition, and all the troops coming over from the Thousand-Man Team have been exhausted! If no more supplies are delivered...I'm afraid we will have to go up and fight them with bayonets."

The warlord was about to reply impatiently with bayonets.

But at this moment, a sentry rushed in and said with joy.

"Report sir! The supply truck is coming!"

The warlord was stunned for a moment, then the dark clouds cleared from his face, and he stood up from his chair with great joy.

"No, the ammunition has been delivered."

Beaufort was also stunned, looking at the captain in disbelief, and his eyes were different from before.

The whole army is short of ammunition, but they can still spare the ammunition and send it here.

Could this guy be the illegitimate son of some big boss?

The warrior chuckled, picked up his officer's hat and put it on.

"Let's take a look at our spoils - cough, let's go get supplies!"

The group of people arrived outside the barracks. There were a dozen trucks parked on the roadside, and boxes full of ammunition.

Seeing the captains happily unloading boxes of ammunition from the car, the sadness on Beaufort's face was wiped away, and his eyes were full of excitement and excitement.

"...This must be the ammunition for a thousand-man team!"

The corners of Warfield Man's mouth also turned up, he coughed lightly and said in a pretentious manner.

"It seems that the higher-ups attach great importance to us."

Beaufort quickly flattered him with a smile.

"Of course... you are now a war hero, and your heroic deeds were praised in yesterday's broadcast! I heard that the news has spread throughout the army, and maybe the battle reports have been sent to Triumph City."

Not taking the compliment seriously, the warlord just laughed.

"Hahaha, you guys have some merit too!"

Patting the adjutant on the shoulder, Warfield walked forward, picked out two boxes and took a look at them, and suddenly noticed the numbers on the boxes.

G40-1, G40-2……

This is……

The number of the defense zone?

Suddenly he realized something, and a look of interest appeared in Warfield Man's eyes.

Calmly letting go of the truck in front of him, he walked to the truck at the end of the queue, randomly picked two boxes and opened the blind box for inspection.

What a coincidence.

The tail numbers are also 1 and 2.

However, the number on the front changed to G41.

Seeing this, the warlord was immediately shocked.

Good guy.

Or a serial number? ! !


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